Psycho Werewolf Sisters Michelle's POV

Chapter Chapter Eighteen

Jen puts her tab and clothes into her locker as I put my clothes in my locker making sure they are locked before we make our way into the gym. Once in the gym I see Niklaus but don’t make eye contact me and Jen take a seat on the bleachers it doesn’t take long for everyone to be seated in the gym. I’m sat here fidgeting with excitement and anticipation. Not a minute later Mr Tanner stands in front of everyone and waits for everyone to quieten down.

“Okay everyone, thank you for coming now the plan for today’s lesson is-”




The big screen in the back of the gym starts to come on, the beeping gets everyone to look at it. We both have sinister smiles as the video starts to play. We look around and see some faces are covered with shock but most are trying to cover their laughter. Then we look over to Tanner and the guys. Tanner looks mortified but the best ones are Damon and the guys. Damon looks livid like he’s going to kill someone any minute, and Niklaus and Ethan look shocked but the best look is when the part where Niklaus is singing to ‘Wolves’ he looks like he wants the ground just to swallow him up just to save him from the embarrassment.

Jen sits back and puts her hands behind her head and leans back into the bleacher with an evil/sinister smile on her face. I just casually sit there with a big shit-eating grin on my face haha. Finally, we get to the last part where they are being chased by Star down the stairs. Then the big bold writing comes up right at the end of the video. The second the video stops the T.V turns back off, when this happens I see Damon looking at us accusingly with a death glare.

Everything and everyone goes deathly silent, everyone waiting to see what happens next. Damon takes a predator like step towards us like it’s meant to scare us but did the opposite.

“That was you wasn’t it?”

“I don’t have a clue what you’re talking about Mr Knight.”

Jen does her best to act all innocent and I think Damon is buying the act but with Damon staring Jen down she couldn’t hold it anymore she bursts out laughing. I’m just sat there chilling with a huge smile on my face.

“It fucking was you don’t try to act innocent!”

When Jen stops laughing she finally answers Damon dead cocky.

“How could I have done anything of the sort when I was sat here with everyone else?”

Jen looks at me through the corner of her eyes and I am just still chilled watching everything unfold. Jen looks back at Damon and he can’t get anything out of his mouth.

“I know you had something to do with it.”

Jen leans forward and puts her elbows on her knees and says with a smirk.

“Where’s your evidence then Mr Knight? You can’t prove it now can you?”

Jen sits back and I know she is happy with herself and she is very smug.

“Oh and before I forget Niklaus!”

Jen waits for Niklaus to look at her before she continues.

“What a lovely singing voice you have!”

We see red touch his cheeks before he scowls at Jen.

“No need to be like that at least you weren’t kissing the floor like Mr Boss man over here.”

Jen points to Damon and I can’t help but burst out laughing. When I can talk again I say.

“Yeah Damon next try asking it out before you kiss it, maybe then it might be more gentle with you!”

It’s Jen’s turn to burst out laughing with some of the class including Ethan looks like he has the same sense of humour as us hahaha.

“Something you want to say, Damon?”

I pipe up before Jen can say anything.

“No one not even you! Are allowed to disrespect me!”

Damon point’s to Jen when he says you, I don’t understand why but Jen and I don’t really care.

“You know Damon one thing you should learn is that you don’t just get respect like I told that sperm donor you don’t just get the respect you fucking earn it, and you have given me no reason as to why I should give you even a little respect. Prick.”

Out of nowhere, Jen’s head snaps to the left, oh shit that prick. I jump up to hit Damon. Jen’s eyes start glowing red I know she’s pissed royally pissed. I go towards Damon with my fist swinging towards his face but before I could make contact with it Niklaus grabs my arm. I swing around going to hit him. In the corner of my eye is see that Jen’s turned back to Damon and I know she is ready to play and can hold her own in a fight. I turn back to Niklaus ready to kick his arse again.

“Niklaus why the fuck did you stop me he hit my sister, the fuck is wrong with you?”

“I had to. I know it was wrong that he hit her but I can’t do anything.”

“Bull shit you could have stopped him but you fucking stood there. I hate you.”

I see hurt flash through Niklaus’s eye’s but my top priority will always be my sister. I turn back to Jen thinking it’s not worth it with Niklaus and see Damon lunge for Jen I’m ready to help but I hold myself back because this is Jen’s fight.

“Aw really even my wolf can do a better job than that and everyone has seen that.”

Jen says and we hear gasps and oh’s coming from the students watching someone even said DAMN! Ha, this is better than I expected.

“Please Michelle just listen to me I can’t stop him.”

“Bull shit no man should ever lay a hand on a woman EVER!”

Niklaus just looks away from me in defeat that he can’t get me to talk to him. I can tell Jen’s still pissed because her eyes are still glowing. And I can tell that Damon is pissed because he won’t take his eyes off his target which is Jen.

“You want to hit me? Is that what you want?”

Jen takes a step closer to him, her back straight with no fear evident, her eyes are pulsing red like never before.

“You want to then go for it.”

“Jen are you fucking crazy?”

I shout at her.

“No, if he wants to hit me to show what a big man he is he can, then it’s my turn to show him real pain.”

Everyone is silent and Damon in his rage takes Jen’s offer he punches her across her face again making her lip split, he then goes to hit her stomach, Jen only gave him one shot she grabs his incoming arm and snaps it in the opposite direction effectively breaking his arm. She takes this opportunity to get him on the floor pinning his legs and his other arm before repeatedly punching his face. I see Tanner go up behind Jen and pulls her off of Damon and flinging her into the wall making her hit her head and end up face down on the floor. I now see pure red and go after Tanner. When I get to Tanner his back is towards me and I jump on him effectively knocking him off his feet and knocking the wind out of him. I punch him in the back of the head knocking him out with that one punch. I jump off of Tanner’s limp body and my next target is Damon. I stalk up to Damon looking him straight in the eyes, he’s stood there flabbergasted and the next minute he is across the room on the floor with a huge gash on the side of his face from my kick to his head. I am stood there breathing heavily knowing full well if anyone comes towards me they will get the same treatment that Tanner and Damon had gotten.

“Any fucker else want to hurt my sister?!”

I get no reply but I see loads of people move backwards like they are afraid that they will get hit well that would be true. In the corner of my eye, I see someone edging towards me. I turn quickly to see who is coming towards me and see that it is Jen, I am still livid I can’t calm myself down. The fuck is wrong with me these days. I look Jen in the eyes and see that they are a light purple, like why the fuck is she sad who’s made my sister upset now. Jen grabs my arm and without her saying anything she pulls me into the changing room to grab our stuff and I look down at my shoes and see that I have Damon’s blood on them.

“Aw shit my shoes are ruined!”

That’s all I say and we walk out to our cars.

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