Psycho Werewolf Sisters Michelle's POV

Chapter Chapter Twenty-Four

“I... I.”

“You... you. You what prick, Jen faints you walk off and when she gets hurt by a big fuck off wolf. Which by the way you need to tell me how you defeated that thing. No normal human could have defeated that with bare hands. You turn up with a sour face especially when Jen wakes up. Look Damon I really don’t give a shit about any of you but you ever get my sister into any trouble with anything else or even speak to her wrong then you will have me to deal with or do you want a reminder of what I could do to you?”

He looks taken aback more now and it is also like he is thinking differently from everything that I said. I look over to Jen and see she has a small smile on her face. She seems to be feeling better. Good because if she wasn’t I don’t think I could hold myself back from hitting someone.

“Jen you stay here, I’m just going out for a good run before I kick SOMEONE’S arse.”

I nod over in Damon’s direction. Jen nods at me as if saying be safe and don’t get killed. I smile and then turn around heading for the door but I didn’t make it because someone grabbed my shoulder. I swing around to see Ethan standing there with his hands in a surrender gesture.


“Just be careful I’ve only just got you I don’t want to lose you like I lost my mum.”

“You didn’t lose your mum she is still alive, ask Damon since he probably won’t even meet her twice since he hurt Jen, mum will kill him.”

“What do you mean she is still alive. My dad has always said she died giving birth to me.”

“If she died giving birth to you how did she give birth to me and Jen then. Think of it, Ethan.”

With that said I quickly walk out and get outside. I love the night air. Walking towards the forest edge I decide I didn’t want to run with my tank top on so I strip it off and throw it behind a tree. I pull my phone out with my blue-tooth headphones and switch them on putting my music on.

I run for at least an hour then I decide I need to stop and have a small break. I sit down on a fallen tree and just breathe in the fresh night air.

Suddenly I hear something behind me. I spin round ready to hit whatever or whoever is behind me. When I look I don’t see anything. It could be my imagination but I am sure I heard something. I think it is time to head back. I look at the time on my phone and see it is 10 pm.

I start walking back towards the way I ran and just chilled whilst walking. Soon I got back to the edge of the forest. I stop just to grab my top. As I lean down to get it I hear something again but this time I don’t spin round but I use my brilliant sense of hearing to figure out where it is. I think it’s back in the forest. I slowly turn around and see a huge wolf. Seriously another one, where the hell do these things hide. This wolf looks similar to the one that attacked Jen. I quickly leg it back to the house and burst through the door. Once in I slam the door shut and turn back around I look and everyone including Jen is stood there looking at me like I am some weirdo. Then Damon pipes up.

“What the hell was that about, Michelle?”

“Erm, I just had a run and this wolf, like the one that attacked you started stalking towards me so I ran and managed to get in the door.”

Next thing I know the guys are all pushing past me going out the door. What’s their problem?

“HEY, you could at least say excuse me!”

They didn’t say anything just carried on running outside. I decide to look out of the door that the idiots left open and follow them. And all I see is two guys which are Damon and Nik and this huge wolf fighting and also two other wolves that are black and white with hints of grey. But where did Ethan and Nate go?

“What the hell is going on?”

I ask nobody in particular, I can tell Jen can’t even find the words to answer me and she just stares at the fight that is going on in front of us.

“Hey Michelle, do you know how to get to the kitchen?”

“Hell yeah.”

“Great show me. I’m cooking!”

Jen wiggles her eyebrows and my whole face light up.

“Follow me .”

With that said we make our way back inside. I lead Jen through a door to the left of the hallway and down two more hallways when we finally make it to the kitchen. Jen stops in the doorway and I can see that she is loving this kitchen.

“I knew you’d like this kitchen when I first came in here.”


Was all Jen could say before getting to work on going through the cupboards so she could see what food they had in. she goes into the pantry then comes back out with what looks like the ingredients for mac and cheese, mmm and I can see the ingredients for her special cookies even better. I sit on an island seat waiting and once she has done the food she fills two plates for me and herself and there’s enough for a full family left as well. She takes a seat next to me while the cookies are cooling on a cooling rack on the window sill.

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