Pretty Boy D: A Best Friends to Lovers Standalone (Kings of Cypress Pointe Book 4)

Pretty Boy D: Chapter 34


It only seemed right that we christen Dane’s new bed tonight, not even five hours after it was delivered. There was no actual sex. Mostly because the mere thought of it reminds me that it feels like someone’s set off a box of fireworks between my legs, despite how gentle he was last night. So, we opted to do… other things to quiet our urges. Now, I can barely keep my eyes open.

“You up?” Dane asks in a low voice.

I nod against the pillow. “Not for long.”

“Sorry, but I was thinking. What if we get away for a while?”

My brow lifts, wondering if he’s really thought that through. “I can lie my way out of cheer practice, but Coach Wells would have your ass if you missed. You know that, right?”

“We’ll cross that bridge when we get there. For now, I only care about having your ass,” he teases, drawing a laugh out of me.

I turn toward his voice, opening my eyes as the tip of his finger traces a line between my breasts. One that started at my throat and eventually ends at my navel.

“Where would we go? We’ve already got Puerto Rico on the calendar for Spring Break.”

He shrugs, resting his palm flat against my stomach. “Just… somewhere no one can find us.”

When he smiles, I give his idea some thought, imagining how incredible it would be to come and go as we please without Pandora spamming the internet with pics of us. Especially seeing as how, against Dane’s wishes, I’ve promised to keep our relationship secret for a bit, for the sake of not interfering with his career. This means we’ll have to do a lot of sneaking around, continuing the “just friends” routine no one ever really bought anyway. At least for the next few months.

Honestly, though? I don’t exactly hate the sneaking around part. Could be kind of fun.

I turn completely now, kissing him once we’re facing each other. “I have a better idea.”

He kisses me back, then drags his teeth across my lip. His sex-drunk gaze lands on me and I’m not sure I remember what I was going to say.

“I’m listening,” he says, the depth of his low voice making my nipples harden against his chest.

“What if we go back to Louisiana? The whole crew? It’d be nice to see Grandpa Boone again, Aunt Sheryl, maybe even your cousins,” I add with a laugh, remembering how wild those five were.

“Seriously?” he asks, smirking a little.

“Seriously. Oh! And what if we wait and go for Christmas again?”

“So, no secret hideaway?”

I shrug. “I’m not saying no, just that if I have to choose one thing, it’d be Christmas in Louisiana. Besides, we could maybe talk your mom into going. With your dad’s trial starting soon, she’ll probably appreciate the time away by then.”

Dane stares—searching my face for something.

“So… I suggest that we plan a romantic getaway, but you rather road-trip it with the whole gang, down to Saint Delphine’s Parish, where we’ll be surrounded by even more of my family. Hm.”

I’m not sure where he’s going with this, so I shrug. “It just sounds fun.”

A smile touches his lips before they press to my forehead. “Thank you.”

“For what?” I ask, feeling my brow tense with confusion.

“For surprising me with how amazing you are. As a friend. As my girl.”

I don’t get to respond because my mouth is suddenly busy, welcoming his tongue inside it. Heat from his palm smooths across my ribs to my back, pulling me closer. He’s hard again, pressing into my thigh. Not even when his phone rings does he pull away.

“Don’t you need to get that?”

His breath moves over my throat when he speaks one word against my skin. “Nope.”

I let it go, but then the ringing starts again. “You sure? Might be important.”

This is important. Whoever that is, they can fucking wait,” he says, lowering to where he’s cupped my breast, drawing my nipple into his mouth.

My head shifts against the pillow, feeling myself become so easily aroused. His hand pushes between my thighs and his touch has me reconsidering.

“Ok, so maybe I spoke too soon. A weekend away sounds good,” I say breathily, trying to focus long enough to get the words out.

His soft laugh awakens my skin. “I’ll set it up first thing in the morning. We’ll leave next weekend.”


My knees part for him and his fingers slip in, but he’s careful not to hurt me.

“Right there?” he asks when a pleasure-filled sigh leaves me.

Nodding slowly, I let him know I want him to keep going. I’m starting to think I’ll simply never get enough of him.

Like, ever.

“I’m not stopping until I make you come,” he exhales against the rim of my ear. “All over my fingers. I fucking love that shit.”

And so do I.

Wanting him to know this, I turn to face him, capturing his lips while he plays.

The phone sounds off again on the other side of the mattress, but he ignores it, keeping his promise to finger me until I reach orgasm. He swallows every single moan that leaves my mouth, only stopping when I’m satisfied. But his lips are still moving with mine, their softness proving to be my undoing.

“If I ever let you leave this bed, it’ll be a damn miracle,” he says in a low, confident voice.

To some other girl, that threat might seem menacing. But to me, coming from him, I just know he better keep his fucking promise.

As if to only test his patience, the phone sounds off again, but this time it’s just a text. Dane’s eyes slam shut while he gathers himself, then he reaches across my body to finally answer someone’s obviously desperate plea.

He unlocks the screen and doesn’t hold it out of view, so I see the message clearly.

Rose: You received an invitation to attend a charity event next weekend and it’s not one you’ll want to miss. The guestlist is not only the Who’s Who of this city, but of the state, the country even. That means plenty of networking opportunities and a chance for you to really show them what they’d be missing out on if they pass on a chance to work with you. I didn’t get an answer, so I accepted the offer on my own. I’ll send details once I have more information.

Dane: This isn’t next weekend, is it?

I know why he asks that particular question. We hadn’t made plans to get away more than ten minutes ago. Now, here Rose is trampling all over them with a simple text.

Rose: Yes, and if you think you have something better to do, you don’t. This could make or break your career, Dane. Don’t screw this up for yourself. Shawna will be there to keep you company and you were also given a handful of additional tickets. I think it’d be a nice touch to bring your brothers along. People love seeing you three together. They can bring dates. Just, please, no stragglers.


We both know she’s talking about me. Hence the reason there’s a thick vein throbbing in the center of Dane’s forehead right now.

When his fingers move across the screen the next second, my hand lands on his, stopping him from ruining his career. Based on the message he’s typing starting out with the words, “Listen, bitch…” I’m positive that’s exactly what will happen if he continues.

“Hold on,” I say quietly, trying to soothe the beast Rose has awakened in him. “You should do this. She said there will be people there that you need to get better acquainted with, so just focus on that part. Not Rose’s bullshit. Besides, it just dawned on me that next weekend is bad timing for me to leave the city anyway. My dad’s coming, remember? We can postpone for a month and still be in the clear to make it back before school starts.”

Dane studies my face and I know what he’s likely searching for—a sign that I’m only saying what he wants to hear. But he won’t find that. I really do want what’s best for him, even if it takes a little bit of sacrifice on my part.

“I fucking hate this shit.”

“I know you do. But it’ll all be over soon.”

His eyes continue to linger on me, then I see the moment the rage starts to slip away. It’s enough that he lets me take his phone and respond to Rose for him.

Dane: I’ll be there. Thanks.

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