Pregnant And Rejected

Pregnant And Rejected By My Alpha Mate By Caroline Above Chapter 140

Chapter 140 Odette Puts Her Foot Down
Odette’s POV
“Dr, will Selene be all right?” I ask worriedly, speaking in hushed tones so as not to be overheard.
“She’s still unconscious.” Dr Kane replies, “She needs rest, and we’re still waiting on her lab work, but she’s young and healthy.
As long as she takes care of herself she should be fine.”
“Is there anything we can do to help her?” I press.
“Keep an eye on her, I know she’s very ill, but you’ve got to get as much food and water into her as possible, even when she
doesn’t want anything.” He instructs.
“But won’t that make her sick more often?” I fret, wringing my hands.
“I know it sounds terrible, but it’s about net gain. The more she takes in, the more nutrients she retains, even if she’s bringing the
majority back up.” Dr Kane explains with an apologetic from.
“Thank you.” I say, pushing the unpleasant images from my mind. What he’s saying makes sense, I just don’t want to picture it.
After he moves away I turn on my heel and stomp around the corner to where Aiden and Donavon wait.
“Well I hope you two are pleased with yourself.” I remark derisively, staring down the Betas.
“What?” They exchange nervous glances, “You can’t mean to blame us for this! It’s the pregnancy.”
“Your Alpha’s mate is struggling through a high-risk pregnancy while keeping herself and her daughter hidden from a homicidal
maniac, at the same time as she’s starting a new business and serving as the symbolic head of the pack while her mate is off
Goddess only knows where fighting off assassins, and you think it’s a good idea to stress her out further by picking arguments
and hiding information from her?
Though both men stand at least a head taller than me, in that moment they look positively tiny. Donavon clears his throat.
“Bastien told us to shield her from anything she didn’t need to know – so that she wouldn’t be stressed.”
“And you think she didn’t need to know he would fall out of contact?” I scoff. “That you had no plans in place to reconnect with
him in the future? You don’t think knowing that in advance and having time to come to terms with that would have helped her?”

The men exchange guilty glances. “We didn’t think about it that way.”
“I’m sure you didn’t.” I grate out..
“Is she awake yet?” Aiden inquires sheepishly.
“No.” I sigh, “The doctor said it might be some time yet. She’ll wake when she’s ready.” I say, glancing at Lila and Drake playing
on the other side of the waiting room. “For Lila’s sake, we’ll just have to hope it’s soon.”
Selene’s POV
Bastien grins wolfishly up at me, before lowering his talented tongue to my overheated sex. My back arches off the bed and I
wind my fingers tightly into his hair. “Oh Goddess!”
His finger joins his mouth, delving into my sodden channel and massaging my sensitive flesh before adding a second; thrusting,
rubbing and stretching me from the inside out. It’s too much to bear, and my body is so unused to being touched this way I’m
coming within moments. He continues wringing the pleasure out of me until I come back down to earth. Once I do he crawls back
up my body and cuddles me to his chest, kissing me and whispering praise and sweet nothings in my ear.
“How do you do that?” I pant in astonishment.
He chuckles indulgently. “You could do it too, if you wanted.”
“Not with my tongue.” I joke,
“You know what I mean.” He replies with a wide smile.
I shake my head in denial “it wouldn’t be the same.”
Bastien kisses me again, and I reach for the hard length between his legs. As usual, he’s still fully clothed, though I’m completely
He catches my hand, “What are you doing?” He asks, obviously already knowing the answer.
“I want to give you pleasure.” I whisper meekly.
“That isn’t necessary.” Bastien rolls out of bed without another word, leaving me feeling terribly cold.

“But... ” I murmur helplessly. sliding out of the bed as if I meant to follow, but not moving an inch.
“Selene, we’ve talked about this.” Bastien reminds me, pausing at the bathroom door. “If you touch me, I’ll lose control. I won’t be
able to stop myself.”
At the time I assumed he meant he would be forced into doing something he’d regret. We had had this conversation before,
earlier in our marriage, but I couldn’t stand it any longer. “Why don’t you want me?” As soon as the words leave my mouth, I
realize they’re a mistake.
Bastien slowly turned back around, looking absolutely furious. “What did you just say?”
“Why don’t you want me?” I repeat, so quiet I can barely hear my own words but my husband certainly does. The next thing I
know, Bastien is storming across the room, backing me into a corner and towering over me menacingly.
“Not want you?” He demands, breathing heavily. “Not want you? How can you say that? How can you think that?” His massive
hand flattens against the wall by my ear, so forcefully the plaster shakes, “Don’t you realize you’re all I want? I crave you day and
night, Selene/ It’s been absolute torture to touch you this way without being able to go further, but I’ve been holding myself back
for you. I don’t want to push you into anything you aren’t ready for.”
“But I want you to.” I squeak, pressing my hands to his muscular chest. Don’t get me wrong. I’m scared.” I admit, glancing warily
at the huge bulge in his trousers, “But I want to be close to you that way. I want to give you pleasure... I want to truly be man and
wife.” I’ve known from the beginning that our marriage would never be official until we took this step, but I suppose I hadn’t been
desperate enough before now. Besides, if it’s anything like what you’ve shown me already...”
I never get out the rest of my sentence, Bastien’s mouth claims mine so passionately my heart stops beating completely. The
next thing! know he’s carrying me back to the bed, tossing me onto the plush covers and dragging my body towards him while he
strips off all his clothes. My husband stretches out on the coverlet and pulls my body atop his, kissing me fiercely, “Just this once
baby – you get to be in control, after this we do things my way.”
Our tongues tangling, I rock my aching core over his massive member, anticipation building inside me like a blazing firework.
After a moment he grasps my hips and positions himself at my entrance. I lowered myself hesitantly, feeling his wide mushroom
head stretching my entrance and gasping at the sensation. It was delicious and painful all at once. He felt way too big to ever fit,
and if what I was feeling now was only the head.

As if sensing the problem, Bastien raised himself to a sitting position and coiled his arm around my waist. His mouth covered
mine at the same moment he thrust into me, burying himself to the hilt and locking me in place with his iron grip. I keened into his
slanting mouth, tears burning in my eyes.
“Shh,” Bastien crooned, “That was the worst part, it’s over now.”
As he slowly helped me begin to move, guiding my hips and rubbing my swollen clit, I realized he was right. Pleasure more
profound than anything he’d shared with me before began to bloom deep within me, sending bolts of electricity flying through my
Whimpering and increasing my pace, Bastien helped me find a rhythm, the incredible friction of his cock thrusting in and out of
me building to new heights. “That’s it, Baby.” He encouraged, “Just like that. Goddess, you’re beautiful. You feel so good,
Within a few minutes of increasingly frantic undulating, I was cresting the wave of pleasure, fireworks bursting across my vision
in a stunning riot of light and color. As I threw my head back and cried out in ecstasy, Bastien laved the spot where he would one
day leave his mark with his tongue. “Such a good girl.” He encouraged, “Coming all over my cock.”
Before I could even process the pleasure racking my body, Bastien flipped me beneath him, thrusting hard and fast until he
spilled his seed inside me, growling my name and swallowing my whines as I toppled over the edge a second time.
In the delirious aftermath, he cradled me close. “You have no idea how long I’ve wanted to do that.”
Giggling, I reply. “How soon can we do it again?”
Bastien chuckles deeply. “Insatiable little wolf.”
“No one ever told me.” I admit, peeking up at him from beneath my lashes. “That was...”
“I know.” Bastien agrees, stroking my hair back from my eyes. “I’ve never felt anything like it myself. It’s not always like that,
Selene – far from it.” His silver eyes bored into me with terrifying intensity. “I love you.”
My heart swelled in my chest. It was the first time he ever told me he loved me, and one I’d forget all too soon. “I love you too.”
I never want to leave this dream.

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