Once My Mate, Always My Mate

Chapter 7- Hear Me Out

Sabrina’s POV

"You do realize the realm needs an heir and if you break up with Aiden, there might just be an uproar. You could release a world of chaos and we will not be able to contain it... Why would we? You would be changing everything." My mother says to me as I try to enjoy breakfast with my family.

"You do realize mother, that Sabrina was made the moon goddess not you, and maybe just maybe, the ones that chose her were aware of how she may change things and that this is what they wanted? Maybe we do need a new world order." Josey tries to defend me but that just angers mother even more.

"l will not listen to you. You are an earthling and you have no business inserting yourself into these matters. Don't you have a little vampire kingdom to build with that villainous boyfriend of yours?" Mother retorts, earning a few ahh and oohs at the table.

"Well, ouch. Also, I am as much an earthling as you are, mother!" Josey tries to fight back and I give her the look.

"No, I am half a god but you, my dear, have barely enough godlike DNA to consider yourself one of us. Sit this one out, Josey." My mother responds to Josey's powerless response.

"I have enough DNA to come here as I please and my blood relation to both Sabrina and Anthony give me as much right as you. I would also like to remind you that I helped your twins clean up the mess you made with the vampire king you call my villainous boyfriend, so much so that I became the horrid blood-sucking demon we all were once disgusted by, which could all have been avoided if you did not run away from your problems or any responsibility, say, raising your kids, any of them... I have earned my permanent residency thank you.” Josey responds and Anthony walks into the room just in time to interrupt the lovely dialogue we had going.

"As much as I was enjoying the growing argument that was about to turn ugly, I mean, the insults that were brewing in mother's head for one... Anyway, Sabrina, we need you quickly.” Anthony says to me and I look at him annoyed. He just walked in here to grab me away from what was to be the most entertaining breakfast drama I have had since the beginning of time.

"I think I will walk with you, Sabrina. Don't want the queen of the realm to banish me away to the one realm she was bullied out of.” Josey stands up and I do too.

"Seems to me you have adopted my trait of running. The apple does not fall too far... It skipped Sabrina and Anthony but it sure as hell got you." Mother says to Josey before drinking her coffee. Josey huffs her way out of the kitchen and I roll my eyes as Anthony and I walk out together.

"You want to tell me what brought that on?" My twin brother asks me. "Mother is upset with me," I say and he nods his head.

"Would that be because you plan on canceling sacred law for yourself?" Anthony says and I feel as if he was coming for me with that response. "First of all, I am doing it for myself and I will tell you why," I say to him. Josey stops walking until we catch up to her, so she can be a part of this conversation.

"With the job I have, I need peace in my home. I will spend many years fighting off the bad and the ugly... I don't want to fight anything in my home. I have had to deal with the bullshit from many of the men in my life, including the fact that Hunter was not there to raise me himself, I will now get to decide which man I get to spend the adult part of my life with. In fact, I plan on changing a lot more than my chosen mate status... I will be making new rules when it comes to the mate bond and what that entails for the female wolf. Since the beginning of time, we have had to deal with male wolves parading their dicks for the world to see, even before they met their mates. They don't get treated as harshly as the girls who don't save themselves for their mates, instead, they are pushed to explore... All in the name of having fun. That stops with me." I say, Anthony stops walking to let what I just said marinate in him as Josey and I walk on.

Josey nods her head in approval as a smile forms on her face.

"What do you mean that stops with you?" Anthony asks, finally catching up to us. We make it to my office, where father sat comfortably on my chair and a stressed-looking Aiden stood next to him.

"Respecting and obeying sacred law means saving yourself, first and foremost. That means all parties must adhere to that, not just the female wolves. We are taught to have this need to find our mates so bad, to want that over anything else so why do the boys get to go out and bring about dirty little cocks while we stay pure? If the man wants to play around, then let the women too. It is either the men, will respect the law and save themselves or everyone else goes about life as they please and live free of any scrutiny or judgment from their packs. I want to diminish any and all of that old life wherein females have to carry themselves a certain way when the men act like a bunch of animals. No longer will the women be forced to limit themselves, let us all be barbaric.” I say and Josey snickers, my father looking on in horror. "Better yet, why not make the men mate for life with whomever they choose to sleep with first. Drunken mistakes will tie you down for life. Teach them a little lesson as playing with sacred law." Josey says to me and I chuckle.

"I'm afraid we have more pressing problems than boys swinging their cocks around." Says Aiden.

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