Psycho Werewolf Sisters Michelle's POV

Chapter Chapter Twenty

“Fucking hell I must look like death if you’re bringing ME food AND coffee.”

“Well I wasn’t going to say but you did.”

“Ha ha ha, of course, I did last time you did this was when I got hit by the hit and run.”

“Please don’t remind me.”

“Just did hahaha.”

Jen sits up as I take a seat whilst handing her the food and coffee.

“Thanks, hun.”


Jen starts eating whilst I’m just sat chilling on the bed against the wall. She finishes off her butty and sits back against the headboard taking a sip of her coffee.

“I take it that you have had yours?”

“It’s me, so of course!”

We both start laughing.

“Looking good sis.”

“Thanks, time for you to get ready and we’re taking the jeep today I’m driving!”


I leave out of Jen’s room with Star. I head to my room and grab my bag that has my gym clothes in and put my skull sunglasses on I walk downstairs and wait in the hallway for Jen to come. Once she gets there we make our way to the garage whilst Jen locks up the house. I jump into the driver’s seat of the family jeep and start it up. Jen jumps into the passenger seat and I drive us to school which is hell for me.

Once we get to school I park near the front of the building. We both jump out of the car making sure to grab our gym bags out of the back seat before we make our way through the school gates. We both receive a lot of looks as we walk through the school, all I can hear is mutterings about what happened yesterday. When we get to our lockers we both put our bags in them and then we head for our first lesson.

Classes were boring like usual. By the time homeroom comes around I can tell Jen’s getting royally pissed off with all the looks she is receiving from students and teachers.

Michelle, I swear at this rate I will end up having another fight if people keep looking at me.

I know they are doing my head in but don’t worry.

I know

Luckily the bell rings signaling it is lunchtime. Jen and I make our way to our lockers because we have some books that we need to put away. Finishing at our lockers we start making our way to the dining hall. Once in the dining hall we both see Damon, Niklaus and Ethan stood at the far end of the hall talking to someone that we have never seen before. Jen and I keep walking pretending they are not there but always keeping an eye on them and what they are doing. It takes the guys a moment to realize that we are there when they do they look right at us and not looking away. Niklaus looks like he doesn’t know what to think whereas Ethan looks angry and ashamed but it doesn’t look like it’s aimed at us more like someone else then there is Damon the Prick he has a look of horror and shame on his face. I love the little present I left on his face though that makes me smirk a bit.

Once we get into the dining hall properly we head straight for the line and today we decide on Spag-bol, chips can of coke and I get some choc-chip cookies and Jen gets some chocolate cake. We make our way over to the back table where Clover and the girls are.

“Oh my god, Jen are you okay?”

“I’m fine.”

Jen says sitting down, she takes her sunglasses off and I keep mine on but the moment Jen takes hers off the girls gasp at her face, but what gets everyone’s attention is the deadly growl that sounds throughout the room. The girls look around the room and I just scoff because I know exactly where it came from and that person is Damon the Prick.

“Jen, what happened to you?”

Beth asks Jen after a minute. Jen turns her head towards Damon, Niklaus, and Ethan to signal that she is talking about one of them.

“I may or may not have had a fight with dickhead over there!”

“Who would that be?”


“Should I take it that he won!”

This makes me and Jen both laugh.

“No, he did this to my eye. Then I started toying with him and pissing him off for fun then I let him hit me that’s when I got the cut on the head is from Coach Tanner because I had Damon on the floor punching his face in Tanner throws me into a wall, no big deal.”

As Jen talks she points to every part of her face that she is talking about.

“And I knocked Tanner out for that, also finished Damon off with a roundhouse kick to the face.”

I state very proudly and I know Jen would be too, I can tell Jen isn’t in the mood right now. We continue to eat in a comfortable silence that is until we get interrupted when the two Pricks walk over to our table with Ethan. Luckily Ethan hasn’t done anything to piss us off YET, but we are still waiting.

“We need to talk!”

Damon the Prick has the fucking cheek to say. Jen and I both ignore the fact that they are at the table.

“So Harley did you do anything fun over the last couple of days?”

“I’m talking to you!”

That is what Damon says interrupting Jen. Jen’s not gonna get any answer from the girls because when the Pricks got to the table all the girls baring me and Jen put their heads down.

“Michelle, can we talk with you and your sister? Please.”

I turn and stare at the Prick blankly.

“No chance in hell, unless you want to get put on your arse’s again.”

“I’m not leaving until you two talk with us!”

Damon states to me. That was a bad idea but before I could react to what he said Jen butts in. Jen and I stand up grabbing our food trays and Jen grabbing her sunglasses she turns to them. While I’m here fuming with black hair.

“Drop dead.”

Jen spits with tons of venom lacing her voice before we walk past them putting our trays away. We pay no mind to the nonsense behind us and walk straight out of the hall. We continue to walk heading outside for some fresh air and to calm myself down. Just as we reach the door our path is blocked by the three guys we have just walked away from.

Don’t they get the fucking hint?

Doesn’t look like it to me.

Jen and I stare at them as they continue to look at us.

“We really need to talk!”

“We have nothing to talk about but you really need to fuck off and die in a hole!”

“No, I want to apologize for... For hurting you I never meant to... I-”

“Fuck you, cos I don’t give a shit about your fake apology or what you did or didn’t mean to do. Now LEAVE US ALONE!”

“Jennifer please you don’t understand just give him a chance to explain.”

Jen gives me a ‘is he fucking kidding me?’ look. I just shrug my shoulders and Jen turns on her heels walking away from the guys but I don’t move straight away.

“My sister told you to leave her alone, this is your last warning next time you all get hurt.”

Next minute I’m walking by Jen’s side. She puts her sunglasses back on as we head to our next lesson, we ended up getting there early but we just chilled on our phones. All too soon we are on our way to gym class, we get changed and walk into the gym hall with everyone else. Tanner starts talking about something that I’m not listening to and Jens doing the same but messing with her rings bored.


Jen turns to look at him, Jen’s in a can’t be arsed attitude.

“Please take off your sunglasses for the lesson.”


“Excuse me.”

“I said no.”

“Jennifer I won’t ask you again.”

“I’m sorry you seem to be struggling to understand me let me try again.”

Jen dramatically clears her throat and I’m sat here trying not to laugh.

“N.O. that’s no or we could try go fuck yourself.”

“How dare you talk to me like that. Do you have any idea of the trouble you are going to get yourself into behaving like this now take off your sunglasses or-”

“Or what? Hay what are you going to do hit me suspend me? Try it!”

Jen leans back into the bleachers and turns to me leaving Tanner and everyone else stunned.

“I think you may have knocked his brains out of his skull when you knocked him out.”

“Maybe but who said that there was any there in the first place.”

“Hahaha, ye that might be true with Prick One and Prick Two.”

I high five Jen.

“Are we really going to do this? Fine have it your way, Miss Christal!”

We both look back over at Coach Tanner.

“Mr. Tanner I suggest you just get on with the lesson and keep the threats to yourself, be grateful that I am even sat here. Because I don’t like working alongside woman beaters and right now I am in a room with two, so get on with it.”

“I said that wasn’t meant to happen.”

“And I told you to drop dead.”

Jen looks back at me with raised eyebrows and I look at her before turning back to the guys with a scowl before I slowly stand up. I can see the smirk on Jen’s face. I start to walk towards the guys, in the corner of my eyes I see Jen stand up as well. she knows what I am like I always take things too far.

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