Rage of the Alpha (Part 2 of the Alpha Queen series)

Chapter 6

Lola and Liffin stopped in front of the guard at the border post. A big man came forward, asking for their documents. Liffin reached into his coat’s inner pocket, retrieving it while the guard took it wordlessly and scanned it.

Another guard was summoned, bringing out a yellow stone which he held over the papers. It glowed for a moment and the visitors were allowed to pass through the barrier.

Both of them remained quiet while they took in their surroundings. The splendor of the palace casting the moat around it in light, creating a shimmering cloud with its reflection. It appeared as though the palace and its residents were set apart from the common folk.

As they drew closer, all kinds of creatures were walking about, going about their business. Different species of children were playing and running around, making Autumn seem like a happy place.

Lola couldn’t help but compare it to Queen Mab’s court. Everything there was hushed; the loudest place being the market, which was only just inside the walls. There didn’t appear to be any walls here though, just the water encompassing the entirety of the palace.

There also would be no other species in Queen Mab’s court. Only Fae or those with a blood connection to them dwelled there. Seeing the people mingling here in Autumn, Lola had to wonder if that was by design. Maybe Lola herself wasn’t as different as she’d been made to believe.

At the drawbridge they came to a halt once more. The guards motioned for them to have a seat in a small waiting area. They were offered beverages and sandwiches, neatly cut into bite-sized triangles. For their size, they were quite tasty.

A different guard came to escort them to the palace. Ferian made small talk while they approached the enormous doors. No-one greeted them at the entrance as they passed through it and followed the guard to the King’s study, as he informed them.

Ferian was surprised not to be taken to the throne room, but into the privacy of the Autumn King himself. He shared a look with Lola, who just shrugged the peculiarity away. Soon they found themselves at a much smaller door, where the guard knocked and left.

The door was opened by an older version of Liffin. Lola thought the resemblance was uncanny. She let out a surprised guffaw and slapped her hand over her mouth too late. The sound brought the men out of their shock and the King stepped aside to let them enter.

“Come in Prince Liffin, Mistress Lola,” the King invited.

“I’m merely a servant your majesty, there’s no need for that.” Lola lowered her head in submission.

Hmph, only has manners with others. Idiot woman! Liffin was about to be snarky once more, but the King replied with a subdued smile; “There’s always need with a pretty woman such as yourself my dear.”

“Well,” began Liffin, “We came here under cover of the impending war Autumn King, but I assume it was as obvious to you the moment you laid eyes on me that the other reason is my parentage.”

“Quite,” said the King, “But you can call me Pavel, as other family members would. I have to admit that I cannot fathom how this is possible. My son is currently in the human realm, hunting down deserters. As I have no siblings - even my father before me - you will need to explain yourself.”

The King poured them each a glass of fairy wine and sat in an armchair, motioning Lola and Liffin toward the couch. As they sat down, they shared a look and Lola gave him a near imperceptive nod. Liffin gulped down the entire glass of wine, setting it down on the small table beside him.

“Your Majesty, it’s a rather convoluted tale about a woman unable to have children of her own. She switched your baby at birth with another’s and somehow, that baby made it to Queen Mab’s bosom. Apparently, none of my mother’s children are her own as we’ve only recently discovered, although she raised us as such.”

“I admit that coming here is only part of my quest, seeing that the war must come first. But, I need to enquire about my biological mother as well. You see,” Liffin met the Autumn King’s eyes, “my abilities are rather…unique.”

“You will have to forgive me, but what you’ve told me raises a great many questions…” Pavel took a moment of silence, then abruptly stood. “I would like to show you something, maybe some of your questions will be answered.”

The visitors followed the King down a few flights of stairs, at last reaching a set of shimmering doors, the magic keeping it sealed creating a curtain of sparkles. Pavel leaned his hand against the door, closing his eyes.

“I haven’t been inside this room in more than two hundred years,” he said to no-one in particular before it swung open.

Lola noticed that the entire room was perfectly preserved, but what caught her attention most was that it was perfectly maintained. The air wasn’t stale; there was no build-up of dust. As she took everything in, it dawned on her that someone was watching them with avid interest.


The Witch Queen’s castle turned out to be a magical thing. There were no words he could have used to describe it, well; maybe he could say it was disconcerting. Things appeared and disappeared as they were needed. Stairs appeared when he wondered if there was more to the place. Lamia held out her hand and what smelled like peach juice was suddenly there.

When Ferian started thinking about how easily something could be forgotten if it wasn’t seen, a long hallway with countless doors appeared on his right. They followed the woman into alcove which seemed to be an office. As she took the seat behind the desk in the center of the space, seats appeared for Lamia and himself.

Grateful to be seated in one spot, Ferian was, for once, silent. He was not in his element. Usually, people were the ones to come and go, not the stuff around them. His discomfort must have been clear to the ladies, but mercifully they didn’t comment on it.

Lamia’s drink evaporated when she nodded to her mother. “It’s good to see you well mother.”

“And you my girl. Though there have been rumors going around that Queen Mab is seeking to build an army. I want to tell you upfront that I do not wish to involve my daughters.” She waved her hand and there was lunch in front of them, saying: “You must eat with me…”

“Um,” Ferian didn’t know how he could refuse, at the same time he did not want to have a repeat of his deal with Lamia.

“It’s fine,” Lamia smiled at him. “The Witch Queen does not need to lower herself to broker deals. She offers, people accept.” Digging into her food made her groan loudly, “I’ve missed your cooking so much mother,” she said between bites.

“That brings me joy my girl. At least I know you’ll come back for the food if nothing else,” her mother giggled at her.

They conversed about everything that was happening with Lamia’s sister-witches and when the food was gone, more juice appeared. Ferian had to admit it was a good meal. “That surpassed my expectations, Queen Hystria.”

“I appreciate your kindness young Prince. Now, tell me why there is suddenly a war brewing and why no-one saw it coming. Who is your adversary my girl?” The Queen looked between them, settling her gaze on Lamia.

“Apparently it is the same person as with the last war. We don’t know too much about him, but for the fact that he is coming for revenge because of last time…”

Lamia told her diplomatically.

“We also want to track down the Vampires and Elves. Do you know anything of their whereabouts Queen Hystria?” Ferian added.

“That won’t be a problem. The issue you will face is hatred. They despise your kind.” Hystria told them, turning serious.

“Why?” Lamia couldn’t believe it.

“I cannot give you specific details my girl, but the Vampire and Elven Queens were both mated to Fae Kings by our Gods. At first it was good, then both bonds turned sour for some reason. The Vampire Queen has not been seen since the birth of her child - which was in itself a miracle, since they cannot normally reproduce.” Hystria sighed.

“On the other hand, there are the Elves; their Queen was bound to the Winter King. She was wonderful, a dear friend to me. We spent a lot of time together after she became pregnant,” Hystria smiled sadly. “We were very excited to meet the baby…”

“But after he was born, something inside her snapped and she refused to acknowledge the infant as her own. When no-one would listen and keep trying to convince her, she used dark magic to kill everyone in the palace. Because their race is dependent on their Queen, almost like a hive, all of them went dark.”

A tear slipped through the cracks and she added, “I’ve often wondered if she was right. The King is the only one that survived that night, but he refused to let me in again. I think he believes that I am to blame somehow.”

“That boy is supposed to have power greater than his parents combined, I had a vision of it before his birth. But he doesn’t. He has basic magic and nothing more. Not even the dragon I saw the Gods bless him with.” Hystria’s head hung low as the memories consumed her.

Lamia and Ferian’s eyes widened at the realization. Sharing a look, they said at the same time, “Oh Gods.”


Walking up the dirt path toward Sebastian Wylde’s place - the pack house the Wylde pack called home - he knew he should be feeling something, he just didn’t. Frankly, he didn’t care at all that his former mate was shacked up with a bunch of animals.

There were wolves lined up from when he emerged from the thicket surrounding the area. Asher could only assume that they didn’t fight him because he was alone, their mistake though. He would only need one hand to level this place to the ground.

He was almost to the door when the alpha came through it. Without his emotions, Asher could get an even better read on the wolf. All assumptions aside, this wolf could do some damage if not kept in check.

“Alpha Sebastian Wylde, I do not come bearing antagonism. I am here to discuss impending war. Will you do me the honor of an audience?” Asher knew the alpha could not refuse such a request, so he smiled at him.

“If that is the only purpose to your visit, we cannot deny it.” Saber’s voice floated from behind the prince. He turned slowly, not willing to enrage the population with sudden movements.

“Saber darling, so good to see you,” Asher smiled at her too.

Saber quirked her head to the side as she took him in. Even through her longing and his handsomeness, something felt off, but she couldn’t pinpoint what it was. Besides that, his greeting of choice left something sour in her mouth. She looked at her mother beside her and motioned her to follow closely.

Moving past Asher, Saber met Sebastian’s eyes and gave a small nod to reassure him. They settled in the same room which had held all the alphas last night, a girl bringing in a tray with refreshments for them, leaving as quickly as she could. Saber didn’t blame her, she wanted to run away too.

“I believe some introductions are in order,” Sebastian looked at the strange woman beside Saber.

“Unnecessary, all you need to know is that she should be treated with the same courtesy you do me.” Saber left no room for argument, using her Alpha-voice. Sebastian looked astonished as he nodded toward the stranger, who gave him a slight smile.

“It’s fine honey, the time has come. If this war doesn’t end us, we should know our allies. I am Neall,” she said to Sebastian, landing her gaze on Asher.

“Astonishing,” was all the prince had to say before; “Can we get started with how many allies the Alpha Queen has gathered so far?”

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