Psycho Werewolf Sisters Michelle's POV

Chapter Chapter Seventeen

“Come on sis, let’s get into school, I can feel it’s gonna be a very eventful day today.”

“I’m coming Michelle, hold your wolves.”

We both laugh at Jen’s statement and she gets out of her car and we head towards the school main doors which bear in mind is only a few steps away from where we parked our cars. Once at the doors they suddenly swing open revealing what looks to be a half-naked Bitch Barbie.

“You two are so going to get it you know that you hoe’s!”

Her screechy voice could probably be heard like miles away it was that loud. My ears feel like they are bleeding erghh I seriously hate this girl. Jen’s the first to respond to the screecher.

“What have we done now Britney?”

“One my name is Barbie, are you that stupid that I have to keep reminding you and two you two took the guys away from me.”

“OK one, bitch we don’t care what the fuck your name is and two we didn’t take no guys from you, I’d rather not catch an STD please.”

I said. I am getting so pissed off that this bitch is blaming us for something we didn’t do and my hair is rapidly turning black.

Jen, can we go I’m getting too pissed off with this bitch someone is going to end up in the hospital and it won’t be me or you!!!

Yeah just hold your wolves I’ve got something to say to this bitch!!

“Listen Britney, or whatever your name is, I don’t care at all. And we have place’s to be so if you just move aside and fuck off it would be greatly appreciated.”

“No, I will not move you hoe. You both are going to get it now.”

Next thing I know Bitch Barbie has thrown herself at me but Jen was having none of that and pushed me out of the way, I stumble but keep my balance. I look at Jen and see her pinning Bitch Barbie to the ground with one hand on Bitch Barbie’s throat. Bitch Barbie looks terrified of Jen at this moment in time.

I walk back towards the two that are on the floor also noticing how there is a huge crowd. I stand just a metre away from Jen and Barbie when my eye’s catch sky blue eyes. I stand there in like a hypnotic state until I hear Jen shouting my name.

“Michelle, look at me bitch and get here.”

I quickly come out of my hypnotic state and look at Jen. She’s now stood up still holding Barbie’s throat. I go over to Barbie and stand right next to Jen looking at Barbie. I whisper to Barbie.

“Look, bitch. Just a warning to you and this is the only warning you will be having. If you want to keep that little face of yours as you think ‘pretty’ and also stay alive I suggest you fucking back off because last time you were very lucky that I didn’t kill you on the spot for hurting my sister so next time you think you can one-up the Christal girls you might not be so lucky that time. Capesh alright, Jen you can let go of her now.”

Jen throws her to the ground and we both step over her to go through the doors. We go to our first class which is maths. Once in maths, Jen and I sit at the back of the room. I sit in silence next to Jen waiting for the teacher to arrive. I look down at my hair and notice it is Purple and I know it’s not cause I’m embarrassed, I don’t know what’s up with me today. Once the teacher walks in the whole room goes quiet and the teacher starts the lesson.

The lesson went on for what seems like ages even our next lessons did as well. Soon it was lunchtime so Jen and I made our way to the lunch hall and grabbed the usual of pasta, pizza chips fruit and a can of pop. I turn to Jen to see her getting her security tab out of her bag. Wait why’s she brought that here.

“Jen what are you going to do?”

“Oh, just a little lunchtime entertainment that’s all.”

Jen says very evilly, I have an idea of what she’s going to do. We go and sit at the back on the lunchroom. Once we sit down with our food Jen puts her tab on the table and I can see that she’s connected to the televisions in the lunch hall. Now I know what she’s planning. She does something and all the tellys in the room switch on to a blank screen. Jen sits back and starts eating with a shit-eating grin on her face as a video starts playing an opening screen of Damon running in our front door when it opens and he face plants the floor, everyone starts laughing and there is maybe one or two gasps throughout the room. I look at Jen slightly shocked but then my face turns into an evil grin and we both laughed with everyone else. We watch a repeat of what we did to the guys without them knowing and it was still fucking funny. The video ends with the guys being chased by Star down the stair and it stops there probably so the secret entrance won’t be shown. The screen goes black at the end and in big bright blue letter’s it says-


I could hear Jen laughing her arse off. Once I calm down from laughing so much I look at Jen and instantly know my hair is yellow because I’m so excited haha.

“Oh my god, Jen is that what you was planning? Cos that was fucking great.”

“That’s only half of the show sis, there’s more later.”

“I can’t fucking wait.”

It doesn’t take me and Jen too long to finish off our food, we take our rubbish to the bin and I carry on walking not realizing Jen had stopped walking.

“Hay Jen come on, Clover and the girls are over there.”

“Ye coming!”

Jen walks over to me and we all start catching up but the bell goes too soon so we arranged to meet up later in the week. Me and Jen head to class I can tell she’s thinking of something but I don’t know what. When we get to class we both take a seat at the back of the class and I start talking through our mind link.

Hay Jen, you okay?

Yeah, I’m good.

Clearly not, come on tell me?

It’s nothing really just I heard one of the student’s say something weird after the video.

Weird how? What did they say?

They said ‘I can’t believe that happened to the Alpha, Beta, Gamma and Delta! They will be pissed if they find out about this!’ like what the hell.

Maybe they’re living in a dream world with all the books out about werewolves.

Hahaha yeah you’re right

When am I not?

Do you really want an answer to that?

No, I really don’t.

Good hahaha

Thank god that lesson didn’t last long. Jen and I are getting more and more excited to go to gym. Jen and I make our way towards the gym without saying anything we walk into the changing room smiling like a Cheshire cat. Jen’s eyes are green/blue because she is happy and excited. Jen and I quickly get dressed and once finished Jen gets her tab out and hacks into the big screen in the gym. Once she gets into the big screen she puts a time delay on the video so it will start 5 minutes after everyone is in the gym hall.

“Let’s go watch the show shall we Michelle.”

“Hell yes, I can’t wait for this!”

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