Pregnant And Rejected

Pregnant And Rejected By My Alpha Mate By Caroline Above Chapter 141

Chapter 141 Selene Wakes Up
My lashes flutter open to reveal a stark white room, a bevy of sterile, chemical scents filling my nose. I feel weighed down and
dizzy at once, like I’m floating yet unable to move. I recognize this feeling, and I’ve woken up in this situation often enough to
guess what happened.
I must have passed out from exhaustion, dehydration, stress, or all three. I’m back in the hospital, hooked up to half a dozen
beeping machines and wearing a scratchy, unflattering paper gown. The world is dark beyond the windows, and I glance around
for a clock. It was around ten o-clock this morning when I attempted to call Bastien, but it’s after 8pm now. I’ve been asleep all
Slowly but surely, the events which passed before I lost consciousness filter back through my mind, and I immediately want to
find Lila. She must have been so scared.
As if reading my mind, Odette appears in my doorway a moment later, with Lila peeking around her legs. “Mommy!”
“Hello little bean!” I greet her with as much enthusiasm as I can muster. Pushing myself up to a sitting position, I extend my arms
to the pup, “come here and give Mommy a hug.”
She toddles over without hesitation, clambering onto the bed and into my arms and ignoring Odette’s soft caution to be gentle
with me. I don’t want my sweet daughter to be gentle any more than she does, I want her as close as possible. Her warm little
body smothers me with affection, and I cuddle her close.
“How are you?” I ask anxiously, kissing her soft cheeks.
“Mommy you scared me!” she says, a note of accusation heavy in her voice. “You fain-ed and everyone got all loud.”
“I’m sorry, angel.” I breathe, “Mommy just got very tired very fast.”
“Cuz of da baby?” She inquired curiously.
*That’s right.” I agree, rocking her gently from side to side.
“Alright now, little one.” Odette tries to intervene, caressing Lila’s hair. “Your Mommy needs her rest.”
A nurse pokes her head around the doorway and echoes my mother-in-law’s advice, “Careful now, she really shouldn’t be in bed
with you though I’m glad to see you’re awake.”

glare at them both, Nuzzling my pup’s sweet-smelling skin and glowering over her shoulder.
“Easy Mama Bear,” Dr Kane moves around the nurse with a wide smile, “She can stay right where she is.”
The nurse looks like she wants to object, but the chief physician shoots her a quelling stare and she backs down immediately. He
strides further into the room, greeting Odette warmly before turning to me, “How are you feeling Selene?”
“I’m alright.” I lie, in truth I feel like I’ve been hit by a bus.
I can tell no one is convinced by my falsehood, but my Lila Bean saves me from being called out. She glances warily at the
handsome young doctor, “Whose dat?”
“I’m Dr. Kane.” He introduces himself. “I took care of your Mommy when she was carrying you, and I’m taking care of her and the
new baby now.”
“If you’re taking care’f her, why’s she so sick?” Lila grumbles, surprising us all.
I try to laugh, but even that seems to take too much energy. The others laugh for me. “That can’t be helped sweetheart. I’d
actually be a lot more sick if Dr Kane wasn’t helping me.” I remember well how difficult it was to get Dr’s in Asphodel to take my
condition seriously. They wouldn’t prescribe me the anti-nausea drugs I requested until I’d been hospitalized twice in one week.
Lila doesn’t seem convinced, especially not when Dr Kane steps forward and reaches for her. “I won’t make you leave, but let’s
just rearrange you a teensy bit so I can take a look at your Mommy, hmm?”
Lila stubbornly shakes her head and hugs me tighter, burying her face in my neck. Stroking my hand in soothing patterns up and
down her spine, I give the Dr a beseeching look. “I hate to ask, but could you come back later? After this one has gone to bed?”
This gets my pup’s attention. Her little head pops up. “I sleep here, with you, Mommy.”
“Sweetheart, I wish you could stay with me, but it’s not allowed.” I sigh, pressing my lips to her hair.
“But Mommy, wanna stay!” Lila insists, sounding near tears.
Dr Kane eyes me as if trying to decipher whether I really do want her to stay or if I’m using the hospital rules as an excuse to
give me some time to rest up alone. But it isn’t an excuse, I really do want her nearby. It was hard enough being away from her
when everything was fine, but now that our lives are such a mess it gets harder and harder to let her out of my sight.

Reading my expression, Thomas nods, “I’ll tell you what, Ms. Lila. If you go get a cookie with your Grandma now so that I can
have a minute with your Mommy, I’ll fix it so you can stay with her tonight.”
“But Dr” The nurse objects looking horrified.
“She’s the Alpha’s mate.” He reminds her sharply. “If there was ever anyone worthy of making exceptions for, it’s her.”
“Yes sir,” she sulks, looking like she doesn’t agree. I suppose it will make her life harder to have to work around my pup all night.
Though I don’t want to make her job more difficult, I’m also unwilling to give up my pup. After all, it’s only one night and she’s the
most important thing here.
“What do you say, Lila bean?” I ask, “Can you give us a minute?”
She gazes up at me with wide eyes, “Do I have to?” She murmurs, gesturing towards the doctor. “I don’ like him.”
I smother a sigh, I can’t say I blame the little girl for being less trustworthy and closed off to new people with everything that’s
happened, but I also can’t encourage it. “If you want to stay with Mommy tonight, you need to go with Gramma for a little while.”
Sulking and dragging her feet, Lila slides off the bed and places her small hand in Odette’s, walking out of the room with a forlorn
glance over her shoulder.
When we’re alone Dr Kane approaches my bedside. “Alright you, tell the truth now, how are you feeling?”
“Terrible.” I admit. “I don’t know what happened, the meds were working.”
“Uh-huh,” Thomas assesses smoothly. “Have you been under any undue stress this week?”
Peering up at him from beneath my lashes, I admit, “maybe a little.”
“That’s what I thought.” He nods, looking around, “Is Bastien here somewhere? We really need to talk about making some
lifestyle changes so that you can avoid landing back here again.”
I drop my gaze, feeling a red flush work its way up my cheeks. “Actually he’s still out of town.”
Dr Kane’s eyes widen, and I can tell he’s shocked the Alpha would leave me for so long when I’m in this condition. Its the same
look of surprise and displeasure everyone who’s out of the loop dons. If only they knew what was going on, if only they knew he
had no choice. The physician recovers quicker than most, wiping his countenance of any emotion.”I’ll call him then.”

Gulping, I murmur, “Actually I’m afraid that’s not possible either.” Nervously checking to make sure no one can overhear us, I
add. “He’s sort of off the grid.”
This time Dr. Kane makes no effort to hide his feelings. “You’re kidding.
“Unfortunately not.” I confess.
“Selene,” Thomas sighs. “I’m sorry but that is not acceptable.”
“I did this on my own once before.” I remind him with an anemic shrug.
“That was different.” Dr. Kane growls, you didn’t have a choice then.
“I don’t have one now either.” I inform him, “Things are complicated at the moment. Bastien will be back as soon as he can, I just
have to hang on a little while longer.”
“Are you sure about that?” Thomas questions, “I don’t mean to question the Alpha’s commitment to you, but I can’t imagine any
mate cutting off contact even if they did have to leave for a time.”
“Bastien loves me more than anything.” I tell Dr. Kane confidently, “he’ll be home before we know it.”
“That he will.” Drake’s deep voice sounds behind the doctor, and my heart swells a little when I catch sight of him.
“Drake!” I exclaim, “You didn’t have to come all the way down here.”
“What, and miss seeing you in that fabulous gown? Fat chance.” He jokes, “Now what’s this I hear about you collapsing in the
middle of the day and scaring everyone half to death?”
Grinning sheepishly. I reply. “I guess it was a bit dramatic.”
“Just a bit.” Drake teases, “you know if you want attention all you have to do is ask, you don’t have to land yourself in the
“Alpha her condition is not a joking matter.” Dr Kane interjects, suddenly looking so serious that I’m taken aback.
“Don’t worry, Dr.” Drake responds smoothly. “we’re just trying to lighten the mood a bit.”

“Well I’m afraid there’s not much to make light about.” Thomas informs us grimly. “Selene, part of why I wanted to speak to you
alone is because your blood tests were quite concerning. I’m afraid we’re not going to be able to release you yet.”
“Well I already knew that much.” I say, trying to stay positive. “I already knew I was spending the night.”
Glancing back and forth between us, Dr Kane exhales heavily. “No. I mean we can’t release you until your labs improve. Which
means you’re going to be here for some time.”
“How long?” Drake clarifies.
“It could be days.” Dr Kane explains, or it could be weeks.”
I swing my eyes to Drake. How the hell am I suppose to help run the pack and raise my daughter from a hospital bed, “there has
to be a mistake.”
Dr Kane shakes his head in denial. “I’m afraid there isn’t. This is the way it has to be”

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