One Fateful Night

Chapter 33

I opened my eyes to see Matt sleeping peacefully next to me. Running my fingers through his hair, I kissed his lips lightly. As he pulled me closer and deepened the kiss, there was a knock on the door. Groaning, I climbed out of bed and answered the door to see Jack standing there.

“Come in,” I stated, looking at him curiously.

“Luna, Alpha, it’s time for me to turn myself in, I should have told you earlier I was the one who helped kill the previous Luna and Alpha, but I was a coward. I wanted to save Julie so much that I went about it the wrong way to do it. I was wrong.”

I looked from Jack to Matt. He looked upset, and grieving for his parents was one thing he had never got to do since this all began. So now he is in the room with his Mother’s killer, who has saved my life and protected me nonstop since leaving the cave.

“Jack,” Matt stated. “What you did took a lot of guts, and I respect you even more. I was told what happened, and I know you have saved Emily’s life numerous times. However, that won’t completely make what you did disappear, so I will ask you to see Roberto. He will get you suited up, and your punishment will be having to be a personal guard to Emily and my pups.” You will be inducted into Blood Moon this afternoon and report to training tomorrow morning.”

I smiled and looked at Jack, whose eyes filled with tears. “I... I don’t know what to say.” He said. “Alpha, I accept my punishment and will do my best to compensate for the damage I have done.” He bowed and left the room. Smiling, I turned and looked at Matt.

“I’m a punishment now.” I snickered.

“You are stubborn, pig-headed, and don’t listen, so you will certainly be his punishment.” He smiled. “Also, about those arrows yesterday, I don’t remember a bow in my office.” He looked at me and smirked.

“Maybe you should start keeping some in there,” I said as I leaned over the bed and kissed him. As we began to lay down and cover-up, another knock on the door was heard. I threw my head on the pillow. “REALLY?!” I said.

“Come in,” Matt said as an excited Maddy opened the door.

“Let’s go, Emmy. It’s time to get your hair done.”

Climbing out of bed again, I quickly changed into a pair of leggings and one of Matt’s button-down shirts. I grabbed a pair of fluffy socks and put on a pair of Uggs. I kissed Matt on the lips and said goodbye.

“Let’s go!” I said to Maddy as she led me to her floor. “So, did you ever think life would turn out like this when you pulled up to Matt’s Party?” I asked.

She laughed. “Umm, no, I love Matt as a friend, and I’m so glad he ended up with you, but he was just too serious for me. Josh is wonderful, and I’m so glad to have him.”

“You say that. Wait until your little man becomes old enough to play with Josh.” Then, I’ll convert you into a private room on our floor so you can escape the screaming men on your floor.”

She giggled. “It’s a deal, and I’ll convert you to one too. But, remember you are having two, not just one.”

“Deal!” I said as we walked into Emily’s living space, where stations lined up for hair and makeup.

Since we had plenty of time to finish our hair, I cut it down to the middle of my back and got more red dyed. Next, I settled for a lovely updo with curls and fake diamonds placed through them. Finally, I settled for my makeup being a nice light look, smoky black eye, and only lip gloss. Mom then arrived with my dress and pulled it out of the bag. I forgot how beautiful her dress was; It was a Hunter Green V-neck gown with lacy sleeves and a long flowing cape in the back. I paired it with a pair of brown sandals. Madison, who was preparing for her Beta Ceremony and the pack ceremony, had a dress brought to her by her Mother. It was a Midnight Blue halter top maternity dress; she paired with black ballerina flats.

Suddenly there was a knock on the door, and a well-dressed Hedrick told us it was time to start the induction ceremony. As I locked my arm in his, he escorted Maddy and me to the front yard and my seat next to Matt. The Induction ceremony was going to be the first because it was the longest. So Matt and I took the time to walk to all of our new inductees and have them repeat the words. Once that was finally over, Matt retook the stage as I took my seat.

He then had me stand and turn to the crowd. “This lady right here has not only won over my heart, but she has also won over yours. She has kept this pack running without me and beside me. She has taken the time to save many and reconnect with many families, friends, and loved ones. So I’d like to introduce you to Luna. Emily Thompson repeats after me.” As he said the words, I repeated them word for word. He then took a knife and slit his palm handing me the knife as he held his hand over a chalice. I followed by doing the same thing. “Blood Moon, I present to you your Luna, Emily.” Turning to the cheers of the crowd, I couldn’t help but want to cry. Everything has turned out so perfectly tonight, and it’s almost like I forgot about everything we went through to get to this point.

“Can Joshua Massey and Madison Horner please come to the stage?” He asked in his serious Alpha voice. As they both approached the stage, we all smiled at each other. I stood up and took my place next to Matt. As he turned to the pack, Matt explained how Josh and Madison stepped up to take over Beta’s duties before he was found while recovering and how much they mean to the pack and us. He then had them repeat the words used in the Beta Induction. Once those words were repeated, he handed me a knife, and I slit my palm with it and drained some of my blood into a large chalice. When it was all mixed, we all felt a wave of power in our pack, which was them coming into their Beta roles. “Blood Moon, I present your Beta Male, Joshua, Beta Female, Madison, and your future Beta Pup too.” The crowd cheered on their new Beta family, and a new wave of hope fill us all.

“It is now time for the ceremonial run around the pack. However, there are two things I would like to share with you this evening.” Madison, are you ready? She looked at him so excitedly and shook her head yes. Blood Moon and visitors, we didn’t know how we would decorate our new fountain, but Madison came up with her idea, which I loved. Madison, if you will please.”

She stepped up to the pond in the center, removed the blanket over the fountain, and turned on a power switch watching the fountain come to life. I looked at the center of the fountain, and there was a large rock filled with names. Matt stepped up to the fountain and looked at the crowd. “This fountain is also a memorial to all those we lost in all packs over the war with Tull. Every name of those lost during this pointless war is on this rock. This includes our pack, other packs, and even Rogues. We want to remember our losses while reminding us that history does not need to repeat itself.”

I walked up to Madison with tears in my eyes and gave her a huge hug. “I loved the idea. It was beautiful! Thank you so much.” She also had tears in her eyes and hugged me back; you all have been through so much it was the least I could do. Matt then walked over to the both of us.

“My final announcement for the night before we take our ceremonial run is that Luna will not join us on this run.” As the crowd looked at us strangely, Matt continued. “Emily is expecting our next Alpha Pups.” The crowd burst into cheers.

Maddy and I stayed behind with the Pups as the pack members ran. Once they returned, we all settled for dinner and spent the rest of the night talking, laughing, and enjoying life. All the camaraderie was interrupted by Josh, who declared a toast.

“To friends, new and old.”

“To family and friends here and those who are gone.”

“To love and friendship with our new pack members.”

Finally, to the future!

The sounds of hundreds of glasses clinking together proved to me that everyone was excited about the future. It was a night full of hope after two months of despair.

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