One Fateful Night

Chapter 32

Suddenly the Blood Moon pack link went from complete silence to total confusion. The warriors were screaming we were under attack by Rogues. Roberto is sending the warriors to battle, while Josh screams for those unable to fight to get to the shelter.

“Mom, please get Maddy and Ty to the shelter now!” I stated.

“You go too!” Matt ordered.

“No, if I go, everyone in that shelter is in even more danger than they are now, and I won’t have that on my conscious. I will stay out of the middle, but I won’t endanger others!” I firmly stated.

“I can’t force you, so stay in my office. Jack and Hedrick, please stay with her.”

“Of course, Alpha,” Hedrick replied.

“Be safe.” I looked at him. He held his hand to my face and turned around to walk outside. No words needed to be spoken as I knew he’d do anything to protect me and our pups.

Turning around, I walk up the steps leading to the Fourth floor.

“Emily, this is not the Alphas office,” Hedrick so gracefully pointed out.

“Oh, it isn’t?? I could have sworn it was on this floor.” I sarcastically replied, with Jack snickering in the background.

Walking into my bedroom, I grabbed my bow and daggers. I turned to look at Hedrick. “He said I couldn’t leave the office; he didn’t say I couldn’t participate FROM the office.” I winked at him as he shook his head.

“You are exactly like your mother.” He said as he laughed.

I snickered and walked back down to the second floor. Standing at the window, I could see the battle making its way to the Packhouse. Warriors were in wolf and human forms fighting Rogues as the darkness started to fall. Standing at the window, I opened it and began looking for targets to fire at. Notching my first arrow, I took out a Rogue who was trying to kill a Silver Lake warrior. I took a few more shots helping to turn the battle in our favor as much as possible. When a battle caught my eye, Looking down, I looked to my right to see Onyx running across the field towards a brown and black wolf. Although it wasn’t Tull wolf, he was undoubtedly high ranking on the Rogue side, possibly a Beta.

Onyx finally connected by landing on the wolf’s back, sinking his claws into the back of the wolf. However, he is quickly thrown off, landing on his back. The wolf turned and began charging Onyx and jumped to land on him, as he was quickly thrown off easily by Onyx’s back legs. Both wolves rolling to their feet, began scratching and clawing at each other until the wolf connected with Onyx’s side, leaving a deep gash. Hearing a loud painful yelp from Onyx, I knew that gash had to hurt. I looked at the Rogue, who began to charge again, only this time, Onyx sidestepped the charge and sunk his teeth into the Rogue’s neck. The Rogue continued to fight off Onyx, to no avail. Eventually getting tired and out of breath, the Rogue slowed down, allowing Onyx to rip out its throat.

Watching Matt shift back and sit against a tree, looking at his side, I noticed a Rogue sneaking up behind him. Taking one of my remaining arrows, I fired at the Rogue connecting with his chest. Matt quickly looked behind them and looked up at me. Blowing him a kiss, I continued to fire at the Rogues. Focusing on aiming and killing rogues put me in a mental zone. In this zone, I saw nothing but potential targets. Unfortunately, it was short-lived, as I was quickly brought out of my zone by the office door being kicked down. Turning to glance, I see a furious Gabriel Tull walking into the room, smirking.

“Well, if it isn’t my favorite Luna who is protected by my favorite Alpha! This certainly is my lucky day.” He took a few steps into the room closer to me and was quickly blocked off by Jack.

“You will go no further, Tull!”

“Well, if it isn’t Jack, I’m surprised they will accept the likes of you, given you killed the old Luna of Blood Moon.” He smirked while looking at me.

“What I did that night I will take full responsibility for, but I wouldn’t have even been here if it wasn’t for you holding Julie hostage.”

“You know you enjoyed showing these pack members what you think of them. Remember all those nights we sat around the fire talking about how packs have wronged us? You can try to fit in, but secretly you hate every one of them.”

Jack had heard enough. He quickly ran towards Tull, who flipped him over and through the wall, where Jack lay unconscious. Tull then turned to Hedrick, smiling evilly, I originally wanted to kill you, but I think I will do one better. After I take my new Luna, I will be back to kill yours. Hedrick’s eyes turned black, and he started shifting. As soon as he shifted, Tull jumped on him and injected him with a needle. “Now, Alpha, I can’t be killing you yet. It’s not your time.”

Matt, I am going to jump.

I mind-linked as Tull turned to face me. “Now, are you ready to join me, my Luna? He looked at me, smirking.”

I looked at him, winked, and stepped backward outside the window. Thankfully, Matt understood what I was doing and caught me to help prevent any damage to the babies.

“Jack is knocked out, and Hedrick has been injected with wolfsbane.” If he walks out of here tonight, he will be going after my mother too.”

I looked at Matt, apprehensive, as he quickly put me down and put me behind him. Suddenly he was on the ground with a furious Tull on him, trying to choke him. Matt may be younger, but he had the Alpha strength advantage over Tull, which he used to break one of Tull’s hands. As Tull went to grab his hand, Matt flipped them over and began constantly punching Tull in the face. Tull finally managed to kick Matt off of him and rolled over onto his feet to face Matt. Gaining some will to fight, I quickly grab my dagger and bide my time. Both men were weary and in pain, but they were both determined. Tull began to charge again, grabbing Matt by the shoulders and punching him in the stomach. As Matt was bent down, Tull joined his hands into a double fist and punched down hard on his back. Matt hit the ground with a thud, and Tull looked down, not at the wounded Alpha, but at the silver laced dagger sticking into his heart.

“Let me clear up a few things. I am not your Luna, I will never be your Luna, and you will never hurt my mate, mother, or pack ever again!” I turned to look at him and threw my leg into a straight kick, kicking the knife in further. “And I’m not a shitty shot!” I said smugly. He slowly fell to the ground and took his last breath. I helped Matt up as he looked at Tull. He looked at me and smiled.

“Remind me never to get on your bad side.” He snickered.

“Don’t you forget it! I’ll go much harder on you.” I remarked as I leaned in to kiss him.

With their general dead, the Rogue Army retreated, and some surrendered. The Warriors took the time to clean up, while the nurses and doctors took the time to go and tend to the wounded. Matt called an Alpha meeting with the two Alphas in attendance. We both took the time to thank them all for being there and sending assistance; we couldn’t have done this as quickly without them. We walked to the hospital to check on Hedrick when the meeting adjourned. Thankfully, the wolf’s bane didn’t hurt him; it rendered him unconscious. I hugged Mom and Hedrick and went to my room with Matt.

Deciding to take a bath, I ran the hottest water my pups would allow me to take, and I dropped in a ton of bubbles. Climbing in, I started to relax under the water; suddenly, I was lightly pushed forward as Matt climbed in with me. We said nothing, we just lay in the warm water relaxing and holding each other.

“Is it finally over?” I asked, breaking the silence.

“I hope so,” He said.

As the water grew colder, we got out of the tub, dressed, and laid down, letting sleep take us.

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