People Like Us (bxb)

Chapter 20

-Nathan’s POV-

“Nathan!” Kalen shouted from the front lawn. Ray flinched beside me and let out a wince. Dad got up from the chair and moved to the window.

“What the…” His jaw dropped at the sight of seven wizards, all lined up like a military training camp. In front of them stood Kalen and her husband, Milo Deltrich. I got up and opened the door. Kalen dashed in like a deprived addict, Milo got in normally while their team of wizards marched in and lined up against the wall. The rest of them just gawked awkwardly.

“Sage mother, and her team of elite wizards at your service.” Kalen bowed extravagantly towards Elder Olivia, who acknowledged with a quick nod. “Let me also introduce to you my husband Milo. He excels in defense magic, so I’ll leave the protection of the pack to him.”

“Well then,” Elder Olivia cleared her throat and started. “Since everyone is here, we shall discuss the plan. We will be launching an attack against the Darkvale pack. The plan is for Alexandria, Alpha of Crescent Moon pack, and Lucas Southwind, Alpha of Southwind pack, to declare war on the Darkvale pack. Our aim is to seize their Elder, John Tucker, Alpha and Luna, Nicholas and Jasmine Skye. The moment the Council and Elder Society gives us the green light, Mrs. Kalen here will teleport us to Crescent Moon Pack and we will declare war.”

“Leave the Alpha to me, I will make sure he doesn’t escape,” Dad said coldly, receiving a nod from Hastie and Hallie.

“Jake, current Luna of Southwind pack, is staying at Southwind’s pack house so there won’t be any problem with wiping the pack out,” Hastie informed.

“Good, that means I can start off with a bombardment,” Kalen said gleefully, rubbing her hands together. She is way more bloodthirsty than me, and I am the victim.

“Nathan. You, Ray, and Alex will head off to find the Elder. He will definitely have some people defending him so be careful. We will be using Search magic to locate him, so you need to head there directly once we locate him. He may be a bastard, but he is still an Elder, do not underestimate him.” Elder Olivia warned me. I looked and Ray and we nodded to each other. “Alright, it is about time. Kalen, if you will do the honors”

A pale blue magic circle surrounded us, and it felt as if we were being sucked into the ground. A brilliant flash of pale blue light erupted from beneath us, almost blindingly. When our eyes adjusted back to reality, we were no longer in my dad’s living room. We were now standing on a dirt courtyard with several houses that can be seen in the distance.

I felt a tingle in my soul that seemed to tug me to a mansion-looking house. I sniffed the air and sure enough, a scent similar to melon and peach was wafting in the air, standing out from the other scents. I focused on the direction of the scent, feeling the tingles getting stronger. A black-furred wolf tackled me to the ground. I let out a scream in surprise and all attention was suddenly on me. A wet, sloppy tongue and all over my face in between all the excited wolf panting from the furry wolf above me. Even without my memory, I can tell what this was with a strange knowledge deep in my mind. This wolf is my second-chance mate.

“Alex, please control yourself!” A rather tall lanky man with blue hair came running out from what I assume to be the pack house. He was holding onto a rather thin notebook that doesn’t seem like it’s for taking notes. The wolf above me whined and gingerly got off me. Alex? “My apologies, I am Philip, the Beta of Crescent Moon Pack. Please, come in, I’ll bring you up to date about the situation.”

All the main parties involved gathered in the Alpha’s room, waiting for Alex to get changed. Alex walked in with a huge smile on his face. Rather than a war, it seems like he was getting ready for a wedding. Philip just sighed when Alex dragged a seat next to me and plopped right down. Dad rolled his eyes while Hallie and Hastie clapped gleefully. Elder Olivia didn’t really show much of an expression but Kalen was scrutinizing every single detail of him as if he was under a microscope.

“We’ll be talking about this after the attack is over.” Kalen declared and diverted everyone’s attention. Alex straightened up and decided to clear some doubts he had.

“Other than the forty elite warriors, I don’t want the rest of my pack to be caught up in this. Leaving hunters and normal werewolves aside, if they are making use of demonic wolf, I don’t think my pack can handle it if they are not of a warrior class.” Alex explained. He was most likely hoping for a mage or someone strong to stay behind to protect them.

“Don’t worry, Milo will be here to set up a barrier. Offense wise he is unreliable, but defense wise he is impenetrable.” Kalen explained dismissively. Milo just scowled at the low blow that his wife had revealed to everyone in the room. “I’m more worried about the Southwind pack. No matter how good he is, maintaining another barrier of such size would be difficult for any wizard. Not to mention, Southwind pack is way larger.”

“That’s not a problem.” Philip suddenly piped up. “They have another defense specialist on their side. When the time comes, they will be fine.”

“How do you know?”

“Philip is a Librarian,” Alex explained and Kalen's eyes widened in shock but don’t say anything.

“What is a Librarian?” Hallie and Hastie asked at the same time.

“A Librarian is a person who has access to the World’s Library. They are pretty much like a sage but the difference is that sage’s wisdom comes from experience while a Librarian has access to anything that has happened in the world or the near future from birth.” Ray explained like the magic-brainiac he is. “A Librarian requires an item to enter. An excess point. Judging from the looks, his is probably a book.”

“That’s right!” Philip flashed Ray a smile and Hallie instinctively jumped in front of Ray, growling. “I won’t steal your man, relax,” Philip said and gave Hallie a wink.

“Enough of that. I have received the ‘go’ sign from the Council. They will love the other way for the next 30 mins. That’s all we have for the cleanup.” Elder Olivia interrupted, putting down her flip phone carelessly.

“I thought she would use an owl or a pigeon,” Ray whispered to me.

“And I would if it wasn’t such a situation.” She piqued, shutting Ray up beside me.

Philip brought in a map and Kalen went to work. She did a quick search spell for our three targets.

“Alright. Let’s start this operation.” Kalen declared and cracked her fingers.

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