One Day, I Woke Up A Werewolf

Chapter 29

Hailey's POV

"We have a meeting to attend with the alpha of this land.” Theo says, walking in to my room.

"What about?" I ask.

"About you. About their son finding his mate and the future you two will bring to the werewolf world." He says.

Sitting on my bed, Theo let's out a sigh.

I see the worried look on his face and I sit beside him, gently taking his hand with mine and squeezing it.

"To be honest, I'm not sure if you will be well received there and I don't have enough men to protect you." He tells me.

"Why would they reject me? I am a wolf too." I say.

Suddenly sadness floods my heart and the excitement of making things official with Jaxon dissipating, leaving nothing but hurt to dwell in there.

"Hailey, people don't trust the unknown. They don't like change and we are all guilty of this... everyone. Yes, you may be a little excited about this love story because it means you get to be with that boy and you want everyone to share in the joy but this is a first for many, even for you my human pup. I just want you to make sure you stick close to Jaxon." He says and I nod my head, his words rang true.

I can understand how people will reject my union with Jaxon. They can't fathom a union between two wolves, it has never been done but he is their soon to be alpha and for that, they may have to respect it.

"I know I'll be fine. I was not chosen to be harmed along the way, yes it won't be easy but nothing in my life has ever been. I know true rejection and the one that hurts is not from strangers but from the ones I hold dear. So, if they don't accept me, that's their decision based on what they know and what they have been taught to believe for thousands of years. I can't force that upon them, in time they will learn to deal with me and I am a patient girl, so bring it on.” I say, hoping I'm convincing enough for my father.

He smiles at me, shaking his head in disbelief before going back to his serious face.

"I am sorry that your first heartbreak had to be a man you knew to be your father. I promise that whatever happens in this life, as your father, I will never intentionally hurt you. I will never reject you, you will always be my daughter and I will love you unconditionally.” Theodore says to me, pulling me in from the side for a hug and I hug him back.

His words sealed a door in my soul that hides the wreckage I try to bury deep within me.

It sucks that a man I called dad would continously hurt me over and over again, making sure to cut deep but I soldier on and I harbor no hate. I will not be vile like him, I refuse to be. I will not grow up to be that angry at life and everyone around me because that makes for a miserable life and I want a fairytale.

"With what you've been through, you deserve one and I hope me being in your life, makes you feel like it is just the beginning.” Theo says and I pull away to look at him, curiously.

"How do I block you out? I can't read your thoughts.” I say, a little annoyed.

"Hailey your thoughts are loud. It's like a TV playing in the background" He teases and I smack his shoulder.

"Close your eyes and imagine building a big wall around you. Now, make sure to build the highest one, without a gate to enter and then once you're done, open your eyes.” He says and I follow his instructions.

Taking my time, carefully placing each brick, one after the other until I feel I've reached the stars. I inspect my own work and once satisfied, I open my eyes.

"Now think of something, anything." He says and I oblige.


He looks at me, smiling. Theo was actually really handsome, if he smiled more often.

"Hailey, you have to believe you actually built a wall and thank you, I'll smile more often then." He says and my stomach sinks.

"Okay wait let me try again.” I say, closing my eyes once more.

Breath in and out, calm yourself Hailey. You can do this.

Building the wall again, I feel Adira's presence. She helps me, building on the one side as I do the other until our walls meet. Sealing us in, Adira nods her head at me and I open my eyes.

I sit up more confidently and look in to my father's eyes.

Popcorn. Caramel popcorn.

"Good. Now, I can't hear a thing." He says, standing up and walking to the door.

"Wear something formal. Look nice, as my pack's future alpha, you have to represent. I put a new outfit in your closet, put that on.” He says and closes the door behind him, leaving me to excitedly open my closet to find a beautiful black dress.

Miriam walks in, dressed in black as well.

"So, excited that your bae is going to show you off?" She asks, plopping herself on my bed.

"I wish. That excitement died when my dad told me that they could reject me." I say, putting the new dress on.

"They won't reject you as Hailey if it does happen. They just won't understand how two wolves could be mated. It has never been done, I mean we fool around with each other but in the end, the Mera's always end up with humans and we, well die alone.” She says, her tone changing towards the end,

"I can't imagine what that must feel like. To actually know that you are destined to spend your entire life all alone, with no significant other to look forward to old age with? That sucks.” I say and Miriam perks up.

"Well, you will change the game and that's why if anyone tries anything, I will kill them. I know I won't find a mate in this life but I'm happy to know that in the next, I'll have a man waiting just for me. To love me the way our own love their human mates.” She says and I smile.

"Mera's?" I ask and she giggles.

"You know how we are Shera's?" She asks and I nod.

"Well the men are known as....?" She asks and it hits me.

"Mera's!" I shout out and we both giggle.

I finish getting dressed, putting on my sandals and Miriam helping me with my makeup, we walk out of my room and out of the house, to find everyone waiting for us.

"You look good Hailey." Cayden says to me, forgetting to compliment his own sister.

"Thank you. I think Miriam looks beautiful too, don't you?" I ask and Miriam scoffs.

"Don't bother with this one. He goes blind everytime I come in to view." She says before hopping in to the car.

Cayden rolls his eyes before opening the back door for me. I get in and he closes the door.

He gets in the back, seated next me as a boy I don't know, jumps in to the car by the driver's seat. "Future alpha, this is Ronald. Gamma prospect.” Cayden introduces and I smile at Ronald who nods his head at me.

"Gamma prospect?” I ask Cayden.

"Well to be a Gamma in most packs, you have to sort of like audition. He is currently in the auditioning stages.” Cayden says to me.

"And who decides who the new Gamma will be?" I ask.

"You." Cayden answers me and I look at Ronald as we drive out.

"How many prospects are there?" I ask.

Miriam blasts the stereo, heavy metal playing. Cayden just shrugs and glares at his sister.

The noise was too much for my newly sensitive ears and I feel them ache. I touch my ears, feeling some liquid I look at my hand to see blood. Cayden jumps to switch the music off.

"Hey! What was that for?" Miriam screams at her brother.

"The alpha is too sensitive to the loud noise Miriam! Have you forgotten how sensitive the body is in the beginning?" Cayden asks in an annoyed tone and Miriam quickly scans me, her face falling. "I'm so sorry Hailey, I completely forgot. Oh shiny moon, The alpha will have my head.” She starts to panic.

"I just need wipes or something to clean myself up.” I say and Ronald hands Cayden a wet wipe, Cayden hands it to me and I clean myself up.

We drive in silence the rest of the trip, an awkward vibe in the car and I did not feel like breaking it. The silence was amazing as my ears began to heal and I just wanted to avoid the pain.

Which is weird because I've listened to music before.

"Your body is on alert since hearing that the pack might reject you. The sudden loud noise just shocked the nerves." Adira tells me.

Well can I please be notified when the body goes on alert? For fuck sakes that was painful!

'You have to feel it. It is your body girl." Adira says before going back to her corner.

We eventually make it to Jaxon's part of the town or so I think. We are asked to exit the car as two men inspecting the car upon our arrival,

"Whatever you do, don't touch this girl.” Cayden says to the two guys as they begin to search us for weapons.

"We have to follow procedure.” The one guy answers.

"Your filthy hands don't get to touch an alpha blood. If you have to follow procedure, find someone of a higher ranking to do that and make sure it is a woman.” Cayden says, the guy eyeing me up and down before saying something on the radio.

"He was sniffing you out to make sure you reek of alpha blood.” Miriam whispers in my ear.

"She will be searched when you arrive at your destination. Our head warrior will do the honors.” The one guys says and we jump back in to the car and drive off.

I look back to see my father's car stopped and Theo walking out as they search the car. The two guys avoid Theo, clearly he reeked worse than I because they didn't even want to look in to his eyes or his direction.

I lose sight of him the further we drive, turning to look ahead, I see plenty of houses and apartments. It was a whole city of people ruled by one family.

Cars driving around and coffee shops, clothing stores all around. It was life as normal as it can be and not one wolf running about.

We drive past a big hospital that looked modern with doctors in their jackets.

As we drove, the houses got bigger and bigger. The cars looked more expensive and there was no bustle in this area. Everything was still, as if time froze and we were driving in the gated communities of the rich or famous.

We stop at a magnificent house, glass house to exact that stood 3 stories high.

The lush manicured green grass carefully cared for and maintained. Rose bushes that go on forever as the colors change and I'm immersed in to a fairytale.

"Good afternoon. I am head warrior Dunnam and I will be escorting you to the alpha. I ask that we wait for your alpha's arrival before I do 50.” She says.

The woman looked mighty, looked powerful. This woman could fight off lightning if it attacked and she was scary, I know a girl who is almost as scary as this woman.

"I hear the alpha has a daughter? And one of you refused to have her searched at the gates?” She asks and I shivered.

Cayden stepped forward, looking confident and in no way intimidated by this force.

"That is correct. Our future alpha can not be touched by lower ranking wolves, something all wolves know ." Cayden says and the scary woman nods her head once, looking me over before walking towards me.

"You smell like an alpha.” She says before patting me for any weapons.

"How do I not sense your power?" She asks and I look at Cayden for help.

"Have you ever been around a Shera Alpha warrior?" Cayden asks and the woman is taken aback by the question but she shakes her head no.

"Then I will tell you this, her scent is enough to alert you of her ranking. She was not raised to be a warrior like yourself or any other woman in any pack. She is of an alpha lineage which means she does not have to do much other than smell like a higher ranking. Is that enough for you?" Cayden asks and the scary woman eyes me for a second.

"You would be wise to look down. You may be a head warrior but you are of even less ranking than a Gamma. Your place is not to look in to the eyes of an alpha.” Cayden says, diminishing that women's power in seconds as she quickly apologizes and steps back.

The whole exchange had me so enthralled that I did not notice my father arrive and see him watch the entire thing.

"Tell your alpha I have arrived and tell him you have insulted my daughter.” He says as he stands next to me, her demeanor falling as she bows her head and runs off.

There is much to learn about wolves and the power an alpha exudes is the one I want to learn first. Minutes go by without anyone coming to us, to get us out of the sun. We were practically melting away in the all black attire but keep us waiting, no matter.

No it matters. The make up will soon melt and all the effort will go to waste.

"Perk up. They are coming.” My father says.

I look up to see Jaxon and his father walking towards us, their faces clear of any emotion.

My heart leaped as his face came in to view, from my feet to my fingers I felt tingling sensations and an aching to be in his arms. I want to run to him and kiss him passionately, to hug him so tight and never let go.

My whole body began to fight me, the need to run to him so strong that I was going crazy and I won't be able to hold it off much longer... come on walk faster, run to me.

Jaxon and his father slowly descend the stairs, seconds feeling like hours as they carefully put one foot down after the other. Jaxon was following his father's lead but his eyes never leaving mine.

As soon as they reach the final step, my body screamed to run to Jaxon but I freeze when Azuri comes in to vision.

She walks up to Jaxon and takes his hand, whispering something in his ear. Jaxon's face, showed no emotion so I could not know what was said but Miriam gently grabs my hand and whispers for me not to do anything.

Reminding me that we are outnumbered and the girl was probably doing this to get to me and I should not give in.

I decide to listen to Miriam, after all, I know Azuri.

They walk hand in hand towards us, Azuri eyeing Miriam in a very nasty way. She didn't even look my way.

"Alpha." Jaxon's dad greets and my dad greets back.

"I apologize for my warrior. She did not know." Jaxon's father says and my dad looks at Jaxon with Azuri.

"It seems the people in your pack know nothing. If your son will not respect my daughter in my presence, I don't see why we should be here." Theo says, his eyes burning in to Jaxon and my heart breaking.

Azuri feels the stare, letting go of Jaxon and stepping back she bows her head.

Jaxon's eyes plead with mine, for understanding but I am boiling with rage. I can’t understand this, I am his and he is mine, there is nothing to understand.

"Azuri, run to your post. This is a very important meeting and you do well to remember your place.” Mr Gellar says, not looking in her direction.

Azuri still doesn't look my way, walks away with her head dejected.

I know deep down she loves Jaxon, that she would risk it all just to be with him and I can't hate her because of that. She probably fell for him before I arrived and shook his world. I shattered whatever dreams of a fairytale ending she had with him.

Even though he probably would not have ended up with her had I not come to this school, it was still her dream and if I know anything, a man can be swayed if he really wants to be.

"My people are waiting. I believe once the introductions are done, there will no longer be any disrespect from my side.” Mr Gellar tells my dad before looking my way.

We walk in side the house, to make our way outside and I don't have enough time to look around the majestic house and every ornament inside.

I could hear the loud chatter outside, people gathering in the thousands to hear what is to be said by their alpha and the nerves kick in.

The thought of having to stand in front of so many unknown faces and declare my love for one of their own is starting to make me feel small. How can I possibly stand tall in front of them all and tell them that I am the first of their kind, my kind to be mated to a Mera, one of theirs?

'l am with you. Fear nothing dear Hailey, this is your destiny.’ Adira reminds me and that consoles me a little.

A thousand faces will need much more than that. Much much more than that but for now, as I've always done, I will soldier on and face this damn crowd.

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