Persephone's Ring

Chapter 7

They set foot back in town as the sun crept into the sky. The walk back was one with a thick tense air, they all wanted to speak or ask questions, but none did. They all marched on holding their tongues.

“Okay, I can’t take it; we need to talk, all of us!” Susan scratched her head in frustration. “There was a lot of info unloaded and I know I’m not the only one who is having a tough time processing it all for sure.”

“You have a point,” Henry sighed hands on his hips. “That was an information overload…”

Why don’t we find somewhere for the night first?” Cole suggested. “And we should try blending in more…”

Parting ways, they all searched for an Inn and clothes. DeAnne found one fairly quick then met with the others showing them the way.

In the corner of the Tavern Inn dressed to match the others they took seats and ordered a meal. As a barmaid brought food to the table, they quietly nibbled on the platters.

“I think…” Susan leaned on the table chin in the palm of her hand, “we should let Ray be lead from here on,” she suggested. “She is more connected to this place and everything it involves she’ll be most affected.

“It would make sense yes since it’s business with her family,” DeAnne agreed.

“But that shouldn’t be the only reason,” Grace argued. “She may be connected, but someone used to leading should lead; it’s that simple,” she stated. “Not someone used to four padded walls, no offense.”

“I think we should, truthfully before we met you all we’d have been dead had she not warned everyone,” Cole said. “I wouldn’t mind following her, she acts without taking too long to decide, she was the first to say leaving our crash site would be the best way to go as well,” he added.

“I’m with that. I totally agree,” Susan gave a slight nod.

Andrew stared at Cole then smiled, nodding vehemently agreeing with his point. The others were quiet for a moment in thought over what to do. Slowly all their eyes were on Rayen. She glanced up from the ring to look at them. She hadn’t been paying that much attention to anything they said.

“What?” she closed her eyes. “I know nothing about leading people I just go with my gut there’s nothing else, I want to just start over that’s all that keeps me going,” she stated.

“That’s why you should,” Padma interrupted. “You aren’t trying to scheme around the problem or be fancy, you are just looking to get out of here, and you don’t second guess yourself,” she added. “I think that’s what we need.”

“You don’t need someone acting on impulse; you need someone decisive and with experience in such tactics.” Grace frowned.

“This place doesn’t apply to the rules we’re accustomed to,” DeAnne spoke up. “This place is foreign and dangerous and we know nothing, we think in modern senses and you,” she glanced at Rayen. “You were separated isolated, you didn’t spend all your time learning what makes laws what they are or having them enforced on you it was just food, pills, and bed three simple things that make you a little more open-minded and malleable to this place than we could be without conditioned minds and aesthetics.”

“So that’s four people saying this may be a better idea,” Susan said.

“But I never asked for this… I’ve never had this sort of thing,” Rayen looked down. “You’ll all be disappointed.”

“I think it will be fine; if it’s instinct that’s kept you alive then use it, rely on it for now at least until you’re confident,” Keiran told her. “You heard your family was involved so this has you at the center anyway.” He sipped his glass. “Everything else isn’t important right now.”

“I see,” she mumbled. “We all just want to go home…” she looked up. “Alright,” Rayen nodded. “I’ll think it over if you agree then I’ll do what I can…” she smiled. “That’s all there is to it.” She picked up some meat. “Guess we should eat up and rest up.”

“Great!” Susan jumped up. “Before things really go to hell I’m going to have fun,” she stood up pulling Henry along. “Dance with me.”

Even though Henry tried to refuse he went along with it. The others laughed at the awkward site of the two dancing to the sound of the bard.

“Well shouldn’t we all have a little fun with the locals?” DeAnne got up and danced with Andrew happily mingling in with the locals.

“Well I guess a little fun is fine,” Grace stood letting out a breath. “I don’t think these are gonna kill us.” She walked over to one of the gentlemen in the bar and pulled in up to dance.

Natasha And Charmayne went in search of what the considered decent food.

“Not dancing?” Padma glanced at the three remaining.

“I don’t dance,” Rayen said. “I never have before,” she filled a plate. “I just want to eat and relax for now.”

“I’ll dance with you,” Cole held out a hand to Padma. “Shall we?” he stood and bowed. When she took his hand, they joined the others.

“Never danced? Ever?” Keiran asked, picking at the fruit.

“No locked in a room most of about half my life,” she shook her head. She watched the others who seemed very relaxed.

“Shame when you have the right partner, it can be quite fun,” he picked up and apple taking a bite.

“Didn’t think you danced, but then again, I don’t know much about you,” she set the ring on the table. “But if possible can you hold onto this, it’d be better around your neck than in my pocket,” she slid it across the table. “I don’t want to lose it and I don’t think it’s right to wear it.”

“I don’t…” he stared at the ring. “You should hold it.”

“I’m not ready for it yet and I think it’s a bit safer with you, you’re quite intimidating with that serious face of yours,” she pointed her fork at him. “And you don’t seem afraid of anything we’ve faced.”

“I’ll take it as a compliment but I’m not fearless, I just don’t want to beat around the bush with what I think.”

“To the point then.”

Keiran picked up the ring, “Alright.” He took off his chain slipping the ring on it.

“You seem a bit down lately, whatever it is you should find someone to talk it over with, or you’ll be eaten by it, I should know I hate telling people about me and my problems…” Rayen finished her food then excused herself to go sleep.

In the morning they bought a few things before setting off. They stood at the edge of town, staring at one another none of them having a plan.

“So, are you going to lead?” Susan asked.

“Not much of a choice,” Rayen shrugged. “We will head north, find her mother maybe restore this thing and get home…” she took a step. “The journey really starts here.”

“I like a girl who takes charge,” Robert winked.

Rayen rolled her eyes then started walking.

They all followed with new knowledge and a course set. Things were a little tense as their trek got tougher. And it seemed they were walking in circles or that the forest was alive and actively hindering them.

“It feels like we’ve gotten nowhere,” Natasha groaned.

“We have been passing the same rock over and over as well,” Charmayne crouched next to a large rock with an etching in it. “Something is going on here.”

A strong wind blew by like when they first started out. A shadow loomed over the group as they tried to figure out what was going on. Looking around, no one could be seen in any direction. For a moment, they all assumed it was a collective hallucination, which everyone very much hoped it wasn’t.

Looking up had no effect either, there was a shadow but nothing there as their eyes gazed up for a source. In silent agreement, they all started walking slowly and close together in one direction. There had to be a way out of this wood, there was no way they could be lost in it for good or at least it was a faint hope in the mind of some.

“Where is the shadow coming from?” Robert looked up. “Maybe it’s causing all the turnarounds y’know.”

Rayen knelt down and removed one glove. She touched her palm to the ground flowers springing to life around it as she closed her eyes, feeling the pulses of the earth. She was hoping this would help her sense a way out of the woods. There was a need for silence and concentration as this was still very new to her but unfortunately, with her group, it wasn’t all too possible.

“Hey wh-” Robert began.

“Shh.” Rayen held up her other hand to silence him. “Can you all stop the chattering,” she mumbled. “All of you…”

“But no one else is talking,” Susan tilted her head.

“No the flowers and trees, they talk too much…” she shook her head. She took another breath, turning her concentration back to the task.

Chattering persisted over and over talk of things said by past travelers and rumors over things said amongst animals and gods.

“Yes, I hear he’s back…”

“All the Gods have returned.”

“... Lord Zeus seeks Apollo a bride.”

“Oh, this pretty one hears us…”

“She smells of our Queen…”

“The ancient ones will be mad…”

Tuning out the flora’s chatter was a difficult task but she managed it in the end. As if in a void, she could clearly see the manipulation of the space around them.

‘So that’s it…’ she thought. Standing, Rayen dusted off her hand on her pants. She put the glove back on then proceeded to remove her shoes.

“Hey, what are you doing?” Cole asked as they all watched her.

“I need to keep some sort of skin contact with the ground, it’s constantly moving, the Dryads and Anthousai are playing tricks on us… at least that’s what they are called by the plants,” she held her shoes and socks in her hands. “Just be glad you don’t have to hear the plants and you’re not barefoot, the crap people do out here is nasty…”

Taking a deep breath, she concentrated once more tuning things out. She closed her eyes so they weren’t obstructing her taking one step after another on the invisible path out of the everchanging wood. The trek was a quiet one that had the others worried as Rayen advanced with her eyes closed but since she never ran into anything their worries were alleviated somewhat. As they all watched just as with her hand flowers grew from each step she took.

“That’s pretty cool,” Susan watched the trail forming.

“Yeah,” Cole nodded, staring as well.

It seemed like forever had passed when Rayen stopped suddenly. She leaned against a tree, taking a deep breath. “I’m done for the day, I’ve got a headache, we’ll need to put up camp now,” she began putting her shoes back on.

“If you’re some oh so cool leader, why don’t we just continue?” Natasha asked rolling her eyes. She was clearly not happy having to follow someone she found inferior to herself.

“It’s too chattery, I don’t feel like increasing my headache to unbearable heights for some gossipy flirts.” Rayen stretched her hands above her head.

“So they talked your ear off?” DeAnne handed her some water. “That would give anyone young or old a headache,” she giggled. “You’ve worked hard, so take a good rest here.”

Taking the water Rayen quietly drank it as everyone set up camp for the night. The usual groupings went about their task without needing to be told or asking. They had become used to it in a short time, it had become their life for the immediate future.

“There we go.” Henry stretched as the last of the makeshift tents went up. “We can sleep with a little more ease if it’s like this.”

“Food is ready,” Padma called. “Come get some.

As they all got food, Susan grabbed a bowl for Rayen, passing it to her as she sat down beside her. “That really was amazing, you know,” she commented. “So these Dryads and so on, they really want to keep us here don’t they?”

Rayen nodded, taking a spoonful to her mouth. She swallowed before speaking, “they seem to think that we mean harm to Demeter in some way especially since she’s been in mourning for over two centuries,” she explained. “We are the unknown and then there’s all the plant stuff I can do that would be upsetting to her but there is also some talk of her not wanting to see ‘that face’ whatever that means,” she told her. “And they’re all just horny women wanting to keep watching the good looking men or so they say.”

Susan laughed. “Well,, they are good looking yeah that’s for sure and that’s something women of a certain kind look at first.”

As they continued to talk the others well relaxed into partners and groups. Andrew sat with Cole and Keiran listening and teaching a few words of sign language happily. DeAnne and Padma talked recipes and food, the posh duo were surprisingly conversing with Robert while Henry chatted with Grace about business.

“I’ll take first watch,” Susan called out as everyone was trying to figure out where to sleep. “I think more than the usual group should try it at least once in a while.”

It was quiet for the most part save for the crackling of firewood, the singing of the insects and the breaths and snores of those asleep. It was peaceful and passed in a flash before the next on watch was woken up.

Once more with the rising of the sun they set off after a light meal lead about by an again barefoot Rayen.

“By the way,” she glanced back at the other. “There’s a river over that way if anyone wants to stop to fill their bottles,” she pointed to her left.

And so they detoured filled to their bottles and splashed the cold water on their faces. They would delay their trip a bit since they had to boil the water to ensure it was alright to drink. It didn’t take too long but it was a good idea to stop since they were running low.

The trek started up again it was the same as the day before. There were some pauses at points where it was hard to concentrate or to take a break but still they pressed forward.

“So any bets on what tries to kill, maim, or distract us next?” Robert broke the silence. “Come on you all have to have some ideas, you’ve all probably thought about it at some point what may or may not come at us.”

“I have seen the great Naga though he was pale and not a cobra as we are told,” Padma replied. “Though maybe he isn’t the great Naga and just Medusa’s overgrown pet,” she let out a snicker.

“I think a mermaid would be bangin’ like all that beauty and that sweet voice,” Robert grinned wide imagining being held in the bosom of a half-fish woman.

“Is your mind ever on anything else other than women?” Cole glanced at the daydreaming man. “There are things far more important than satisfying your urges you know.”

“Everyone has their own priorities,” Robert stated.

“And I’ve lost it,” Rayen sighed. “Got to loud…” She shook her head looking down. “I’m gonna go soak my feet and clear my head over that way,” She pointed to her off somewhere to the left, “let’s take fifteen.”

At the river she let out a breath as she sat and rolled her pants legs up. As her feet touched the water it was refreshing and rejuvenating. She laid back letting her feet stay in the water. “It’s so much nicer when I can’t hear all the talking…” she reached out touching a flower off to her right. “I still very much like you though,” she smiled. “And if you’ve anything interesting to say I’ll happily listen, relevant things only though…” Rayen stared as if the thing would actually speak before closing her eyes. It was true she could hear them but as to how or why only when she made skin contact she didn’t know and Rayen truly wished she could tune them all out with ease, but of course that meant practice and that was something she’d have to get along the way, there was no way to just become better in one go either.

As she laid there the sound of grass crushed underfoot reached her ears. She opened her eyes seeing an upside-down Charmayne before her. “You need something?” she asked as she sat up.

The blonde stood quietly for a moment then sighed. “I haven’t properly thanked you for saving my life,” she said. “When we were being chased a while back you helped me when I tripped.” Crossing her arms she looked away truly not wanting to say it. “So thanks… I guess…” she mumbled.

“You don’t need to thank me,” Rayen stood. “I just didn’t see the point in leaving someone to get hurt is all, you may not like me but that doesn’t matter we need to survive together.” she stretched. “We should head back.”

“Yeah,” Charmanye followed. “Hey…”

“Yeah?” she stopped then glanced back.

“I’ll teach you to properly defend with that knife later,” without another word Charmayne walked on ahead.

“Up ahead,” Grace gleefully called out pointing. “I can see the end of this hellish wood.”

Even though the exit was just up ahead Rayen kept up her concentration. For all she knew one moment of relaxation could be what sets them back a whole day and makes them lost once more. So forward she marched eyes shut and mind concentrating until she’d taken at least four steps out of the wood. She reached out behind her grabbing the first hand she felt. If they were all holding one another they wouldn’t separate. She sprinted forward stopping when she felt the woods behind her. Opening her eyes she saw she was holding hands with Andrew who held Cole’s then Keiran, DeAnne, Susan, Henry, Charmaye, Padma, Crace, Robert, and finally Natasha.

As all were accounted for she let go but some lingered on the person whose hand they held for a few moments.

“Well that was a chore but at least we’re clear,” Padma let out a breath.

“Tell me about it, if possible we should avoid places of manipulation,” Henry shook his head.

Rayen opened her eyes staring at the open field before her. “Thank god,” she let out a breath bending over hands on her knees. The sparsity of trees made her happy, less chatter all around as it was starting to become overbearing.

“Eyes elsewhere,” Susan called catching Robert staring holes into Rayen’s rear end. “Don’t be a little perv.”

“There’s nothing wrong with looking.”

Rayen stood up then pulled off her jacket and tied it around her waist. She sat down a moment later and began putting her shoes on. “We should stop here for a few then move on. Andy that compass saying anything?” she leaned back to look at the teen.

Andrew pulled out the compass then made the motion for east as it seemed that it was still the way the device was pointing them.

“Got it,” she nodded.

“What’d he say, the rest of us don’t get it,” Natasha groaned her irritation rising by the second.

“East,” Rayen stood. “Lead the way Andy.”

With blazing sun they rested now and then under a shady tree keeping a slow pace so they wouldn’t tire out so quickly. It took a long while but by nightfall city lights were in view and not far behind them a white snowy scape.

“What a beautiful sight…” Rayen glanced at the snowy peak. “That’s where she’ll be huh? Still a very long ways off…”

“Yeah, but we can make it,” Susan put a reassuring hand on her shoulder.

For the night they camped right outside the sizeable looking city staring up at it’s walls as they ate their meal.

“Looks like someplace grand.” Charmayne commented. “Maybe they’ve got something to protect.”

“Or they could just want to keep people out,” Keiran mumbled.

No more worry they turned in for the night and come morning made their way to the great walled city. They could see a few people ahead worriedly whispering.

“Will we be alright?” a haggard woman asked the man next to her. “Will they at least take the children?”

“It will be fine my love, don’t worry.” the man kissed her forehead.

Andrew began to sign at DeAnne.

“I have a bad feeling,” DeAnne said looking at Andrew. “Or at least that’s what Andrew says.

As they got closer the smell of blood and rotting flesh steadily increased. All around covered their noses in disgust and horror. On the side of the road bodies in different stages of decay lay bare.

“Next group!” a man dressed in armor called.

The couple in front of them stepped forward. The woman was visibly scared but the man just caressed her back reassuring her.

“Tell us a truth,” an ethereal voice order. “One deep inside.”

For a moment they looked around confused.

“Come on out with it, one truth, one secret,” the second guard said. “And we advise honesty.”

“I-I…” the woman stuttered. “I sold the farm equipment to a traveling vendor then lied that it was stolen,” she blurted out. “It was only to put food on the table and you would have refused to allow it!” she glanced at the man. “You wouldn’t leave, you wanted to try and grow on that barren land, but it was useless, without them we could leave.”

He was shocked and went quiet. The guards watched the two then looked up for a moment in silence. Then back to the family.

“You may enter.” The first guard spoke.

Wordlessly they walking passed the opening gates. As Rayen and her group were about to step forward in the confusion they were pushed aside as another group came through. Looking to the guard on the other end of the gate he guarded the two nodded. As a group of six approached. They were all men and seemed very fit and confident. They allowed the group to bombard ahead asking forgiveness of the party.

“You okay?” Keiran asked as he helped Rayen up.

“Fine, I’m not that delicate,” she dusted herself off.

As they watched a few feet away Cole looked a bit odd and worried.

“We sense darkness,” the same ethereal voice spoke.

“We sense lies,” came another.

“Tell us a truth and you shall pass,” the voices harmonized.

The men laughed not all that bothered. To them it seemed a joke no real threat.

“They really think this trick will scare us like all those beggars?” one of the men laughed glancing at the others who joined in.

The guards though stood in attention with one glance up. The survivors followed the guard’s eyes above the gates perched on a column on either side of the door were two giant statues.

The first on their left something like a unicorn. The beast had the head in the style of a Chinese dragon with an antler-like horn. Its body was somewhere between horse and deer with scales and what appeared to be fire on either side of it. On the other column the beast was also scaled, had a dragon’s face, and horn, but its body was more feline-like a lions and it’s feet hooved similar to goats. Both statues carried expressions of a fierce beast ready to attack, but what surprised them about the massive figures were that the eyes were glowing.

“We want a truth!” the second voice came followed by a growl.

The statue on the right began to crack as the men ignored the order and kept laughing walking forward with arrogance. The guards stepped back and motioned for those around to do the same so Rayen and the rest abided by that taking a few large steps backward from the rude men.

“You fail no truth offered.” The first voice spoke as the other statue began to crack.

As the stone shells fell two colorful beasts leaped down. They without warning impaled the group one by one as they screamed and tried to either run or fight. Rayen in horror turned unconsciously hiding her face in Keiran’s arm. Susan held onto Henry’s arm tight jumping, surprised she even let out a little yip. Grace turned away covering her mouth in disgust mostly at the stench emanating from around them while Robert and Natasha were actively expelling their earlier meal. Padma covered her eyes shaking her head at the sight though Charmayne was unfazed not because of sick fascination but she’d many times seen animals killed or injured badly by one another and traps while hunting.

DeAnne watched shaking her head at the scene for only a few moments but turned to check on Andrew who she figured would be traumatized the boy was in shock and hiding behind Cole’s eyes closed tight. She was about to speak up when Cole stopped her shaking his head not bothered by the clinging.

Before them the bodies were tossed on either side of the road by the guardian beast who both slowly approached.

“Tell us a truth,” the first, the more feline one said.

“We sense many secrets, but just one will do,” the other growled.

“We sense great ones hiding in the darkness,” they spoke in unison eyes glowing as they sauntered over teeth bared.

“Speak one truth and safe passage for all.” The lion bodied guardian roared.

The beast sniffed over the group waiting for one to speak but they were all frozen. Quietly they all shrank back from the imposing figures in fear but they knew someone had to talk.

“I-” Keiran began but was quickly cut off.

“I’m a resident,” Cole spoke up. He put Andrew’s hand in DeAnne’s then stepped forward. “I’m not all that well known by greek standards and I’m older than most Olympians,” Cole sighed crossing his arms. “To them they call me Thanatos, but widely said, the Reaper,” he stared down the beast. “It’s something I wanted to keep hidden until it was absolutely necessary, and even then I was hoping we could finish all this without it ever being revealed.”

For a moment his companions stared then confusion crossed their faces along with many questions. The beast though only parted bowing to allow passage. Cole walked on ahead as if what he said wasn’t life changing past the gates and into the city.

Inside was bright and clean and full of life. The people seemed happy there as they haggled and talked.

“Are we not talking about the bomb you just dropped on us all?” Susan threw her hands up as she walked. “Come on say something.”

“Shh..” Cole or Thanatos or whatever he wanted to be called stopped her from talking then ducked into an alley not far away motioning for them to follow. He walked to the end of the alley feeling along the wall.

“What are you doing?” Henry asked.

“Obvious answer is there is a hidden door,” Rayen began feeling along the walls.

“It’s been decades they couldn’t have moved it could they…” Cole mumbled.

The others joined in feeling along the walls but it was Andrew who pushed the right brick silently tumbling into the opening.

“Hey!” Cole caught sight as the opening appeared and ran in after him.

What the young boy had tumbled into was a hidden building and as he sat up all sorts of beings were before him. Half-human half-animal, some covered in or made up of elements, some with wings, and so on. He blinked in surprise as they all stared at him silently.

“You alright?” Cole came in pulling him up. “Gotta be more careful.”

As Andrew stood with his help he noticed everyone whispering as the others entered.

The group openly stared in confusion and amazement as they were eyeballed by the patrons.

“It’s Thanatos,” one whispered.

“But I thought he was dead.”

“If more Gods appear here again are we all to die?”

“I’m not here to take anyone away, it’s no longer my job,” he sighed. “I’m looking for Hemera no she’s probably going by Dagr now,” he mumbled.

Everyone was still murmuring and keeping distance.

“Or maybe we really aren’t wanted here.” He sighed.

“It’s fine I’m here,” a woman appeared from behind a door on the right.

She was beautiful with golden skin and hair with eyes the color of the sky. She smiled coming over to hug Cole.

“It has been far too long little brother,” she smiled. “But I doubt you came here to reminisce,” she glanced at the others her eyes lingering on a few for a moment. “Come, your friends are welcome…” she smiled glancing between her brother and Andrew who was holding onto him a bit like a deer in headlights.

In the backroom she invited them all to sit taking a few moments to gather herself. “I think by the looks of things you may need some time to speak with your companions, I will prepare food and rooms.” She left the room closing the door behind her.

Cole glanced at Andrew. “You banged your head tumbling in, you okay, you were kinda shaky earlier on your feet.”

Andrew nodded rubbing his head with a goofy smile letting go now that they were safe.

“Alright then I guess the reason you’re all staring is an explanation is wanted.” Cole leaned on the wall arms crossed.

“Like I said I’m Thanatos, and all you’ve been told to this point is true,” he nodded. “Though you being born no one knew about,” he glanced at Rayen. “Even Hades didn’t know and disappeared.”

“So you’re a God and you’re not out to kill us?” Grace asked.

“More importantly did Diana recognize you?” Susan asked. “She seemed beyond irritated.”

“Well Persephone was her sister, but I never really met her,” he shook his head. “I know what most of the Gods look like and now that the secret is out I can point any out.” He pushed off the wall. “Maybe it’s better this way, chances are more will be coming and even if my abilities are limited it will help.”

“Who is in charge then?” DeAnne asked. “If your boss is gone, who is in the King’s chair?”

“No clue I left when he did, I’ve been living as humanly as you lot for two hundred years or so, we thought there was a very slight chance the Queen lived somewhere, never did I think I’d return here,” he sighed scratching the back of his head. “I left after roaming around the island for some years searching for her but it was rumors and dead ends,” he explained.

“Maybe about fifteen, twenty, and the last few were spent covering tracks so we could leave peacefully to search elsewhere if a rumor popped up.” He closed his eyes shaking his head. “It’s madness and so much has changed like the guardians and this endless search for something no one can use,” he pointed at the ring around Keiran’s neck. “Maybe it’s best if it isn’t recovered…” he mumbled.

“And Mother has taken over in your dear King’s absence,” Hemera opened the door walking back in. “But why are you back?” she asked placing a tray of drinks down. Hemera picked the cups up passing them around. “This will help relax you all,” she smiled.

“It wasn’t voluntary,” Cole took the cup from her. “I unfortunately the plane

I was in crashed, we were stuck but I have an idea who to blame that on…” he then took a sip of his drink.

“Yes, it seems the world’s mightiest god was told his undoing was near,” she said. “But I am being rude. My name is Hemera, I also go by Dagr and I am daughter to Nyx sister to Thanatos here,” she introduced “I stay away from the squabbles and have been here for the last century, its best to hide when your mother is letting power go to her head and others want to choose sides or track down your brother through you.” She glanced at Cole.

“Well at least you still have most of your power, I’m running low, I’ve been doing my best to conserve it but not much help…” He sat down revitalized by the drink. “Hades gone, Mother in charge… bad times ahead…” he mumbled.

Yeah so we came here for a reason right?” Grace asked.

“It’s safe and hidden we can also collect info from those traveling through they’d have a lot to say.” Cole took another sip. “Can you see what you can find on anyone hunting a group of humans or on anything involving My Queen?” he asked. “Places she’d been seen about two centuries ago or spots with unusual growth and bloomings.”

“I’ll see what I can do but what is this about?”

“We’re trying to open the door,” Cole spoke the seriousness of the situation evident in his voice. “It’s not all that possible without the Queen but we may have a way, but we’re only doing it to leave this hellish rock, My Lady had no intentions of returning it to anyone so as much as I can I want to keep that will alive.”

“Fiercely loyal to the end you are,” she sighed. “Very well, try to avoid drawing, attention, our brothers and sisters are a little mad, they thrive even without that,” she stated. “Especially Nirrti, she’s having fun on everyone else’s pain.”

“You mean the Goddess of strife is real?” Padma asked. “Ah, I should have listened to my father more.”

“Then Eris right?” Susan asked. “Greek Goddess of strife, chaos, and discord, so rather than Zeus and Hera it’s the versions of Erebos and Nyx that means she predates them like you do.”

“I came into being before the Olympians became a thing, I descend from someone more powerful than Zeus, from the time of the first death,” he finished his drink. “I came to serve Hades after the whole Titans thing, though most of my siblings predate or are from around the same time,” Cole replied. “But you really do know a lot on those mixed myths.”

“A lot has happened…” Rayen mumbled. “Thanks for the tea, it’s very calming.”

“You are welcome, and please make yourselves at home I’ll have information for you in the morning, there are rooms upstairs and baths, if anything call down, and rather than Hemera call me Dagr I much prefer that.” Hemera, or rather Dagr then left. “I’ll bring some food up to you all later.”

Down in the bar everyone whispered. It was quite the sight for those inside to see someone who was gone from their world for so long. Cole sat in the back room from earlier with his sister as the others turned in for the night. “Things have really become that bad?” he asked.

“You’ve no idea, there are so many things happening and many of the Gods have fled or gone into hiding, others chose sides,” Dagr stared into her wine glass. “Power is all anyone cares about these days, though your companions surprise me,” she admitted. “Why-”

“There are reasons and it’s not my place to say,” he interrupted.

“I see,” she took a sip of her glass. “Then I won’t ask, but please be careful and try to survive all this before anything else.”

“Not something I can promise as cliche as that sounds, we’re off to see Demeter in the frozen wasteland past here.”

“You have a deathwish then,” she sighed. “Well I can’t stop you but I will gather something warm for you all to wear. It’ll be a few days before you all get there so keep warm.”

Morning came the next day peacefully. Dagr had the place emptied for the next two hours. She had a large meal prepared so they all took their time to eat.

It was a silent breakfast, they were close to their target but things only got worse at times like this.

“Why don’t you all go out and have a look around the town?” Dagr suggested. “Spending a day out in the people may make you feel a little better, you’re all quite tense.”

“A walk in peace may help us all,” Padma glanced up for her food. “We have been constantly guarded, some peace will be good. Our brains need a break.”

“Okay,” Susan nodded. “I can get behind this, I really want a break from death,” she sighed. “No offense Cole,” she glanced at him.

“I’m cool, I’d like to catch up with my sister as it were anyway.” Cole stretched. “You should all rest calmly, this place was built with one specific rule, One truth for passage, even Gods must abide.”

“Great,” Grace stood. “Then I’d like some me time.” She said her byes and left for some quiet time.

After breakfast Natasha decided on some her time as well wanting to flush them all from her system for a few hours. She tried to woo Keiran into coming with her but he went off on his own elsewhere.

“So your daughter how old is she?” Susan asked. She’d requested Henry to walk with her to explore the town.

“She’s eight now,” Henry replied. “And most likely disappointed I didn’t show.”

“She’ll forgive you, especially when news starts to travel about the downed plane, your ex will even be worried, that sort of thing sparks relationships back to life.”

“I think I’m in favor of present company over that,” he said. “It’s been fun.”

Susan smiled. “Well I can say it’s been interesting, but first, let’s get you home to your baby,” she winked and kept walking.

“One more time,” Charmayne said. She stepped behind Rayen lifting her arm a bit. “Get lower,” she used her foot to push Rayen’s left foot a bit. “Like that, and have a tight grip but keep the wrist loose.”

Rayen nodded then went through the motions again. As promised this was Charmayne showing her to use a knife. They stayed at it for an hour longer before taking a break.

“If you’re good at this why play stupid, it’s useful and less annoying than the way you usually are,” Rayen drank from her canteen.

“I prefer guys not be intimidated and my family is not the type a guy would go for if the girl is tougher than him. Hunt, trapping, survival, I’ve been doing it since I was old enough to stand, my Dad was so into that stuff that my mom left, no guy is gonna stick around for that sort of girl,” she sipped her own water. “Pretty girls get nice things.”

“Then his loss, I don’t know much but trying to match to society, everyone is a masterpiece in their own right, so don’t change for someone be yourself and you’ll find someone.”

“Well makes sense, you got a guy being the way you are,” Charmayne stood.

“What?” Rayen glanced up confused then stood. “I’m not with anyone.”

“Well you and Keiran seem comfortable together, maybe you should go for it, you seem all into one another.”

“Does it look like that to everyone?” she looked worried. “I’m not trying to date anyone, we just talk, Keiran’s nice.”

“Well I think everyone sees you two that way.”

“Great…” she lowered her head sighing.

At a stall near the alley leading to the hidden tavern Padma was shopping through the spices, “we should spice up the food,” she picked out a few.

DeAnne spent the time resting up without a worry. She spent some time with Andrew then sent him to get supplies to care for any wounds they may encounter. Robert accompanied him to help carry everything and speak to the stall and shop owners.

As the day went on, everyone was in a more relaxed mood having an early dinner.

Rayen went for an afternoon stroll to clear her head. “Just a little more…” she glanced at the frozen landscape in the distance.

She found her way onto the roof for a better view. She hadn’t seen such views since she was young. In her former residence she was rarely allowed out and that is what made this all the more beautiful.

“You alright up here?”

Rayen glanced back to see Cole was standing behind her. “You shouldn’t sneak up on people, I could’ve hurt you.”

“Well you must really be relaxed, you didn’t even pull that blade,” he joked and sat down beside her. “I’m a bit worried, that woman is very temperamental,” he sat back staring off at the snow.

“Really?” she asked.

“Yup, the whole thing about starving people until the Queen returned to her is true.”

“She really was an overprotective mom huh?”

“You’ve no idea.”

There was a silence then Rayen glances at Cole. “Tell me about her,” she said. “Persephone I mean,” she glanced back at the landscape. “If you want to of course, no pressure.”

Cole glanced up then gave a small nod a nostalgia tinted smile rising in his face. “She was stubborn and straightforward and strong,” he said. “Her mother was a little overbearing so she was sheltered, but she appreciated life and was gentle, kind, coming to the Underworld let her grow a bit, and she came to have her own sense of self separate from her mother, I think that’s where the stories always give her such an icy role,” he shrugged. “She was fair and not arrogant like the Olympians and before coming to the Underworld she had many suitors, some who continued even after she was married, quite an annoyance to her when she left our domain.”

“Where you close?”

“We were, she is a Goddess of life and death some would say, it’s only because of her that seasons exist, why summer dies for fall and fall for winter,” he closed his eyes. “And still they are all born again the next year.”

“That sounds nice,” Rayen closed her eyes. “She sounds more important than she’s made to seem in books.”

“Because she’s not an Olympian and no one overshadows them, well Zeus,” he sighed. “And she was off doing more important things while they were having affairs and playing with people’s lives.”

“The thing the ring does?”

Cole nodded. “Anyway, we should get back, it’s late and we should leave in the morning.”

The next morning everyone seemed a bit more at ease and ready for their journey.

Dagr came into the tavern with Cole carrying some coats setting them on the bar.

“This should help to keep you warm.” She pointed to the coats. “And as you eat I’ll tell you of what I learned.”

“Hospitable and hot,” Robert couldn’t help himself.

“Another word and I’ll fry you myself,” Cole warned. Despite being a God and much older, he was still a guy who’d defend his sister.

“I’m complimenting not flirting,” he held up his hands defensively.

Susan laughed. “Things should get more interesting from here on out.”

They say to eat the spread before them happily.

“Persephone had been spotted in many locations in her final days but many of these were believed a look-alike, one other person is rumored to have been with her but as far as they are concerned they dropped off the map around the time she died no one really knows where he is or who at this point in time,” Dagr explained. “That freaking Trickster, Loki, always causing problems.”

“Ah… I do remember him,” Cole nodded.

“Some Dryad’s saw him returning her body so the consensus is that they were in contact about that time, and some say they saw a shiny new jewel with him before he left.”

“That could be what we’re looking for.” Henry stated.

Andrew began signing.

“If he left then he can’t help, we are stuck here and he’s not,” DeAnne relayed his message.

“That’s true,” Rayen sighed.

“Well Demeter may know something, a gift was delivered to her two centuries ago before the mountain went cold.” Dagr leaned on the counter. “Also in a small town past that mountain there is a shrine, the area is a little dangerous but it was a place of power once try there as well, I’ll also do my best to gather and deliver more to you as well as keep people from revealing you’re here,” she looked at Cole.

“They know you’re back then they’ll really start hunting you to find Hades.”


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