P.S. I’m Still Yours: An Enemies-to-Lovers Romance (Silver Springs)

P.S. I’m Still Yours: Chapter 20

“He’s texted you how many times now?” Jamie asks as she pours white wine into a coffee mug and slides it over to me across the counter.

A smile forms on the corners of my lips when I scan the mug. “Are you out of wineglasses by any chance?”

“Yup. It’s either that or a measuring cup.”

I snort, bringing the mug to my mouth to take a swig of wine. “No time for dishes, huh? Shay must be keeping you very busy.”

I’ve always known Jamie to be a neat freak. The only reason she wouldn’t be on top of her cleaning was if she was on top of… well, Shay.

The mention of her girlfriend paints Jamie’s cheeks a deep shade of red.

She rounds the kitchen island before plopping down onto the swiveling stool next to me. “Don’t try to change the subject, missy.”

Shay and Jamie are so smitten with each other it’s become a bit of an inside joke.

It didn’t take the guys very long to figure out that Jamie melts into a puddle at the mere mention of Shay. They’ve been having a blast teasing her about it.

“I’m not changing the subject. I’m dropping it. There’s nothing left to say.” I glance at my phone resting on Jamie’s countertop.

“Nothing left to say? The poor guy’s been begging for scraps of your attention for days! I think the least you can do is reply to his texts.”

I cringe. “And say what? Thanks for the almost-sex, but we don’t stand a chance? He has to know that already.”

Irritated, she grips my phone and flips it over, holding it up to my face and cracking a satisfied smile when it unlocks.

“Hey!” I try to steal it back, but she pushes to her feet, distancing herself and selecting my conversation with Kane.

“Eight messages. He’s sent you eight messages since he left. It’s so obvious the guy is obsessed with you.”

A part of me wants to believe her.

Hell, a part of me already does.

He’s given me no reason to think that this is only about sex, and that’s a good thing, but it also terrifies me. What if she’s right and Kane wants to be with me?

What then?

Are we just going to spend the rest of the summer lying to ourselves?

Enjoy the time we have left while pretending we’re not going to crash and burn the second reality catches up to us?

I’ve already had to watch Kane walk away once, and it almost killed me. I am not doing it a second time.

“You done?” I swipe my phone from her hands.

A sigh escapes her mouth. “Hadley… you’ve been hiding out in my house since he got back. You can’t avoid him forever.”

Doesn’t mean I’m not going to try.

Kane got back from LA two days ago.

Apparently, he and Drea had to go home to “take care of business.” My guess is it had to do with Joshua’s lawsuit and the trial, which is right around the corner.

Evie did mention something about Kane’s legal team trying to negotiate a settlement, but Josh refused.

“Josh plans to broadcast the trial online. It’s like he’s trying to make a spectacle out of it. Like he wants the whole world to witness the end of Kane’s career,” I heard Evie say to my mother while they were enjoying their morning coffee on the patio.

The last time I saw Kane was the day I gave him a ridiculously filthy blow job in the shower. And if I’m careful, I should be able to avoid him until the end of the summer.

Mom’s condo should be ready in a few weeks, which means we’ll be leaving the beach house and moving into her place sooner than we thought.

Jamie hasn’t kicked me out of her house yet, and since Cal got a summer job, I’m usually asleep by the time he comes home. Thank fuck. Having to see him every day would be next-level awkward.

My mom was suspicious when I told her I’d be crashing at Jamie’s for a little while, but I made it look like I was only doing it to be closer to work. Jamie’s house is a short walk away from Sandy’s, so I won’t be needing to use her car every day.

She wasn’t sold at first, but I pointed out that not having to use the car meant I’d be saving time and money. Not only is it a win-win situation, but it just made sense. Especially considering that I only agreed to stay at the beach house so that Mom and I could save up.

My phone chimes with a text just as I’m about to put it down.

It’s Kane.

Jamie peeks at the notification on my screen. “Make that nine texts.”

I decide not to read his text.

“Aren’t you going to check what it says?” she presses.

I chew on my bottom lip. “I don’t know…”

“For fuck’s sake!” She grabs my phone again, pulling the same trick by flipping the phone over and unlocking it with my Face ID.

She taps our conversation, displaying all of Kane’s unanswered messages, and a pang of guilt flickers in my chest. I take it back from her, giving in to curiosity and reading what they say.


I’m going back to LA for a few days. I was going to tell you this morning, but I didn’t get a chance.


Just in case I wasn’t clear before, I expect you to be naked in my bed when I get back.




Now who’s ghosting who?


Hadley, just fucking talk to me.




I’m coming home soon. We’re going to talk.


Hadley… this is fucking me up…

And then there’s his most recent message.


Fair warning. I’m tracking your ass down if you don’t come tonight.

“What’s he talking about? What’s tonight?” Jamie asks, reading over my shoulder.

I think on it for a bit. “I have no idea.”

Both our phones chime at the exact same time.

“It’s the group chat,” Jamie says.

We exchange glances before tapping our conversation with Scar, Kane, Cal, Vince, and Drea.

The guys changed the chat’s name from the Fantastic 6 to Summer Fuckers—just a few of the many names the chat has had in the past month. Better than last week’s names.

Cum Guzzlers and Duck My Sick.

Kane sent a message to everyone, inviting us to a rather… unusual place tonight.

I just know the guys are losing their minds right now.

Well, shit.

How am I supposed to say no to that?

“I can’t believe he rented out the whole place. Like, seriously? Who does that?” I grumble as Jamie pulls into the deserted parking lot a few minutes after nine.

“Rich people, that’s who.” Jamie pushes the gear into park and kills the ignition.

We ran into three security guys the size of military tanks on our way in. We had to give them our names and pull out our IDs in order to get in.

I thought Kane was messing with us when I read his message telling us that he’d rented out a whole damn fair for the night.

The place is ours from nine to midnight, and while the employees are here to make sure the night goes smoothly, no one else is allowed on-site.

Did I want to come?

Hell no.

Did I have a choice?

Also, no.

Jamie turned to look at me the second Kane shared the news. She could tell how hesitant I was, and she immediately said, “Tell me you’re not coming, and I’m dragging you there by your hair.”

Not to mention Kane made it clear he wouldn’t hesitate to show up on Jamie’s doorstep if I didn’t come tonight.

This was a bad idea. I can feel it.

“About time. We’ve been waiting for, like, seven minutes,” Vince bitches the second we climb out of the car.

He, Kane, Drea, and Scar are waiting by Vince’s car—which is the only car in the parking lot aside from Jamie’s—and I’m quick to understand that they all caught a ride together.

I notice Cal isn’t here and remember he told us he couldn’t get out of work so last minute.

I fake a gasp, shutting the passenger door. “Seven whole minutes. Outrageous.”

“We’ve got the biggest fair in the state waiting on the other side of that gate. Every minute counts,” Vince argues.

I can feel Kane’s eyes boring into my skull as we approach the group. I’m careful not to meet his stare, keeping my head down and wishing the sky would swallow me in a scene worthy of an alien abduction movie.

“What are we waiting for? Let’s fucking go.” Vince can’t contain his excitement a minute longer.

His comment springs us into action. Faint music increases in volume the closer we get to the entrance gates. The structures of the rides tower in the distance like steel giants.

“Goddamn,” Scar breathes once we enter the site.

Goddamn indeed.

A sea of twinkling lights illuminates the fair, creating a spectacle of vivid colors and an atmosphere I can only describe as magical. Blue, red, and yellow lights dance and shimmer all around us, casting a glow upon the rides, the game booths, and the food vendors.

Marveland Fair is by far the most popular amusement site in North Carolina. I remember coming here with Gray and my mom a few times as a kid, but it was always during the day and nowhere near as mesmerizing as it is now.

The place was packed every time, and being a tiny little thing, I couldn’t see past the crowd, even standing on the tip of my toes. Not to mention I couldn’t go on most of the rides due to being an inch shorter than the permitted height.

Gray, however, was just tall enough to ride the roller coasters. Let me tell you, I was green with jealousy.

An employee I assume to be the manager comes up to Kane right away. “Mr. Wilder, it is such a pleasure to meet you. An honor, really.”

Kane responds with a polite smile, and the lady proceeds to tell him she has all the fair employees on standby to operate any ride we might want to go on.

“We only have three hours. What’s a ride you guys really want to do?” Jamie suggests when the manager walks away.

“All of them,” Vince deadpans.

We laugh.

He doesn’t.

“I’m serious. I’m not leaving until I’ve done every single ride and thrown up at least once.”

Jamie and I exchange glances.

I don’t think three hours are going to be enough.

“A hundred grand?” Jamie screeches so loudly the rest of us suffer mini heart attacks. “No way you just spent a hundred fucking grand on three hours.”

Kane shrugs, rearing his arm back and letting the dart fly straight into the red balloon on the board. “What’s the point of having a fuck ton of money if I can’t spend it on my friends?”

Jamie smacks her mouth shut, but it’s obvious she’s appalled by how much this cost him. To be fair, she asked. This is Kane we’re talking about. She should’ve known the answer would be nothing short of ridiculous.

I get that by closing down the fair they’re losing ticket sales, and they need to compensate food vendors and all that, but a hundred grand? Were they really going to make a hundred grand in three hours?

No wonder the manager was sucking up to him. For a hundred grand, she should’ve bowed down and fed him grapes or something.

Scar scoffs, looping his arm around Kane’s neck and shaking his shoulders. “We get it, asshole. You’re loaded.”

Vince angles the paper bag he’s holding backward so that the popcorn inside it falls directly into his mouth. “You fuckers want to do the Detonator? It’s the only ride we haven’t done yet.”

This guy baffles me.

We’ve gone on nearly every single ride at the fair in the last two hours—some we’ve even done twice—and he wants to go again? I thought we’d be on a time crunch, but the process is much quicker when you don’t have to wait in line.

The last thing we went on was this roller coaster that flips you upside down so violently I thought my organs were going to come out through my mouth.

Afterward, we decided to take a break and hit the food vendors.

I’m the only one who hasn’t inhaled twice my body weight in popcorn. I’m still nauseous from that last ride.

We relocated to the game booths ten minutes ago, and we’ve been alternating between the ring toss game and the dart balloon game.

“I was thinking we could do the Maze,” I suggest, eyeing the big, terrifying house next to the Ferris wheel. It’s got three floors, few windows, and a large neon sign that reads “The Maze: Can you find your way out?

“Back up. There’s a maze?” Scar asks, scanning the area.

I snort and point to the tall structure in the distance. “Not an actual maze. That’s just what the house is called.”

“Isn’t that the creepy house you can’t get out of?” Jamie asks.

“You can get out. It just takes a while,” I answer.

I’ll never forget the time Gray and I snuck in there while Mom was ordering us cotton candy.

It’s not scary per se, but the Victorian-style house is full of dark, narrow corridors, secret tunnels, and doors that lead to nowhere. It’s old, dusty, and there are flickering lights in every room.

They used to drop visitors through trapdoors, but a guy broke his leg a few years back, and they took those out. They still drop the floors, but just a few inches to make people think they’re falling.

It took me and Gray a good hour and a half to find our way out when we went in. Granted, we were kids back then, but every time we went through a door, it would lead us back to where we started, and by the time we made it back to my mom, she had the entire fair on lockdown and every security guard looking for us.

“That shit’s going to take forever.” Vince makes it clear he’s not sold on the idea.

Scar shrugs. “I’m with Park on this one. I say we continue doing rides until they kick us out.”

There’s just one problem with that: I know for a damn fact that my stomach won’t survive another roller coaster.

They all seem to agree, arguing about which ride to go on.

Whatever, I’ll just do it alone.

It’s been a while since I went into the Maze. I’m curious to see what they’ve changed and if I can find my way out after all these years.

“Well, I’m doing it,” I declare.

“We only have an hour left. You sure that’s going to be enough time?” Jamie worries.

I flash a smile. “I’ll be fine, I promise.”

We go our separate ways a few minutes later.

A pit settles into my stomach as I make my way toward the Maze. It’s not like this is a horror house and killer clowns are going to jump out at every corner, but for a reason I can’t pinpoint, I feel anxious.

The employee at the entrance of the Maze walks me through the rules, reminding me to press one of the panic buttons throughout the house if I get lost or feel claustrophobic. He assures me that he knows the house from top to bottom, and he’ll have me out of there in no time.

I thank the employee before pushing the double doors open and walking inside. The man closes the doors behind me seconds after I’ve passed the threshold.

And then there’s nothing but quiet.

Jamie was right.

This is creepy.

A lot creepier than I remember.

Was it always like this?

I’m guessing the eerie feeling is amplified at night. The sun was out and blinding the last time I was here. Not to mention I wasn’t alone then. I had my brother with me.

Before me is a long and narrow corridor. Wallpaper with floral designs covers the walls, the flickering chandelier hanging above my head barely illuminating the space. Three doors sit at the end of the hall, a faint light peeking through the gap underneath the middle one.

I seriously consider turning around and telling the employee I changed my mind, but my pride stops me.

If you could do this when you were a kid, you can do it now.

I come to a slow stop in front of the closed doors and grip a knob at random.

The first thing I see when I walk in is the lit marble fireplace against the far wall. It’s covered in cobwebs, and the fire is artificial in spite of looking oddly realistic.

A large rug spreads across the floor, the red velvet couch and armchair on top of it facing each other, while a wooden desk and a chair are pushed into a corner.

There are two full floor-to-ceiling bookcases on each side of the fireplace, and I figure one of them has to lead to a secret passage.

I’ve only taken a few steps when I hear the front door closing in the distance.

Someone just walked in.

I stiffen up, listening in for another noise.

Footsteps rumble down the hall.

My mind is immediately swamped with worst-case scenarios.

My friends weren’t interested in joining. What if one of the employees saw me going in alone and—

The door creaks open behind me, and my throat tightens until oxygen can’t travel to my lungs anymore.

I spin, scared out of my mind, and then…

I see Kane.

I’m relieved, at first.

Until I notice the expression on his face.

Oh, he is not happy.

“What are you doing here?” I say dryly.

Kane cocks an eyebrow at my less-than-welcoming greeting. “Is that all you have to say to me?”

I open my mouth to answer, but I can’t produce a sound.

It’s the way he’s looking at me. His eyes are packed with anger and satisfaction, a combination I’m in no way ready for.

It’s as though he was waiting to get me alone, and now that he has me, he’s not letting me get away.

“What else am I supposed to say?”

He closes the door behind him with a bang. “I’m sorry I ghosted you would be a good place to start.”

Holy shit.

Why do I feel like I just signed my own death warrant?

I try to school my expression, but my trembling voice gives me away. “To be fair, you ghosted me first.”

He laughs and takes a few determined steps in my direction, his gaze never straying from mine.

He stops too close to me. “You want to tell me why you weren’t in my bed when I got home?”

I know he’s referring to that text he sent me.

I swallow hard. “I’ve been busy.”

The side of his mouth curls into a smirk. “Have you now?”

I nod, but his proximity is intoxicating, and I might just have to run before it’s too late.

I clear my throat. “We only have an hour. I need to keep looking for a way out.”

I’m about to leave.

Only, something stops me.

Something warm.

And soft.

Kane’s mouth comes down on mine with such power that I stumble back a step.


Kane’s kissing me.

Worse, I’m kissing him back.

“Did you really think—” He traps my bottom lip between his teeth and bites hard enough to hurt me. “—you could walk out of my life after I had you begging me to let you come on top of a fucking piano?”

His kisses are vindictive, fueled by irritation and resentment. I fist the fabric of his shirt, preparing to push him away, but all I can do is claw at his chest, needing more as he slips his tongue inside my mouth.

No, no, no.

This is precisely what can’t happen.

“Did you really think I would let you?” His mouth meets mine again, swallowing the moan that escapes me when our tongues connect.

Kane snakes his arm around my back and crashes our bodies together, his free hand gripping my cheeks as he bruises my mouth with his, practically milking the kiss out of me.

“Don’t ever do this shit to me again.” His tongue thrusting back in steals my breath. He pulls back abruptly, staring me dead in the eyes, and grits out, “You nearly fucking killed me, you know that?”

The next thing I know, he’s wrapped his hands around the backs of my thighs and lifted me up into his arms. My legs close around his waist like it’s muscle memory, and I lose myself in another searing kiss.

I want everything he has to give me, regardless of my brain’s disapproval, and when he drops me onto the wooden desk shoved into a corner of the room, I know the apology he really wants is the apology I can’t give him.

Not without getting my heart broken.

“Why did you ghost me?” He parts from my mouth just long enough to sink his teeth into the skin below my ear. “I need to know why.”

My head falls back, giving him clearer access to my neck, and he doesn’t hesitate to run his tongue up the side of it, stopping near my ear to say, “Why do you keep pushing me away?”

His head falls to the swell of my breasts just seconds later, and he marks my skin, knowing damn well I’m not going to stop him.

Because I can’t.

I can’t deny him, no matter how much I should.

When I don’t reply, he abandons the hickey he was working on and looks up at me, the misery in his eyes slicing my heart in half.

“Summer will be over soon,” I croak.

His eyes flare with confusion. “And?”

He just doesn’t get it.

“And you’ll go back to your real life. To your screaming, adoring fans, supermodel girlfriends, and million-dollar mansions. You and I… We don’t exist after this. We can’t. The sooner we accept that, the sooner we can move on.”

I swear he looks at me like I just asked him to join a cult where we worship farm animals and sacrifice newborns on an altar of fire.

“Move on?” His features twist with disgust.

There’s a beat of silence.

“Don’t you think if I were able to get you out of my fucking head, I would’ve done it by now?”

I can’t reply.

He lets out a bitter scoff. “You have no idea, do you?”

“About what?”

He makes air quotes with his fingers. “Those ‘supermodel girlfriends’ you talk about… they’re nothing but placeholders. Knockoffs of what I really want.

“I’ve spent five years searching for you in everything that I do. Burying myself in random girls because they reminded me of you. I ask them to do their hair like you, I look for you in places you’ve never been, search for your face in every crowd I see.” He stops, inhaling a sharp breath. “God, Hadley, you fucking own me. You have me by the fucking throat. Don’t you get that?”

My jaw drops.

“So, no, I can’t move on. I didn’t move on then, and you’re out of your fucking mind if you think I’m moving on now.”

I’ve heard some shocking stuff in my life, but this?

This takes the cake by far.

All this time, I was convinced he never looked back. Told myself I was just another chapter in his book. Meanwhile, our story is the only story he’s been reading for five years.

I didn’t fully believe him when he first told me he’d never stopped thinking about me that night in the gazebo.

I definitely believe him now.

Shit, is that why he got with his sober sponsor at the beginning of the summer?

She had red hair. I remember thinking it was weird that she was wearing my hairstyle, but I told myself I was being ridiculous and the whole thing was a coincidence.

Then there’s Tate Zimmer, his fake girlfriend and the model he hooked up with.

Also a redhead.

Oh. My. God.

Kane doesn’t seem to expect an answer because he moves closer and rasps against my mouth, “This isn’t a summer thing, you got me? It never fucking was.”

Our mouths clash together in an explosion of anger and desperation, the blaze between us burning brighter than the stars themselves.

Kane grabs both my legs and spreads me apart, wedging his body impossibly close to mine and jerking my ass to the very edge of the desk.

His right hand tightens around my thigh, the other slipping into my hair as he parts my mouth with his tongue, reckless and demanding in the way he takes what he wants, barely stopping long enough to allow me to breathe.

“Fuck, baby, I need to feel you. I need you to be mine. Be mine, Hadley.” The mere thought of crossing the line draws a revealing moan from my lips.

Is he asking me to be his girlfriend?

Or just to have sex with him?

The vessel in my chest goes wild as soon as his fingers drop to the button of my jeans. He’s pulling my pants down my legs before I can make sense of what’s happening.

Once you’ve had sex, you can’t unhave it.

Sex can ruin everything, just as it can strengthen any bond and solidify confusing feelings.

If we do this, I’m all in.

I’m following this guy into the scorching flames of hell and holding his hand as I do.

He doesn’t stop kissing me for a second, our tongues caught in an eternal dance as he strips me naked, tossing my shirt and bra in no time. I’m wearing nothing but my panties while he’s still fully clothed, and I won’t have it.

“Take these off.” I tug at his belt and guide his jeans down his legs with the heels of my feet.

It takes some serious inner talk for me not to gawk at his cock when it springs free. Taking him in my mouth is one thing. Taking him inside me is another.

He gets rid of my underwear so fast I don’t get a chance to voice my concerns. He removes his own shirt and leads the tip of his cock between my pussy lips.

“Shit.” The pressure of his shaft sliding against my clit feels heavenly.

“You’re already so fucking wet. Jesus,” he says through clenched teeth. He lowers himself to my entrance, inching inside me without going all the way.

A slight panic overtakes me. “It’s not going to fit.”

The kiss he places on my mouth is reassuring. “It will. And it’s going to be fucking amazing. We just need to get you ready and comfortable first.”

One of his hands comes up to wrap around my throat, squeezing lightly as if to ensure that I can’t look away. He uses his other hand to grab himself at the base and dive farther into my slit.

The back-and-forth and the friction of his dick feels way too good for me to hold back, and I’m suddenly very aware of where we are.

I bite into my bottom lip to quiet myself, and Kane’s grip on my throat grows tighter. “Let me hear those fucking moans, Hadley.”

I wrestle the sound bubbling up in my throat. “What if someone hears us?”

“Not possible. I sent the guy outside on a break.”

My lips warp into a grin. “Did you know this would happen or something?”

His shameless, cunning smirk confirms what I suspected. “I knew I wasn’t leaving this house until I had my girl coming apart on my cock. Do with that what you will.”

His girl.

Does this mean we’re together?

Hadley, now’s not the time.

“Look how wet you are.” Kane pulls his cock from my slit, the tip glistening with my arousal. He proceeds to fist himself, spreading my wetness down his length and groaning.

Two of his fingers curl inside me as he takes his cock back to my center. Watching his length slide against my clit repeatedly, his hips flexing with urgency and determination… it does something to me.

I love that he’s chasing my orgasm with twice as much ardor as he would his own, and when his fingers curl deeper and faster, the pleasure in my lower stomach snowballs into something more.

Kane’s hand departs from my throat, and he dips downward, his mouth attaching to my nipple and alternating between biting and circling it with his tongue.

The combination of his fingers speeding in and out of me, his mouth on my breast, and his cock rubbing me raw makes it impossible to contain myself.

“I’m close,” I pant, and Kane doesn’t say anything, groaning in satisfaction.

He watches with intent, adoration, and pure fascination as I thrash, surrendering all control to him and falling apart with a moan I couldn’t stifle if my life was hanging in the balance.

I’m clawing at the desk beneath me as if to diffuse the sensations coursing through my body, but it’s pointless. My orgasm hits me all at once, cutting me open with pleasure.

The second my climax fades, I fall backward, boneless and spent, but Kane’s plans for me don’t include rest, something he makes clear by gripping my waist to keep me in place.

He guides his cock to my opening, angling himself perfectly. He could easily fill me with one pump of his hips.

Our gazes lock, fixed together like powerful magnets.

Suddenly, we’re the only two people in the universe.

The earth could cave beneath our feet, and we still wouldn’t look away.

“I…” I open my mouth, feeling the need to say something. To acknowledge that this is the moment where everything changes.

An unexpected wave of emotions blankets me from head to toe, settling into my throat and causing me to choke out, “Please don’t leave again.”

I swear something in his eyes breaks.

His mouth comes down on mine, and he pulls back to say, “I’m not going another fucking day on this earth without you.”

Then he thrusts inside me.

We cry out in unison, the sensation too much to bear.

It’s not just that he’s stretching me to the limit. It’s that I can feel every piece of my broken heart falling back together when he squeezes his cock deeper.

I inhale a sharp breath at the sting between my legs, holding back tears that have nothing to do with the pain.

This moment feels like letting out a breath you’ve been holding for years, finally letting go of a grudge that was eating at your soul.

Kane presses his forehead to mine, his features twisting with pleasure as he says, “Jesus, you’re gripping my cock so fucking tight.”

I will him to move by shifting my hips. He sinks his teeth into his bottom lip and complies, hitting a spot no one else ever has.

He throws his head back. “Goddamn.”

He needs a second to compose himself, but I can’t bring myself to give it to him, needing to feel him hit that spot again.

“Fuck me, please,” I beg, and his eyes flare.

He starts moving inside me.

The first thrust feels like a knife plunging into me, the second like a small cut, and the third like painful relief. The faster he goes, the better it feels, and I loop my legs around his waist, desperate to keep him there, fucking me into this desk like he’s trying to send it to the ground.

That’s when it starts to feel good.

I extend my arms around his neck, sinking my nails into his shoulders. He’s driving his cock into me with savage thrusts, his hands gripping my hip bones so hard I’m confident that it’s going to leave a bruise.

I meet him thrust for thrust, the sound of flesh slapping together mixing with my moans and Kane’s heavy breathing.

“Sweet fucking heaven.” He smacks both his palms on the desk like he needs a breather, but it doesn’t stop me from bucking my hips for more.

He looks up at me, beautiful lips falling open as I pick up the slack.

“That’s right. Be a good fucking girl and fuck me back.” I’m more than happy to oblige, sliding up and down his length without a smidgen of restraint.

I pull his mouth back to mine, whimpering when his fingers find my clit. I’m still sensitive and worried I won’t be able to come, but if our first night together taught me anything, it’s that he’s not going to stop until I’m climaxing for a second time.

Kane rubs my clit in rough circles, setting me up for another orgasm. He begins matching each roll of my hips again, the noises multiplying in his throat driving me insane with lust.

It isn’t long before he’s got my thighs shaking, my heart pounding, and my sanity depleting from my body.

“Kane.” I call his name right before I come all over his cock, clenching around him as pleasure infiltrates my bloodstream.

A hiss leaves him. “I’m so fucking close, Hads. Don’t clench my cock unless you want me to—”

I don’t heed his warning, suctioning and squeezing him until I’ve got him right on the edge with me.

I smash our lips together, pulling away to whisper, “Come inside me.”

“Shit,” he growls against my mouth and grabs my waist again, fucking me senseless.

I can feel myself falling with each passing second, and when he peaks, producing by far the hottest noise I’ve ever heard in my life, I realize that I was wrong.

I’m not falling.

I’ve fallen…

It’s done.

I’m in love with the first boy who ever broke me.

Kane Wilder has the hearts of millions.

And from this moment on?

He also has mine.

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