Princess of Faerl

Chapter 8. Birthday Time


“This tastes more refreshing than normal.” He comments and looks in the water bottle. “You remembered lemon and mint!” He kissed the top of my head. “You realize it’s your birthday, Starlight. I should be spoiling you, not the other way around.”

This simple exchange made me happier than anyone could imagine. He hadn’t remembered my birthday in years, no one did, I handed him a plate of food and he sat down to dig in.

“Good morning family!” Lyssandra says in her fake sing-song voice, “Smells like someone beat me to making the birthday breakfast.” She looked around at everyone else sitting down, and seemed like she was pouting, “I had wanted to make you breakfast as a treat.”

“Thank you for the thought.” I told her. My wheels turned wondering what she had up her sleeve. “I wanted to make dad’s and my favorite breakfast. It’s been so long since we’ve had it, and it’s been years since anyone has celebrated my birthday so I figured if I wanted to celebrate, I had to do it.” I had the most innocent doe eyed look on my face as I spoke.

The doorbell rang, that’s weird, we never have visitors nonetheless this early in the day. Dad went to answer it. That’s when I noticed her look down at my dad’s water bottle and scowl, I couldn’t help the smile that danced across my lips. I quickly wiped it off my face before she looked at me to see what I was doing.

Dad came back into the room looking at Lyssandra with the most confused look on his face, as if he was struggling to recognize her. “Who are you?” He asked her.

“Love, what are you talking about? I’m your wife and mother of your three beautiful children.” She looked panicked. A beautiful woman that looked exactly like me walked into the room followed by a very tall male who’s aura was overwhelming. I saw the blue line between them. No, not just a line, a thick cord strong as steel.

The step-witch looks like she’s about to lose her shit, literally and figuratively. Before she could say anything the woman put her hand up to silence her. Suddenly I drop to my knees and it feels like rubber bands and gears are snapping into place in my head. I was feeling so many emotions and couldn’t tell if they were all mine or not. My dad’s eyes change from brilliant green to a grey color I’ve never seen before.

“Who are you?” She manages to squeak out, still trying to play innocent. Her kids are beyond confused at the scene in front of them. After all, she was never honest with them either.

“Lyssandra, you know exactly who we are. There’s no use in playing dumb. We also know you’re working with Damien, following all his orders like a good girl.” The woman I assume is my mom looks between me and the man I’ve known as my dad my whole life. “I’m sorry you’ve been subjected to this, Scott. I never intended for you to lose this much of your life due to the service you performed for us. We can never thank you enough or repay you.” Her voice was full of sincerity. “Are you two his children?” She asks the spawn. They nod almost like zombies. She looks back to Scott, “I, no, we offer you safe Haven in the Kingdom. You two,” she looks at the twins, “can come as well. On the condition you swear a blood oath to renounce your mothers bloodline and control, severing any and all ties now and in the future. This is a heavy decision and cannot be undone once made.” Her tone was regal and absolute.

She continued to address the hellspawn. “That woman is a dark, evil witch that deceived your father for your entire lives with potions and spells. She very well may have done the same to you, and she did it to my Elentari too. Power is all she wants and she does not value you or your family. It is up to you to choose your path, but as I said, choose wisely as this decision is absolute and you cannot change your mind after you decide.”

The twins looked conflicted. They looked between each other, not sure who to believe. My mom seemed to notice their hesitance. She waved her hand and the cabinet Lyssandra pulled the ingredients out of this morning appeared. Various viles, containers, plants, and unrecognizable items flew out and landed on the counter.

“If you doubt my words, take a look at these items. They are mostly poisons.” She looked at Lyssandra. “Call your Grimoire.”

Lyssandra looked completely indignant and, if possible, even more terrified. “That’s personal to a witch. By law I do not need to let anyone but my heir see it, Belle.” Her voice was weak, betraying the confidence she was trying to portray.

“Your children are here. Who is your heir?” The man asked. My dad moved behind me and put his hands on my shoulders. I could feel his unease radiating from him.

“She is.” Lyssandra pointed to her Stacie. She had shown the most magical talent, thus her decision. Even though Scottie had more of the attitude she would want in an heir.

“Then call your Grimoire, and let her read it. Now.” Belle’s tone was completely unforgiving. Slowly Lyssandra resigned herself and called it forth. She hadn’t expected any of this. She couldn’t figure out how they were found by the Royal couple without Elentari awakening. The Grimoire placed itself in front of its owner. It was a deep black leather bound book with crimson writing on the front. There were various bookmarks sticking out. Lyssandra pushed it to her daughter.

“She is allowed to read everything. Hide nothing.” She said, speaking to the Grimoire. She knew she was either done for or she’d gain her daughter as an ally.

Stacie put her hand on the book. Immediately she retracted it and made a face. “This hurts to touch.” She whispered as she gingerly opened it to the first bookmark then the next and the next reading out the titles of the spells and ritual on each page. “Complete hypnosis, Essence of Love, Slow Death, Untraceable Nightmare, Essence of Anger, Incantation of Confusion.” As she read her voice got quieter and quieter. Tears started to form in her eyes. She snapped her eyes up. “Did you ever use any of these on us?” She whispered. When Lyssandra didn’t answer she pounded her fist on the table. “How could you? What kind of mother would do that to her own children? To her husband?”

Lyssandra started to drop her meek mask. “How? It was my mission. You’ll figure it out anyway. I never wanted children. Never wanted to give birth. I only did it to seal my hold on him.” Pointing to my human dad. “I needed him to be either in love or completely obsessed with me so I could work to get the trust of the Lunar Guardian.” She pointed at me. “A direct connection and therefore chance to manipulate the work of the Moon Goddess and gain her favor. Or at least shield us from her wrath as she would never hurt her reincarnation’s guardian. So we could stop hiding and pandering to the filthy humans. That’s all you’ll ever have us do, Your Majesties. The great King Alaric and Queen Belle, saviors of weak humans and terror of all fae kind.” As she went on with her monologue I suddenly felt like I was in Harry Potter listening to Voldemort spew anti half blood and muggle sentiments. Then it hit me. What did she say I was?

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