Persephone's Ring

Chapter CHAPTER 16

Blood. Blood. Blood. Rayen’s hands were covered in the red substance as well as dirt and seeing it she wanted it to disappear. Now that things were calmer she stared at her reflection in a lake they’d come across then dipped her hands in the water washing them. Calm. She tried her best to keep her cool but she couldn’t hold it. “C-Come off,” she scrubbed her hands furiously trying to get the dried blood off. Tears began to flow as her shoulders shook.

No one could say anything to her in that moment. Watching heads hung in shame, speechless, clenched fist, frustration and sadness were all that remained.

Keiran stepped forward and put a hand on her shoulder in reassurance. He pulled her hands out of the lake taking a breath. He had nothing to say because it wouldn’t change how she felt.

Rayen leaned on his chest crying like a small child, there was nothing else should could do but grip on tight and cry until she couldn’t anymore. Robert volunteered to look for some firewood and Charmayne joined only in hopes of shooting down a bird or rabbit for them to eat. Susan laid out a few things to cook when Charmayne returned then helped Henry set up tents to sleep in. The youngest, Andrew was nearby sitting against a tree legs to his chest and eyes red.

Cole sat nearby keeping an eye on him. “If you want to talk, I’ll be right here.” He gave Andrew a nod then relaxed as much as he could given all that’s happened.

By the time their rabbit stew was ready Rayen had cried herself to sleep and was calm for now at least. Everyone was worried about her and Andrew as they were out of it.

“What are we going to do now?” Robert asked. “Unexpressed feelings and all the people lost, this isn’t going well.”

“A lot really has happened.” Susan sighed. “There’s only eight of us left now…”

Rayen had woken up but didn’t move. She laid there listening.

Mazin had made himself comfortable beside her asleep.

“From the beginning this was dangerous, we knew that there isn’t anything to change that now.” Henry sighed. “We can just do our best and try to make it out of here.”

“There shouldn’t be much more to it now,” Cole poked at his food. “The finish line is in view, we’ll make it home, we just have to be careful.”

“And we should fight back,” Charmayne said. “We need to reinforce ourselves and leave traps or whatever so that we can stop losing this fight.”

“That may not be a bad idea,” Keiran agreed. He glanced at Rayen. “But we can worry about it a little later, for now let’s eat and figure out sleeping arrangements.”

Andrew pointed to Rayen.

“Makes sense I guess,” Cole agreed. “You two seem pretty close and then you girls can share as well,” he glanced between Susan and Charmayne.

“Great.” Susan nodded. “Then you and your boss I’m guessing and Robert and Henry.”

Andrew set down his barely touched bowl then waved to the others getting into the tent. He just wanted to sleep.

Early in the morning Rayen was up. She had taken up watch and left Mazin to watch everyone while she was out in the wood. By the time the others were awake she was quietly eating leftovers.

“I am not a leader, all I’ve done is get people killed…” she kept her eyes on her food. “I… I want us to make it home to be safe so I’ll try harder.” Rayen glanced at Andrew, “I’m sorry about DeAnne,” she tucked some hair behind her ear. “If I wasn’t so useless, and if I could use this power I would’ve done more but I can’t so she’s gone and so is Grace…” she stood. Andrew shook his head and gave her a small smile.

Rayen reached into her bag pulling out little self made pouches. “I’ve been working with Mazin, here…” she handed them out. “Mazin produced these all on his own, black seeds copy what he did to Natasha, they burst forth vines or roots to constrict the enemy, red ones quickly expand into barriers and shields when then come into contact with your skin so don’t touch them unnecessarily.” She tied a small pouch to her belt.

“What’s that?” Charmayne asked.

“Paralyzing pollen,” Rayen replied casually. “I’ve been working on making it from surrounding flowers with Mazin this whole time, he’s been a stabilizing element, I can’t do anything on my own anymore but with his help I can use a tiny portion of power, enough for this.”

“Somebody’s been busy…” Cole glanced at the pouch.

“I’ve got extras,” Rayen said. “And I’ve made a salve as well for wounds.”

“Really busy,” Cole looked in her bag. “You know you don’t have to push yourself.”

“I’m doing what I can to get us home,” Rayen put on her bag. “I’ll let you all eat now, we should leave soon.”

“Oh yeah, I almost forgot in all the excitement,” Robert stopped disassembling the tent. He looked at Keiran and spoke. “My bad for hitting on your woman, I stay away from anyone attached to another in any way.”

“She no my-”

“I’m not his-”

They overlapped one another while speaking.

“I’m not the person he married,” Rayen tied her hair up. “I’m gonna go scout ahead. Come on Mazin.” The two went ahead of the group.

“Is that how you really feel Ray?” Mazin asked.

“I don’t know about anything anymore, I just want to get through this.”

“Not trying to be rude, but is your interest only because she resembled your wife or do you actually like her?” Charmayne asked. “Ray told me you were trying to move forward and leave the past in the past, but hearing that your wife’s soul is hers does that make you want to go back to that time?” she raised a brow making herself a bowl. “If so you should just completely stay away or you’ll hurt her, think on it.”

“It would suck a lot if you’re seeing someone else when you look at her,” Susan sat down. “I mean you do seem to care but Char has a point, if you see Persephone then best break it off now, but if it’s Ray then stop hesitating and say something.”

“What I told her is the truth,” Keiran said. “Finding out about that is a shock but nothing about knowing it can make things different.” He sat down taking a breath. “Seph died a long time ago, what’s been here are remnants that finally have left. It hurts as it always will and I’ll always think about going back to when I was happy that’s normal for anyone to think on the people they cared for deeply.”

“I do it often,” Henry cut in. “I think about going back to before my divorce when we all lived together and dream about it even, so I understand it,” he glanced at Keiran. “Times spent with someone important are always the ones you want to return to.”

Do you still feel that way?” Susan asked Henry.

“A little, there were things left unsaid but I know separating was for the best with us,” he replied. “We could never make it work.”

She gave a small nod then continued eating.

Their trek today was an easy one so far as the sun wasn’t blazing. They could walk with ease with the clouds saving them from heat.

“I hate to say this but you need to talk to him,” Charmayne spoke quietly. “He’s just as bothered as you,” she nudged Rayen.

“Things will only get worse,” Rayen shook her head.

“Talking may help resolve things,” she smiled. “Don’t look down on it before you try.”

“I guess.” Rayen shrugged.

They didn’t break until night and for that they made it pretty far. With urging from Cole and Susan the rest gave Keiran and Rayen some space.

“Are things actually that bad?” Rayen glanced back at Keiran. “But I guess we haven’t really spoken right?”

Keiran glanced down then set everything out to cook. “We really haven’t said much,” he agreed. “But I understand it’s a shock to you.”

“But this hurts you more,” Rayen was pulling the vegetables they had left from a bag. “After so long to find out this is what happened.” She put the vegetables into the pot.

Keiran was quiet for a few moments as he added water to the pot. “When we met,” he stated, “when we first met I actually thought I sensed her in you,” he admitted. “Something about you very much reminded me of her aside from your appearance and I thought maybe somehow you were her,” he told her.

Rayen listened as she spiced the water letting him speak and say what he wanted. She wanted to clear the air entirely on the subject of Persephone.

“But after being around you and then what Thetis said that was a thought that dispersed from my mind, honestly it was a little disappointing but at the same time I think I was relieved, I didn’t know what to feel if you were her, I was abandoned without words and angry at that.” He leaned against a nearby tree glancing up through the trees for a second in thought. “When I’ve talked to you it is you I’m talking to, I’m in no way projecting,” he looked at her. “I’ve been honest in how I’ve felt and my thoughts, it’s just that easy to speak to you.” he nodded his head towards her. “I don’t see you as her or anything you’re you it’s that simple.”

Rayen closed her eyes smiling. “That is actually a relief,” she laughed. “It has bothered me a bit cause you sometimes look at me like there’s something you wanna get off your chest or you’re bothered.”

“Honestly there is something I want to say but I’m not too sure how you’d react,” Keiran scratched the back of his head sheepishly as he pushed off the tree. He looked in the pot. “All that’s left is meat and fire.”

“What is it?” Rayen glanced up at him.

“How about we wait on that,” he replied. “There are still things to work through and I’d like to sit down one on one when not being chased to talk.”

Rayen sat down. “Alright, then I’ll hold you to that.”

“Maybe you’d like to see the Underworld with fresh eyes one day and have a meal with me, maybe then we can be honest,” he glanced at her.

“I’d like that,” she nodded smiling at him which he warmly returned.

“Right.” Keiran moved near her and sat. “So you still can’t access anything?” he asked.

“No, whatever that cat’s eye was it messed me up,” she frowned. “I’ve been feeling a little weird like something is saying don’t do it and so it’s all blocked up.”

“You’ll find a way around it I’m sure of it.”

“We’re back!” Susan called wood in hand. “We can start cooking once that rabbit is skinned and cleaned,” she made a disgusted face looking at Charmayne.

“Well it’s thanks to these rabbits that we can eat.” Charmayne waved the rabbit around.

“Walking into a pet store will never be the same.” Cole shivered. “Anyway Andrew and I scouted ahead with the dragon nothing ahead but the wood will get a little thicker from here.”

“Alright,” Rayen nodded. “The pot is ready you all can finish up here.”

“Oh the two strong men here are skinning it,” Charmyne passed them to Henry and Robert.

“Great…” Robert gave an uncomfortable laugh.

Mazin flew down placing two eggs in the pot. “I found these in a tree, eggs may be something to change up the dish.”

Andrew glanced at Rayen then Keiran grinning before he placed wood and moss down. After he signed. “You made up?”

“Yes,” she stood. “You can all stop being so concerned,” Rayen poked Andrew’s forehead. “And worry about yourselves a bit okay.”

Andrew nodded to Rayen once more signing he would try.

“You always rush in, I get worried.” She patted his back. “Think a little before you act”

Andrew nodded, lowering his head in thought.

As time for sleep came Cole took first watch. When the others drifted to sleep Andrew got up. He sat with Cole watching the fire.

When the older male looked at him he just signed. “Help,” he smiled.

Andrew nodded giving a thumbs up. “Two is better than one,” he signed.

“So it seems those two settled things, that’s good,” Cole spoke as he stoked the fire. “It’s nice to have someone to be so close to and care for, even Susan and Henry seem to have gotten together,” he laughed.

Andrew glanced up at him as he talked then glanced back down. He closed his eyes then signed. “When this is over let’s hang out.”

Cole stopped him. “A goal,” he chuckled. “Yeah, I think that’ll be fun, when this is over everyone should keep together in some way.”

Andrew nodded.

Cole grinned at Andrew. “Afterall at this point we’re like a family, we’ve gone through all this and weathered the storm together.”

The two talked a little longer then Andrew turned over getting some sleep.

As they packed up Andrew went to find water Cole accompanying him.

“So how are you feeling?” Cole asked. “DeAnne may be gone but we’re with you, and we’ll all take care of you.”

Andrew nodded smiling at the words he was glad that he wouldn’t be alone in the end.

As they walked Cole talked and Andrew listened to the silly things he spoke about. When they found water the two filled up the bottles.

When they got back everything was packed up and they were ready to go. The finish line was so close they could taste it. Crossing water and short hikes everything was physically demanding and not just flat terrain anymore.

“This sucks ass.” Robert groaned. “Do we really have to cross this rickety bridge, it’s gonna snap any second now.”

“I second that.” Susan raised a hand. “I vote we find another way.”

“There is no other way else it’d take us,” Rayen pointed at the compass.

“Yeah but come on this is a setup…” Robert rolled his eyes. “And not all of us are durable gods like you three,” he held out his hands to them.

“I’m not a god, I’m flesh and blood, mortal, I almost died remember.” Rayen corrected.

“That is true, she has all the abilities but what makes us what we are has been erased from her, so she could just as easily be killed,” Cole stated. “Besides Andrew has yet to lead us astray,” he put a hand on his shoulder. “Come on.” He started across the aged barely holding rotting thing.

They inched across so as not to shake it too much Mazin the luckiest as he just rode on Rayen’s shoulder.

They were barely halfway across when Henry spoke. ’So far it’s okay.”

“I highly doubt this can be considered okay in any way.” Robert’s voice was a tad higher as it cracked which only became worse as a snapping sound was heard. “Oh come on!”

The old frayed rope finally snapped sending them all falling into the water. Mazin tried his best to soften the landing with flowers leaves and vines atop wood as much as he could but still when they landed there was a modicum of pain.

“Told you,” Robert rolled over wincing as he gripped his arm.

They all sat up as the floated downriver. Andrew pulled out the compass which for now was pointing in the direction they were headed.

They relaxed and lounged about lazily as there was nothing to do as they floated. Some napped others talked. Rayen took the time to meditate, she needed to get her ability working again but all she could feel inside was something building a wall. In the place of zen she’d created in her head Rayen felt like she was being watched and when she concentrated intensely on trying to pass that wall a pair of cat eyes always seemed to paralyze her. Every time she felt them or caught them a shiver ran down her spine. Eventually she gave up in favor of relaxing though she was going to try again later.

The relaxing river ride soon came to an end. The waters became rough turning and crashing against their wooden raft. They were jerked around gripping the vines to stay on. Up ahead the river split in two one route narrower than the other and at the flailing of Andrew trying to catch their attention he motioned for the narrower path.

Mazin flew over grabbing a vine then bringing it back. Cole pulled on it to turn and draw them in that direction.

“Okay we’re on course so at least this seems safer, fast running water like that is usually a waterfall.” Susan laughed.

“Or at least according to movies that’s true,” Charmayne added with a small smile. “But that was probably the case here.”

Traveling down the calmer waters they stayed a little more alert as to not repeat last time and be pulled to near death again. It felt like forever floating endlessly then the compass gave them new direction onto land. So they pulled the raft as close to land as they could and got off.

“I’m glad, I was getting tired of floating in the water…” Charmayne stretched.

“We should walk a little before we stop for a beak since all we’ve done is rest,” Rayen said as she kept forward. “Let’s give it two hours or so before we check and see how we’re doing.”

Walking Keiran played around with his abilities he snapped his fingers messing about with black fire. “This one’s working a bit better, I can do more than make words and start little fires at least.”

“Well that’s good but maybe work on the rest or you’ll cut down more trees in irritation,” Cole joked.

“Just be careful not to burn anything down.” Rayen glanced back. “It would be bad to alert the others by doing that.”

“I know.” Keiran nodded extinguishing the flame.

When the sun became too much they took a break. Rayen took the time to once again meditate and figure out the root of her problem. She was in a calm space in her mind a garden filled with flowers in all sorts of colors, it was beautiful and vibrant something that lacked from her life for so long.

As she walked through this space she could see the wall blocking off the path to her abilities. A transparent wall that showed her the other side.

“Why can’t I break you?” she mumbled walking alongside it looking for a weakness. She felt along the wall carefully hoping for anything. “Come on, let me through.” She groaned. As she continued walking she could feel eyes on her stalking her. The feeling sent a shiver down her spine.

She wanted to turn around to see this thing but she ignored the urge continuing forward. One task at a time, she couldn’t stop this finishing one task at a time was better than splitting herself and getting all distracted. Moving forward a giant statue was visible. As she approached it was clear it was a sphinx. “...” she was speechless.

The eyes slowly opened glowing bright as she stood before it. “A test of blood and truth,” the statue spoke. “We hold order and law, we are protectors above gods with power over them and power to end them, only our blood can unlock and seal powers away, destroy a god or protect them.”

“I just want those abilities back, without them I can’t help,” Rayen said.

“You speak lies, before when you hid them you did much you were able to protect, you are unsure of yourself and that has sealed them away, the awakening of blood has heard your worries and taken away what you think has defined you.”

“What I…” she mumbled. “Well it’s true it’s been Persephone this and that… it’s her soul but I’m not her…” Rayen looked up at the glowing eyes her own fierce with fire.

“Unlock with the blood of the protectors and make it yours.”

Rayen took a step forward as an opening on the giant statue appeared just big enough for her hand to fit. She slipped her hand in and felt a bite causing her to yelp in pain. When she retracted her hand at if bitten by an animal she had puncture wounds on her hand.

“Awaken your nature and the truth of what you are will offer answers. Do not deny any of it.” the bright light of the eyes engulfed her then quickly it and the sphinx were gone but the wall remained.

“I put this up…” Rayen mumbled. “That means knocking it down will be extremely tough…” she sighed. “Come on… I’m not Persephone, I’m no master at this but I sure as hell won’t be put in her shadow!” she stared at the glass wall had pressed against it while she spoke.

As if hearing her on the other side vines came rushing crashing against the glass. They kept coming over and over cracking the wall until one small vine made it through.

“It’s a start.” Rayen smiled. “Still so much to go though.” She touched the vine as it pushed further and further. “We’ll send the whole thing crashing…” she was reassuring herself out of nowhere something lunged at her. She could see nothing but a glowing pair of eyes at top her as if the being were invisible. She threw up her hands in defense as it went for the attack.

“Free me! Don’t ignore me!”

The voices came as the creature attacked but before it could land with a gasp she was back in the real world. Coughing she panted hand on her chest.

“You alright?” Cole handed her water.

“Y-Yeah fine…” she nodded then looked around. “Where’s everyone?”

“Food and water gathering,” he replied. “We’re having fish and hopefully some fruit if they can find some plus wood, I stayed to keep an eye on you.”


“So what happened? You were so unresponsive to anything.”

“A lady was talking to me in my head, I got attacked and I think I may have some control again.” Rayen held her hand over the ground in front of her the grass looking a little greener.

“Well that’ll be good, but getting attacked not so much,” Cole crossed his arms.

“Well it was like it was trying to tell me something, but it was invisible, all but the eyes.”

“Hmm, well a mystery for another day.”


After a short break and some food in their stomachs they set off again. They were close now and they knew it, in the distance they could see the tops of the building and small clues were evident all around them. Remains of what could have been a road underfoot and marble covered in vines cracked and eroded by age.

“So maybe a small city?” Henry suggested.

“Get down!” Rayen shouted as arrows came flying there way.

They all ducked looking around.

“Were we found right at the finish line?” Robert asked.

“No, this place has traps,” Rayen shook her head. “Stay close.” She got up and jumped over a rock.

It seemed as if they were automated or somehow unknowingly they were tripping them. Jumping, ducking, dodging, the attacks didn’t let up. After they reached a lone standing wall they seemed safe.

“Maybe someone’s still here…” Rayen looked around. “Hello? We’re not here to hurt you, we’re just looking for a way home.” she stepped out from hiding.

An arrow came right past her head scratching her cheek. “Who are you?” a man called before walking out with others. “We just want to be left alone.”

“We just want to get to the temple and go home.” Rayen told them.

“That place is cursed, no one sets foot here unless they wish death or have been given permission.” The man said. “We guard it against all.”

“I was guided here and it’s the only way for us to leave.” Rayen stepped forward. “We need to get going before the people after us show up, so will you please stop attacking?”

As she stepped forward then man raised a brow looking her over. “If your words are true then one condition,” the man told her. “If there is a way to escape, take my child with you.”

“Okay.” Rayen replied without hesitation. “I don’t see why not.”

“Nala!” the man called. One of the girls in the crowd behind him stepped forward.

“I don’t have to go.” she took the man’s hands. “I can stay…”

“You need to go.” the man shook his head. The two hugged for a long moment then she stood before Rayen. “I’m Nala, I’ll be in your care.”

“Rayen,” she introduced. “We should go now.”

“I’ll show you the rest of the way.” Nala started walking. “Father and the others will keep them back as long as they can.”

“Come on,” Rayen followed calling to the others.

“What happened here?” Cole asked as they followed.

“Members of our people fled and it brought anger on us from the gods they destroyed this place, we survived though with words that one day this place would be of use again, we’re only remnants of what was once here.”

“How sad,” Susan frowned.

“We manage and we are fortunate.” Nala shrugged.

As they approached the temple a knife came flying in their direction lodging itself in the stone steps behind them. It seemed their pursuers caught up to them. These were not the ones who were after them before, they looked totally different. Whereas the ones from before wore more leather these were in more metal and chainmail

“Great, Valkyries…” Cole groaned.

“Crap,” Rayen threw up a hand and a thick wall of vines arose from the ground in front of their enemies. “We need to hurry!”

Quickly they climbed the stairs to the large stone doors that they couldn’t push open.

“How are we getting inside it’s not budging…” Charmayne drew the bow letting loose an arrow as one woman broke through hitting her in the shoulder with force. “Wow… power.”

“I know this…” Rayen mumbled. “I think I know how we get in.”

“Hurry!” Charmayne shot another arrow.

Keiran set up a line of black fire to keep them back some braved it jumping through others stayed back looking for another way.

Rayen looked at the door for a moment in thought a memory long forgotten surfacing.

“How do you know what to do?” Cole asked watching her.

“When I was a kid,” she put her hands on the door, “my parents would always do these weird games with me, mom would teach me all these patterns and stuff, little rhymes and dad built little replicas all sorts of things.” She reached up pushing in a stone “I’ve forgotten most but I remember this.” she moved over three stones then down two.

“They really planned on this happening huh?” Henry raised a brow.

“The sun up high then setting low,” she motioned from the first stone she saw to the second one down low. “From forest green to mountain snow.” She touched a stone with a tree then one just a little ways away with a mountain peak. “The light of hope these doors will know.”

Three stones pushed out and fell to the ground. One at the door and the other two on columns not far off. The openings were equally spaced apart in a triangle pattern.

“So what now?” Keiran asked knocking some of the abnormally strong women back with his shadows.

“Well I fit one half of the puzzle and only luckily since I’ve been well you know where,” she nodded her head to the side. “Three people need to stick their hands in the slots, but blood purity is required and different types of blood.

“So virgins and special virgins at that,” Susan raised a brow. “We’re screwed.”

“My parents taught me so my blood or whatever is one key, the other is human and the third is that of someone with a god’s blood.”

“That ship has long sailed for us,” Cole commented. “We’ve been around a few times, and by technicalities you fill the goodling role,” he added.

“True, but it may not accept it for both.” Rayen pointed out.

“I’ll do it,” Nala spoke up. “I can smell it among the enemy I can find one pure, and I can get her hand in there,” she jumped flipping down into the middle of them. She dodged and kicked one woman’s attacks before jumping over her to another.

“Then the human element.” Susan glanced at Charmayne.

“I’m busy here and I don’t apply,” Charmyne shook her head.

Andrew ran off the steps dodging attacks to make it to the other column.

“Hey!” Cole called out. He followed behind keeping track of and defending him against the valkyries. When they made it to the column he leaned on it glancing down at the younger man. “Don’t go running off okay, we promised to get you home.”

Andrew grinned then turned away looking at the slot happy.

“I found one,” Nala called dragging the woman toward the column.

“Okay then now!” Rayen yelled and simultaneously they all shoved their hands in.

Pulling them out the whole area shook for a few seconds as the doors long shut creaked opened for them. They quickly made their way inside where more steps awaited them.

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