Psycho Werewolf Sisters Michelle's POV

Chapter Chapter Thirteen

All the guys start moving slowly away from my bedroom door but once Star starts snarling at them, and by the look on the guys face Star has started moving forward, if she has started moving that means the guys only have two options, option one is to run or option two is to stay put and Star will attack because now they are in our house she will not let anyone leave. Suddenly Star shoots out of my room at the guys but they all move out of Star’s way and head towards the stairs, Star jumps up to her feet and starts chasing them.

Jen and I share a look that says ‘we need to stop her’ before we get out of our seats and head for the door. As quickly as we can we open the safe room door and activate the stairs. We get out in time to see Star about to pounce on them at the front door. Jen quickly jumps in front of her, once Star sees Jen she stops and straightens up. They have a staring contest as I slowly walk up to them.

“Star stand down!”

Jen says with authority letting Star know that she’s in charge. The guys move behind Jen and Star follows the movement and growls again.

“Stand DOWN!”

Star still stands her ground but stops growling so I decide it is time for me to get into Star’s eyesight. Once she sees me her ears stand up on end. I start going down to Star’s eye level once I’m in front of her with Jen and the guy’s behind me, once down at Star’s eye level I look her straight in the eyes and say quietly.

“Star, stand down now and sit.”

Star starts to sit down but then I hear someone move behind me.

“Everyone be very still and quiet unless you want to be bitten.”

I don’t even look behind me as I say this because if I lose eye contact with Star then she will go back into attack mode. Luckily everyone stays quiet and still because the next minute Star calms down and then lays down slowly. I slowly stand up and go towards Star. Once I’m at Star I put my hand out and pet her head telling her it’s all okay. Jen turns and scowls at the guys.

“What the fuck are you lot doing breaking into our house?”

“Looking for you two.”

“Here we are, now leave.”

“No, we’re not going anywhere without you two.”

“Well smart arse you will be leaving without us anyway.”

“Why would that be my rose.”

“I’m not yours and because we don’t want to after you kidnapped us, then broke into our house which by the way set of the alarm and the police are on their way so I suggest you leave now or you can leave with the cops.”

Jen says to Damon which leaves him speechless for a moment when we hear siren’s getting closer.

“Time’s running out BOY’S, better make your mind’s up.”

“You are mine and I will be seeing you again.”

“Oh, you will at school and that’s sure to be fun. Bye.”

Jen says with a smirk as the guys turn to leave. Niklaus turn’s back and asks.

“Where were you two?”

“You don’t need to know now go.”

With that they walk out of the house and run into the woods but not fully, Damon and Niklaus look back at us one last time before they run again. Jen turns towards me smiling before we go back into the house and she locks the doors behind us.

“Jen you know we were doing the traps and we opened the door so the police won’t be coming.”

“Yep you know that and I know that but they don’t and it was great timing with them siren’s.”

“Ha ha ha, nice one.”

Jen walks over to Star and crouches down in front of her scratching behind her ears producing a purr from Star.

“That’s my girl, good job.”

Almost like Star understands Jen she looks happy at a job well done and praise from Jen.

Jen stands up and turns towards me.

“You head to bed for a bit I’m going to clean up downstairs and stop that recording.”

“Alright, sis.”

I start walking upstairs but when I notice that Star isn’t following me I stop and look back.

“You coming Star?”

To both mine and Jen’s surprise Star doesn’t move towards me she walks over to Jen and nudges her leg. This is very weird because normally Star is always with me and usually if I’m not home then she will go to Jen.

“Looks like you have a friend for the night Jen see you in a few.”

“Alright sis and remember to leave your door open she might want to join you later.”

“You got it.”

I shout over my shoulder as I get to the top of the stairs. Once I get to my room, I get my pajamas out and go and jump in the shower since we have had a busy weekend. My shower lasts nearly an hour then I jump out dry off and get into my pajamas. I go into my room and sit on my bed looking out of the window for about 10 minutes, I feel like I’m being watched so I decide that today the curtains are being closed, I get up and close them but before I close them fully I notice something out of the corner of my eye outside. I look closer and see sky blue eyes staring back at me. I’m stood there for nearly 5 minutes before I see the eyes go. I shake my head and decide it’s time to shut these curtains and jump into bed for a few hours. Once in bed, I pull the covers around me and just lay there on my side thinking. I’m thinking about what has happened since last night at the club and mainly the picture that I saw in that house of the guys and why was my father in that picture. I slowly drift off to sleep and all I see in my dreams are sky blue eyes and also gold with sky blue speckles eyes. Then it slowly drifts into one picture like it’s the same eyes like they are mixed. Then it goes black and I am out like a light.

Jen and Star wake me up I look over at the clock to see it’s 6:30 pm. Jen tells me that she has a surprise for me and that I need to get dressed and come downstairs for something to eat before she will tell me anything.

So I get out of bed and get my workout clothes on because I haven’t done any kind of workout for a few days, once dressed I go downstairs to see Jen making some tea, I don’t know what she’s making but I’m that hungry that I don’t care. I sit down and Jen pushes a plate of the food in front of me and I literally breathe it in and start on it, it doesn’t last long and the plate is empty. I take and wash my plate in the sink and dry and put it away.

I go down to the gym in the safe room and do my usual workout for half an hour and go back up to the kitchen where Jen is.

“So Jen what did you so desperately want to tell me?”

“Oh just come get in the car, keep your workout clothes on and let’s go have some fun.”

“Okay let’s go then but once we are in the car you better tell me where we are going.”

“I will don’t worry, it’s an amazing surprise.”

We go and jump in the car. I’m trying to think of what this surprise could be. It’s definitely not street racing because I would be in my racing car if It was. So the other thing must be fighting. Ohhhh if it’s fighting I’m gonna love Jen even more, I haven’t had a good street fight since we left England. Jen starts to drive and I just sit in the passenger seat buzzing because I know I’ve already figured it out.

“I know where we are going. It’s a street fight ain’t it?”

“How the hell did you figure that out so quickly. I always thought you were the slow one.”

“I figured it out by-, HEY I’M NOT SLOW YOU BITCH!”

Jen starts laughing at me.

“I love you really.”


I decide to start sulking in the seat next to Jen.

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