Project Angel Book 1: Awakenings

Chapter Confusion

Chapter 23


When I wake up I’m in the same hospital room as before with Micah in the bed next to me. I roll over thinking It must have been a dream. Me running into the freezing rain to my mother’s grave. That familiar and soothing voice urging me to sleep. It all had to be a dream. I sigh grateful that it didn’t really happen. I hear footsteps and decide to pretend to be asleep in case it’s a doctor or nurse. The footsteps enter and come towards me. Something is placed on my forehead before being removed.

“Well her temperature is gone but she’s still unconscious. Let’s check Micah.” A female voice says.

“Hmm his temperature has gone down but it’s still a little high. Give him another dose of Motrin.”

“Yes Ma’am. ” a slightly softer female voice replies.

“Poor boy ran into the rain to try and find her. We had to strap him down and put him to sleep. Then she shows up with her brother. The nerve of this girl.”

“I heard that. . . .” but she drops her voice to low for me to hear over the machines.

“I heard it too. A shame a boy like him is wasting his time for one of her kind. Especially someone who could murder their own mother.”

“So that’s true!?!?!?!”

“Yes, and keep your voice down. She killed her in cold blood then ran here.”

“She’s a monster.”

“Better her a monster in our control than out of ours.”

“I suppose your right, but poor Micah.”

“He probably just feels bad for her which isn’t good either but he’s such a sweet boy. He most likely is just trying. . . .”

“TRYING WHAT???” Angelique hisses loudly.

I don’t even have to look to know she’s in the room.

“I’m. . . I’m. . . ”

“Listen here, and listen well. NONE OF YOU AND I MEAN NONE OF YOU HAVE A RIGHT TO TALK ABOUT ENJERU LIKE THAT!!!! She is a friend, an ally, and Micah DOES love her!!!! She’s not some charity project as you described her, but what would you two old bitter hags know. Now, why don’t you get out before I stick my foot up your asses.”

I hear the quick shuffling of feet and the door slamming shut.

“Enjeru I know you’re awake sit up.”

I do so slowly not wanting to look at Angelique as a bloody tears leaves my eyes.

“They’re right all I am is a charity project. Why else would he care?”

“Wrong they’re WRONG!! What I said is true he loves you. He’s always been kind, a bit of a charmer, and don’t tell him I said that.”

I giggle a little.

“But he’s never dedicated his body, mind, and soul to anything like this before besides maybe his work. You are a star in his world. One that shines the brightest of them all. The love he has for is pure, unconditional, and don’t let anyone tell you different.”

“But. . .”

“But nothing. Micah adores you like no one I’ve ever seen before. Things may have started out rough, but once he got to know you everything changed. If you need to believe in anyone believe in him. He’ll never let you down.”

I look over to the now unconscious boy wondering if it’s really true. If he really loves me. Then there’s Jake. He’s been there since it all started. Since my life went to hell. He was there when no one else was. He was my safe haven from my family. My first love.

“Enjeru are you okay you look a little pale?” Angelique asks concern lining her face.

“I . .I need some space.” I manage to breathe out.

“Well okay, I’ll. . .”

“No it’s fine I just need some fresh air.”


“I won’t run this time. I’m tired of running.”

I walk slowly to the garden my eyes glued to the ground. I feel numb, but it’s not bad just not normal. When I reach the garden I go to the maze closing my eyes and allowing my other senses to guide me. The soft smell of honeysuckle fills the air. A small creek can be heard in the distance. The damp earth feels warm on my bare feet and the cool moonlight bathing my skin is a welcoming sensation. I twirl around taking a deep breath. I allow my body to relax and my magic to flow freely. I open my eyes wildflowers springing up from the ground. I fall to my knees feeling content, but I can still feel the doubt eating away at me. I’m still unsure of this situation I’m in. I play with a nearby dandelion wondering if this is the beginning of my mother’s curse on me.


I look up from the budding daisies to see Jake. He stands his hair tied back revealing the familiar crimson eyes I’ve always loved. His skin is sun-kissed. The sleeves of his loose-fitting tunic are rolled up, and his burlap pants are as well. I chuckle remembering when he would always dress in this Page boy style as a child. Then I look into his eyes remembering his words and I blush.

“I’m far from beauty. You know that better than anyone Jake.”

“There is great beauty in tragedy. Shakespeare has proven that.”

“You always were a sweet talker.” I smile softly picking at a posey.

“Only for you. Any man would know a lady should be spoken to as such.”

“I’m not your typical lady.”

“Who said I wanted typically.” He breathes kneeling in front of me.

My heart quickens and my mouth goes dry.

“What changed you. When I left you were still with your family and when I come back I hear you’re with our enemy.”

“I was looking for you.” He says grabbing my hands.

“You’re silly. I’m nothing special.” I say pulling away.

“Enjeru look at me.”

I bring my eyes up from the ground staring at him. He places a hand on my face and leans in pressing his lips to mine. They're soft, warm, and welcoming. He pulls away slowly smiling.

“When you disappeared I wish I had done that with you. I wish I had told you. I wished I had made you mine.”

“So what happened when I returned?”

“I was scared. While I loved you i knew that i would be met with criticism from the others. I was afraid we wouldn’t last not here at least, but when we lost you in New York I was scared that I had done it again.”

“Done what?“I breath.

“Missed my chance again. Missed loving you.”

“Jake I. . . ”

He grabs my hand placing a kiss on it.

“You don’t have to answer now, or ever if you want, but I’m always there no matter what.”

He leans in pecking my lips then he’s gone. My fingers trace over my lips as a sigh leaves them. Now I really don’t know what to feel.

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