Psycho Werewolf Sisters Michelle's POV

Chapter Chapter Twenty-One

I get about 3 feet from Damon, Niklaus, and Tanner.

“What did I say to you fuckers in the hall? Hey?”

None of them would give me an answer so I continued with everyone else watching.

“I said ‘My sister told you to leave her alone, this is your last warning next time you all will get hurt’ I will not say it again.”

I say with a fuck-off evil face going on showing how serious I am. Jen and I are protective over each other but if one of us gets hurt the other loses all sense and we can be the evilest thing on the planet.

“Michelle that’s en-”

“Mr. Tanner I suggest you keep your mouth shut, One because Michelle never and I mean never takes people hurting or pissing me off very nicely, and Two because you are already in trouble yourself.”

“What are you talking about.”

“Well that would be that you have assaulted not only a student but a female one at that and you know how the school board feels about things like that, and to top that off you wouldn’t want anything to get out now would you.”

I am still standing giving evils to Damon and Niklaus ready to attack them, and Tanner looks stunned not knowing what to say.

“What... what are you talking about?”

“New York!”

Is all Jen says and we watch as Tanners face pales and he opens and closes his mouth like a fish out of water. Until he finally gets out of his mouth.

“But no one... You... How?”

“I have a lot of skills Mr. Tanner and I am good at what I do, all you have to know is the right places to look, now are we getting on with this lesson or is there going to be another problem?”

Damon steps forward and I stand guard.

“Tanner continue lesson I will have a word with these two.”

“Go near my sister and you die.”

I say with venom dripping from my voice. I see Tanner nod at Damon.

“Everyone else outside we’re doing the training course.”

Everyone starts to make their way to the door as well as me and Jen, next thing I know I see Damon touch Jens shoulder and I see red. I’ve already warned this Prick more than once. I yank Damon’s hand away from Jen’s shoulder and punch Damon in the face, out of the corner of my eye I see Jen tackle someone behind me and when I look it is Niklaus and Jen has him on the floor with her hand tightly around his throat. Jen looks over to me.

“I told you not to touch my SISTER!”

I shout in Damon’s face before I give him one final look before I walk over to Jen. Jen looks down at Niklaus.

“You shouldn’t have done that!”

I could tell she couldn’t help herself when she gave Niklaus a mean right hook to his gorgeous face and getting up and dusting herself off. Next thing I know I’m being thrown across the room with a weight on top of me I see a fist coming towards my face and I brace for the impact but I never receive it. When I look up I see Jen standing protectively next to me, I look over to where she is looking and I see Damon shaking with anger. He must have been the one to tackle me bastard.

“This is your last warning from ME now, you don’t know anything about us and believe me you touch my sister or me again and I WILL KILL YOU. DO I MAKE MYSELF CLEAR.”

Jen shouts shaking in anger her eyes are a blazing red and she looks like she is burning up. I can’t remember a time she has been like this. I can tell all she wants to do is kill them now. Damon takes a step closer, I see Jen just charge at him fury evident in the way she is moving taking him to the ground. I see Damon manage to get his feet out of their pinned state and he kicked Jen away before he stood up again. Jen starts to stand up and I am already stood. I look at Jen and notice she seems like she isn’t in control of her own body, I see her very slowly stepping towards the guys. All I am thinking is what the fuck is going on with Jen. I can tell she is still burning up but she looks like she is getting hotter. I can see the guys starting to sweat from the heat Jen’s body is producing.


I say to her, she won’t look at me but her body is still doing slow predator steps towards Damon and Niklaus.

“Jen look at me!”

She still doesn’t look at me so I quickly move in front of her grabbing onto her shoulders to keep her still and making her look at me.

“What the hell is happening to her?”

I just ignore that question moving my hands to each side of her face.

“It’s okay now, yeah. Let’s get you out of here.”

Jen snaps her head around and when I look I see the guys trying to see what is going on. I feel Jen’s body tense ready to go after them.

“Jen, look at me not them!”

And for like the third time me talking to Jen doesn’t make her look at me. This is really pissing me off now, my hair pure black. Suddenly Jen starts falling to the floor but before she reached the ground I caught her in my arms I could see her eyes slowly closing then just a few seconds later her eyes fully closed. What the fuck has just happened one minute she was fuming now she is out cold. The hell.

I look over at the guys and I can see the genuine sorry feeling in their eyes.

“The fuck you just standing there for, get one of those mats and bring them over. I will not lay her on the cold hard floor. Now FUCKING MOVE IT!”

Within seconds Damon and Niklaus are moving one of the big heavy mats over to where I am stood. Once they put it down near me I start moving Jen over to the mat, I see Damon trying to grab hold of Jen to help me. I literally growl at him and he steps back. Once I get to the mat I lower Jen onto it and make sure she is okay like checking heartbeat, breathing and everything. I decided it was time to call mum. I pull my phone from my bra and then I hear a low growl, my head shoots up and I see Niklaus looking away from me. Fucking weirdo. Once my phone is in my hand I go to the contact list and find mum’s number. Once I reach her number I immediately hit call.

I wait for a few rings and then it answers. But before she could say anything, I started blabbering incoherent words. Next thing I know my phone is snatched out of my hand. I look up and see Damon with my phone in his hand. I am about to shout at him but then I hear him talking.

“Hi, you must be Jennifer and Michelle’s mother. Yes, my name is Damon Knight, yes there has been an incidence in school. No, she just fainted.”

“The fuck she just fainted, it’s all because of you yah prick! Tell my mother the fucking truth.”

Damon looks like he is going to shit himself and if we wasn’t in the situation that we were in I would have laughed. Damon starts talking again recapping on what went on during this lesson. Once he is done talking to my mum he hangs up prick didn’t even let me talk to her. As if knowing what I was just thinking he begins to speak but keeping a gap between us.

“Your mother said a few things after I told her what was going on and said she will be home as soon as possible. Can I ask you a question, Michelle?”

“You just did but go on Prick.”

“I know you hate me and I know Jennifer hates me but just hear me out okay. Has she ever gone into a fury like that before?”

I sit there thinking but Damon must have taken it as I didn’t understand, he goes to talk again but I hold my hand up.

“Not that I can remember, granted she’s been furious before but she’s never passed out or even got that mad that it looked like her skin was on fire.”

“Right okay.”

He then turns around and starts walking away mumbling something under his breath. I hear something along the lines of ‘I need to ask the elders about all of this’.

“Who the fuck is the Elders?”

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