People Like Us (bxb)

Chapter 7

-Nathan’s POV-

“Good afternoon my dear packmates, I would like to introduce you to my mate-Nathan Skye.” Terui announced, not the best way I hoped to be able to be introduced but it’s better than doing it myself. I gathered all my non-existent courage and peeked my head out. A chorus of Aww was heard, causing me to blush deep red. When I couldn’t stand the staring any longer, a few seconds at best, I retreated back behind Terui’s back. A few fangirls went crazy and screamed as if they are at an idol concert. Terui chuckled but didn’t say anything much. Another shadow cast over me while I was trying my best to shirk away from the attention. I looked up instantly and saw a large muscular man was towering over me, probably the same height as Terui.

“Welcome to the Southwind Pack, I am aware that you might fear us as we are a War Pack but I can assure you that we are not feral people like some other packs.” The large man spoke, giving a hearty laugh at my frightened expression. I gave a slight nod, still slightly aware of the size difference that may or may not crush me into pieces if he so felt like it.

“NATHAN!!!” a girl scream from the back was projected through the dining hall. I turned just in time to encounter a human rocket that knocked me off my feet, causing us to tumble across the floor. Hallie looked up at me with a huge smile on her face. I could feel my power revving up to full gear and working on healing the ache throughout my body.

“Hallie, I told you not to be that rough when introducing others!” the large man shouted at her while lifting her off me with one hand. Terui stretched out his hand and I gratefully took it, earning a few aww’s from the audience again. I didn’t know there are so many Fujoshi in here.

“No worries, it’s no problem to any of us Dad!” She said casually, to which I realized that the man there is the Alpha of this pack. “Besides, Nathan here is a white wolf, he won’t be injured badly from this.” Fear struck deep in me as the words left her mouth, I knew that they would know about it sooner or later but never this soon!

“A white wolf?”

“That’s not possible, they were said to be extinct thousands of years ago!”

“It might not be pure white.”

Conversations were going on around me as I felt Gale on standby in my head.

“SILENCE!” the Alpha commanded the room. He walked towards me and I could feel my fear level hitting another stage. My legs trembled and I closed my eyes shut. They are going to see how useless I am. They are going to throw me out like my own pack. Terui! What would he think?

“Do you mind shifting for us to see?” he asked in a rather gentle voice. I was stunned for a while. When an Alpha asks a weaker wolf to shift, normally it is to show respect. After all, it is easier to command.

I nodded a while and tried my best to calm myself down. For most wolves, they must let their wolf side take over but not me. I was able to shift without switching minds but I will have to clear my mind for a second or else the shift would be painful. I let my wolf take form, letting myself fall on all four. I opened my eyes and took a look at my surrounding.

“Amazing! A silent shift! That’s almost impossible to even the best shifters that I know of!” The Alpha exclaimed. I looked around and saw Terui looking at me with awe.

“You’re so cute!” Hallie exclaimed, putting a death grip around my body. I whined desperately, it was as if she’s trying to cut off my blood flow.

“HALLIE, I TOLD YOU NOT TO LEAVE Me...HOLY SHIT!! THAT WHITE WOLF IS DEADLY CUTE!!!!” Hastie screamed through the hall and rushed towards me, preparing to take me into her embrace. I yelped and quickly half-shift to Gale’s half-wolf form, successfully escaping the women’s death grips, and ran to hide behind Terui. My ears and tail are still there although my body is now that of a human. From the corner, it was as if all the fujoshi are gathering every detail and with dangerous gazes that send shivers down my spine.

“A half-shift?! Terui, you got yourself one hell of a mate.” the Alpha laughed heartily as people shouted their congratulations. Now I was puzzled as hell. I knew Terui can sense my uncertainty.

“You are cute at hell.” That was all he said while petting my head, paying extra attention to massaging my wolf ears. I whined softly at the unexpected touch and tried to shift back to normal. I concentrated for a while, willing myself to revert to my human self. A couple of boos came from the ladies but let us ignore that for now.

After all that commotion, I finally managed to get some lunch before being guided to the Alpha office by Terui. He said that they would discuss the white wolf there so that I would have the time to register whatever that they will say. It was also to see how much I know and was taught.

“Take a seat, Nathan, anywhere is fine.” The Alpha said as he went through the files in the bookshelves. I noticed a rather beautiful lady sitting next to the Alpha’s chair. I gave a slight bow to her, and she bowed to me before I got to a nearby chair and took a seat with Terui beside me. I am still a bit apprehensive about staying near an Elder but my wolf trusts Terui so I decided to do so. When the Alpha finally took a seat, after piling up a few old booklets that look like they were from a long time ago, He took a breath and started with introductions.

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