People Like Us (bxb)

Chapter 21

-3rd person POV-

The map shimmered and three tiny spots on the map glowed brilliantly. Two dots were close to each other, unmoving, while the other was moving further into the wood. Kalen clicked her tongue and dismissed her magic.

“Let us go as planned. Alex, Ray, and Nathan will follow the one that is escaping into the forest. It’s most likely is the Elder since he was able to detect the search magic. Once the barrier is up, Raphael and I will head to the forest and destroy the pack. If they surrender, we will take them as prisoners.” Kalen instructed and head out to gather her team of wizards and the elite warrior.

Philip led Elder Olivia and Milo to the center of the pack. The courtyard we teleported to. Milo immediately started laying down various magical items on the floor.

“Isn’t that a diamond?” Hallie asked in awe.

“Yes. But more precisely, it is a diamond imbued with the wizard’s magic.” Philip answered, to allow Milo to work on the barrier.

“Done,” Milo said with a satisfied smile. To the unknown eye, it was just an arrangement of gemstones, a glass of water, and a peacock feather. But to the magician’s eye, it was the catalytic array for the strongest barrier using the best material. Elder Olivia nodded and shifted into her grey-furred wolf. She stood confidently and posed, letting out a loudest, high-pitched howled she can manage. A few seconds passed and another howl sounded through the sky.

They were ready.

With a wave of his hand, purple mist graced Milo’s fingertips and covered the array. The array glowed and a purple beam shot up into the sky. Like a giant purple veil, the magic gracefully took its position and covered the entire territory of the pack like a dome, before fading into the background. It was almost invisible but if you look closely, you can see the shimmering purple and seems to dance around the border.

At the Southwind Pack, Druid was doing his best to make amends to his past mistakes. He served Elder Terui, and when he found out that Elder Terui had a mate, he decided to keep his distance to allow his master to spend quality time with his mate. Druid is a servant to Terui by contract or binding, we just choose to serve Terui because he was a friend and his savior. But things have changed.

Druid regret not being there when his master’s mate was in danger or when his master was making a wrong decision by abandoning his mate. When Terui told him that his mate was a white wolf and that he had to reject him, Druid was aghast. A white wolf as a mate was the highest honour any wolf would like to have. It meant that whoever was mated the white wolf had earned the favour of the Goddess. Rejecting him was spitting on the goddess's face!

Druid hired a private investigator to look into Nathan’s background and Terui’s action. He was horrified. His master had changed. He was no longer who Druid thought he was. And Druid had lost all respect for him. Nathan’s past was not pretty either.

After learning that Jack, Nathan’s brother was mated to Lucas Southwind, he wanted out. He didn’t want to be associated with any pack that had been part of the abuse. But, the Southwind family convinced him to stay. They disagreed with what Terui had done and that they would keep watch on the Darkvale pack using Jack. Years passed and Nathan was found. Not only that, he returned stronger and made friends with strong supporters. They were the ones who organized the attack this time and Druid immediately volunteered to be part of it.

He had decided, he will become Nathan’s servant to protect him. He may have owed Terui Knight his life, but he is free to choose where his loyalty lies.

Druid, just like his name, came from an almost extinct family line of druids. By borrowing the magic in the forest, he channeled the energy through the talisman that hung around his neck and thorny vines shot up from the ground. The vines intertwined themselves and like the barrier put up by Milo, created a dome. Black rose bloomed along with the vines and everyone in Southwind pack was in awe and the irregular magic. Casting the magic was exhausting but it was easy to maintain. He had planted rare seeds known as Black Rose Ivy the day before and they are what the barrier is made of. Fireproof, poisonous, and damage-resistant are the properties of this particular plant. As a druid, he made sure that those he recognized as an ally would not be harmed by this plant and able to access the pack at all times.

Once the barrier was up, Christopher charged out of the barrier with his group of 30 elite warriors and his Beta. Likewise, Alex, Ray, and Nathan raced of the north of the woods where the Elder was supposed to be at. Kalen and Raphael took off towards the Darkvale pack with the wizards and elite warriors.

When they reached the border of the Darkvale pack, Christopher slowed to a stop. An instruction that was given to him by his twin daughters. The Beta of Southwind pack, Oliver Noon, hadn’t been briefed about the operation.

“Why are we stopping here? Shouldn’t we head in? to attack?” Oliver asked the previous Alpha of the pack. He had wondered why wasn’t Lucas leading the attack but his father.

“If you want to risk your life, be my guest,” Christopher said calmly which made Oliver and the warriors even more puzzled. But a condescending howl interrupted their thoughts. A howl that every warrior was familiar with. The patrol team of Darkvale pack.

“Well, well. What a warm welcome.” Christopher said with a gloating smile but made no move in moving forward. The wolf shifted back into his human form.

“What does the retired Alpha of Southwind pack want from us. We don’t have time to deal with you low-lifes.” The man spat out viciously. There was no way a towering man with Alpha blood would be scared of a mere warrior, but since he was going to destroy them anyway, he might as well play along.

“I’m so sorry. My memory seems to have caught up with my age. Where is my pack again?” Christopher asked blurrily. This got several wolfy laughter from the patrol team. Oliver watched in dismay at his previous Alpha.

What is he doing? He thought to himself.

“Let me show you then!” The leader of the patrol team smirked and shifted into his wolf. He crouched down and immediately pounced at the previous reigning alpha of one of the best warring packs. It was his day to show the pack how strong of a warrior he is. But he didn’t even get the chance.

A piece of ice, the size of a bullet, pierced right through the head of the leader. The laughter stopped. No one from Darkvale knew what was happening. Another piece of ice fell from the sky and shot through the leg of another warrior. The Darkvale warrior screamed in pain. It was like getting shot by a rifle. Then another piece fell. And another.

Hailstorm. That was the spell Kalen cast above the Darkvale pack. Oliver watched in horror as hail pelted down onto the warring pack that had caused all the neighbouring packs grief and annoyance. It was a one-sided massacre. The Darkvale pack, who tortures their own omegas and kills anyone who dared to step into the pack ground uninvited, even if they are members of the neighbouring packs, was being reduced to nothing by a single magic.

Kalen was not bothered by the number of deaths she was causing. Nathan was a gifted and gentle soul. He was born to bring peace, not suffer at the hands of egoistic bastards. This was her revenge on them. She will not wait until karma or the devil strike. She will be the one to hand out the retribution. But she made sure not the hit the two main targets. Jasmine and Nicholas Skye. They deserve a special seat.

Let the war begin.

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