Princess of Faerl

Chapter 7. The Truth Comes Out


Everything was so much to take in. I felt like my world was caving in second by second. I slipped from the zone out of shock and started to move to my bed. All I wanted was to go to sleep and for all of this to be a bad dream. Arashi’s voice echoed in my head as I attempted to lay down telling me I had to pack before resting.

I was suddenly really happy I spent the money I got from the life insurance policy on an SUV instead of the cute Prius I had been looking at. Yes, it was blue. I also paid three years of car insurance on it. The rest of my money was split into my stock portfolio that my mom set up for me and my savings account. Dividends were transferred into savings automatically and $300 was transferred to my checking each month so I could pay my phone bill and put gas in the car. It made me laugh that I was seen as the bad kid when I was the one being responsible. The spawns got money and it was gone instantly with video games and trivial crap. I started to pack my stuff when the pages of the journal began to flip on their own.

“For the busy bee to get the rest they need, this spell will pack for you indeed. Simply state what you want to pack and where you want it to go and you’ll be done before you know.” I paused for a moment, “I want everything that is important to me and a necessity packed up and in my car.” I was muttering the words to myself, I didn’t believe it would work. Suddenly, my clothing began to fold itself and go into my suitcases. All of my valuables started disappearing. Everything I bought and everything sentimental to me. The only things that stayed out were clothes for tomorrow and my daily routine items. I was so excited to see this. I grabbed my keys out of my purse to sneak downstairs to see if it was in my car. I paused at the door. Something was nagging at me to get ready for the day first.

I grumbled to myself, “But it’s 4 am..” I whined. I almost felt like something flicked me in the forehead to try and get me to shut up and just do it. I gave myself a spit bath because I didn’t want to wake up anyone by running the shower. Washing my face and brushing my teeth, I sang to myself the whole time. As I finished with the items they disappeared too. It all seemed impossible. My outfit today was similar to yesterday. A bright red fishnet long sleeve shirt with a grey tube top under it paired with a plaid, chained miniskirt over grey footed leggings. I topped the outfit off with a cute pair of chunky heels that were a matching grey with a plaid bow in the toes.

I go for my signature makeup look and substitute the neon color for a striking red paired with the creamy black eyeshadow. I line my lips in black like normal but this time I pick a sultry deep red lipstick to match my eyeshadow. Today I’m going full broody goth girl. Looking in the mirror closely I stop for a second. My normally sky blue eyes had striking violet rims and then I looked up to my hair. I had at least six inches of roots and my mousey brown hair was showing. This made me grumble. Not the look I wanted for my first day of adulthood; I’ll have to fix it later. I put my hair in a high ponytail and braid it, wrapping the braid up into a bun. As soon as I’m done, all my daily essentials and my pajamas disappear. I looked through the room to see if anything was left that I didn’t need on my person.

This was too wild. There was no way I was gonna be able to sleep now. So instead I grabbed my purse and snuck downstairs. Halfway down I remembered the book on my bed and to my surprise, it came floating down to me. I put it in my purse, and I walk past my father’s study. Well, the man I thought was my father my whole life. I felt a bit of a hole thinking about that. Did he know I wasn’t his? Did he know the step-witch didn’t love him and just wanted to butter me up? Sadness started to turn to rage.

“Down girl,” Arashi spoke to me calmly. I started to shake my head no but then Lucinda spoke up.

“She’s right, you know. You’ve every right to feel for your human father but if you let your rage overflow…”

“The step-witch Lyssandra will feel it and then she’ll know you’ve awakened.” Silk finished the sentence.

I grumble in my head and go to the fridge trying to think happy thoughts. I grab two extra large energy drinks, putting one in my purse, knowing I would need the energy. Low carb of course. Energy, yes. Calories, no, I decided to check the garage now. Quietly opening the door, pleasantly surprised by the silence. I go to Patronus and look inside. Yes, I named my beautiful silver Acura SUV Patronus. I’m a huge Potterhead. It’s all neatly packed and I wonder if everything is actually there. I pop open my energy drink and stroll back inside.

It’s now five thirty in the morning. I’m sitting on the couch looking into the kitchen while wasting time playing Dice Dreams. I was on a huge winning streak. Light footsteps started to come down the hallway. My curiosity was piqued. No one was ever up before seven.

“It’s her birthday today, yes. No, I haven’t felt any major energy shifts. If she awakens it would be a massive shift. She’s got at least five souls including her own. Four souls unlocking at once would be felt even by you.” Her voice is very hushed. She definitely didn’t want to be heard, least of all by me. “I know, I know, I’ve dedicated my life to your service and babysitting this child since she was a baby. 18 years of pretending and potions to make that man think I was the long-lost love he wanted so badly. Yes, he thinks I’m her mother and I changed my mind and came back. I even bore him twins. Do you realize how vile that was for me?” She was pissed about it all. “The girl has never fully been affected by my potions, mostly because she has that stupid recording of her mother’s voice. I have a special concoction for them today. This should wipe her mind clean and let me mold her to our bidding with no problem. And if that still doesn’t work, she dies, I can make her precious father kill her with a snap of my fingers once he drinks what I have planned for him, she can’t get back to the kingdom, no matter what. Yes, My Lord. I will not fail,”

I assume she hung up because she let out a sigh, silently I moved to behind the couch and continued to watch her. She moves to the kitchen and opens up an invisible cabinet. I would be impressed if I didn’t know she was planning my doom. She mixes items and eventually they run clear like water. She pours some into my dad’s water bottle that he drinks from every day. She does the same with the water bottle I use every day. After she cleans everything up she puts them in the fridge and goes back to her room, I’m assuming to pretend to have been sleeping that whole time.

I immediately go to the fridge and dump out the water bottles, placing them in the dishwasher. I make new water bottles for myself and my dad. I give him fresh water with a slice of lemon and a sprig of mint, his favorite. For me, I pour half my current energy drink into it, put them in the fridge, and smile that I thwarted that. I look at my phone, it’s just before seven, everyone will be up soon, and I start making breakfast. Eggy in a basket with breakfast sausage and bacon. Dad and I love this breakfast. I’m hoping making him his favorites will help, along with him not getting his daily dose of witch-bitch juice.

I set the table just as the hellspawn twins come bounding into the kitchen. The female starts to ask her mom what’s for breakfast when she notices me. “What’s this?” She asks. “You never cook for us.” Her mouth is watering though.

The male spawn looks more shocked. “Did hell freeze over?” He asks me. Looking at them both I wonder if she tampered with them too, to make them not like me. That way I’d run to her because of them being mean.

“Unlike you, who would rather bully your siblings, I wanted to make breakfast for us all. It is my 18th birthday after all. I wanted to celebrate.” My smile is sickly sweet.

“Whatever you say…” he responds weakly. I could tell he was really conflicted. The twins start to serve themselves as my dad comes down the hallway. His first stop was the fridge to get his water, he looks around a bit, then turns to me, “Do you know where my water bottle is?”

I smile at him, “Yea. When I was getting things to make breakfast, I accidentally knocked yours over and cracked it, so I made you a new one.” I reached in and handed him the safe water bottle. I hold my breath looking into his emerald green eyes.

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