Queen Alpha

Chapter 8

Cheyenne’s POV

After a bunch of testing, I was finally released from the hospital and was able to get home to my own bed. I really didn’t get shit for sleep the past couple nights being in the stiff ass hospital bed. I told everybody that I just wanted to be left alone so I could sleep. I had mid-terms coming up and I didn’t want to be so tired that I was sleeping through them. Last I saw on the clock on the nightstand by my bed, it was 4:30pm on Sunday afternoon. I had classes tomorrow but mid-terms didn’t start till Thursday. Professors were using the first part of the week to review everything that we’ve learned so far.

When I woke up, the sun was high in the sky. I jumped up and looked at the clock; 10:30am! Shit! I was late! Why the hell didn’t anybody wake me up?! I jumped out of bed and start flying around my room getting dressed as quickly as I could. I was dressed and out the door in record time! I made it in time to my 3rd period class. I was sitting in the back of the class when I heard the voice in my head again.

“How are you feeling today, Cheyenne? You really should be resting.” The voice said smoothly.

“I am fine. Now leave me alone. I have to concentrate. I have mid-terms coming up.” I snapped back.

“You don’t have time for this. You need to be training.” The voice said.

“Training? Look you won’t even tell me who you are so why should I even listen to you?” Now I was beyond annoyed and was getting pissy.

“Oh dear, my apologies. My name is Koa. I will be your wolf when you are ready to shift.” I dropped my pen and it rolled off my desk onto the ground.

“When will I be ready to shift? And how is it that I can already talk to you before my first shift?” I started rambling off questions. Koa started softly laughing in my head.

“Dearie, calm down. I will answer all your questions in due time. As for when you will shift; that I do not have an exact date to tell you. That will depend on how strong you get and the time frame that it’s done in. And to answer your question on how you can hear me already; well, I can’t give out too many details, at least not yet. But let’s just say…you are the chosen one.”

“Chosen one? What the hell does that mean?!” By this time, I had completely tuned out my professor and the rest of the class. I was solely focused on Koa and any answers she could give me.

“That I cannot tell you at this point in time. It’s too soon.” Koa responded so calmly.

“Then what can you tell me exactly?” I was getting annoyed again at this point.

“I can tell you that you need to start training harder and longer. They are coming and we don’t have a lot of time.” Koa still as calm as ever.

“Who are ‘they’ and ‘a lot of time’ is a relative term. Can you be more specific?” I ask as nicely as I can.

“I cannot tell you who ‘they’ are. Not yet. You knowing to much beforehand can change fate in ways that would not be in your favor, and we cannot risk it. I will tell you everything you need to know throughout our time together when you need to know it but not until then. As for your ‘time frame’ they will be here 3 moons after the summer solstice. Which means you have till then to train and get strong enough to shift and then intensify training after you shift.” I pull the calendar up on my phone and start counting the days. I had roughly 7 and a half to 8 months before my world was going to end because let’s face it, I wasn’t some vicious warrior that anyone feared.

I decided to skip the rest of my classes for the day and headed towards the grassy area on campus and found some shade beneath a tree to sit in. I was thinking over what Koa had say about training and shifting and the upcoming war. It was clear to me now, that what I thought was a dream with the Moon Goddess was in fact very real. So now it was a question of how I was going to explain to Ty and Damon that I needed to train harder.

I sat under this tree thinking of a million different excuses and the best one I could come up with was ‘because I wanted to’ but I knew that wouldn’t be good enough for them. According to them guys didn’t want a girl that tougher than them, and they were only training me just enough so that I could defend myself in case of an attack.

“I wonder if I can train in another pack?” I thought to myself, forgetting about Koa being there.

“Although that is not the common practice, it is not unheard of. It has happened in the past before.” she said.

I started thinking about the surrounding packs and which one would be my best bet. Howling Mountain was known to have good warriors, enough to keep their pack safe and make anybody think twice about attacking, but they were a lot like my pack also. Kept to themselves. So I doubt they would willing invite me into train. Blood Moon was known to be the vicious and merciless warriors but only when needed. Everyone knew the name. They have won countless wars in the past losing only a small number of warriors on their side each time. But would they agree to train a 17-year-old girl who hasn’t shifted yet? Guess there’s only one way to find out.

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