Persephone's Ring

Chapter CHAPTER 14

“You think I’ll just happily accept being kidnapped!?” Persephone turned away arms crossed.

“I…” Keiran sighed taking a step closer. “I only wanted to-” he looked exactly as Rayen knew him only with longer hair.

Rayen couldn’t move or speak she could only feel the anger building in her as the woman spoke. “These… are they her memories…?” she thought. She was incorporeal like the last time a bystander in someone else’s story. She stood and watched feeling everything

“To what, to treat me as all women are treated by the gods who take interest?” she turned to him. “Keep your distance from me,” she took a frightened step back. “I will no be used and tossed aside.”

Keiran’s face dropped then saddened. “So be it,” he glared at her. “Take her to her chambers.” After giving the order he stormed off.

The scene moved forward Persephone now stood in her room being cared for by two nymph attendants. She glanced around at the space decorated beautifully in flowers and gold a room fit for a princess and carefully put together.

“The room was prepared for you our honored guest,” Cole spoke from the door. “I apologize for how things happened but please forgive our awkward King.” He bowed to her then turned to the attendants. “The Miss will dine alone tonight, much work for Hades to do now, it has piled up.”

The scene melted away a second of blackness as voices could be heard. Slowly a throne stood alone in the darkness and Keiran materialized.

“It has been a week send me home now.” Persephone ordered coming to form moments later. “You’ve kept me locked in that room the whole time and only let me out to eat, I cannot survive like this.”

Keiran stood from his throne waving away the attendants. He glanced at Cole who bowed then disappeared. He glanced at her then awkwardly held out his hand. “Take it.”

“Wh-” she glanced at his hand. As her eyes traveled up to his face she lingered on it. He’d turned away trying to focus on something else. She for a second she found it exciting and took his hand a surprised look on Keiran’s face as if he didn’t think she’d take his hand.

He lead her to a pavilion on the castle grounds surrounded by what was once what may have been a garden. Keiran let go of her hand. He looked out over the garden. “If you promise to not run you can come here unattended,” he spoke. “It can be your space to do as you please on your own as you would like, I have also collected the best gardeners in my realm for your assistance.”

Persephone looked at the dead land. “It has surely seen better days.” She stepped out of the pavilion walking over to a bush. “Quite a lot of care would need to go into it.” She glanced back out the corner of her eye. Persephone didn’t know how to feel about the arrangement but it got her space to roam and it gave her a place to be alone. She said nothing more then got to work on her own. “I don’t need your gardeners, I’ll do it all on my own.”

Keiran gave a nod then left her to her own.

Days passed and she slowly worked making the garden hospitable to the plant life that would inhabit it. She was in her own little happy world spending most of her time there. For a while from time to time Keiran would come and sit a book in hand reading nothing said between them just silence. Though before long he was helping silently moving things and bringing others following and copying what she did.

It was routine for a while but eventually Keiran stopped coming. The sudden change bothered her and made her wonder what was wrong. Persephone had somewhat grown used to Keiran’s presence in the garden.

“My lady?” Cole walked up behind her in the hall. “Are you looking for the king?”

Persephone was a little startled at his appearance but quickly shook her head. “I’m just walking around, I’ve been in the garden and wanted a change.”

Cole stared at her for a long moment then grinned shifting the bucket he was holding.. “Then why not come help me, you’ve become used to things here it seems so why not see something new, and don’t worry if we’re together you’ll be fine.”

“Guess it couldn’t hurt…” she glanced in the direction of the throne room then followed Cole, the two reached a field where three majestically beautiful black horses grazed.

“Wow…” Persephone approached them slowly then pet the one closest to her.

“She’s the leader,” Cole put down the bucket pulling a brush out. “She doesn’t let many touch her that makes you pretty special.” He began brushing her.

“Well I’m honored,” she laughed as the Mare nuzzled her.

“Oh…” Cole caught her attention. “I forgot something, would you mind taking over for a moment?” he held out the brush.

“Sure.” Persephone took the brush gently going over the coat as he left.

“You seem fine to me,” Keiran surprised her as he appeared while she was on the second horse. “No injuries or pain.”

“I…” Persephone didn’t know what to say turning to stare at him for only seconds before looking away.

Keiran watched her. “Come.” He called her then started walking.

Quietly she followed him not knowing what to say. They did nothing more than wander for a few minutes for the first time she took notice of the dark kingdom and its beautiful light, it’s glowing gems and it mesmerized her. They continued to walk as she took in the newfound beauty before returning to their starting point but what was there instead were the horses strapped to a chariot.

Keiran got on holding out his hand to her which Persephone took with just a hint of hesitation. He held her firm as the chariot took off flying over his domain. The sight was something he’d seen many times but only was expressed with wonder in the eyes of the woman beside him whose world was only a small pond. He smiled just a bit at her wonder-filled expression as they crossed above his growing domain..

It was a different experience from her first ride down into the depths of the Underworld where she was kicking and screaming. Everything was the opposite and from above the kingdom shone even more with its glowing terra. This was a fantastic way to break up the day and she thought maybe she could make the world a little brighter with some flowers specially made for this world she’s coming to enjoy.

Even though such a treat was given to her to see the world of the dead from above Persephone was still alone in the garden these past weeks. She knew it would happen because gods are not faithful in any way they lose interest quickly or take what they want. Irritated as she thought he was different Persephone angrily made her way to his study. She opened the door but asleep at the desk with piles of work, papers, and objects of unknown origin was Keiran. Cole who’d been organizing things glanced at her.

“So you were on your way here, truthfully he is backed up on his duties due to spending time with you and sadly no matter how much he enjoyed that work must come first.” He picked up a tiny deformed skull from the floor.

Persephone stared at Keiran a few moments then left it wasn’t long before she returned with a blanket. She covered him up then left again.

Some days later she stayed in her room playing with some flowers when a knock came. She gave permission and the door opened.

Keiran stood there clearing his throat. “Din- I would appreciate it if today we could have dinner together rather than separate,” he glanced her way fidgeting.

Persephone stood then bowed. “Okay I think it’d be nice to eat together.”

Once more time sped up a beautiful dinner with the pair dressed up and awkward. They’d glance at one another not knowing what to say and even as he asked for a dance. Hades was sincere but had two left feet so Persephone took over. She’d come to realize in their time together that he wasn’t a horrible man, just not good with words or people, he worked hard and didn’t interact much making his social skills suffer but she’d grown used to it in the time she was there, she’d come to enjoy it; indeed Hades was different from most of the gods she’d known not arrogant or a womanizer, he’d been trying hard from the beginning to get to know her. Though she was taken from her mother, she had to admit there was no way her mother would have ever let him close enough for her to find out about him. And she came to realize she enjoyed this bit of freedom, her mother wasn’t watching her every move, she was able to have fun and do things her way rather than the uniform way her mother wanted.

Now it had been three months since her arrival in the Underworld and the time spent with the King was increasing. He tried to make room to see her or work nonstop to make some time. Today was one of those rare times he had more than just an hour or two.

“Where are we going?” Persephone laughed as they walked. Her eyes were closed and she stumbled a bit.

“It’s not much further now,” Keiran lead her with a hand to the back and a smile on his face. “Okay, open them.”

Opening her eyes Persephone was greeted with a beautiful field filled with her favorite flowers. She walked around taking it all in. “This…” she glanced at him. “It’s all for me?” she asked. “My favorites are all here,” she knelt down. She picked a narcissus flower then stood.

“I um…” he looked away scratching his head trying to find the words. “I thought maybe a field similar to your home would let you feel freer than the garden, I wanted you to have many special places here…” he sighed feeling a little stupid.

“Thank you,” Persephone walked over pinning the flower to his chest. For a second they stared at one another in the eyes deeply as if searching for words then leaned into one another a sweet gentle kiss shared.

After it was clear that there were feelings between them things that seemed to be going so well took a downward turn. Hermes came from above to deliver a message or more of an order which the young goddess overheard, she was being ordered back to the mortal world and to her mother. She would love to see her mother but she’d grown to love it here and in its own way the Underworld had its beauty and charms as well as freedom she didn’t have with her mother who always kept watch. She walked the garden she’d only half completed in thought.

“You’ll be leaving us it seems,” Cole wheeled in a cart with freshly brewed tea. “We’ve all come to really enjoy your company here, even Lord Hades has changed.”

“Then why must I leave?” she pouted arms crossed.

“He is doing this because mortals are suffering,” Cole poured her a cup of tea. “Had he the choice you’d stay, but he can’t be selfish, it isn’t something he’d do,” he frowned passing her the cup.

“I wouldn’t mind him being selfish,” she looked away embarrassed. “If I leave I doubt I’ll ever be able to return, Mother will be even more strict…” Persephone sipped her tea.

Cole stared for a moment. A smile crept on his face and he pointed behind her. “I will be punished for this, but over in that end of the garden where you haven’t reached yet among all the gray and black death stands a tree,” he told her. “You’ve seen My Lord eat its fruit, it’s what binds him to this domain so and as such binds others to it as well, take one eat its seeds and you can return, but as with all things it won’t make everyone happy.”

“But… I was always told not to eat the pomegranate, is that why?” Persephone asked.

“He figured you may hate him if you were bound here.”

“That sounds like something he’d say, but still I shouldn’t I would only cause trouble.”

“Well it is for you to decide,” Cole bowed. “I’ll leave the tea and cookies please enjoy your remaining time.”

As she was returned to the surface Persephone was greeted by her overjoyed mother who held her tight smothering as usual. For the longest time she was kept under her mother’s watchful eye and when not with her accompanied by one of her sisters or attendants. She was glad to see them and spend time with them but part of her longed to return to the place she’d grown to love and to the person she never told goodbye.

Sitting along on a rock with her mother nearby from the fold of her gown she pulled out a pomegranate. Persephone broke it open staring at the seeds. She thought back on the fun she had with everyone in the Underworld then of her sisters and mother. She loved both sides but she needed to make her own choices and live as she would not her mother. She pulled out six seeds eating them all at once. As she swallowed the ground shook opening up Persephone stared in shock but as if hypnotized she began to descend glancing back at her protesting mother only once.

As she reached the bottom of the steps that led to her field there stood a sullen King next to a young willow tree. Running over as he turned she leaped into his arms kissing him happily.

It was a gesture happily returned by the man as behind her the opening closed. It wasn’t a happy ending for all but in the days to come there was an understanding mediated that left them all satisfied to some extent

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