People Like Us (bxb)

Chapter 8

-Nathan’s POV

“Okay. Let’s introduce ourselves then, I am Christopher-Alpha of the Southwind Pack and this is my mate, Luna- Luna of the Southwind pack.” He started off.

“I am Nathan Skye-A member of the Darkvale Pack,” I spoke rather timidly, muttering my pack’s name. After all, I was told not to ever mention them since I am a disgrace. But of course, werewolf hearing.

“The Darkvale Pack!” Alpha Christopher got up in anger. “Urgh, I hate those idiotic alphas of that pack, all the stupid stuck-up leaders that do not deserve to live.” I flinched a little from the noise but tried my best to hide it. Terui quickly intertwined his hand in mine and gave me a small pat on my head in a comforting manner. Luna just touched Alpha Christopher’s and signaled him to calm down. He took a deep breath and sat back down.

“I’m sorry for you to have to spend time in there. Honestly, they are just a waste of space.” I agreed to an extent but I don’t really know if I should show it since he is insulting my father. He let out a sigh, probably it has something to do with the Luna rolling her eyes subtly...“Anyways, let us get on to the topic. Nathan, how much do you know about the white wolves.” He asked.

The white wolves. I don’t really know much, more I like I was never able to find out after being restricted to even enter the study room or the library. ” I’m afraid I only know that they have a weaker physique as compared to others, Alpha.” I said half honestly.

“Just call me Christopher.” Alpha Christopher replied with a frown on his head. “Well, some white wolves have a weaker physique, yes, but that is because it is not all wolves are made for combat in the first place.” That caught my attention. A wolf that is not made for fights. Just like what Gale said, although he mentioned some device that allows me to use his powers.

Yeap, I’ll teach you how to use it another time. Gale suddenly said in my head. I yelped which caught everyone’s attention. Terui chuckled at the side, obviously trying to hold back in his laughter. You should probably get used to me talking in your head too. Blushing, I sat back down and just stared at the floor.

“The white wolf is a symbol of peace or blessing according to our past leaders. Some believe it to be a being of the moon, receiving the blessings of the moon thus turning white. Beings that belong to the moon goddess while others see the white wolf as a symbol of peace, a messenger by the goddess to stop the war between the packs and between the different mystics that reside in this world.” I was shocked by that information, but Gale seems to know this already. I can almost see him making imaginary snow angels in my head.

“For many centuries, the white wolf had stopped fights between packs, allowing peace to settle into this world. But in the end, they were wiped out by the packs themselves. Packs that wanted war saw them as a weakness and started to kill them off. In the end, the Sage of the packs prayed to the goddess and asked for the killing to stop. The goddess, furious with the action of the wolves, took away the power of the white wolves along with the Sage. She then left a prophecy: ‘When this world is finally stable, I will send a white wolf down to this world again. However, should he be unsatisfied with how this world is, I shall not stay in this world any longer.’ Without the power and the protection of the goddess, I fear that the world may become a warzone and may cease to exist in the future.”

This is too much to take in. Firstly, suppose I am that white wolf in the story, I am now a being capable of stopping wars. Then now the fate of the world is in my hands. This is just too much even for me to wrap around my head.

“Without the goddess’ protection, werewolves will have a harder time finding mates. Not only that, but some of them may also be unable to handle the backlash and turn feral. We could easily be hunted by other supernatural. After all, the moon goddess isn’t the only one out there.” Terui explained further, which only helps make me more nervous than I already am.

“I guess that’s enough for today. Nathan dear, it is nice meeting you. Don’t think too much about it and live your life, for now, the goddess will help you when you need her, and be sure to keep this in mind: The choice is yours to make, not others. Terui, please take him back to his room.” Luna said in the most gentle tone I have heard in years. Terui nodded his head as I continued to try and put my head around everything that has been going on around me.

Later in the evening, Terui came back into what is now my room with a set of pillows and blankets. I sat on the bed as Terui wrapped his arms around me, resting his head on my shoulder.

“Still thinking about it?” He asked gently, nuzzling his face at my neck. I nodded slightly. I was a little more comfortable with having Terui around me. Fear still stalked me like a shadow, but his presence calms me more than I imagined so it helps me from panicking too much at times. I also have a feeling that he is drawing some fear away from me too, but I guess I will keep that to myself for now. After all, I don’t think he wants me to figure that out yet.

I moaned at the sudden nipping of my neck. His hands were wrapped tight around me in a tight hug as if I was going to disappear at any time.

“Luna told you not to think about it too much down, didn’t she?” He whispered into my ear, causing me to shiver in delight. “How about a date with me?” He asked.

My heart sped at the thought of a date with him. It... doesn’t sound...bad, I think. I was slightly excited at the thought, more like my wolf is. I tried desperately to think of an excuse but as of now, I have absolutely nothing that I can use. I opened and closed my mouth like a goldfish, but settled on blushing like a schoolgirl and kept quiet.

“My dear mate, silent means consent.” He announced with a gleeful look on his face, “I’ll go prepare myself for a while, feel free to use this period to prepare yourself too. Meet you outside the packhouse in an hour.”

He kissed my cheeks gently before jumping out of the window, scaring a few children on the way as I sat there panicking about my now sudden date.

He sure is interesting. Gale laughed at me.

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