Persephone's Ring

Chapter CHAPTER 13

Rayen finally opened her eyes, returning to her. “What happened?” she groaned as she slowly sat up. The memory quickly returned and she gripped her stomach on reflex. “Nothing…” she stared at her hand. She then glanced past them. “What is going on?” she was becoming more confused. Gazing around the room she instantly knew she was no longer in those ruins.

The room was bright and beautifully decorated in gold and beautiful statues and paintings. There was a full body mirror not too far from the chaise she was sitting on so Rayen stood walking over having her clothes changed and to a dress no less was not welcome.

Before she could look in the mirror the door opened and a young girl walked in and bowed to Rayen seeing her awake. “I am glad you’re awake, we’ve been checking every thirty minutes,” she smiled. The girl pulled Rayen to a seat then called to two others. “Come on you two.”

Two others walked into the room then bowed before the two fixed her hair and makeup.

“They are done,” the first smiled from her position where she watched over them as they worked. She then helped Rayen to her feet and guided her to the mirror. “You are quite the stunning creature.”

As she stared at herself in the mirror Rayen took her time. Her hair had been pinned up into an elegant yet messy loose bun and was decorated with head chains and a few small flowers. Her makeup was minimal with ombre red lipstick and a bit of eyeshadow and eyeliner. Her outfit was another thing though, it was a complete and total shock. The gown seemed alive with the flower petals falling, blooming and growing. It was still beautiful, a chiffon gown, backless the sparse flowers on the skirt became more plentiful on the chest and torso. On the right shoulder a large flower that was followed by smaller ones down the arm on vines that covered the sleeve. On the other side there was no sleeve but the vines on the right crept onto the torso and down the left hip. From it over the left breast a large leaf extending from one of the vines which reached and formed like an off shoulder strap. Her left wrist hand a lace gauntlet with a long ribbon and flower tied around that matched her glass shoes.

It was all so very magical. “That’s not me,” Rayen denied. “I can’t look like this,” she touched the dress. “It’s so… and my chest…” she glanced down. “Is that necessary?”

“You’re beautiful My Lady please don’t look down on yourself,” the girl said. “Now if you’d please follow me?” she turned and left the room leading her.

Like a child in a toy store Rayen’s gaze didn’t stay on any one thing too long as the walked down the long hallway. Her usually on guard nature was mesmerized by all the confusion and grandness, at one point she believed she’d died.

She was lead to a large decorated door which truthfully intimidated her a bit she wanted to question everything once she woke up but it was all jumbled. The girl stood for a moment then the doors opened. Beyond the doors was a grand hall and many people elegantly dressed. Everything was as if out of a fairy tale or story, the excessive food and decorations, the gowns and suits the music, it was just so magical.

“And there is our guest of honor.” a man spoke above all the noise and everyone’s eyes were now focused on her.

Rayen felt awkward as they watched her looking down at her feet uncomfortable. The man however made his way over and though he was far away on the other side of the room, it didn’t take long for him to reach her. It was like he was bending the space to shorten his walk.

Standing before her now she could get a better look. He was handsome and mature looking with chestnut-colored hair and gray eyes like storm clouds similar to her own. He was dressed in a white suit crisp and clean though the tailcoat was off white with embroidery and a scarf in place of a tie he seemed as if he came straight from the victorian era.

He took Rayen’s hand and bowed. “Welcome my dear, you may call me Zeus, Odin, I really don’t mind,” he kissed her hand.

“Right!” Rayen pulled her hand back. “What, do you want to kill me too?” she glared at him. “Oh no my dear, just to welcome you home.” Zeus chuckled.

“This isn’t my home so let me leave I don’t care if you are a god,” she crossed her arms.

“Well aren’t you adorable,” he laughed. “But I put this all together for you so you will stay.” He glanced to his right behind him. “Aren’t your friends all finely dressed, even they are here, but mortals can easily break so you should enjoy yourself,” he put on a smile then handed her a glass of wine as a tray passed.

Reluctantly Rayen accepted it glancing back at the others. ‘Well they’re safe and dressed up so it’s all good for now I guess…’ she thought. “Fine.”

Wonderful, mingle and dance everyone has deeply missed you.” He sipped his glass. “And you can have yourself a good time.”

“I don’t know any of you, I’ll stay but don’t be so familiar with me.” She turned walking away, ignoring the stares and murmurs.

“Fierce and strong as always.” Zeus smirked.

“You guys okay?” Rayen asked as she approached. “What happened?”

“First,” Susan held up a finger stopping her. “You look amazing wow it’s just beautiful, and second, you almost died, Keiran saved you then we were all brought here and forced to attend a welcoming party, though Keiran and Cole aren’t here.”

“I see,” Rayen looked worried.

“And we’re fine,” Charmayne put a hand on her shoulder. “Though Tash is here and flirting with every man…” she sighed. “I think she just wants to be a queen.”

“Tough luck,” Grace rolled her eyes.

Rayen sighed. “So for now we’ll play along he just seems like a weird man nothing more, at least at this moment and if I don’t cooperate you die,” she added the die part while glancing back at Zeus as he worked the room.

“Well you’ve got your assets out so maybe you should be careful gods are a horny bunch,” Charmayne warned. “At least according to Susan.”

“True,” Susan nodded. “And you stand out a lot in that gorgeous get up, so you’ll be approached pretty soon especially since you’re so special.”

“Then dance with me,” she glanced at Andrew. “I’ll avoid them that way and if I don’t do something it’ll cause you all problems.”

DeAnne opened her mouth to protest but Andrew smiled taking Rayen’s hand.

“I don’t dance well so I’m sorry in advance,” she went out onto the floor with him and tried her best to dance as the others were. “We need to find our things, and we need to find a way out of here,” she whispered in his ear as they danced. “I can stay behind and you all escape, I don’t think I’ll be hurt.”

Andrew shook his head at the plan there was no way they’d leave her behind to suffer on her own. He lifted her hand showing her the ring.

“Well I could bargain but it’s not worth it, it’d undo Persephone’s work.,” she shook her head. “And that would mean Keiran lost her for nothing…” she looked down trying to push the thought from her head. Shaking off the feeling she smiled. “Well let’s make the most of this and ignore the fact we’re surrounded by people who possibly want to kill us.”

Andrew grinned then twirled Rayen. He was a surprisingly good dancer.

“I’m quite sorry to cut in but I’d like a dance with the lady,” Zeus tapped on Andrew’s shoulder.

For a moment the boy didn’t move.

“I’ll be fine, go on before DeAnne worries even more,” Rayen assured him. She took Zeus’ hand frowning.

“Don’t look so glum my dear you won’t catch a husband like that,” Zeus teased her as he lead her in dance.

Rayen rolled her eyes. “As if I care what you think or about marrying anyone here.” Her eyes were focused past Zeus looking for anything useful but she could feel a blazing hot glare boring into her back.

As they turned she caught sight of a beautiful yet angry woman watching them. She was in a peacock themed gown adorned with actual peacock feathers on the skirt. The bodice was a stunning dark blue embezzled with gems and lined in gold. With her mocha-colored hair half up and styled she was quite elegant even with the scowl.

“Can we stop now?” Rayen asked. “I don’t want to dance with you and I don’t need some woman staring holes into me due to jealousy…” she frowned.

“She’s always as such, but this is a party so everyone is to be on their best behavior, she can’t hurt you,” he just oozed charm as he smiled though it went ignored by Rayen.

The doors swung up loudly before Zeus could call attention back to himself. The whole room stared as in walked Keiran followed by Cole both dressed to fit in. Keiran’s attire somewhat resembled military attire. He was dressed in a black jacket that had gold thread embroidered designs with a white button down shirt over it was a sash of some sort and an overcoat draped on his shoulders. His hair was gelled back away from his face which clearly showed his irritation.

He walked over her way when they locked eyes and despite being embarrassed she held it.

“Oh don’t you have something to say?” Zeus raised a brow, “I’m thinking of keeping this little half-mortal all to myself,” he put a hand on Rayen’s shoulder.

Before Rayen could knock it off Keiran removed it. “We’re not your pawns to move around let us leave this place,” he ordered.

“No that’s not how this is supposed to go let’s try again,” he said. “Don’t you think my date is quite beautiful?” He wrapped an arm around Rayen’s waist this time.

“Quit it!” she pulled away.

Keiran stared at her not saying anything until Cole nudged him while clearing his throat. “You look…” he paused for a moment looking for the right word, “beautiful.”

“This is pretty weird and uncomfortable but thanks,” Rayen smiled.

“Then how about a dance? Good yes okay,” Cole took their hands and put them in one another pushing them away. “You’ll be fried if you don’t play along.” He waved then walked toward their companions. “Get dancing or die,” he warned. “Zeus is actually very irritated under the smile, he’s not great with rejection.”

As they all moved to mingle Andrew held back for a moment staring at his feet. It seemed he was mulling something over in his mind.

Cole glanced back at him. “Scared?” he asked taking a step closer.

Andrew shook his head. He lifted his head then looked Cole in the eye for a moment. A smile crossed his face and he walked past.

Keiran awkwardly moved around the dance floor with Rayen.

“Not good at this I assume?” Rayen raised a brow.

“No it’s all the others, I haven’t seen them in so long and now they just stare,” he sighed. “Plus I don’t want to make this more awkward than it is for you.”

“I’m fine really,” she smiled. “It’s not like before, you’re not keeping me against my will and threatening my friends.” The two laughed and he pulled her closer his hand moving down to the small of her back.

“Though my feet are killing me,” she admitted.

“Here,” he led her to one of the tables and sat her down. There were few gasp at Keiran lifting the skirt of the dress a bit. “Sorry about this.” He removed her shoes then pulled her back up. “Better?”

“Much,” she smiled at him and they returned to dancing the awkwardness fading.

“You know I-” Keiran started but was cut off.

“I almost forgot, thank you, I was told you saved me,” Rayen told him. “You’re my hero, literally,” she tiptoed then kissed his cheek.

“No problem,” he face was soft. “Anytime.” Keiran had a bit of a silly smile on his face.

“We need to get out of here though,” she sighed. “I don’t feel good about staying here.”

“We’ll find a way,” he whispered in her ear.

“If anything just get the others out, seems killing me is the last thing they will do,” she said.

“But they will maim you if needed,” Keiran twirled her.

“Wow you really can dance,” she laughed.

“It was something we often did,” he said. “We were that annoying couple you see around all in love and honeymoon mode.”

“Sounds nice,” she laughed. She glanced down at her feet trying not to fall over.

“Here,” he lifted her head. “Keep your eyes on me I’ll guide you.”

Nodding she followed his lead still stumbling but a little more confident. Rayen would glance around at times trying to find a way out as they bobbed and weaved through the other dancers. “Um,” she glanced up at him. “There is something I want to ask,” she looked up at her partner.

“What?” Keiran glanced at her.

She opened her mouth but was interrupted by a hand on her shoulder.

“Sorry to break it up but too close,” Zeus pushed them apart. “Besides, the little lady has things to do and a new life you know, I’m thinking Apollo would make a nice husband don’t you? There’s Dionysus even Hermès. Lots of choices.”

“As if, I told you I’m not going along with marrying anyone.” She glanced down at her arm as Zeus gripped it firmly.

“You’re still mine Dear, no matter what form you take,” Zeus stared into her eyes.

“Why are you doing this?” Keiran asked. “Do you enjoy others misery so much?”

Zeus only grinned. “Why don’t you marry my new little demigoddess?” he motioned to Natasha who winked and waved flirtatiously.

“This has nothing to do with marriage,” Keiran shook his head. “You think you can do as you please but tell me on the end out of all those here who is actually still the most powerful?”

“Brothers please,” a muscular man with shaggy hair pulled into a man bun and a beard put a hand on each one’s shoulder. “We three brothers haven’t seen one another on two centuries why not try and get along like in the past?” He looked between them a grin on his face.

“Zeusy you do have a pretty little flower of a daughter here but still trying to force marriage on first meetings and Aides you should seriously think of looking for another wife, can’t be lonely forever.”

Keiran shrugged off the hand. “Poseidon you don’t need to play peacemaker, this ass should just stop trying to control everyone.

“Don’t forget we made an agreement,” Poseidon shook his head. “We have our own domains were we rule and our rules are to be followed this one isn’t yours,” Poseidon tried to calm him.

“Let me go.” Rayen tried pulling away in the middle of it all. “I’m no one’s property to be traded and you are not my father.”

“Oh you wound me,” Zeus put a hand on his heart. “But you’re from the blood of my blood so I am.”

“Well then no wonder you’re called an ass, you self centered prick,” Rayen frowned. “Maybe this attitude explains the lack of people talking about you today.”

Cole kept the others back not wanting to make things worse.

“Neith,” Zeus’ smile dropped for a second it was brief but with it a flash of lightning came he quickly resumed it as he called to a woman with chestnut hair just like his. She had it pulled back into a high ponytail with a hump and a head chain with a small jewel hanging on her forehead. She wore a simple white wrap gown that slit up the right leg and draped over her right shoulder trailing behind her, the bodice corset was also form fitting and embroidered in gold to match her gauntlets.

She stood by Zeus her eyes fixed on Rayen. She reached up to caress her cheek smiling, “I’m very sorry.”

“Stop it will you,” Keiran protested.

“No no, don’t move or boom,” Zeus wiggled a finger left and right in objection.

“What?” Rayen was confused.

Neith grabbed Rayen’s face staring deep into her eyes. “Focus on me and let us drag up what has partially been revealed by the rains of Mnemosyne.”

As everyone was frozen in place everything blurred then darkened before once more Rayen was at the willow tree. This time there was no one relaxing under it.

“So this is where you hide?” Neith appeared behind her. “We’ll open the doors and dig up the secrets.”

“What are you talking about?” Rayen turned around to face her. “I don’t hide here this isn’t my memory.”

“But it is little one,” Neith took her hand. “I truly wouldn’t do this to you but still…” she closed her eyes a moment then started walking. “You’ll find it, all you have to do is walk and the door to your truth will open.”

Rayen took a step back and the scene changed. They were now on a cliff Persephone on the edge and Diana on the other side with her animals.

Neith glanced around watching. “I see, this was her last moments just as strong as the meadow in the Underworld in your soul.”

“What are you talking about?” Rayen was scared and confused. Her heart was beating uncontrollably as she watched this. “I don’t like this stop, I want to go back.”

“We cannot go back only forward,” Neith refused.

“N-No…” she pulled away gripping her head kneeling. “I can’t go… any more and it will end it will change everything…”

Neith said nothing. She gently pulled her up. “Please you should know everything.” She ran a hand through her hair. “If you remember you can stay and regain your life.” She started walking toward the edge of the cliff. “Wake up.” She tapped Rayen’s chest causing her to go over just as Persephone did.

As Rayen went over she had a look of shock and confusion on her face. None of this was making sense to her. What was she supposed to wake up and how she didn’t understand. As her body hit the water she gasped for air. She reached out her hand, ‘no way, I’m drowning in this illusion.’

As she sank flashes of things she never saw appeared in her mind.

“No.” Persephone’s voice resounded. “Don’t look!”

The images kept coming and Rayen sank deeper they became clearer then everything went white as she was pulled out.

She could feel herself encompassed in a warmth as she drew her last breaths.

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