Project Angel Book 1: Awakenings

Chapter Color

Chapter 25


To say I’ve been distant is an understatement. I haven’t talked to Enjeru Since the runaway incident. Jake’s been continuously flirting with her and as much as I hate to say it Enjeru seems to not mind. She seems to accept any and every move he makes no matter how disgustingly cheesy it is.

I want to explain to her how I feel, but what chance do I have against Jake. They’ve known each other for, forever on top of the fact that he can be charming and I’m just me. I’m nothing compared to Jake, so why even try. I sigh as I sink even deeper into my chair. I glance over at Enjeru who’s right now focused on writing a report for council. She looks up and our eyes meet. It may have been a trick of my eye, but I’m sure I saw a light blush creep up on her cheeks. When I blink though it’s gone. She waves smiling at me and making my heart flutter. She turns back to her paper and I feel a bit dazed.

Something hard hits me in the back of the head forcing me out of my seat. I rub my head fighting back tears after realizing it’s one of the demonology books that has hit me. Everyone in the room is starring in the opposite direction. Including Enjeru who starts giggling.

“A word please Micah.” Angelique sings sweetly even though it was most likely her who threw the book. She grabs me by my ear and drags me out of the room.

“Micah tell me why I threw the book at your head?”

“Because you’re....nevermind.”

She punches me in the chest knocking the breath out of me.

“First of all if you ever say the word I know you were about to say about me I’ll kill you. Secondly, it’s because you’ve completely given up on what we discussed.”

“It wouldn’t work out. I mean for one thing, I’m human. She's going to live forever and me I’ll just die off. And be forgotten.”

“You don’t know that.”

“Secondly look at her and Jake. He’s charming, they’ve known each other for years. He clearly has an upper hand here.”

“How do you know she loves Jake? Why are you so sure of that? Have you even noticed how quiet she’s been lately? How much of a loner she’s been lately. That’s because of you. Because she needs you. You’re the one person besides Jake she can really trust. And guess what I think she may even trust you more than Jake. You know things about her nobody else knows because you gave her a choice, you saved her when she was poisoned, you were the one who brought her back to us. You did it Micah, not Jake. Jake had his chance, but he blew it. Don’t blow yours.”

“Angelique I’m. . . .”

“And I’m telling you that you need to at least try. What if there is a chance? What if somewhere down the road you find out you had a chance if you just tried? You would be pretty upset wouldn’t you?”

I sigh knowing she’s right.

“Fine but if I end up broken hearted just know I’m coming to wipe my tears and snotty nose on you.”

She rolls her eyes punching me lightly on the arm.

“Go get her tiger.”

Angelique pushes me back into the room and I take a deep breath. Feeling somewhat courageous I walk over to Enjeru.

“Um, Enjeru?”

She looks up at me from the paperwork in front of her.

“Yes, Micah?”

“Can we talk for a moment?”

“Sure why don’t we go to the garden. The Kiku are starting to die, and I’ve been meaning to see them before they do.”

“Yeah sure.”

As we walk there Enjeru hums a soft tune unfamiliar to me. It’s a beautiful melody that is entrancing. She stops when we arrive in the garden running directly into a swarm of petals from the flowers. She twirls seeming to become a petal herself. Then the wind dies down letting the petals settle. Many are scattered in her hair almost forming a crown. She giggles as she shakes her hair out gently.

“Why do you love flowers so much?”

“When I was little we had this huge garden, but my mom's favorite was the cherry blossom tree. Mom had it brought to Hell. Everyone told her something like that from Earth wouldn’t survive, but her being my mom she was stubborn. She got what she wanted and it bloomed each year growing more and more beautiful. Then when she died it suddenly lost all its blossoms. It withered into nothing more than a twisted hunk of dead wood. I did that I killed my mother and I killed the tree.”

She lapses into silence and I’m not sure what to say exactly myself.

“But anyway, what did you want to talk about.” She smiles trying to change the subject.

“It wasn’t your fault what happened. Someone was using you Enjeru. I don’t know who it was, but he was a bad man. He made you do what you did to your mother. You loved her, you still love her,” I blurt out.

“I shouldn’t.” She mumbles.


“Because I’m the reason she’s not here. The reason my family is hurting. I took the joy away so what right do I have to miss it?” She sighs darkly.

“You have every right to love your mother just like I have every right to love you!!!”

Her head snaps up, and it dawns on me what I just said.

“I. .I . . . I. .mean. . . . ”

She walks towards me and I freeze. My heart fills the silence pounding away at what might happen. Will she smack me? Just walk out? Kiss. .no she wouldn’t she couldn’t possibly. . .

She presses her lips against mine. I don’t react at all and she begins to pull away. Suddenly something in me makes me grab her and kiss her back. Her lips seem to meld onto mine perfectly, and they taste of cinnamon. She pulls away blushing and I cough awkwardly feeling myself blush as well.

“I’M SORRY IF YOU WANT TO HIT ME PLEASE DO IT!!!” I scream fearing that I did something stupid.

“Micah, why would I hit you when I kissed you first?”

“Um, because I...I don’t know actually.”

She chuckles showing her lovely smile.

“I think I understand what Alice meant now?”

“What did Alice say?”

“She said she could see color when I was with a specific person and only that person. Micah, I think that person is you?”

“Color?” I ask confused.

“I’ve been living this way for so long now I guess I stopped noticing, but everything since my mother’s death life has lost its vibrancy. The sky was never quite as blue as people said it was, flowers would all melt into a single blur, but when I kissed you just now. The grass was a shade of green I can’t remember having seen. Your eyes were a brilliant lilac, and I really saw the world. I saw beauty thanks to you.”

“What does that mean?” I ask.

“Micah I don’t quite know why or how but I think I’m in love with you.”

“Romeo & Juliet.” I reply.

“Except Juliet lives with the Montague’s no Capulet’s in the picture to ruin it.”

“Your brother may try to kill me if he finds out.”

“He probably already knows. And knowing him he’s throwing a temper tantrum. But he can’t hurt you. I won’t let him.”

“I thought I was supposed to save you fair Juliet?”

“Romeo oh Romeo I’m tired of being saved by others it’s time I start saving myself. And loving you is the best way I can think of to start.”

“You know I’m an idiot, and I suck at remembering things, and I may say some really inconsiderate things. . .”



“Stop talking.”


“Do you love me and just nod if its yes.”

I nod yes.

“Then I can live with that. All I need is for you to love me.”

She leans in kissing me softly on the lips. Then pulls away rolling her eyes.

“You can come out Angelique and Jake I know you guys are there.”

I jump as they crawl out of dense bushes nearby. Angelique is smirking which, is never a good sign. And Jake Jake is smiling at us.

“Are you happy Enjeru?” Jake ask softly.

“I think I’m starting on the right path to get there.” She replies.

“Then I’m happy for you.”

“And you if you do anything and goddammit I mean anything to hurt her. Not only will I steal her from you I’ll kill you and that is a promise Micah.”

I nod not knowing if he’s serious, or joking right now.

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