Reborn Academy

Chapter 12: "Pick it up Deon"

The next couple of days Daniel laid low. Pretending to still lust over Sasha. I haven’t seen Bambi around for two days. I plan on asking her what went on between us. After that talk in the lunch room with Sasha she back off and went back to her or something.

“Pick it up, Deon!” Mrs. Russell called as I fight through my classmates.

Today we had to fight through series of stages that Mrs. Russell built up. My classmates and I portray the enemies through the stages. We all got a role to play and it’s the person job to defeat them. It’s actually pretty fun fighting the people you’ve been in class with for three months now. I have to admit fighting classmates one after another is tiring and were doing these stages in one day. That make this not only a test of reaction and ability to fight off enemies in different situations and numbers, it’s also a test of your endurance to fight and stay alive.

So you can see how Mrs. Russell is screaming at me to pick up my pace when I was the last to go. I took in her comment and move faster to the next stage. I told myself to stay focus and don’t worry about how tired you are. Cause you rather be laying on the floor when your body just give out after taking out the enemy. Then you laying on the floor dead because you was tired.

I flow by the students then until the last one fall. Mrs. Russell just gave me a nod as the bell right for lunch. Everyone dispersed to the locker rooms to go eat lunch. I stood there for a moment looking down at myself. I nod my head to myself as I thought of all the hits I took from almost everyone. I felt everyone of them, every kick, every punch, and every push. I walk into the locker room looking into the full length mirror next to my locker. Everyone will walk out of here with a mark on them to show what we did in class. What we’ve been going through this week in training and private training at that, but not me I’ll be walking out just fine.


I walk slowly to the cafeteria. Trying to figure out what is wrong with me. I’m taking hits like a true vampire. I read that it takes a lot for a vampire to even bruise up. I’m not a vampire so that can’t be the case. I might need to look for books that talk about this. Not only this I have to also figure out if Sasha and Bambi can use magic. Then it came to me why Bambi would switch teams right off the back. Compelling!

I walk into the cafeteria catching Daniel eye immediately. He had his arm causally over Sasha shoulders as she lean into him. She was talking to the barbies not paying any attention to him. I look away from him to go get a tray. I spot Bambi sitting alone so I decide to take my chances to talk to her now.

“I have a question for you,” I said taking the seat across from her.

She looks up at me with a raised eyebrow. The black eye I gave her was gone covered in makeup. The cut lip and the bruise on her shoulder were still visible. I took a bite of my chicken sandwich waiting for her to respond.

“I haven’t stop you yet from asking me questions.” She finally said with a small smile.

“Do you remember how you got that black eye?”

She sat back in her seat crossing her arms in front of her chest. I watch her look up at the ceiling in thought before looking back to me. I waited patiently for her to answer eating my sandwich.

“No, I actually can’t remember what went on for the past week. Like my memory has been erased or something.” She said motioning to her head.

“That’s what I was afraid to hear. You can do magic, can you? That..That photographic memory isn’t just a memory.”

She looks away from me down at the table. I lean in slightly knowing that I’m moving on the right track. Bambi might be able to use magic.

“Yes, I specialize in air magic. Nobody knows I can do magic, not even my mom. I found out I could control air when I was little before my mom told me about being a hampire. I kept the air magic a secret cause when I got here everyone was normal, well slightly. Nobody eles could control air like me. So I just taught myself how to really control the magic. How did you know about magic and about me?”

“I’ll tell you that in a minute, but are you sure no one eles is supposed to know about you being able to use air magic?” I ask her taking another bite out of my sandwich.

“Yes, except you now.” She told me.

“Well, Sasha must have known then. You ended up after the confrontation with me and her, you were standing on her side”

Her face scrunches up in confusion.

“The next day I went looking for you and you were standing behind Sasha like you two were old time friends. That black eye came from me you know. You help her gang up on me. There was a force of wind hitting me was how I thought of magic.”

“What? How does she know about me and why did I defend her?” She asks.

“I don’t know how she knows about you, but I think she can also use magic. Which she use to get you on her side.” I told her.

“What magic?”

“Compulsion. She compelled you to help her jump me. I don’t know why she wanted to fight me yet, but you were using your air magic on me. You kept it unseen to the eye, but I felt it.”

“Oh. My. Gosh. I knew something was wrong when I couldn’t remember what happen. I call it photographic memory because it basically is, but it’s way stronger and complex than that. So losing my memory like that is pretty off.” She said.

“She must have to wipe it or something.”

“I don’t think she could do that someone eles did.”

“Why’s that. All she has to do is compell you to forget everything that happens.”

“Yeah, but my brain wouldn’t have forgotten. It couldn’t have even if it was compelled to. I still can’t remember those events that happen after you told me. Something eles made me forget…something stronger.”

“Another thing to add on my list of mysteries I have to solve,” I mumbled.

The lunch bell ring making me sigh. I clean up the mess around my tray. Bambi sat there staring off over my shoulder.

“What you thinking?” I ask her.

“That someone eles is behind all this, something bigger than this. Sasha is just someone working for that person.” She said.

“Come to my dorm after school,” I told her.

“Ok. Thank you, Anglia.” She said looking to me.

I stood up from my seat looking down at her with a small smile “Just don’t try to get compelled by her again. I know you didn’t do or say anything to me personally. I’ll see you after school.”

“I’ll be there at six.” she said before I walk off.

I dump my tray before heading towards the door “Things are starting to come together.” I mumbled.

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