One Day, I Woke Up A Werewolf

Chapter 30

Hailey's POV

The crowd went silent upon our arrival. Their alpha, Mr Gellar not needing to raise his hand in order to silence them, his presence alone was enough.

They all looked on, curiously. Eyes scanning all us, avoiding my father and Mr. Gellar's eyes for obvious reasons but they looked on. This was a very big pack but I did not know any others to compare it to, so even in their hundreds or thousands, I could not say it'sthe biggest I've ever seen but if this is the norm then what a world!!

I don't even know how many people are in my father's pack...

Something I need to learn if I should one day decide to take over, if I wake up and feel worthy of that title but today, I do think there is someone better than me. Someone my dad can trust to make sure his pack does not go to shit... I'm not even a little bit sure it won't crumble a day in to my ruling.

So, maybe Jaxon can unite the packs or someone from my father's pack can take over..

There has to be someone better.

"We have very important guests today. Guests that will change our lives today.” Mr Gellar says to the crowd, building enough suspense.

He looks on, as the crowds whisper among themselves. Many were pointing at Miriam, probably thinking what Azuri already assumed and I could feel the poor girl shift around uncomfortably.

I look at Azuri, who's eyes were trying to intimidate me but not today. I smiled at her, genuinely so. Today is bigger than her. Bigger than anyone alone.

"Yes, she is a wolf. An alpha born wolf." Jaxon says as loud gasps could be heard around.

"Why insult us like this?" Someone from the crowd shouts out. The crowd agrees with him as low growls were heard.

"I am not." Jaxon says, the crowd becoming unsettled now.

"Then how can this be?" One shouts out and somehow I feel that this is my time to answer.

I step forward, getting out of Jaxon's grip.

"I am a wolf, yes. As much as this is a shock to all of you, this is all new to me too. For most of my life, I thought I was human and wolves were just some fantasy drawn up by someone trying to escape reality. Never in my wildest dreams did I think this could be true and that I would be in the center of it all! Out of anger, after a bad fight with Jaxon, I shifted for the first time. I was not raised in a pack but with humans so you can understand that I was never prepared for any of this. My father, alpha Theo, whom 1 just recently met too, was luckily there to help me a little.” I say, my voice surprising me as it reaches the far end of the people.

Not a crack in, not a shake. My usual coward self was checked out and I felt different. Everyone was listening to me, without interruption, without a growl.

"When I met Jaxon, I was lost in his eyes. I did not understand the obsession, the need to constantly be around him or to smell him. I could not understand why I felt like death when we were apart and why I felt the most alive when I was with him. It was foreign to me, nothing made sense. I couldn't understand how I could not really be mad at him and hold any other feeling for him besides love.” I say, the women catching on to my word and understanding.

They were humans mated to wolves and they probably went through what I went through in the beginning.

"When I was told of who I am. That I belong to a pack and that my father is an alpha, I was in major disbelief! There was no way, absolutely no way this was real. Even though I saw myself shift, I felt every bone break and felt every pain, I did not want to admit to myself that this was real but it is and I'm here. I'm here because I was chosen to walk this life with Jaxon and start a new world for my kind, our kind. Yes, it has never been done before. A shera could never be mated to a mera but here we are, living proof that the goddess has heard your prayers. She knows of the pain every shera goes through, while looking on as their mera brothers find everlasting love. She too, wants to end the loneliness you all feel. To gift the future of our kind the ability to bring life in to this world and it starts with me. It starts with Jaxon and I bringing full alpha born wolves and create a new world.” I say, losing them once again at the mention of the moon goddess.

"I know. I asked myself too.. why me? I've been a wolf all of 5 seconds and now I must do this? Why not choose a shera that knows the pain and has seen it on many others like herself? Why choose someone that really wasn't of this world and doesn't really understand the full culture, the ways of this world? Because let's be honest, how am I to really appreciate this gift if I don't really know the pain? How could this possibly be a blessing for me? I've asked myself these questions over and over again. Yes, there are more deserving shera's right now but the goddess answered me right away by allowing me to feel your pain. She shared with me your cries of loneliness and hurt as you watch on public displays of love and take in children that aren't yours..yet you love them and raise them as your own. She overwhelmed me with all of that pain, your pain and I understood the gravity of this situation and why it needs to change. If the moon goddess believes that I am the perfect one for the job, I will not reject it, I refuse to insult her like that. In fact, I know many of you have heard of the prophesy and with that, I will prove it to you.” I say, this time it doesn't take me too long.

I immediately light up, floating up to mid air for the crowd to see. The prophesy said this is how the shera would prove herself, showing them that the moon goddess has not forgotten about them and that she has heard their cries.

I come back down, Jaxon taking my hand as women around us start to cry. Many of them walking towards me and kissing my feet as they thank the goddess of such a gift. Azuri stays seated, her face stained with tears but the reason unknown to it of joy or hurt or maybe both, I'll never know.

"I know for all of you it is too late. You will die lonely, without a companion and it will take some time before we find mates within our kind but it starts here, within this pack. Generations to come will not know the pain that follows you every day... they will only hear stories of a painful past and it is because of all of you, the ones before you that made it happen. I am honored to be mated to Jaxon and to be chosen as the one that breaks this cycle. Jaxon and I are fully committed in seeing this through.” I say, with the shera’s still crying, so not many clap or cheer.

The shock was still hanging in the air but they all knew now. They have no choice but to believe in Jaxon and I, no choice but to accept our union.

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