Owned by the Italian Mafia Don: A Dark Mafia Arranged Marriage Romance (Possessive Mafia Kings Book 2)

Owned by the Italian Mafia Don: Chapter 5

I’ve been scrubbing the same spot on the floor for what feels like hours. My arms hurt but all I can see is the blood pooling on the floor. I know I didn’t kill the man here, but the image of his lifeless eyes has haunted me since last night.

I killed a man.

I took a life. He had his last drink, his last laugh, his last everything. I took that from him.

I gag and my morning coffee threatens to come up.

I’m exhausted. I tossed and turned all night, dreaming of those lifeless eyes, the blood spreading across the floor like a water pipe slowly leaking. Then, there’s the issue of having a witness. I should have killed him too, but I didn’t have the stomach for it. I didn’t even have the stomach for the guy I did kill. Plus, the man I stabbed, there was something about him that made me second guess every motive I had last night.

I should turn myself in. I should admit what I did and pay for my crime, but the thought only makes me sicker.

Tilting my head back, I take a deep breath, my entire body still shaking as if an earthquake has exploded through it and my bones are still settling from the aftermath.

There will be no settling. I’m forever altered by what I did last night.

I should get rid of this stupid gem, but no matter how hard I try, no matter how much I try to convince myself it’s the best thing to do, my brother’s words echo in my mind.

If we sell the stone, we wouldn’t have to worry about money again, but it’s only a matter of time before the Bianchi crime family finds us and makes us pay for what we both did.

We should sell the store, create fake identities, and get the hell out of here. Would we have enough time? Would they find us? Where could we go where they wouldn’t look for the people who stole from them and killed one of their own?

The door chimes and I hang my head. The one time I’m not in the mood for customers. I should have closed for the day but the need to make even ten dollars won out.

“I’ll be with you in just a moment!” I shout from the back room.

They don’t reply.

I wipe my hands and my eyes go to my purse where the stone is to make sure it’s still there. I walk out, plaster a smile on my face, then freeze when I see who it is.

“Hello, my Tesoro,” the man from last night says a deep, rustic timbre that has warmth spreading in my belly.

He peers out the window and grabs the lock, turning the deadbolt. The slide of the lock is loud, echoing in the empty store. The two men with him close the blinds to the large windows that allow me to see most of the street and people walking by. The sun is blocked and no longer seeping through the glass and onto the floor. The store darkens and the two men stand, hands clasped in front of them while the man from last night walks forward.

One of his guards looks a lot like him, but the man coming toward me with powerful, determined strides holds an air of power the other doesn’t.

Holy shit, the Bianchi family has found me to finish the job.

“My shoulder hurts from the little stunt you pulled last night,” he informs me, patting the spot on his shoulder where I flung the knife.

Honestly, I didn’t expect the damn thing to stick. I’ve never thrown a knife before. That was luck…or misfortune at this point. I’m not sure.

“You weren’t too hard to find, Rosie O’Connor.”

I swallow, a cold sweat breaking out over my entire body. I grip the counter to stabilize my balance and do my best not to look absolutely terrified.

“If I can find you, so can Bianchi. You’re lucky, not many people saw you last night.” He picks up a bag of flour, inspecting it before setting it back down. “Quite a little ruckus you caused last night. I covered for you though. Don’t worry.” He takes another step forward and my traitorous eyes travel down his body.

I can’t help but admire how good he looks in a suit. The midnight blue blazer stretches over his broad shoulders and the onyx black shirt pairs well against the olive hue of his skin. It’s tailored to his body, crisp and clean with no wrinkles.

He’s beautiful.

Dangerously, beautiful.

“How? Why?” I’m finally able to move my tongue to speak.

“I think we can be beneficial to one another, Rosie.” He takes another step forward, his shadow falling over me, and I have to tilt my head back to look at him. His golden-brown eyes are intense, pulling into my soul for me to obey him.

I’ve never been the one to obey, but I will admit I need help and I’m willing to listen.

“So you turned your back on Bianchi? Are you insane? I don’t know how that helps either of us. He is one of the most powerful people in the city.”

One of the guards chuckles and the man in front of me smirks – a cocky, sure-of-himself smirk. He holds up two fingers and pinches them together until there is a small space between them.

“One of them,” he corrects and reminds me. “I am the other powerful man in the city.” He holds out his wide hand with long, thick fingers. “Aristide Milazzo. You may call me Ari.”

“Milazzo,” I whisper, completely horrified. Everyone knows the Milazzos. I knew recently that Milazzo changed leaders from one brother to the next, but it happened so recently, no one knows the new brother that well. “You’re more established than Bianchi. You’re—”

“—Absolutely terrifying. So it would be in your best interest to speak to me regarding your situation. Bianchi is bad but I’m so much worse, Tesoro. Are you willing to hear what I want?”

“Let’s hear it.” I know whatever it is, I won’t like it. Men like him don’t usually give amazing opportunities without a catch. If there is one thing I know about the Milazzos, it’s that there’s always a catch.

His eyes drift over my face as if he is trying to memorize my features so he never forgets. “I was at the club last night because I made a deal with Bianchi that I’d keep my ear to the ground about this stolen gem. Here’s what I think…” He leans an elbow against the counter. “It was your brother that stole the gem in hopes you and your family can get back on your feet. You’re in a lot of debt and the store is failing. You aren’t making enough money to even stay afloat.”

“Fuck you,” I spit, suddenly furious he’d dive into my personal history without permission. “That is none of your business.”

He grips my wrist and pulls me across the counter until my face is inches away from his. “Everything about you from this moment on is my business,” he grits, his eyes falling to my lips.

I try to pull away from him, but his hold on me is stronger.

“If only I had another knife,” I seethe, my gaze casting to his devilish lips.

He is everything I desire in a man and everything I despise.

His rough stubble is a shadow on his cheek, and I imagine how it would feel between my thighs, rubbing against me while he lowered himself down my body.

Even the thought pisses me off as much as it turns me on.

A breeze of a dark chuckle puffs across my lips, and my tongue sweeps across my bottom lip in hopes of a taste of whatever sin he breathes.

“I’m sure I’d survive your weak throwing skills.”

I lift my chin. “I meant to hit your shoulder.”

“You’re pretty when you lie to me, Tesoro,” he purrs, his voice washing over me like a safety blanket and damn him, I want to roll myself in it to stay warm.

“I’m not lying.” No man will make me surrender, lie or not.

“Of course, you aren’t.” He brushes his thumb across my lip, and I hate the gasp that leaves me, igniting heat in his eyes.

I know there is sexual tension here. Who wouldn’t be attracted to this man? God, especially in this suit? I’d love to take it off piece by piece. I’d love for him to keep it on while he bends me over this counter and takes me.

The thought takes me off guard. I’ve never had thoughts like that about anyone. I’ve never been attracted enough to someone, and I haven’t had time to waste on dating when I needed to focus on supporting my family.

He lets me go and the place where he touched me burns as if he has branded me with his name, stamping that I’m his and belong to him, which I don’t.

“You have three options,” he begins, tugging on his sleeves. “I let Bianchi have you, your family, and let them have their way with you. Second, I turn you in to the cops for the horrible crime you’ve committed.” The condescending tsks irk me. “A pretty woman such as yourself shouldn’t lower to such violent tendencies.”

He’s trying to piss me off and it’s working.

“You’re about to be on the receiving end of those violent tendencies.” My lips curl in rage with every word, my teeth tight as if they are about to crack.

He snags my chin and tilts his head, leaning forward as if he’s about to kiss me. He doesn’t. I’m equally disappointed and relieved. “Don’t make promises you can’t keep, Tesoro.” Ari lets me go with a slight shove, gentle, yet a bit forced.

“What is the last option?” I ask, pushing an unruly curl from my face.

He watches it bounce in fascination before his eyes land on my face again. “You and I make an agreement. Now that I’m the leader of my family….” He pauses to choose his words carefully “Business.”

“Mafia. You can say it. Don’t treat me like I’m stupid.”

“Fair enough,” he nods. “I’m the leader of the Milazzo Mafia and with that comes responsibilities. I need an heir. You marry me for one year, give me an heir, and I’ll offer you and your family protection against the Bianchi’s. I’ll make sure your family is taken care of financially as well.”

I lift my hand to slap him, but he catches my wrist just as my palm hovers over his cheek. The guards take a step forward, hands going under their jackets to pull out their guns, probably, and my newfound enemy raises a hand to stop them.

“It’s fine,” he speaks calmly, if not with a slightly humorous tone. “I like your fight, Rosie, but I’m not here to fight you.”

“No, you’re here to blackmail me,” I seethe, chest rising and falling in rapid beats as rage fills me. “How dare you? How dare you threaten me as if you haven’t done anything worse. I was protecting my brother.”

“And now I’m giving you the option to do that. What will happen if you don’t take me up on my offer? You’ll get killed. Your entire family first, then they will probably make you watch as your brother is killed. You’ll be the last. You see, vengeance is a sport men like me are professionals in and you do not stand a chance. So tell me, what are you willing to do to keep your family safe?”

I know what I have to do, but it doesn’t mean I have to like it.

A playful gleam shines in his eyes like the sun casting rays on the ocean, but I’m not fooled. The ocean is a place that will suck you under and kill you. Aristide Milazzo is Mariana’s Trench, a depth I know I’ll be pulled into whether I like it or not.

“I’m not having sex with you. I’d rather use my knife on myself.”

He exhales with a shake of his head. “What did I tell you about lying to me?”

I flinch. “I’m not lying. I’m not having sex with you.”

“We will see about that, Tesoro. We will see.”

“You’ll see nothing but my hand across your face if you even try,” I state, voice wavering because I really do want to have sex with him. I bet he knows exactly what to do.

I bet he’s the kind of man that coaches you through it and whispers sweet nothings like, “That’s it. You’re doing so good. Good, look at you taking me so well. I knew you could do it.”

My knees nearly buckle at the dirty thought.

I wouldn’t know what to do in return, but again, I bet he’d coach me through it.

“Slide your tongue under my cock, trace the tip, stroke me. Yes, like that. You’re such a quick learner, Tesoro.”

My cheeks heat when I disappear in a rabbit hole of filthy daydreams and his grin is so large, it reaches his eyes, as if he knows what I am thinking about.

“I’m not having sex with you.” I try to sound determined, but my voice comes out raspy and raw as if I’ve just had a shot of whiskey.

“So you’ve said.”

“And so I mean.” I cross my arms and turn my eyes to slits. “You are so confident. Why not pick any other woman to have sex with you and have your child? I’m sure you aren’t hurting in that department. Why me?”

“Why you,” he repeats my question as an answer, sounding like he doesn’t know.

I wait for him to answer and when he doesn’t, I become impatient. “Well?”

“Because we both need something, and we both get something out of it. “

“You sound so giving.” I roll my eyes. “You’re making me have sex with you.”

With a low growl, he crowds me against the counter, caging me in with his arms, and his lips tickle my own, not in a kiss, but to make a point.

“Let me make one thing very clear. I will not make you have sex with me. Your choices will be yours and in the end, if you choose not to, then that’s a decision I will respect. Make no mistake, I’ll make sure to make every fucking moment good for you.” His lips threaten mine again. “I’ll take care of you, and I’ll make you come over and over again until you’re mindless and exhausted. I’ll give you pleasure no other man has taken the time to give you, Tesoro. I won’t make you regret your decision to give your body to me in every way.”

My eyes flutter shut when his breath ghosts across my neck and he takes a step backward, putting space between us.

I open my eyes to see him smirking at me again and I have to bury my lust to get angry. “Looks like we are going to get artificially inseminated then because I’m not falling into bed with you.”

“So you keep saying, but I don’t believe you.”

Every word that falls from his mouth makes me see red.

I’ll just have to prove him wrong.

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