Psycho Werewolf Sisters Michelle's POV

Chapter Chapter Twelve

Jen nearly drops the plate that she was drying and turns to look at me.


“When I was in that house, waiting for you I saw a picture and my dad was in it.”

“Are you sure? Could it have been someone else.”

“No, it was definitely my dad.”

“Want me to track him down and kick his arse.”

“No from the looks of that picture Damon, Niklaus and Ethan were young kids he’s probably long gone, thank fuck.”

“Good but if I find him he’s a dead man walking.”

“Thanks, Jen.”

We finish up and put everything away turn the telly off and made our ways to the beds. I am so glad we always keep clothes down here just in case we ever need to be down here for a while. I pull out my PJ shorts and a tank top and get dressed and then we both climb into the beds.




The alarm starts blaring with red lights flashing all around the room, we both jump out of bed and run towards the security desk I’m right behind Jen. Jen clicks the enter button so the front door camera will come up on the screen showing who’s at the door and it shows Damon, Niklaus, Ethan and some other man around their age. Jen looks at me with a smug smile.

“Let’s watch the show.”


I pull up another chair and we both take a seat to watch the cameras. The four guys at the door knock again and Jen decides it’s time to put the speaker on so we can hear what they are saying.

“Are we even sure they came back here?”

“They did, just have a sniff.”

Jen looks at me as I look at her.

“What the hell does he mean by that?”

“I don’t have a clue.”

We both turn back to the screen. After another minute of them waiting they get fed up and try the door. They notice that the door is locked and it looks like they are looking for the hidden key but luckily we don’t have one anymore because I always kept losing them or leaving mine in the house. The number of times I got locked out and had to get either Jen or mum to drop everything and come and open the door for me got annoying so I just stay with Jen. And luckily we never got around to getting a key for this house yet. The lads finally give up looking for the key, Damon looks very pissed off he backs away from the door and starts charging for the locked door.

“He’s not.”

“He better not or I’m kicking his arse.”

He literally goes charging towards the door so what I do is when he’s millimeters from hitting the door to break it down is I press a shiny red button that opens the door automatically all while Jen presses the video record button so we have it on file so we can always laugh at the fail that Damon did.

“That prick.”

“That’s what he gets.”

We both laugh and high five each other. We switch the camera from the one outside the door to the one focused on the inside of the door. Damon straightens up and turns to face his friends who are trying very very hard not to laugh at him. We both watch as Damon does something out of view of the camera that literally shuts the others up. When they all stop laughing Damon starts giving out orders like he’s some sort of boss to the others.

“Nik and Nate go check the living room and the dining room. Ethan your with me .”


We watch as they all nod to Damon’s orders and they all split up and go where they got told to go. We see Nik and Nate walk through to the living room, at the same time Damon and the Ethan guy walk through the kitchen.

“Hay Michelle, why does it take two guys to the kitchen?”

“Cos their men and two equals to one of them.”

“Damn right. Hey, Michelle want to play with our gadgets? We haven’t had a chance to in this house!”


We grab our security tabs from under the computer desk. We bring up our coding work and find the code and workings of all the intruder traps we have scattered around the house.

“Jen I’m doing the traps on Niklaus and that Nate guy.”

“Good because they are the two that knocked you out.”

“Them fuckers they are so getting it.”

“So are Damon and Ethan them bastards knocked me out.”

Jen brings up the traps in the kitchen whilst I bring up the living room traps. What I do is I turn the telly on full blast on the music channel and by some sort of luck it brings up Selena Gomez - Wolves mine and Jen’s favorite song. We both start singing and dancing to it in our seats. I see Niklaus and Nate jump out of their skin and look towards the telly to see that it is in fact on. Niklaus starts actually singing to the song but when he’s halfway through it I turn the telly off but he carries on singing it. Wow, he’s got a pretty decent singing voice.

“What the fuck is going on.”

Ethan says and gets no answer from a pissed-off looking Damon.

I decide to get into the Roomba hoover motherboard to turn it on and make move it like I’m controlling a remote control car, I make it go up behind Nate and push on the back of his ankles making him fall flat on his arse and I start proper belly laughing. I notice Nick looking disappointed at the fact he couldn’t carry on singing to the song Wolves but when he looks over at Nate and sees he’s on the floor flat on his arse he pisses his sides laughing. I decide it’s time to put the Roomba back into its little hidden spot, which is under the table hidden.

Nik and Nate turn to the sound of a thud coming from the kitchen door and when they see what the thud is they both fall on the floor laughing their arse’s off because they see Damon and Ethan on the floor kissing it. Jen and I both burst out laughing at all of them once we can breathe with laughing so much me and Jen high five.

Suddenly we hear a very angry growl coming from somewhere in the main house, me and Jen looks around when we come back to the camera’s we see that the guys look a little scared but it doesn’t seem like their scared from the noise but they look scared because Damon’s face is one of very pissed. We hear more muffled growls and I realize Star our rare white wolf with a black star on her forehead is still in my bedroom shit I am the only one who can calm her down she will only listen to me. The guys finally get off the floor and start making their way to the stairs, Ethan and Nate start walking up first and Damon and Nik walk up behind them. We watch as Ethan and Nate get passed the 6th step leaving Damon and Nik in the danger zone and with a smirk on Jen’s face she hits enter to get the stairs to slope and we watch as Damon and Nik slide face first back down to the main floor.

Hearing a slapping sound Ethan and Nate turn with not seeing Damon and Niklaus behind them they look down to find them on the floor. They tried to stop themselves laughing but epically fail to the point that they are holding their stomachs.

“Shut it right now!”

Damon nearly shouts as he gets up off the floor with Niklaus looking back at the stairs only to find them back to real steps again.

“Do we even want to know how you two fell down the stairs?”

“Something happened to the stairs they just suddenly sloped down.”

Niklaus says as Ethan and Nate look down at the stair and back at them probably thinking they are crazy.

“Fuck this let’s just hurry up and find them, this shit is pissing me off.”

With that said they all started walking again none of them saying anything. As they reach the top of the stairs the first door they come to is Jen’s bedroom door. Jen readies the intruder trap on her tab. Damn, this is going to be so funny at least it’s not me on the end of the boxing gloves. When the guys finally reach Jen’s door she has her finger over the button. Damon is the first to open the door and Jen hits enter and Damon gets punched in the face by the boxing glove. Hahahaha. All the guys have very shocked faces, Damon composes himself before ducking under the glove and looks around the room and then makes his way out of the room.

They all move down the hallway until they reach my room. Shit shit shit Star is in my room they are going to have a shock when they open that door. As the guys open the door we can hear a low rumble which is Star’s first warning to them because she does not like strangers being in the house without us being there with her. The guys fully open the door all the way and they stand there frozen my guess is that Star is stood on my bed ears flat and tail up. We then hear her growl loudly at them telling them that they need to get back. They all seem to understand and slowly take a step back from the door. Damon starts speaking.

“Easy girl.”

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