Race to the Next World

Chapter ⌛Six⌛

I stayed up late to do one thing. I’ve been on a role with disobeying orders. But now I was going against this nation itself. I wouldn’t become a traitor, I just want to try something.

I sort of had the biggest epiphany a while earlier when I was walking by myself. In an effort to cool off from what happened with the attack before, I thought it would be fine if I disappeared to do something.

Then I thought, I could totally go see what Xalton’s been up to especially since he’s been up to a lot.

Then I had more thoughts like, if Xalton can get into the Computer system then so can I. I wasn’t just doing this to fuel my ego but I thought there might be something interesting that I could get from seeing his history, if he left a trail.

It took me an hour just to get into the main control center. Most of my time was spent trying to hack into the security system. I haven’t thought this hard before, but its good to broaden my horizons with experience. It took so long though. Now that I know what I should and shouldn’t do, I can come back here if I want to. I don’t think I will but I know how to get in.

I kept my back pressed against the wall as I looked at the computer in the middle of the room; I want to type all over that. I walked slowly so I wouldn’t set off any alarms or sensors. The only light in the room was the Computer; its system was still running.

The Computer never completely shuts off. My fingers twitched by my side. I want to touch all over that. I don’t know what’s on it or what I can find but I’m sure it holds all the secrets. I couldn’t just run over to it. I kept quiet as I made my way over to the Computer.

And then I pressed the on button.

“Welcome Captain Iris.” the Computer said.

The lights stayed off. There was a hologram system that added stars around the ceiling and walls to make it seem like I was actually in space. I didn’t like that. I’m glad the lights stayed off though, if the computer decided to do a surprise scan, it’d quickly catch that I’m not Iris.

“Please input password.” The computer said.

I knew it.

I thought of anything that would work, but I’m sure the Captain is so much smarter than that. His password would be complicated. Or so he would want hackers to think. It could be easy, but that’s how he wants us to think too. I stood there, completely stumped. If I get it wrong, it could set off the whole system. So I have to think this through.

“What are you doing?” Sirus asked behind me. I jolted, almost screaming from fear because I didn’t expect him to be here, let alone able to get through other defenses.

I had to hack through security systems. How did he get through so easily?

“How did you get here?” I asked quickly as I turned around. He walked down the steps. He was in his suit still, as if he got out of his ship just now. He held his black helmet under his arm as he walked over to me.

Why is he here?

“Looks like you’re doing something you shouldn’t be doing.” he said, looking around me to the computer that was waiting for my password input.

“You’re going to get me in trouble. Get out.” I said as I turned around, thinking of what I should do to get in the system.

“I think you might do that yourself.” he said, his knee moving between my legs. I stopped, putting my hands down so I wouldn’t jolt again. What is he doing to me? “I can give you that password.” he said, his knee moving higher as he rubbed me.


“You want it, don’t you?” he teased me.

The password? Or him?

“I don’t if this is what you’re going to do to me.” I said quickly. He’s probably playing me.

What are the chances of him knowing the password? Has he been here before?

I bit my lip. His hand groped me hard as he found the zipper to my suit. He pulled it down, and my suit loosened over my body.

I thought there would be a way to stop him. I gripped the white counter as he moved his knee more on me. I had my mind on other things now. I was almost interested in letting him touch me.

I can’t believe I’m letting him do this.

This is so unbearable.

“Give it to me.” I said through my teeth.

“Which one?” he laughed.


“Nice answer.” he said as his arm moved around my hip lightly as he pulled my body back to his; he put his helmet down and his other hand touched me more.

To think we’re doing this in such a sacred place.

He bit my ear, sending pain throughout my body since my wounds have yet to heal from last time. My ear is completely marked up because of him but that’s not the only place marked up. His knee still rubbed me as his hands stroked me.

He kept rubbing against me as he pulled my suit down further, exposing me to the cold air. Yet I felt so warm because of him. I moaned as he touched me more, his fingers making me feel so good. One hand let go and he put two fingers in my mouth, pressing them down on my tongue and making me get them wet. I did what he wanted. He pulled them from my mouth, rubbing me before he pushed those fingers inside me.

I cried out as he still kept moving. My hips stirred in front of him while he fingered me. His teeth were on my ear again, but I barely felt it because of how numb it was. I only focused on his fingers inside me. I began shaking more as I leaned on him, his fingers moving even faster.

“Sirus.” I moaned, my arm moving around his neck as I leaned my body weight on him.

“Tell me where you like it.” he said lowly, nibbling on my ear.

He already knows. "Right there.” I couldn’t focus much because he found where I liked it. I might even cum by his fingers only.

His other hand let go of me and I heard his zipper. He started to remove his suit, his fingers still in me though, moving faster. I felt his hard cock press against my skin as he still rubbed against me. I just wanted him, and I don’t regret thinking that. As disgusting as it is, I wanted him inside me, I wanted him to do what he wanted, I wanted him to make me forget how to think. I don’t care. I just want him.

He took his fingers from me as he pressed his cock on me. I moved my hips back, showing him that I wasn’t willing to wait. I just wanted him inside me. My fingers tightened in his hair as he moved.

I moaned out louder than I should have but no one was here, so I don’t have to be that embarrassed. I let go of his hair and grabbed onto the counter. I bit down on my lip, keeping in my outburst as he moved deeper inside me.

He pushed me down more and he pressed his hands down on the table. I closed my eyes for a second and put my head down. It was harder to breathe so I had to move again, lifting my head up to gasp for air.

His skin pressed against mine over and over again. When he really wants to be deep inside me, he pulls my hips back further on him. I could feel all him inside me now, but when he pulls me to him, it's even better.

His body moved over me, his hands on the keyboard. As he thrusted inside me, he typed in the password to the main computer without a problem.

I was upset that I got turned on.

And how stupid is the Captain to have a password that Sirus can get? That’s ridiculously dumb.

Sirus pulled on my hair to lift me up, thrusting harder as the computer loaded his input. If its wrong, the system just might go off and ask for another source of identification. But I didn’t worry about it, all I could do was moan because Sirus had me. He rode me harder, his hand pulling on my hair so much and wouldn’t let go.

“Authorization complete.” the computer said.

We were busy.

“I’m cumming.” I breathed out hard.

His hand let go of my hair, moving down to my neck as he took it slower, his other hand gripping at my hip tightly. He got deeper and deeper, almost making me cum right then and there.

He pulled me up against his body, his hands traveling down as he touched me more. His hands made their way to my cock, stroking me harder. I could barely stand on my own now. I was going to cum if he doesn’t stop.

“Come on, baby,” he bit my ear, making me jolt as his hands moved. I tensed, my breath hitching as he kept stroking me so quickly.

I came when he did, my body shuddering as I let everything out. I couldn’t hold in my sudden cries. I covered my mouth and closed my eyes tightly as I felt my release, when I felt his too.

I felt his warmth inside me.

I could feel it moving as he pulled back slowly.

I only tried to gather my breath as I stared at those computer screens for a while. He kept kissing my skin as he moved my hips more. I’m sure if he does that longer than he’s supposed to, this whole thing might start again. I didn’t stay up late for this. But I didn’t move from him, I just let him touch me the way he wanted as I thought of ways to get information from the computer.

There’s still a history setting. I can see when the thrusters were operated and go for the days before then.

I finally moved from him when my thought processes came back to me. Cum dripped down my legs but I tried to pay no attention to it as I started typing certain commands. This part is always the most uncomfortable of it all.

The computer asked for another password, one I didn’t have.

“This is child’s play.” Sirus said as he leaned over me, typing in that password for me.

“How do you know all this?” I asked him.

He was still pressed up against me as he typed. I closed my eyes for a second. If I were to turn my head....I didn't. “I told you that Xalton was my partner once.” Sirus said. I opened my eyes.

I pushed him back a bit so I could zip up my suit and moved from under him.

My face was still hot as I tried to get myself together.

“I don’t know what he was doing then, but he always asked me to keep watch a lot. Even though I didn’t.” Sirus said.

“Did you..." I didn't know how to ask the question. Sirus stopped and looked at me.

He knew what I was asking.

“He’s not so bad with his mouth.” he said plainly as he fixed his suit on him.


“So why’d you switch partners?” I asked, curious.

“He was fooling around with someone else, and as much as it's none of my business, I’m not the type to share.” He continued typing.

“Why didn’t you say anything about his computer hacking skills?” I asked after a bit of silence.

“At the time, he wasn’t an enemy. He was only trying to be the star of everything, so he would come in here and get new information. But I don’t know what happened to make him change sides.” he said as he moved away to give me room because he was done.

What made Xalton so upset? I accessed the history to see where the thrusters were shut down.

But I found something else.

Sirus typed in the next password for me and a whole list of computer bypasses came up. Sometimes, the Captain would set things so the computer wouldn’t be alarmed about it. But it seemed like Xalton added another list of things that won’t set off the computer.

“Who’s side is he on?” I asked quietly.

“Obviously not ours.” Sirus said.

There was a bypass for the thrusters. That one was a big one, but then under it, there was another bypass. The date was for today, too. The engine is...

“He’s going to blow one of the engines.”


“Oh my god, he’s going to mess with the engine.” I panicked.

The first thing I thought of was to change that bypass so the Computer would catch it. It took me a bit of time to get to it, and I tried deleting it but it wasn’t working.

I had no choice but to rewrite it as something else. I had to think of a minor problem that won’t get us all killed. As I typed, Sirus moved around me, picking up his helmet and walking around.

“Someone’s coming.” Sirus warned me.

I wasn’t done yet. Sirus grabbed me by the arm. "Wait." I pushed him away. I was almost done.

But now I could hear the person that was coming.

"Aurora, let's go." Sirus wasn't playing this time when he grabbed me. He pulled me away as I turned off the computer.

He dragged me back to hide back in the corner since we weren't going anywhere.

I could hear footsteps coming this way. Is it Captain Iris? Please let it be someone that's not worth listening to. I could lose everything if I get caught here. Sirus and I could get in so much trouble if we’re found out.

But I recognized the voices as the doors opened. Its not Captain Iris.

Two people had walked into the room, and went straight for the computer. Xalton was here and it was that woman he was with before when we over heard him. Should I have known they would be here? I kept in my breath as I heard them walk to the computer, discussing their next plan.

They are siding with Russia. But why? I didn’t think we’d have traitors on the ship. And Xalton’s from Canadian descent. How did he get in touch with Russia anyway? And what is he getting out of this? He’s planning on destroying this Mother Ship so Russia can get to that new planet first.

The engine that he targeted is at the bottom. So when that one blows, so does all the ones above it. And because the computer won't be alerted, there won't be a save mechanism on the other engines.

So I had to be creative.

“How many times is Russia planning on trying to get past American defenses, Xalton? We can only do so much to give them time.” The woman said, frustrated with the whole plan.

“Blowing the engine should at least stall most of the Coordinators, which means the Flyers won’t be able to attack, and Russia can get by easily. Everything is set.” Xalton sounded proud of his plan.

I don’t feel bad for messing with it.

Someone would notice the issue and say something about the Computer not picking it up. Picses would have to send a lot of Coordinators out there to fix it, which means the Flyers might be on stand by or temporarily reassigned. This is what he was hoping for. Its just not going to work though.

Xalton had already prepared to set off the engine. And he did. I couldn't rewrite what he changed. I didn't have access to his codes. What I did change was what the Computer would pick up. The next engine up is feeling the extreme heat from the first one's damage. The Computer will detect that and use the save mechanism to protect it before the fire and damage spreads.

That's when the alarm went off.

The bad thing about this is that we're slowed down. Two engines not working is a significant decrease in power.

It's enough to stall different processes.

“Someone was here before us.” Xalton said quickly as he looked up at the flashing red lights.

Sirus and I had to crouch down more because of the lighting. The noise was a good added addition since we couldn't exactly be quiet.

“We have to get out of here.” the woman said and I saw their shadows go. I couldn’t hear their boots on the ground anymore. Now it was just the alarms that were blaring.

Sirus and I moved out from where we were hiding. I don't know what to do now but I know we can't be here.

“We have to go.” I said and pulled Sirus on with me. He ran behind me as we tried to get out of there. There were other lights flashing in the hallways, black and white.

Xalton planned this right to the T. We’re also under attack too. And as much as I could reduce the damage, we're still in trouble.

This is the worst combination to happen.

We ran down all the way to our correct areas. Coordinators were panicking in their sections, crying and screaming at what happened. The Computer is smart enough to make repairs on the second engine since its the one that spotted the heat damage. But a whole team has to fix the first. If Xalton blew it up for real, it will take days to repair the damage with hundreds of us.

But right now we have other things to take care of. We have another attack we have to worry about. I’m not surprised, now that I know what Xalton had planned.

It worked.

“Cadet Aurora, you have been asked to see Commander Picses.” Carsus said to me when I started my system.


“Please follow orders.” he said to me and turned away as he walked up the steps to his platform.

He’s not happy that I’ve been disobeying lately. I'm not on probation...am I? I've only had one offense. Picses wouldn't pull me out because of that, would he?

I can’t leave Sirus. But what choice do I have now? I already disobeyed once, I don’t think I can do it again.

I went to Picses’ control room quietly. My hands were together, and I did my best to not seem like I was ready to defend myself and beg to go back to my spot. His elite Cadets were there, getting ready for the attack.

I haven’t seen them in here before. I know they all control at least ten of the best Flyers at a time. And then Picses has his own army. I want to be able to do the same thing he does. I've been at my rank for years, but his small group of Coordinators are before my time. They were much older and have seen much more. They were all staring at me as I walked in the room.

“Cadet Aurora.” Picses turned to me, seeing me standing at the door. “Redeem yourself.” he gestured towards one more section that was left open.

Oh my God! He's not kidding is he? I practically was set on fire.

My heart raced as I looked back at Picses.

He was serious. He nodded at me.

I didn’t hesitate, I went over to that section and put the headset on, almost crying to myself. I was silently screaming because this was amazing. I can’t believe Picses would actually give me the honor of standing here.

This place had more room, I wasn’t sectioned with hundreds of Coordinators, its only a few of us. These people have so much experience, I would kill to be where they are right now. I registered Sirus’ number into the computer.

His information showed up on three different screens. I had much more information than I needed. And I actually have so much control over everything he has now. I am too happy. I have never been given this much room yet and it finally came.

I have to tell Sirus.

“So I’m in Picses command room. And this is amazing.” I mentioned quietly. I know Sirus won’t care but I had to tell someone. I didn’t care who.

“Isn’t that a big step for mankind.” he said sarcastically. He will never understand what this is like for me. I have never experienced something so great.

“I guess you’ll really have to follow orders.” I said. “And by the way, you don’t get to turn your tracker off anymore. I get much more control over you.” I added.

“What the hell?” he hated it.

“I won’t let you get me in trouble again.” I said, still smiling to myself about it.

“You don’t care that much, but whatever. Have as much control as you want.” he said as I pulled up the grid. His tracker brightened as I saw Russia’s fleet. They weren’t heading for the Flyers. “I think they’re on a suicide mission.” Sirus said.

“Stop as many as you can.” I said as I gave him access to more of his weapons. He will need it to fight everyone else off.

A warning came up on my screen, making me pause what I was doing. I pressed it to see what it was. Russia has different ships this time. They’re heat seekers on their own.

I know why they can keep fighting us now.

“Don’t get close to the bigger ships. They’re computerized heat seekers. They’ll blow up if you get too close.” I said quickly, warning him.

“I don’t think I’ll be able to make it out of this.” he said because he was surrounded.

“There’s a small opening on your left but its cutting it too close.” I said, thinking of another way out. They were closing in on my screen but a couple of them disappeared which means he shot them down.

More and more kept coming.

They weren’t even paying attention to anyone else. Which was a slight advantage because there were helpers that shot at more of Russia’s fighters. We might have top Flyers, but every time, Russia sends out more to try and slow us down from destroying them. We’re outnumbered.

And that's no different than the other times we've had to fight Russia. But this time, it was eight to one.

We're severely out numbered.

“Above you,” I warned when I saw the ship cover Sirus’. I know he only has one option which is avoiding the ship by dropping. But it will lower the pressure inside his ship, I tell him this hundreds of times.

His health went down on my screen, and so did the oxygen level. Its still more than seventy five percent so he can keep going if he has to.

“Watch yourself, Sirus." I warned him.

"It was just a minor hit." It didn't sound minor when he got hit. Plus a minor hit won't take thirty percent of his health.

They keep sending more weapons. I wonder where their mother ship is located. “They’re following you. All of them are following you.” I said quickly. Most of the ones on my screen were following Sirus, just as others were for other Flyers.

“What the hell? Who are they?” he asked.

What is he looking at. “Who?”

“They have ships that look better than ours.” he said, almost complaining.

“Sirus, who are they?” I asked quickly because it wasn’t showing up on my screen.

“I think Africa is here.” he said.

“Commander Picses?” I turned around to him. “Africa is here as well.” I said.

“They never show up on our radar." He sighed. He knows them from before. But this is the first time I've seen Africa interact with us. "Don’t attack them.” he said, and that was an order to all of us.

“They’re helping.” Sirus said as more and more Russian fleets were starting to disappear. I still couldn’t get access to Africa’s ships, they wouldn't show up on my screen no matter what I tried to do.

They must have found a way around our system.

“If I were to let you have that nuclear missile, would you use it in a respectable way without me worrying that would blow up our own forces?” I asked.

“Let me have it.” he didn't answer the question

“I’m serious. You aren’t even supposed to have access to it. I’m giving it to you to help you.” I said quickly.

“Aurora, stop messing around. Give me the damn missile.” he said, too excited to have it.

Some weapons I shouldn’t give to him no matter what, but because more of Russia’s ships kept following and surrounding him, I might as well count it as code orange. Africa may be taking out a majority of these ships, but Russia has more computerized ships than people in them, so they can afford to lose this.

I let Sirus have it and I heard his excited yell as he let it loose into deep space. From here, I could be able to see the energy release of that missile as it exploded. We don’t use these mass weapons just in case it gets in the wrong hands but I don’t fear with Sirus at all. At least in the way I should. All of Russia’s ships were off my screen which meant that a good majority of them was gone by now. They’ll come back soon enough anyway.

“Hell yeah, we did it.” Sirus shouted.

“Why are you so happy?” I asked.

“You should have seen how they blew up, Aurora, it was crazy.” he said.

He never just gets happy like that. I bet he’s smiling and having fun right now. That is so odd, but it was kind of okay. He always thinks of this as fun but I have yet to hear him sound so elated before. I guess I sort of can’t be mad or stale about this. I’m not even supposed to give him these weapons so I know he won’t stay happy when I tell him that.

“You’re redeeming yourself, Aurora,” Commander Picses said to me as I took off my head set.

He’s not that mad at me right now. I hope nothing messes it up because it will take so much longer to gain all this back. But I was fine with it for now. Picses left the room and the others turned to me.

“I never knew someone would want to be Commander so bad." One of the women said. “Usually Coordinators are fine when they reach this spot but going for Commander is pretty much like asking to be God.” she said.

“You’re fine with what you have?” I asked.

“Its better than before. Every single one of us are fine with being under Commander Picses’ instructions, he hasn’t been wrong yet. It takes a lot of mind and emotional power to assume a job like his.” she said as she turned off her screen. “You’ve got a lot of guts, kid.” she said.

“Who knows, maybe he might even be next.” Another woman said.

“Lets see how far you go.” the first one said.

Today is already going much better than I planned it to go. I have never been so excited. Its either they believe in me, or they’re just waiting but to have them just show a slight bit of interest was enough for me to have my confidence shoot up.

A rush of Flyers mixed in with the Coordinators in the hallways, roaring and shouting with excitement. Why is everyone so happy about this? What did we achieve? We do this everyday. But none the less, the shouting continued and I was a bit frightened by it, I wasn’t the only one either. I wonder what they saw out there, I wonder how trapped they were. Were there any casualties? We’ve gone against Russia tons of times, what makes this so different?

Sirus found me, pulling me on with him. He was smiling and laughing and was excited like everyone else. I was amazed, because this is the first time he was hugging me without groping me or biting on to my ear. He’s just hugging me, which is extremely odd.

I don't know if he was staring death in the eye. Usually Sirus is never worried about that. We have low causualties but today wasn't so great until the last second.

I don't know what the Flyers saw out there. I thought it was bad, but most of them were cheering.

Russia had to fall back, and we have a possible ally beside us.

Maybe it's not so bad to be happy for once.

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