Persephone's Ring

Chapter 6

They were out of the cave and on their way by noon. They’d made sure to fill themselves on the food offered then rest a little more before leaving. It seemed the team was making good time, but they needed to be careful as the terrain was now slippery due to the thunderstorm that raged on the day before. They continued on with clear objectives though as everyone else, even the posh duo, was focused. Robert, on the other hand, spent the time flirting his way through the women.

“So, you got someone back home?” Susan asked. “You said no family but surely a boyfriend or partner?” she grinned at Rayen.

“I’ve really got no one,” Rayen shook her head. “Why are you asking me this?” she had a confused look on her face.

“I heard you two talking last night, so I thought maybe you were hitting it off, or is Cole more your thing?” she wiggled her brow with a grin.

Rayen laughed. “I haven’t thought that at all,” she replied. “It’s just… I think I should try being a little more open; we’re going to be here together, so relying on one another and trust are needed to some extent.”

“Well I’m glad, you’re like a cute little animal, you’ve been on your toes and reacting pretty fast we could all use a little more of that but I also think you’re fun to be around especially since you don’t just fall in love like to the terrible twosome,” she grinned.

“Well, you’re the same,” Rayen gave a small smile. “I don’t like most people or interact with them too often, but I find you alright,” she shrugged. “That may not be the right word but-”

“It’s cool,” Susan put a hand on her shoulder. “Let’s just go with becoming friendly for now.” she smiled then walked on ahead. “But if you do come to like one of them, let me know it’d be interesting to see love blossoming in this disaster,” she winked.

“Not happening,” Rayen shook her head then sped up ahead of her.

As the scorching sun began to beat down on them the trees became scarce, giving way to a high grassed plain. They were all hot and sweaty, wishing for the cloudy skies of yesterday.

“We’re gonna die from heat,” Natasha whined. “Don’t you think, Char?”

She glanced at her friend who was doing fine.

“I’m fine Tash, just take it slow.”

The group’s pace slowed for the day. And eventually, they settled for the night. It would take days to reach their next destination. They would pace themselves as to not get exhausted but not so slow as to take too long.

Day by day, they walked under the blazing sun that only seemed to get hotter making them rest more and more.

“We can’t keep on like this, we’ll die sooner or later,” Henry spoke up.

They were resting for the third time that day beyond exhausted and almost out of water. It seemed that they’d die of heat any day now. Charmayne watched everyone for a moment then stood. She made her way to a large tree near them then picked up a large fallen leaf. She wrapped it poking a hole through it with the stem then made a few more before returning to the others and passing them to everyone.

“That should protect your heads,” she crossed her arms, looking elsewhere.

The other stared for a moment but didn’t argue. Putting on the leaf hats they rested a little longer before setting off again. After two days in the distance far off a massive structure could be seen.

“So pass there and we’ll be safe,” Padma let out a relaxed breath.

“For a while, at least,” Cole mumbled.

The group collectively relaxed at this fact though it may have been a bit premature. Closer and closer came the sounds of angry animals. A dust cloud kicking up in the distance. Inside as it approached dogs, boars, and wolves.

“W-We should really get moving,” Henry stuttered then turned taking off into the trees.

The others quickly followed suit, not wanting to be shredded by the oversized beast. As they ran arrows began whizzing past them, never landing but close enough to their targets to frighten them.

“The Hell!” Charmayne yelled out. “What is this an archery class?” she glanced back once to see the horde lessening the distance then tripped over a rock. Natasha glanced back at her fallen friend but kept moving forward, trying to put distance between her and the animals.

“Here!” Rayen pulled Charmayne up to her feet then the two kept on trying to keep up with the rest.

Their destination was closer and closer; unfortunately, the same applied to their pursuers. They didn’t know it, but they were being led and corralled by the animals and arrows. They were encircled, foaming at the mouth beast everywhere they turned.

“Finally…” a female voice came through.

The animal’s parted and a woman approached walking confidently up the path they made. She was tall and fit with sunkissed skin, and honey-colored hair pulled back into a braid that reached just past her hips, and light blue eyes. She was a beautiful woman with a serious face dressed in furs from her top to her skirt and boots with a bow in her hand.

The serious look on her face faded for one moment to a soft one, then to one of anger. “I’ve finally found you, there’s no one to hide you here, so give it to me!” Diana ordered her hand held out to them. “Return what is ours and no more harm will befall you.” She had a commanding tone.

“We don’t have anything,” Grace spoke up. “So, we can’t give you anything.”

“Lie!” she yelled. “You would not be here if that were the truth.” she stepped closer then stood before Rayen. “Please,” her tone softened. “Return it to us don’t become difficult, if you comply, I will happily open a way home for these mortals.”

Rayen stepped back. “Look we don’t have anything to hand over we just want to leave lady.”

“...” the woman took a step back surprised.

“Ray, be nice to the woman she’s decked out with weapons,” Susan said.

Rayen looked her over. “So that makes her Artemis right?” she glanced back at Susan. “She was a huntress.”

Susan nodded.

“So you know me then?” Artemis’ shock left.

“What I’ve read in books,” Rayen shrugged.

“I see…” she closed her eyes. “Well, nothing to be done, but I cannot leave you this time, I will have what I came for and you will give it to me.”

“There is nothing to give or do you not understand?” Keiran sighed.

“You too don’t make her mad,” Susan whispered nervously.

“Always an eyesore…” Artemis made a disgusted sound. “I am not talking to you so do not open your mouth again.” She raised her bow aiming at him. “You know I won’t miss purposely this time!”

Rayen stepped in front of the arrow. “Quit trying to bully people,” she said. “Listen closely, we do not have it.” Her face was stern and serious. “Whatever you want, we can’t provide so look elsewhere because you won’t find it with us. I don’t know what your damage is but let us go.”

Artemis loosened the grip on her bow a bit face a mix of anger and confusion.

“You may be projecting your frustrations and guilt here, why not let us go, you seem to be hurting a lot cause you watch her die, let us go and pretend we got away.”

“That I-I cannot, I failed to bring back Kore and the ring, I will not fail again,” she shook her head.

“But you failed because hurting someone important to you isn’t what you wanted, right? You could’ve shot us all dead rather than cornered us but you don’t feel the need to senselessly hurt people.”

“It seems nothing has changed not even choices,” Artemis mumbled. “Diana,” she said. “It is my preferred name, but I doubt you will be using it ever,” she lowered her bow. “Go,” she sighed. “I will postpone and leave a false trail though I do not know how it will hold for now, my brother watches as does the sun,” she sighed. “Wait for nightfall, at least until you reach a town.” She called forth some of the animals then waved her hand over them. They took the form of the wayward travelers. “Go!” she yelled at them.

The animals in human form took off a few moments after her command, and she waited patiently to give them a head start. She was quite grateful for the thick canopy above them, blocking the sun.

“I will give you these, they may help, I wish things were different, but that item is a must… we only grow weaker…” Diana took off her quiver and handed it over along with her bow.

“Thanks,” Rayen took them.

“The bow will never fail a true huntress and archer,” Artemis pulled out a dagger then cut her arm. “Then I should go.” She sheathed the blade and began walking away.

“Thanks again, Diana,” Rayen called.

For a moment, she paused then walked behind her animals, who had begun to give chase.

“So, who knows how to shoot?” Rayen turned to the group.

They looked at her a bit dumbfounded.

“What?” Rayen looked confused.

“You like just stared down a Goddess,” Susan waved her hands about. “You’re either really brave or really don’t give a damn,” she laughed.

“She looked tense, so I assumed she was bothered by something and took a chance,” she shrugged. “Plus if she’s a huntress and the goddess that represents all that, missing all those shots isn’t possible unless she wanted to, which she even stated.”

“Still that was dangerous,” Cole sighed.

“Yeah,” she nodded. “But back to my question, who can shoot?” she repeated.

There was silence for a moment then a sigh, “I can,” Charmayne stepped forward.

“What?” Natasha raised a brow. “You?”

“Yeah, no offense, but you’re all makeup and pretty things right girly?” Grace pointed.

“I was raised by a doomsday prepper, outdoorsman of a daddy, we just so happen to own a chain of hunting and gear shops,” she crossed her arms. “I was shooting and skinning animals since I was a kid, I just think having a hot guy and looking good is more important, but I’m not willing to be shot by an amateur with no aim or skill.”

“Fine, prove it,” Rayen handed over the bow and an arrow. She then took an apple out of the food bag and placed it on a nearby stump.

“Fine,” Charmayne stretched then got in position. She drew the bow taking a deep concentrated breath. She let fly the arrow, which flew straight hitting the apple.

“Well, color me impressed, I take back the useless comment,” Susan shrugged.

“But that could just be luck,” Padma commented.

“Yes, but in the end, it was given to Rayen.” DeAnne began to set up camp.

“She can shoot she can keep it, it’s that simple, why make things difficult by debating and wasting time.” Rayen sat down. “We’re stuck until dark, so let’s make the most of it and rest for now.”

No arguments Charmayne became owner of the gift from Artemis. As they relaxed and unwound, they ate a light meal.

Andrew came over and sat by Rayen, signing slowly.

“Was it really foolish?” she asked.

He nodded. Then signed at Rayen to be careful.

“I will,” she nodded.

“I’m gonna go look for moss and some dryer wood,” Cole stood up.

Andrew stood and walked over.

“Oh, thanks for the help,” he smiled then the two left assuring DeAnne they wouldn’t go off too far, she’d become a bit of a worrier more so since all the living things have tried to kill them.

“Heads up!” Keiran called.

As Rayen looked up an apple came flying her way. She caught it a bit confused. She looked it over then looked at him.

“Thank you for earlier, but don’t do it again,” he sat next to her. “I would feel bad if you were hurt because of that,” he looked at a leaf floating down before him.

“I…,” she gripped the apple firmly, staring at it. “I only did what I thought was right, shooting you because she’s mad with herself isn’t right, neither would I feel good if I just let it happen…” Rayen let out a breath, “well, whatever, thanks for the apple.” She took a bite and relaxed for a while.

Keiran nodded then stood passing out apples to the others. He sat with Padma and the two talked over the Gods of her people.

When Cole and Andrew returned from collecting wood, Rayen decided to go off on her own for a bit. She took the book and pen she was gifted then set about collecting a few flowers. She only knew what she’d read in books, but it was a fun little distraction as she came up with random names and facts for them.

After the food was done the group retired for the day; if they were to travel at night then they would need as much energy as they could get. Come nightfall they were packed and with the moon high in the sky, they went on their way tiptoeing and with only the moon to guide them towards their destination. Once morning came again they set up camp and went about relaxing, talking, and telling stories and with the moon they traveled.

“It’s actually a lot cooler this way, I’m not as thirsty either,” Robert commented.

“But this will get old fast, especially since we can’t see too well,” Padma stated. “Hopefully, after we get there we can sleep properly at least for a night.”

After two more nights of travel the town was in view. They hurried to get there before the sun was up, and as they made it they used some of their drachmas to buy rooms for their stay. It was only a lucky break that not all the money handed out in the last town was used so they had enough to work with for shared rooms. With assignments picked out and rooms divided they all agreed to meet and talk later about what to do next.

After baths and hot meals the agreement reached was to split up and search for clues or rumors or anything that could help. It was easier said than done, but that wasn’t going to stop them. The duos became Cole and Keiran, Natasha and Henry, Charmayne and Susan, DeAnne and Grace, Padma and Andrew, finally Robert and Rayen. They decided by drawing straws but some people seemed really displeased with their partner.

“Sweet,” Robert but his arm around Rayen. “Now we get some sweet alone time!”

The ground began to shake beneath them and the whole town. A woman in the street yelled as some of the other townsfolk started to panic.

Rayen shrugged off the hand then knelt down. “You wouldn’t even have a chance if hell froze over,” she stated bluntly. “I’m not interested and if you get all touchy again I just might stab you.”

Robert recoiled, “right my bad…” he held up both hands in defense.

“Wow, you’re like a vicious bear,” Susan laughed. As she did the shaking ceased and they all stood. “You don’t like men who come on strong?”

“I said before, I’m not interested in anyone period, and he’s just trying to get in any and everyone’s pants, that is just an annoyance and overly flirty people are twice that…”

“That means you’ve suffered it before?” Susan asked.

“Yes.” With nothing else said she started walking.

There was a silent moment, then everyone walked off with their partners. As they each took a section of town, the groups questioned the villagers on strange occurrences or people who may know. Not much was ever said in response to their questions, but there was one constant at some point they were all told if they wanted to know anything older than fifty years. The location, a cabin at the edge of town. When they all showed up they looked at one another not completely surprised.

“Well, who’s gonna go in?” Henry asked. “This place is small we all can’t fit…”

“I’ll stay out here,” Rayen leaned against a tree.

Andrew, Robert, and Padma also decided to stay outside. Henry knocked on the door their numbers decreased they seemed less menacing. There was a moment of silence then shuffling from inside the cabin before the door opened.

“Yes?” a thin old man with gray hair answered the door. He seemed much older than the people in the town by many many years. The man glanced at the group, “can I help you?”

“Sir, we were wondering if we could speak with you,” Grace stepped forward putting on a kind face as if she was a seasoned and successful saleswoman. “We were looking for something and were hoping if you knew about it, may we come in and talk, please?”

She glanced out at the others. “Very well,” the old man nodded then walked back in.

They followed the old man inside as he shuffled to his chair while the rest waited. He settled taking a deep breath. “What is it you wanted to ask me?”

“We were told that you may be the one to ask if we wanted to hear about things that happened long long ago,” Grace said. “Have you heard of a ring being stored here?” she asked. “Or a woman of some import visiting two hundred years ago?”

“Ah… so that is why you’re here?” the old man nodded closing his eyes for a moment.

Meanwhile outside Rayen was growing bored. She took a breath when a light shone out of the corner of her eye a single firefly blinking in the darkening sky. She glanced at the others who didn’t seem to notice then took off in its direction. It wasn’t a smart idea but she felt like she was being called to by it.

Inside the cabin the old man had actually fallen asleep much to the dismay of the group. Susan leaned forward checking his breathing at one point as he was deathly still.

“Um Sir?” Grace called.

He woke up at the noise blinking. “Who?” he blinked squinting at them. “Ah yes…” he nodded. “You asked me something my apologies what was it again?”

They were all a little skeptical as to if he would really be helpful and it showed a bit on their faces.

“We asked if you know anything about a woman who visited a long time ago,” DeAnne said.

“Right right,” he nodded slowly. “Yes there was a woman here, I heard this from my grandmother, a beautiful dark-haired woman came to the town years ago, she delivered us some prosperity, was very kind but she did keep distance,” he told them. “No one knows what she was doing here but she was seen with another beauty or so I was told from time to time. Eventually she stopped coming, but not too far from here there is a waterfall, there was a fire that scorched the earth there beyond repair,” he explained. “After some of the gods rampaged, the land was barren and the lake tasted of ash and blood since, but when that woman came the water became purer and the surrounding area flourished with growth.” He closed his eyes on the verge of nodding off again. “Head... “his eyes fluttered, “head straight in the wood…” he yawned, “behind this cabin you cannot miss it…” he was fast asleep in his comfy chair.

Susan took a cover from the bed and draped it over the old man. “Shall we then?” she glanced at the others.

They all walked out of the cabin quietly closing the door. It took a moment to notice the missing person.

“Where’s Ray?” Susan asked.

“She must have wandered into the wood,” Padma stood. “She never made a sound… oh dear…”

“We should get moving and keep an eye out for her,” Cole suggested. “She couldn’t have gone too far ahead. Come on.”

“Yeah..” Susan agreed as they walked into the wood.

Rayen hadn’t gone much farther ahead but she wasn’t anywhere in their sights. She was still following the lone firefly as the sound of water reached her ears. She looked around but couldn’t see well in the dark but kept pace with the bug. Soon even more light could be seen as a clearing came into view.

The sound of rushing water increased with each step and soon she was standing at a gorgeous lake lit by fireflies and strange yet beautiful luminescent lotus.

“Wow…” the amazement was evident in her tone and her expression. She sat down amongst the flowers taking in the view. “I should probably be on my guard but…” she glanced at her hand and removed her left glove. She quickly surveyed her surroundings for anyone before reaching to touch the flower.

“Beautiful, isn’t it?” a gentle serene voice caught her attention.

She looked around once more sure she hadn’t seen anyone. “Show yourself?” she stiffened.

“I am sorry I forgot and didn’t mean to frighten you.”

The firefly from earlier flew around her head, carrying her attention over to the lake where it hovered. It began to grow in size it’s light dimming as its limbs slowly morphed into those of a human. A woman’s form emerged, and it was one that would leave most speechless. She was as pale as the moon with alien eyes, the whole sight was a beautiful turquoise. Her ears were webbed with four points, her skin, although pale was scaled in a V shape on her forehead as well as arched around her eyes the scales were fluorescent and color changing. Her shoulders were covered with luminescent seaweed including her elbows and in a V shape on her chest. Her, hair matched her eyes, and as she stood atop the water it swirled wrapping and forming to her in a liquid gown. She was like something out of a fantasy novel.

Rayen could do nothing but stare.

“If I look strange, I can take a more human form, should this be too much.”

“Oh…” Rayen stood. “No, um... whatever you like.” She shook her head.

“Thank you,” she bowed, smiling at her. “I have something that I am to bestow upon you.” The woman walked across the water then over to Rayen water trailing behind her like a train. “Here,” she took her ungloved hand gently placing a small object in it. “This is yours, shall you never part.”

It was a silver ring with a band made to look like branches and in place of the stone was a head in the shape of a pomegranate with what looked like seed pits visible. Rayen stared at the ring long and hard.

“This…” she didn’t know what to say.

“Hey!” a familiar voice, Cole,” came from behind them.

She turned, seeing the group.

“It seems the rest have finally caught up,” the woman smiled.

As the group stopped beside her they stared at the woman in awe. It was indeed something, someone like they’d never seen.

“Artemis and Medusa were beauties but this…” Susan was amazed. “She’s gorgeous.”

“Thank you,” she gave her a tiny nod in acknowledgment. “But it seems there are issues to resolve… you are here but all this should not have happened at least not for some years if ever at all,” her face fell. “You are the one who knows most about mythology,” she glanced at Susan. “But I’m not all that well know, most records lost, I’m a Nereid, my name Thetis, know best as the mother to a king.”

Thetis closed her eyes. “That isn’t important though, what my friend left to me I have returned,” she said. She opened her eyes, glancing at them all her gaze lingering. “Kore, Persephone, left me her ring, I have given it back now but what it brings it can no longer do. It has no power anymore,” she shook her head hands clasped in front of her.

“So we came here and we’re almost killed for a dud?” Natasha’s irritation was audible.

“No, it has value and though I say no power I solely mean it can’t do what it once did as with all things relating to the gods it is weak without a source and it’s owner used all the power she’d stored in it to revitalize this barren place that is why it flourishes so.”

Andrew began to sign but Thetis held up a hand to stop him. “Yes, I said this wasn’t to happen now, because Rayen is not aware,” she glanced at her.

“Excuse me?” Rayen tilted her head in confusion.

“I have seen you don’t understand anything meaning you were not told, you more than anyone should know this.” Thetis sighed. “Have you heard how the Goddess of Spring died?”

“Yes…” Keiran quietly replied. “We have.”

Everyone looked a little sullen, recounting the story in their heads.

Thetis nodded. “She was here shortly before that. She placed the ring in my care but before here she came to me as I was elsewhere, she asked for my help and brought a woman with her, that woman eventually escaped here, the woman was pregnant and the child was born in the outer world,” she explained. “That child is who you descend from. The most direct of those descendants, there were a few others but my sisters tell me they met their ends,” she solemnly shook her head. “The descendants have inherited what that woman’s family could do but there was something else given to them. Persephone gave the last of her power to that person in the small chance they returned here by some means,” she pointed at the ring in Rayen’s hand which is where everyone’s eyes traveled.

“You know what I’m talking about why else would you wear those.”

Rayen put her hands behind her back. “You must be wrong.”

“Your mother and father died in a freak accident; the only casualties in a bridge collapse, did they not?” Thetis asked. “I do not have you wrong, you are who I was waiting for; if that ring ever works again it will be by your hands.”

“Ray, you gotta talk to us,” Susan put a hand on her shoulder.

“...” Rayen said nothing. She walked away to go sit alone.

“Give her a bit of time,” Thetis said. “You are safe here, so please relax.”

Rayen sighed as she sat alone, staring at the ring. She closed her eyes at a million thoughts, questions, and images swirled through her head. She didn’t think this would ever be a topic to come up while on this journey, and now it has filled with painful memories and old wounds. She never wanted to talk about it but maybe it will fill in some gaps.

Squeezing the ring she shut her eyes tight then took a deep breath before returning to the group. “What do you know about me?” she walked over to Thetis who was talking to Keiran.

“You were in the car with your parents,” Thetis answered. “You survived, a miracle the mortals call it after you went to live with distant relatives of your father for a while but you were passed onto an uncle and his wife who was a little too…” she thought for a moment. “What is a delicate way…”

“He was a creep,” Rayen clenched her fist.

Thetis took her hand. “You were there for some time, and you always had dreams that were linking you here but of course, you didn’t know that, and telling them only caused them to send you to multiple doctors who only said you were crazy.”

“They put me in an institution saying I suffer from delusions but it was also because of this thing I can do,” she stared at her hand. “Plus it’s easy to get access to someone when you have them confined and drugged,” she looked away. “In the end I got out and ran it’s why I was on the plane; I was trying to get away,” she told them. “Plants were scarce inside and I wasn’t really allowed any but I found one and made it grow out of control it stated affecting systems so they were evacuating until they could fix it, I took the chance to leave,” she mumbled. “There’s always a woman telling me I need to go… though I don’t know who or where…”

“You’re from the looney bin?” Natasha raised a brow. “Surprised you haven’t slit our throats while she slept.”

“Shut up!” Rayen yelled. “Just keep your comments to yourself…” she was keeping her emotions under control as best she could.

“That explains why we would wake to flowers in weird places sometimes,” DeAnne commented.

“You can all make fun or keep your distance just get it out your system now,” Rayen sighed. She didn’t give anyone time to talk, turning her gaze back to Thetis. “Why’d they die?”

“Because they thought your mother had it,” she stated. “Kill the one holding it and all Persephone’s power dies, that place is locked off, for a while yet and then the seals kept by those in power can weaken with it,” she said. “Or that’s what the quiet rumor is, you dying makes regaining their strength even harder and without it an extremist group may just free what had been locked up for much longer than many have been alive.” she averted her gaze away from Rayen. “They didn’t know the soul born with these abilities was you and not your mother.”

“So this ring gives them what they want but others would rather not have it and free something horrible?” Susan asked. “Well that sucks on both sides,” she sighed.

“Yes, but it is how things stand, your mother was supposed to tell you these things, sadly she thought there was time,” Thetis shook her head. “But with none and much to be done, you must find a way to leave, it may be possible to restore enough power in the ring but it will take time,” she told her. “And you will need to gather the tiny gems for this,” she opened Rayen’s fist. “My friend removed them or smashed them, maybe both I do not know, but where they are you will find them if they still exist, you have a seeking compass after all,” she pointed to Andrew. “It will take you where you ask, within reason, and only if it’s where you need to be,” she grinned.

“Now I will help you with the instability of your abilities, a few tricks will go a long way,” Thetis pulled Rayen away from the group.

“So, what now?” Padma asked. “That was a lot to take in, the poor thing, all this because of her family.”

“Yeah…” Susan worriedly glanced back at their disappearing forms. “Well the best we can do is not make things awkward, but I’m saying this now, what if she really is Persephone, that would be cool,” she grinned.

“But it was just stated she wasn’t,” Henry crossed his arms.

“So what I can dream right, if this were a movie or something that would be the twist, cause you know everything can’t be revealed at once,” she said matter of factly.

“You’re really into this aren’t you?” Cole asked.

“I spent many a day reading books growing up, I love mythology and I’m a lover of fantasy and adventure, makes me feel like I’m in a book just with how things are going.”

“Fantasy or no we should all rest up,” Grace commented. “We need to head back and get our things then move on soon right?”

“You’re right,” Henry agreed. He sat down under one of the trees.

Keiran took up under a tree a bit away from the group.

“You alright?” Cole leaned over, staring him in the face. “If you’re tired nap a little,” it’ll do you some good, we may be here a while.”

“Maybe you’re right,” Keiran nodded. He closed his eyes, taking a deep breath. Maybe a bit of rest would let his mind catch up with the rest.

For hours the group sat patiently waiting. Rayen and Thetis finally returned. Rayen sighed, sliding on her gloves.

“You shouldn’t hide them,” Thetis pouted.

“I feel comfortable this way…” she replied. “I’m going to rest now.” She, without a word to her companions, just laid down, closing her eyes.

Thetis smiled at the others. “You all seem a bit confused and weary, but do not worry too much,” she bowed. “Things will be harder from here, you’re pursued by many and there are ears everywhere.”

“So if a God dies are they replaced?” Susan asked. “Like a new Spring Goddess to take her place and role.”

“Well, I can’t tell you everything it’s not my place or duty and it would spoil your wonder. I’ve done what was asked of me and will return to my home now.” She closed her eyes. “I wish you all much luck and safety in the days to come.” Her body began to distort as it shrunk and transformed. She was now a dove with a final bow of the head she flew off.

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