Pretty Boy D: A Best Friends to Lovers Standalone (Kings of Cypress Pointe Book 4)

Pretty Boy D: Chapter 33


You’re not breaking his heart. You’re simply confirming the point you tried getting across before he came all this way. You can’t blame yourself for feeling nothing for him. No more than you can blame yourself that you’ve fallen for Dane.

One deep breath later and my fist taps the door of Carlos’ hotel room. He’s expecting me and likely has no idea why I suggested coming to him instead of him meeting me at the loft.

The door swings open and I’m terrified to have this conversation, but with his flight leaving early tomorrow morning, it’s now or never.

A smile parts his lips when our eyes lock.

“Come in.”

I step aside and slip through when he gestures for me to enter, then he closes the door behind me.

As far as awkward conversations go, this one will take the cake, I’m sure. Especially seeing how happy he is that I stopped by.

“You look beautiful.” His dark eyes slink down my frame slowly, and back up again.


“Please, have a seat,” he says gesturing toward two armchairs situated near the balcony. Per his request, I lower into one.

He joins me and there’s a bit of an awkward vibe that reverberates between us.

“I know you mentioned not wanting to go out, but I thought you might be interested in room service. How does that sound?”

Nervous, I wet my lips and inch toward the edge of my seat.

“Actually, I won’t be staying long.”

His smile fades and there’s this deflated look on his face that makes me sick to my stomach.

“I see.”

“I’m only here because I think it’s time we talk things over face-to-face.”

There have been a lot of open-ended conversations between us, and my hope is that he leaves here with clarity and… closure.

He pushes a hand behind his neck and his face reddens with what I guess to be embarrassment.

“I suppose I misread your call earlier. I didn’t realize this would be our last time speaking.”

“It’s not like that,” I rush to say, seeing the hurt I caused despite my best efforts to spare him.

“Then, what’s it like?” There isn’t an ounce of anger in his tone. Only hurt, confusion.

“We’re friends, like we’ve always been.”

I lose his eyes when they focus on the floor now. “There was something more than that between us once. Unless I completely imagined last summer.”

“You didn’t imagine it,” I say. “I’ve just come to see things differently than I saw them back then.”

He nods slowly, seemingly deep in thought.

“So, this is it?”

When his gaze flashes back toward me, that hurt in his expression multiplies. Now, I’m the one whose head lowers.

“It is. I tried telling you that before you wasted your time and—”

“I haven’t changed my mind, Josslyn. Visiting you could never be a waste of time. Even if I’ve lost you to someone else.”

I peer up again and there’s a soft smile on his lips.

“It’s him, isn’t it.”

My stomach twists into a knot, realizing that was a statement and not so much a question. It’d be so easy to lie even if for the sake of letting him down gently, but that doesn’t feel right. So, when I nod, I’m at peace with what I’m about to say.

“It’s always been him.”

Carlos’ lips purse together, making it clear that this revelation has wounded him, but I also know this was needed in order for him to let go.

“You’re a good, honest woman. May he never forget what a gem he’s won.”

With that, Carlos stands and offers me his hand. Once I’m on my feet, he draws me into an embrace that can only be described using one word—comforting. He ends it with a kiss to the top of my hair, then releases me.

“I hope to hear from you again one day.”

I nod, reassuring him. “You’ll hear from me, and I wish you all the best.”

As I exit and the door to his room closes again, it isn’t lost on me that our parting is bitter-sweet. The bitter—I know severing any semblance of romantic ties with Carlos has cut him deep. The sweet—I believe we’ll get through this. I’ve been honest with him since day one and the payoff is that I believe I’ve gained a friend for life.

My phone sounds off and, automatically, a smile curves my lips. I assume it’s Dane, but when my eyes land on the screen, all traces of that smile fade into nothing. All because of the name that’s just caused my heart to sink to my stomach.

Dad: Here are the details for dinner. See you next weekend. We have much to discuss.

Well, shit.

Just when I thought things were finally starting to turn around…

@QweenPandora: The GoldenCrew are racking up some serious reward perks with how often they frequent local hotels, aren’t they?

This time, it’s VirginVixen who’s been spotted entering the room of her mystery man. Her visit was short, but that doesn’t mean it was innocent. What are your thoughts? Was this a quickie or is this a case of things not quite being what they seem?

Meanwhile, several city blocks away, PrettyBoyD’s getting a king-sized delivery. California king, to be exact. Oh, the wild ride that bed is in for.

Later, Peeps.


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