Persephone's Ring

Chapter CHAPTER 17

Rayen groaned in pain as she slowly stood they were so close to getting home and now it seemed almost impossible. Zeus had them all wounded his Valkyries having taken all but Keiran down.

“Oh, you’ve become quite scary brother,” Zeus chuckled. “But you’re out of practice.”

How’d they get here, defeated?

After they’d entered the temple it was as if they were being tested. The survivors had been climbing the steps for quite a while after passing the threshold. It seemed like an endless climb to a goal that never came.

“This is getting us nowhere,” Robert groaned.

“Wait!”Rayen stopped them. She sniffed the air a sweet smell wafting. “Cinnamon?” she looked confused.

“There’s a hint of vanilla spice,” Nala added. “Something is certainly off.”

“You two can smell that?” Susan asked confused.

“You can’t?” Rayen asked tilting her head.

“This may be an illusion of sorts, we need to find the smell and deal with it,” Nala suggested. “It may make things clearer.”

“Alright.” Rayen nodded.

“This way.” Nala beckoned as she walked right off the stairs into air. She kept walking then made a right straight through a wall.

“This is all one big illusion.” Keiran glanced around. “Interesting.”

“Here,” Nala pointed.

“I’ll deal with it,” Keiran set a fire in the empty space. Soon only smoke filled the air covering up the scent and dispelling the illusion.

Now they could truly get moving since they knew where they were. It was a maze and as they walked through they stayed close together. Traps were triggered as they walked through the labyrinth which only worried them.

When Nala stepped forward Rayen pulled her back as spikes rose from the ground. “I don’t remember much but I sorta know where not to go,” she took the opposite way. “There’s no way to cheat through this, you can’t climb over and see your way out or burst a path straight through, you must honestly complete it.” Rayen led the way trying her best to remember. “I remember at least that we should never try to trick or lie in this place or it’ll get us killed. She closed her eyes taking a breath trying to remember whatever she could. “Think…” she hit the side of her head with her wrist. “Come on… something…” she mumbled. The image of a woman twirling a feather popped into her head for a brief instant and she opened her eyes. “Feather!” she looked around. “Follow the feather’s path.”

“Oh!” Susan squealed. “Here!” she pointed. “This right?” she glanced at Rayen.

Rayen glanced at the wall Susan pointed at there was a picture of scattered feathers adorning it. “Yeah that’s the one she was holding, it looks just like it…” she mumbled. “We should go this way, if anyone sees one then speak up it’s where we need to go.”

They followed the signs to the end of the maze letting out sighs of relief. Rayen took the three steps up then stopped at a door.

“This place is full of puzzles.” Cole sighed in annoyance. “They really liked their secrets huh?”

“Well these secrets kept the only way home safe from anyone else,” Rayen glanced back as she entered the room on her right. She walked to the other end of the room looking at the wall. “The only way out is up there,” she pointed above her head. “The way won’t reveal itself until we solve this puzzle.”

The door closed behind them then slots opened up all over with trays coming out with hieroglyphs etched in. The room lit itself up there were all sorts of colors in the room as gems shone brightly.

“According to the wall we to solve it or this place fills with gas and we suffocate,” Rayen said.

“You’re reading hieroglyphs now?” Keiran asked. “You’re full of surprises,” he grinned.

Rayen returned the grin. “Well it’s only cause my mom taught me a little, mostly just what’s written in this temple.” She pointed at the wall behind her.

“You can flirt later we need a way out,” Charmayne pulled Rayen away. “Think supergirl, you got it hidden in there, that magic water helped you think of things you haven’t thought of in a very long time.”

Rayen stood in the middle of the room looking around. She sat down closing her eyes taking a few moments to clear her head.

Gas began pouring into the room fast and the all coughed worried.

“Anything?” Henry asked through coughs.

Rayen remembered being young and her mother showing her stones. “Remember Ray,” she could remember the sweet voice of her mother.

“It’s a word puzzle and must be done in a specific order. You need to listen to me carefully and starting at the wall behind me place the stones in their slots.”

Everyone listened in carefully readying to look for what they needed.

She repeated the words as she could hear her mother saying them. “Once there was a man so cold who met a lady fair,” she coughed, trying not to break concentration. “Upon sweet wings his heart did beat his mind so full of her.” She cleared her throat.

They scattered about looking as she spoke.

“What color are we looking for?” Robert asked. “I mean a cold man could mean a rude horrible person, so black and lily could be white but is that right?” he asked.

“Then there are the sweet wings on his heart,” Charmayne said. “That’s love right, so red.”

“Maybe we should hear a little more before deciding.” Nala suggested.

“But on the safe side let’s find those colors.” Keiran said.

Andrew walked over having not paid attention to them. He found the red gem and slipped it into the first opening before they could stop him.

Above one of the air shafts closed and some stairs appeared near the entrance above.

“You could’ve killed us you know,” Robert said glaring at him.

Andrew glanced at Cole and signed.

“Every story begins with love,” Cole repeated. “He did it because love is always there then everything else comes after.”

“Still that was a little risky,” Susan let out a breath. “Well it worked so it’s all good.”

“For many moons he’d changed his tune, what once was dull now bright,” Rayen continued.

“Dull would mean his cold demeanor,” Nala said. “He was mean so maybe there was nothing good in his life.”

Andrew tapped on Cole’s shoulder.

“What’s he saying?” Charmayne asked.

“He said look for a yellow stone next,” Cole replied. He glanced back as Andrew signed, “yellow…” he waited a moment reading, “it symbolizes happiness, he was mean and sad and the woman brought what was missing, happiness and joy.”

“You must read a lot,” Keiran glanced back then went to search with the others. “I think we should just let you be interpreter here,” he suggested.

“Seconded,” Susan called from her pile then cleared her throat.

“Agreed,” Henry added after.

“Got it,” Nala called out then went to the next slot placing the stone. She coughed hard a bit of blood coming up.

Another air shaft closed stopping the gas followed by more stairs.

Rayen coughed violently blood coming up pulling her back. She doubled over in pain. “I-I heard her voice so clear…”

Charmayne came over patting her back. “Breath…” she cleared her throat. “You can memorize it.”

Nodding Rayen stood slowly. “To her he gave,” she coughed, “everything never losing fight.”

Andrew thought for a moment taking long slow breaths then signed.

“Orange,” Cole relayed. “Determination.

“Here!” Henry tossed it to Robert who was closer who proceeded to place it in the slot which repeated the action from before.

“A…” Rayen became dizzy, “A kiss and lace, rebirth was done two fates entwined as one…”

“Green, rebirth,” Cole said. “The color of life.”

Charmayne glanced in front of her. There was a green gem in front of her she tossed it to Susan who slipped it into place.

“A fool’s downfall it kills us all taking the will to think, he took his crown, power, and conceit all laid gracefully at her feet.”

“Wisdom and the color of royals, purple.” Cole knelt down. “Right here,” he was nearest to the slot.

It was hard to breathe and their vision was getting blurry. Soon they’d all be passed out.

“What was hidden hard to find, a snake she was with pretty eyes.” Rayen tried to focus. They were almost there just a little further.”

“Well black, self explanatory.” Cole shrugged as he walked back to Andrew.

Robert found then passed it to Charmayne who had left Rayen’s side to help make it all go a little faster.

“The roles reverse the lily was he blinded by a poisoned tree…” she tried to remember the rest. “The one who longed to be completely opened up to beauty’s gaze not the soul that leads the way. Inner self reflected sky paints the path and clears the tides.”

Rayen couldn’t hold out any more and passed out. Susan and Henry following her.

Before he passed out Andrew informed them of the need to find a blue and white gem, purity and truth.

“Everyone’s passed out…” Cole glanced around noticing it was just him and Keiran. “I guess it’s running slower through us…” he shrugged. “Blue and white…” he looked around.

Keiran began throwing gems aside every which way to find what he was looking for. “Their coughing blood, we need to hurry.”

“Yeah…” he glanced at their unconscious companions worried.

“Found it!” Keiran held up the white one and at the same time Cole held up blue..

“But which goes first?” Cole asked.

“Maybe white if he was truly the lily duped by a snake of a woman he was actually just a naive guy who didn’t know a thing right?” Keiran looked confused.

“Well we’ll have to chance it.” Cole sighed. “They die if we don’t…”

They traded stones then placed them in one after another.

The final air shafts close and the door to the next area opened but Keiran and Cole decided to let them rest, they needed to recover if they were to continue.

Half an hour later they were once more on their way as they walked through the door and with it they felt the temple shake.

“What is that?” Nala asked.

“Maybe they’re trying to force their way through,” Cole glanced back. “They will eventually make it through it’s just a race to see if we make it out of here before they find us.”

They hurried through dodging a pool of boiling water and poisonous insects. They were standing before a door wondering how to open it when a bolt of lightning came crashing into it.

“I’m back,” Natasha sang out happily. “Miss me?” she grinned wrinkling her nose.

Behind her Valkyries ready to fight. Nala rushed forward dodging Natasha clawing at one of the women. She pulled her daggers from their holsters tossing them back where they lodged in the wall next to her companions. Susan took one and Cole the other then joined the fight. Henry pulled out his and followed after.

Rayen handed hers over to Robert. “Go on.”

Andrew was told to stay back and safe since there were no other weapons and Keiran joined in keeping close to Andrew to make sure no one hurt him.

“Seems you’re all doing so well, well too bad sis,” she glared as Rayen. Natasha held up a bolt but is dissipated as Charmayne’s arrow flew past.

“Don’t Tash,” Charmayne warned. “Next is your arm.”

“Oh… I get what this is, you know it’s not gonna happen though right?” Natasha smirked. “Poor you.” Natasha threw a bolt at Charmayne knocking her out.

“Char!” Rayen called out. “She still thought you were her friend you know!” Rayen charged. She held up a hand a vine coming from the right swinging at Natasha. While she was caught off guard as if possessed Rayen sped up then lunged at her swiping with one hand. Her nails were claws and her eyes like those of a cat it was only for an instant that this feeling came over her and in surprise she jumped back.

“My face you bitch!” Natasha shrieked gripping the claw marks on her cheek. “What the hell did you do!?”

Nala glanced back at Rayen as she dodged an attack then returned her focus to her own battle.

Rayen stared at her hands in confusion but it didn’t last long as Natasha attacked her. She kicked the woman off when she was tackled to the ground then bound her with roots.

Mazin flew overhead attacking anyone sneaking around on the sidelines or in the blindspot. The small pouches he and Rayen made coming in handy during this though the Valkyries just kept coming as if there was no end.

“Maz keep her bound,” Rayen called to the dragon. She went to check on Charmayne and after making sure she was alive Rayen made her way to the door hastily trying to read over it. Sadly it was cut short as a massive bolt came blasting through straight at her.

“Watch out!” Keiran called out catching her attention at the last moment and saving her life.

The blast made a hole in the stone doors which activated some sort of system in the temple it shook violently and the ground crumbled in some places a pit of lava below. Another blast of lightning came through with no regard followed by a strong gust of wind. It blew the survivors through the door both friend and foe.

Everyone rose to their feet as Zeus entered the room. “Little lambs think they can escape, but I can’t let you, I need what’s in your head and on your hand.” He stared at Rayen. “And now that you’ve awakened to it, I can’t simply take it, you need to freely give it to me,” he sighed. “You’re my child so I don’t want to hurt you but I’ll wed you off and assure that my darling brother suffers more than he already has. I so dislike being defied”

“Bite me,” Rayen spat. “I’m not giving you anything…” as Mazin landed on her shoulder she used him to stabilize her own power. Now that they were out in the open she used the plants around her using the leaves and petals as little knives sending them to slice at Zeus and the Valkyries.

“You’re still very weak and new,” Zeus redirected her attack away from him.

Her companions once more on their feet fought back against the warrior women. They were fighting as best they could with the wind knocked out of them. Keiran focused on his brother sending an attack of solidified shadow and darkness in the form of daggers at him.

Entertained by the idea Zeus turned his attention to Keiran and the two went toe to toe a clash of great power canceling one another out so great that all anyone could do was watch. Tearing her eyes away Rayen slowly crept to the device on the platform a large wheel with engravings. She was mumbling animal names to herself when wind cicles came at her slicing at her clothes and skin.

Mazin shielded her and Keiran returned the favor with his own ability.

“Bravo, but you’re still recovering you rusty nail,” Zeus clapped. “Let me show you how it’s done.” Zeus summoned a thunderstorm overhead. He put much power into it and sent it crashing down on them.

That is what brought them to now.

“Oh, you’ve become so scary brother,” Zeus chuckled. “But you’re out of practice.” Zeus walked over to Rayen holding her up. “I’m a king, I surpass you despite your age and experience.”

“You’re right,” Rayen coughed. “That makes you a lion,” with just two fingers she beckoned a root to shoot straight through the arrogant king spilling his golden blood on the platform.

He coughed in surprise at the blow. Never did he expect the sapling with no knowledge to be able to do that. She tried to move but couldn’t.

When he’d knocked them through the door he separated her from the pouch of paralyzing powder she’d had so before impaling them both the root grabbed the pouch. Upon impalement the dust covered the root entering both their systems.

“I’m a cat too, just more sly and smaller.” she coughed smiling blood spilling out.. She’d pierced herself as well. “Just a dirty sly alley cat.” the blood mixed beneath them and the platform began to glow.

Keiran was in shock at what had just happened. He stood there for a moment but as the portal opened up behind the two he quickly woke the others pulling them up with his shadows. “We need to hurry.”

“What happened? Charmayne just like the rest stared at the two bodies before them.

Andrew leaped forward first trying to dislodge her on his own. Cole and Henry came to his aid helping him. From his bag he pulled the vile given to him by Hecate.

“What is that?” Charmayne asked as they came over.

“No, it’s to get you your voice,” Rayen refused.

“I’m fine without a voice,” Cole interpreted what Andrew signed for the rest.

Keiran leaned down. Putting a hand over her wound. “Just shut up and don’t be as stubborn as you were in your past life,” he ordered. Andrew handed him the bottle and he poured half down her throat. “Why’d you do something so stupid.

“I needed the blood of a Lion and that of a stray,” Rayen groaned.

“Being a king makes him a lion,” Susan glanced at the paralyzed body behind them.

“And you being orphaned makes you a stray, an alley cat with no home,” Charmayne continued.

Her wound healed up partially and with the ability to now move she stopped Keiran. “We need to move,” she strained to sit up. “This thing won’t stay open for long and I remembered something important, this is a volcano. Everything is falling into it as a failsafe since he broke through the door with force.”

“Then we need to move.” Nala helped Rayen to her feet Then supported her as they all jumped through the portal. After everyone had gone through Rayen stalled a moment picking up the bottle. She corked it then nodded to Nala. “Okay let’s go.”

They entered the portal as the temple collapsed behind them.

Heat beamed on their faces greater than they’d experienced. It burned their skin making it hard to breathe and underneath them the rough sand just as hot. It was too much to stand that they couldn’t even open their eyes and the exhausting trip through the portal only left them drained to the point they couldn’t defend themselves.

When they finally came to, they were in a large shaded tent surrounded by men covered from head to toe in clothing and outside were camels.

Egypt. The portal led them to Egypt.

“We’re not in Kansas that’s for sure…” Charmayne spit out dirt.

“Oh you’ve got to be kidding me!” Rayen forced herself up and ran out of the tent getting whipped in the face with sand as the wind blew.


Next chapter will be updated first on this website. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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