Psycho Werewolf Sisters Michelle's POV

Chapter Chapter Twenty-Three

In the jeep, it is really quiet me and Jen sit in comfortable silence for the next 20 minutes because I need to see where the guys are going and Jen keeps going in and out of consciousness. The jeep hits a bump in the road and I hear Jen hiss out in pain. I see the guy’s car slowing down so I start slowing the jeep down. We pull up to a very fancy house that looks familiar, yep it’s the one they brought us to when they kidnapped us. I park up and before I can get out to go to Jen’s side someone came up and opened her door, my head shoots around and I notice Damon picking Jen out of the car. I jump out of the car and get next to Damon.

“It’s alright Jen.”

Damon says as he starts carrying her into the house. Even though she is in pain Jen looks at me with a ‘are you kidding me’ look before her eyes start drooping. I smile on the inside because I can tell you that if she was in better condition she would really kick his arse for touching her. But I am not bothered as long as she gets better. We make it into the house, and it is really fancy. Like posh bastard fancy.

“Hey, Nik, who’s is this house?”

“It’s ours we all live here.”

He said but his eyes were saying something different. We make our way through two big double wooden doors and I notice it starting to look like a hospital. I look over to Jen and see that she has fully passed out now. We go through another set of doors and come to a small room in the room there were loads of medical equipment with a single bed to the left side. Damon goes and puts Jen onto the single bed. Once she is safely on the bed I go to talk to the guys.

“Amanda, please do what you can?”

“Of course but what happened to her?”

“A... A wolf attack.”

Damon says to the very pretty woman in the hospital scrubs. The woman that Damon called Amanda went over to Jen and started cleaning her wounds up.

“She also has one on her back, we haven’t had a good look at it but it could be bad!”

“She also lost a lot of blood.”

I say when Damon says about how bad it could be. I can tell Jen can hear what we are saying. There are 8 people in the room one is obviously me then we have Damon, Niklaus, and Ethan plus there is the doctor Amanda and three other nurses all female.

“Was she conscious at the time?”

“Yes, she was in and out but lost all consciousness as we walked in here.”

“When you say in and out how long was it?”

“For about 20 minutes in the car, but she was only out for a moment at the time! Is she going to be okay?”

“We will do our best!”

Amanda lifts her up onto her side as soon as she does that she gasps I look properly and see huge fucking gash going down the middle of her back I gasp but then there is another gasp. I look up and see that it was Damon who gasped nearly the same time as me.

“What? What’s wrong?”

Amanda touches the main massive gash and I see Jen flinch away from the touch. I nearly grab Amanda’s hand until she says something that makes me start shaking.

“Shit, get me the sedative now!”

“What? Why?”

I asked with a slight panic in my voice. No one would answer me straight away I start shaking with slight panic and anger and give this Amanda person evils to get her to answer me quick time.

“Because she’s still awake but doesn’t have the strength to open her eyes. she can feel every little bit of pain that comes with us moving and cleaning her wounds.”


Me, Damon, Nik and Ethan all shout at the same time. Amanda gets handed a huge arse needle which I think is the sedative. She sticks it straight into Jen’s arm and I can tell she is losing feeling because she starts going limp.

“How long will she be out for?”

“Should be about an hour. Gives us enough time to sort out her wounds and dress them.”

I turn to the guys and say.

“Is there anywhere I can get some food?”

“Yeah come with us Jen will be fine with Amanda and Damon.”

I look over at Damon and see him sat on the other side of the bed holding Jen’s hand softly. I turn back around and start following Nik and Ethan out of the room and back down the way we came once near the front door rather than going through it we go through a door to the left-hand side. Down two more hallways and finally, we get to this humongous kitchen, Jen would love this. I love this room and I don’t cook properly.

“Fridge is there. Do you need any help with the cooking?”

I turn around and it was Ethan that asked. I look at him and say.

“Yeah please, I don’t cook. Well it’s more can’t cook won’t cook.”


I walk and sit at the island table and wait. Ethan goes to the fridge-freezing and gets some chicken and chips out. He puts enough for a baby out and tries to put the bags back in the freezer but I stop him.

“What you think you’re doing?”

“What you mean I’ve put enough out for you.”

“Not a chance, let me put the amount out.”

I stand up and walk around the island grabbing the bags off of Ethan and I pull enough chicken and chips out of the bags for at least 4 people. I give Ethan the bags back and see a dumbfounded look on his face.


“Erm, just that I didn’t think you could eat all that. There is enough for 4 people there.”


“Erm doesn’t matter.”

“No, go on what were you going to say?”

“Just that your skinny, I didn’t think you could eat so much in one sitting.”

I go to sit back down at the island and wait. Ethan puts the chicken and chips into the oven and sits across from me on the island stools.

“About earlier. Erm does this mean we are siblings?”

“Sounds like it doesn’t it?”

I say slightly uninterested because my mind is more on the food and Jen. I look at Ethan and see him studying me. I look to my right and see Nik also studying me but it feels like he’s looking at me differently than Ethan is. I look back at Ethan.

“Sorry, Ethan can we talk about it when Jen’s better because she needs to know as well since her mum is our mum.”

“Yeah, I think it is better if she’s here as well.”

Suddenly there is a tinging noise and Ethan gets up and goes to the oven. He brings out the tray that the chicken and chips are on and plates it up. He hands the plate over and I grab it from him straight away putting it down on the island. I start digging into it like I hadn’t eaten in months. I can feel three sets of eyes on me. I look up to be greeted with Niklaus, Ethan and the other guy which I’m still uncertain is called Nate.

“What are you looking at me like that for?”

I say with a mouth full, I finish the bit that’s in my mouth and look down. I notice about three-quarters of the food is already gone. Damn, I can eat quickly.

“Nothing just never thought a girl could eat some much so quickly.”

This Nate guy says.

“What cause I am a girl I should eat all sophisticated and shit. HA, not a chance mate.”

Nik and Ethan look at me like I have two heads but this Nate guy is looking at me like I am his new best friend.

“Nik, Ethan I like this girl she isn’t like the others.”

“Both Michelle and Jennifer aren’t like any others, Nate.”

HA yes, I got his name right haha. I finish eating and on my last bite, I hear something echo through the house.


Shit, Jen’s awake. I jump up from where I was sat and start running down the hallway not bothering if I knock anyone or if the guys are following me. Once I get to the room Jen is in I slam the door open pissed off because it has only been half an hour. Ethan, Nik, and Nate are right behind me.

“What happened?”

I ask Amanda and Damon. I look over at Jen and notice her leaning against the wall but not letting her back touch the wall.

“I was just putting on the first dressing and she suddenly jumped away.”

Amanda says to me then turns to Jen and says.

“Jennifer, can you please lay back down so I can finish your dressing?”

“Like hell, I don’t even know you!”

“Jennifer she just trying to help.”

Damon states through gritted teeth. The fuck is his problem now. Jen scowls at Damon.

“Let me guess she’s someone you know.”


Again he answered her through gritted teeth. Seriously the nerve of this guy.

“Then definitely not.”

“Jennifer how about we forget that I know Mr. Knight and focus on helping you because now we have to sort your arm again.”

Jen looks down at her arm and so do I to see blood coming from her inner elbow. Shit, she ripped the needle out of her arm and didn’t even feel it. Fuck me. Jen straightens herself up so she is no longer leaning against the wall she uses her left hand to help stop some of the bleeding as Amanda walks over to her.

“It’s fine, I’ll live.”

Jen tries to move towards the door but her legs don’t seem to be working properly for her to walk. Jen starts to fall so I go to jump to catch her but Amanda catches her just in time.

“That will be the sedative, Jennifer so let’s get you back in bed.”

I know for a fact Jen is going to say no so I do the only thing I can, I help Amanda get Jen back onto the bed. I definitely will not let her leave in the state she is in. Amanda then starts on dressing Jen’s wounds, Jen flinches every so often but not half as bad as before. Once the doctor is done she packs away any equipment that she used and said.

“She needs to rest for at least two days. Then she should be alright.”

“Thank you, Doctor Amanda.”

I say to Amanda then I look over at Damon who’s still got a sour face on. He is really starting to piss me off. My hair turns pure black.

“The fuck is wrong with you Damon. You’ve got a sour pissed off face on but you haven’t said shit. Now I’ll ask you again the fuck is your problem?”

He looks taken aback that I have called him out on his sour face. He looks around like he is looking for the answers but when his eyes land onto Jen his eyes soften.

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