Rage of the Alpha (Part 2 of the Alpha Queen series)

Chapter 5


The blue moon hung huge in sky over the palace. The setting might have been considered romantic with the entire realm bathed in its filmy light. Asher found himself staring at it from his perch on the roof of the eastern wing. It mesmerized him; almost like it was trying to tell him something.

His traitorous mind took him back to the last time he saw Saber. The feeling of betrayal contorting her face plainly for anyone to see. Her whispered words filling his iced-over heart once more, chilling his insides even further. But he was glad for it.

A war was coming. There wasn’t time for any useless sentimentality or remorse. Asher knew that Saber had left with Sebastian Wylde, Alpha to that particular pack. This meant Saber would still be there, with him. He also knew that she would be planning, training, anything to subdue the pain of her broken bond with Asher.

It was ironic that Asher had been the one who couldn’t control his emotions and Saber simply walked out and severed their bond. It was like their roles were reversed in that instance. It made him wonder whether their bond had been a good thing.

Logically, it would do him no good to try and resolve any feelings when he had none. Seeing Saber would have no effect on him in this state of mind. Besides, time had passed between now and the break-up, so they should be able to confer with each other over their battle-strategies.

At dawn, his carefully thought-out plan was set into motion when launched himself from the towering roof and let his beast out. A great roar rumbled over the training grounds as he flew towards his goal. It needed to be done. Saber could not be in the way of their victory. Even without emotion, any idiot still needed to survive first and foremost.


After the princes had their meeting with their mother, Ferian never sought her out. She had no idea if that was good or bad, but it certainly had her worried. There hadn’t been any timeframe in the foretelling at her house, but it felt like time was running out. Not to mention it would take a miracle to rally the rest of the realm to fight with them.

The witches would be difficult, but not impossible. It would take some convincing on Lamia’s part, but she was sure they would fight. The others - the Vampire Nation and the Elves - those were a problem. Both not only kept to themselves, but no-one had seen either in centuries.

As a witch, it would not take much to find either species. She just needed enough incentive to get them to agree. If she could uncover the reason for their absence, Lamia was certain that a way for their assistance could be ensured. What she needed was an audience with the Witch Queen.

Writing down her formal request was merely a formality, but it would reveal the dire nature of their circumstances - so that was what she did. Using the ink and quill set she had gifted Ferian long ago, her request was penned to perfection by the time she noticed she was no longer alone.

“Ferian!” Lamia gasped as she spun around. “How long have you been standing there?”

“There’s an alert that goes straight to the person whose office gets broken into, so, right after you entered would be my guess.” He smirked with his usual confidence.

“I only needed to use the ink-set,” she rolled her eyes and pointed to the letter. “How did your meeting go the other day? I haven’t seen you since…”

Ferian’s brows furrowed but he briefly explained the situation anyway. He kept watching her for a reaction, which only seemed to irritate him. Lamia was unsure what to make of it.

After hearing about the Fae Queen’s confession, the ramifications started flowing through her mind. If their mother is a Deamon, then that explains the discrepancies in our history books. Also why none of us know anything from before. Maybe the Elves found out, and the Vampires…

“What are you thinking?” Ferian asked softly.

Lamia considered how the brothers must be affected by the news. Their lives have been a lie; the family they knew was never theirs to begin with. Even then, each of the four siblings are true royalty - just not in the way everyone believed.

“I’m wondering if you and I could go on another adventure. This news must be hard to wrap your head around…” she started to tell him, but he suddenly grabbed her by the shoulders and kissed her. “Lamia,” he murmured against her lips.

It took all her self-control to pull away; to try to focus. “I wish we had time Ferian, but we don’t have a moment to spare as of now. We have three races to convince that they need to fight by our side.” Lamia’s words were filled with remorse.

Ferian closed his eyes and snuggled into her neck, wrapping his arms around her. “Okay, but I make you this promise. This thing between us, will be resolved.”


The moment he realized Lamia was considering his feelings about the truths their mother had revealed, he was a goner. It was then he realized what had been missing from his relatively short life. It had never been that there wasn’t anyone special he cared about; but rather someone special that cared about him.

And the irony of her being in his grasp this whole time did not escape him. In fact - he’d stayed away from her because he was afraid that she would have too much control over him.

Yeah, what a laugh! He thought as he pulled away from her.

“You’ll come with me then?” Her question sounded hopeful to him. He smiled.

“You’re not going anywhere without me,” Ferian grinned at her.

“I was hoping you’d say that, but you will have to be charming. Think you can manage that?” Lamia teased, drawing her finger beneath his collarbone.

“You doubt me?” Ferian mocked with a quirked brow.

Lamia’s sassy nature had her smack his behind as she twirled out of his grip. For a moment, the look between them lingered.

She broke the silence first, “Let’s go, your hunkiness.”

Leaving the palace and all its remaining secrets for another day, they parted and met up with Liffin in the kitchens. He was in deep discussion with a woman, who turned out to be Lola.

“Lif, may we borrow you for a while?” Ferian noticed annoyance flashing through his brother’s eyes when he saw them.

“Why am I certain you need me to ‘port you somewhere?” There was a coolness about him that might have discouraged Ferian, but with Lamia at his side, he didn’t hesitate.

“Of course, why else would a brother seek another out?” He said sarcastically.

“Truly? You’ve come to invite me to lunch then? Tell me Ferian, when was the last time you actually tried ‘porting? I know you have the gene, why do you refuse to try?” It was uncharacteristic for Lif to be so direct. I’m starting to envy Asher; no emotion sounds better at this stage.

“You won’t help? Even though it only takes a second. You’re that busy?” Lamia intervened.

Liffin took a dramatic breath, replying, “No Lamia, I only think some people should not be coddled anymore. We have to deal with this mess at some point, might as well start now.” He directed a meaningful look toward his brother.

“I know whose child I am. Do you?” Liffin turned on his heel and grabbed Lola’s hand, dragging the waving woman with him. Guess their discussion was important, Ferian thought.

“You can say that again.” Lamia agreed.

“Say what again?” Ferian looked at her sideways.

Lamia frowned, “I thought you said… thought I heard you say something snarky. Never mind,” she waved it away. “So, hurry up and try to ‘port.”

“Right. I’m not sure I remember what he told me last time. Just, give me a few. Let me see if I can figure this out.”

Holding Lamia’s hand, he blanked out his mind and tried to remember. Liffin’s words made it occur to him that he hadn’t considered which Fae King would be his father, or mother. Beyond that, he’d always believed that his father had very little power, which landed himself somewhere in the middle of his parents.

However, now he knew that wasn’t the case. Therefore, Ferian understood that he must have a great well of power if his parents were true Fae Royals. Then this should technically be a walk in the meadow.

“Focus on where you want to go - see it in your mind. Then just take the step with your soul.” Yes, those were Lif’s words back then.

Ferian remembered the Witches’ palace. He pictured the steps in front where they never appointed guards, and then he took the step. Feeling wind on his face, he opened his eyes, not even knowing when he had closed them.

Lamia was grinning like a lunatic. “You did it! You idiot!” She slapped his shoulder. “We’ll never know how many times we wouldn’t have had to ask for your brother’s help. You can be so stupid! Do you know that?”

The berating ramblings hit their target. “Gee thanks Miss Perfect!”

The double doors of the palace opened with a tall woman standing at their center. “If you two are done bickering, you may enter. We have much to discuss, daughter.”


Lola was being stubborn. Or maybe she was telling the truth and truly didn’t know anything about her power. It would make things difficult. He needed to get to the bottom of his parentage. Figuring out his father was the Autumn King was not hard, but none of the Fae courts had power like his.

Liffin could not focus on anything else at this stage. The looming war just intensified his curiosity that much more. He looked at the woman again. There was definitely something she wasn’t sharing.

“There must be something you want, something that’s in my power to give. Come on woman! Just spit it out!” The situation was infuriating.

“For the hundredth time; I don’t know how I know what I know. I just do. And sometimes, it happens so subtly that I don’t even realize it. When I look at you for instance, I see what I’m supposed to see, then it’s like pieces flaking off to reveal what lies beneath. It isn’t like I can see your past Liffin!”

He could tell she was also getting agitated, but he didn’t care anymore. Their negotiations had gone on too long already.

“Fine! Then I’m taking you with me to Autumn. You will be ready in an hour. We will be staying the week. Pack accordingly.” Liffin turned to get back to his office, but she yanked him around by the arm.

“Don’t you dare make this my problem,” Lola hissed at him. “I told you I will not be bullied. Not by you or anyone. You are not my better! None of you are. Only Queen Saber is worthy of that title. Besides, I’m leaving the palace. I never belonged here in the first place.”

Liffin was so surprised by her outburst, he almost let her get away. “Now just hang on. Who are you to talk to me that way? I remain your prince! You have no choice but to do as I say!” he practically shouted at her as he wrapped his arms around her waist, lifting her off the floor.

“You do not want to know. I suggest you get your hands off me. Now.” She whispered with her eyes cast down.

Liffin did not. He lowered her and turned her face toward him, trying again. “A favor then. To be decided at a later stage. I… I need you Lola. There’s no-one else. I can’t face my mother.”

Lola’s resolve started to melt. She would be of help to him. Ever since her father had brought her from the human realm, she had not truly been needed. It was one thing to be thought of as irreplaceable because she could do hairstyles no-one else could: quite another to be actually useful.

Meeting his eyes briefly, Lola nodded - hoping that this would turn out for the better.

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