Owned by the Italian Mafia Don: A Dark Mafia Arranged Marriage Romance (Possessive Mafia Kings Book 2)

Owned by the Italian Mafia Don: Chapter 6

Seeing her so angry brings me so much enjoyment. She’s so angry when she’s given the options. I see fury, lust, and uncertainty, but it’s the want that has me wishing I could bend her over right here and now, to give her a taste of what she’d be signing up for.

I’d never force her to have sex with me. I’m not that kind of man. If her way of giving me an heir means we go to a doctor, then that’s what it means.

I wouldn’t be lying if I said I hope she changes her mind. I bet having the privilege of being inside her would be one of the best gifts I would ever receive. I’m pulled to her. I already crave her. She maddens me and humors me, tempts me, and tests me, all in a short period of time.

If she can do that now, what could she do to me in a day? A month, a year?

I want to find out.

“I’m not playing this game with you.” She stabs her fingers into my wounded shoulder, and I grunt. “You’re an ass. You’re using your power to get what you want. You only want a hole to warm your dick and I’m not going to be that for you. You’re twisting my horrible situation into something that will only be for your gain.”

I growl as the pain pulses down my arm. “Let me make something crystal clear,” I begin. “I can have a hole, as you so crudely call it. I don’t want any woman. I want you. I want to help you. You’re in a position that needs help, powerful help. I’m a man in the highest of places. You can’t get better protection than me. Of course, I want something out of it. It’s called a business deal, not a late-night booty call. If I wanted to fuck, I would fuck, but shockingly, I’m not the kind of man to stick it in every passing woman I see. I want you. I’m using your position so I can have you, yes. I’m your chance at freedom. I’m your chance for your family to be safe. I’m your chance for so many other things. Do you want to take that chance, or do you want to do this on your own? You do not have much time, Rosie. It won’t be long before Bianchi finds out who you are.”

I watch her hand under the desk she’s leaning against, moving until it finds what she is looking for. I hear the click of a button and rub a hand over my mouth, trying to hide my smile.

She’s smart.

“You can press that button all you want, Tesoro. No one is going to come and help you. My men disabled your security before we came into the building. The only person who can help you right now is yourself.”

The muscle in her jaw flexes and she glances away from me, her fingers curling around the edge of the counter.

“Well, you’ve thought of everything, haven’t you?”

I grin wolfishly, wanting to make her feel like she’s been caught as prey. “I have. When the contract is up, you’re free to go. You’ll have your freedom. Your family will be safe. You’ll have money. And you won’t be a criminal – a murderer yes, but not a criminal.”

She charges forward and her nostrils flare. “Fuck. You.”

“You said you wouldn’t,” I sigh, letting the words go on longer than needed.

She’s pissed. Those bright blue eyes burn as the color of the hottest point of flame. “I don’t like to feel trapped and that’s exactly what you’re doing.”

“Is it? How? I’m giving you an amazing deal.” I sound offended and in part, I am. I’d never trap anyone. This is a business deal. We both get something out of this. I make my family happy, my blood lives on and all that shit, and she isn’t in jail. It’s a win-win situation.

“You’re forcing me—”

I crowd her space, gripping her by the back of the head by her neck so she can’t move away from me. She tries to pull away, but she can’t.

“Now you’re trapped,” I growl, bending down while I tilt her head back. “Make no mistake, Rosie. If I wanted you locked in a basement with no way out, I would. That is being trapped. You are making an agreement. An agreement that comes to an end. Don’t forget that.” I push her against the counter, my pelvis aligned with hers. Rosie’s hands push against my chest, but my strength overpowers hers. “And let me make one thing very fucking clear, I am not forcing you to do anything. I am giving you the options you already know about. You know you’re fucked, and without me, you’ll be as good as dead along with the rest of your family. I do not force anyone to go into business with me. If you want to take the chance on your own out there, by all means, go. My offer is only happening once. One time. That’s it. If you say no, I’m walking out that door and every opportunity I gave you will be gone. If I were you, I’d start thinking smarter and stop being so stubborn. You were messy last night. You put yourself in this situation, but I wouldn’t give you up to the damn law, no,” I chuckle, squeezing her neck just as I curl my lip, capturing her eyes with mine. “I’d let Bianchi hunt you down. That’s worse than any punishment the law could give you.” I let her go, but my arms move only to cage her in.

My hands fall on hers where she’s gripping the counter. Mine engulf hers, reminding me that while her body might be small and delicate, fragile even, her intelligence, attitude, and spite are far from any of those things.

She’s strong and she loves a good fight.

I respect that.

“And after the child? You expect me to give him or her up and walk away as if I don’t love my own flesh and blood?” Her voice breaks at the thought, her eyes glistening with tears. “I can’t do that.”

“I would never expect you to.” I cup her cheek. “That is something we can work out if you choose not to stay.”

She snorts. “I’m not staying longer than I have to with you, Mr. Milazzo.”

“Yes, well, we will see about that, won’t we?”

“I don’t know,” she says, ripping her hands from underneath mine to rub her temples. “Can I have time to think about it? How do you expect me to make this kind of decision so fast? You’re asking me to give a year of my life to play wife and give you a child. You are asking me to give up my body. I’ll change. Pregnancy isn’t easy, you know. Not that I’ve ever experienced it, but I’ve seen it.”

My eyes soften, knowing her concern is valid. Pregnancy isn’t easy. I saw what growing a life does to a woman’s body thanks to Carmine’s wife. Her hips were wider, she gained weight, her ankles were swollen, and she was very moody, especially when she saw the stretch marks appearing when she was pregnant for the second time.

“I know, which is why anything and everything you’ll need will be covered financially. You won’t have to worry about medical bills. I’ll get you the best of everything.” My eyes roam down her body and I don’t hide the attraction I feel for her. “I bet you’ll look even more stunning pregnant.”

Her cheeks redden and she turns away from me. I press two fingers to her jaw and force her to look at me. “I’m not a man who is disgusted by a pregnant woman. I love what the woman’s body goes through to make a life. I know it isn’t easy, but I doubt having a child of your own would have your beauty diminish.”

“You’re only trying to sweet talk me,” she whispers.

“Maybe I am,” I say with a slight tilt of my head. “Or maybe I’m telling the truth.”

“Can I have time to think about this?” Her throat bobs when she gulps then her hands push gently against my chest. “And can you take a step away from me? I can’t think when you’re so close.”

“Does my nearness bother you, Tesoro?”

If any look in the world would say I’m stupid, it’s the one she’s giving me now. Her chin is tilted down, eyes peering up through her lashes, and she appears to be done with me.

“Don’t be an idiot. You know you’re attractive and you’re using it to your advantage in hopes I say yes. I might not like you and I definitely am not going to have sex with you, but I will say I recognize a good-looking guy. You’re okay. Not my type, but a solid seven.”

My brows raise and my twin brother chuckles as he stands by the window, so does Gianni.

“Is that so? A seven?”

“Any more than that would inflate your ego and I doubt you need that,” she says, crossing her arms over her chest. “Since you think a woman is just going to sign away her life to you without a second thought, it deserves you to get knocked down a peg or two.”

A surprised laugh escapes me. I don’t think I’ve ever met anyone like her. “Well, you’ll have to excuse me for giving you options. Unfortunately, you don’t have much time to think about it.”

“Can I have the night?” she grits through her teeth, feral like a wolf.

“You want to risk a night?” I know for a fact Bianchi will find her quicker than she thinks. Honestly, I’m shocked he hasn’t already.

“I don’t think Bianchi will find me, but I need to think this over. You’re asking me to change my entire life.”

“Rosie, your entire life changed the moment you stepped inside that club last night. Your entire life changed when your brother stole from Bianchi. Nothing will be the same after this. It’s up to you to decide how you want to adapt to this situation. Waiting around could get you killed, or you are with me, and I can protect you and your family.”

“What kind of power do you have that Bianchi doesn’t? Who says I’m safer with you than on my own? Aren’t you both the same?”

“No,” I clip, yet sounding confident. “First, don’t ever compare me to that man. Milazzos are much classier, and we do our best to balance the law. We don’t hurt women either. We don’t sell them as if they are cattle.”

She gasps in horror. “They do that, and you haven’t done anything?”

“Doing something takes more time than you think. Milazzos run this city and always have, Tesoro. We have power in very high places while Bianchi has power in very low places. Take your pick.” I spread my arms out.

“Right. Take a chance on one devil or the other,” she murmurs.

My phone buzzes and it’s an update by one of my men following her brother. I turn my phone around and show her my screen. “This is the kind of man I am. See that? That’s your brother. I have one of my best marksmen following him. I could kill him. Right here and now. My world will spin to go on another day but yours won’t. That’s how easy it is for a man like me to ruin your life, but I won’t because I’m not Bianchi; but if I can find you and your brother, so can he. You have ten minutes to decide or I’m going to walk out those doors, kill your brother, and deliver his body to Bianchi. I’ll have an alliance for life if I do that.”

“It wouldn’t mean shit without the stone,” she seethes, big wells of tears threatening to spill over her eyes. “And I won’t give it to you.”

“You mean, that stone?” I point to Gianni, and she turns around quickly, the round curve of her ass pressing against my groin. I bend down while she begins to breathe heavily and whisper, “You see, while you were fighting with me, Gianni slipped in the back, found the same purse you used last night, and plucked it right out. You should be smarter, Tesoro. You should have hidden the stone.”

She spins around. “Give the stone back.”

“I don’t think so,” I pout as if it bothers me not to give in and help her. “But I will once you decide.”

“You aren’t making your case any better by going through my things. You don’t respect privacy.”

“No, I don’t. Not when your life is hanging in my hands. And you can fight that all you like, but you know the truth. I bet you couldn’t sleep last night because of the things you have done, what your brother did, and trying to figure out your life from here on out.” I brush my thumb under her eye where the dark circles shadow her face. “I slept like a fucking baby. You and your issues weren’t on my mind at all.” That’s not true. I thought of her eyes, lips, and that body squeezed into the tight dress. I fucked my fist until my orgasm sent me to sleep. “That’s the difference between us, Rosie. I’m a man capable of sleeping without regrets while you’re someone who falls asleep with them.”

“I don’t fall asleep with regrets. You’re wrong,” she says proudly, the determination in her eyes is almost strong enough to hide the sweet little lie.

“No? You mean you don’t stay awake at night, going over every single step you made throughout the day, wondering how and why you missed your opportunity to make your dreams come true? There’s Rosie, taking care of everyone, all the time, and no one is taking care of her. Mom and Dad do nothing but sit on their ass while you bust yours. You think about how much you hate them. You love them, but you don’t like them. You can’t stand how lazy they have become. You can’t stand that they don’t take care of your brother. Oh your sweet little brother, trying so hard to help you, but can’t seem to make the right decisions. You regret not standing up for yourself sooner. You regret not getting out of this fucking store that barely makes a dollar. You regret every choice you have ever made to lead you to this moment.”

Her bottom lip trembles as puddles swim in her eyes, but her jaw is set, and anger ignites that stubborn soul. Before I can move away from her, her palm meets my cheek, and my skin begins to burn.

“Fuck you for thinking you’re so much better than me. Fuck you for looking into my life without permission. And fuck you for thinking you know me well enough to conclude that I regret my family. I love them.”

I rub the side of my face and hold up my hand to stop Matias from killing the sweet girl. “It’s fine, Matias. She’s only protecting herself.”

A tear drips onto her cheek but her resolve and strength don’t change.

“How dare you find out information about my family. You had no right to invade my personal life. I don’t know you and maybe some of the things you found out are true, but it doesn’t change anything for me. I know my place in life and this is it.”

I growl in disagreement, invading her personal space again, not caring how much she hates it. “That’s where you’re wrong. You deserve so much more than the life you have settled for, and I can be the reason it changes. I’ll even give you the stone again. You can have it. I’ll make it part of the agreement.”

She lifts a brow. “I can keep it?”

“I don’t need the money. You do. And if it makes you feel safer knowing it is in your possession, then it is yours and I won’t tell Bianchi you have it. I’m a man of my word, Rosie. I wouldn’t be who I am if I didn’t.”

“Okay,” she drawls out, still sounding unsure. She exhales, running her fingers through her curls.

God, I want to touch them. They look so soft and wild. I want to mess them up only to watch them spring into place.

“And my family would be safe?”

“The safest,” I promise, heart thundering at the thought of her accepting my offer.

“And if I give you a child, you won’t keep him or her from me?”

I rear back, offended. “I’d never keep a mother from her child. Ever.” I lift her chin, so she meets my eyes, and her exhaustion is so loud through her defeated stare, I feel it in my bones. She wants to give in, but her morals still have a tight grip on her decision-making.

Bianchi isn’t as smart as me and he doesn’t use resources like I do, doesn’t have them like I have, but if I was able to find Rosie, it is only a matter of time before he does.

“And let me make something very clear, Tesoro.” I grip the slight curve of her chin harder, and she jerks her head back, so with my free hand, I wrap it around the back of her neck to keep her still. “Hit me again,” my nostrils flare at the thought and my cock threatens to rise “And I will bend you over my lap and spank your ass until you can’t sit for a week.”

“You wouldn’t.”

“Try me,” my voice deepens on a threatening rasp.

“I think I hate you more than I hate the situation my family’s in.”

“I’ll live.”

It doesn’t mean I have to like her hating me, though.

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