Once My Mate, Always My Mate

Chapter 6- Is That What You Want?

Sabrina’s POV

I left things in the air. With everyone shocked by my words... I just had to get out of there.

Maybe this was the time to make a choice once and for all, without any manipulation of the heart or what the people need for me.

This is my life at the end of the day and whom I spend it with has to be up to me, for my life however long it is going to be.

"We all get it little moon. This is completely up to you and even though we all don't want you making the same mistake again by giving Xander shared immortality, it is all up to you. You do what the heart wants because even I know that one cannot simply ignore matters of the heart, they will kill you." Mother says to me, walking into my room and closing the door.

Goddess knows where Xander was, or even Aiden. I just stormed out of that room without thinking but I hope my family has it handled.

"I just want to feel supported. Not questioned and treated like a child with every decision that I make. Allow me to be my own being, if this is a mistake, allow me to make it myself and hope that it isn't with me... And if it is, give me the grace to handle it on my own and if I can't, I will come to you as my parents to help me fix what I couldn't. You just have to let me go and that is the only way I will allow you in my life." I say and mother pulls me in for a hug before I start to cry.

Josey walks in carrying a tray of food and places it on the bed. Mother and I pull away from each other as Anthony walks in after my sister and closes the door. We all quietly sit on the bed, around the tray, and dig in.

"To break the ice, I think it was very brave of you to say what you said out loud. You have the power to choose your own path and even if that can be scary and just blurting it out loud makes it all so real, you were brave to come out and say it. Make it your decision and never accept what is handed to you, especially if it affects your life. I will take this with me, for the rest of my life." Josey says to me before taking a bite of her rare steak.

Anthony just nods his head, maybe in agreement with Josey, I will never know until he says it. Anthony and I were not close anymore... Our relationship is strained at the moment and I want to fix it, I do but I would like to see some effort from his side.

"l will leave you, kids, to it." My mother gets to her feet and opens the door to almost bump into Cj who was carrying bottles of wine. He walks in and our mother closes the door for him, putting the bottles down and grabbing one. Anthony walks over to my alcohol tray to grab some glasses as Cj opens the wine and he pours it into the glasses. Josey giggles in excitement as she is handed a glass and she gulps it down before getting a refill.

"You know what? Josey is on to something.” Anthony finally speaks and gulps down his wine before refilling his glass and we all join in and before we know it, we are four bottles down. Being a werewolf steals the joy of being a little drunk and four bottles is like taking sips for us but it broke the ice, as Josey intended and we were all laughing and joking around, finally lifting my spirits.

Soon, the sun has set and it was dark outside. My siblings bid me farewell and left with the empty tray and bottles as I undressed to finally get to sleep. Xander walks in a few minutes later and sits on the bed.

"I have been waiting for them to leave." He says to me and I finally open my eyes to look at him, still keeping my head on the pillow. "Baby, I don't want you to ever think I don't want to spend eternity with you. I want to be wherever you are but I will not be selfish about being with you if it harms those that we both care about. If me being with you ever puts Drastos in danger or gives him a shorter life then I don't want it but don't think my heart does not ache when I say no. I love you with every part of me and I am fighting with myself, I have been since refusing the immortality you want to give me. I do everything for me, I live for myself but trust me when I say that I do not want to live a life without you and I don't want you living a life without me.” Xander says to me as he caressed my cheek.

I finally sit up and look into his eyes...

"Then allow me this one favor to put my heart at ease, please,” I say to him and he smiles.

"And Drastos?" He asks me.

"He will be fine. Every child of mine has a future in this realm, even if he is not full-blooded like I am, my blood runs in his veins, the blood of my ancestors which means his strength will be like one of the thousands. He is part of the first family... his birth has meaning, I just know it." I say to Xander.

"Then let us be sure and when we are, you can give me a life that is stuck by your side forever,” Xander says and I chuckle as I shake my head no.

"No... I will gift you immortality now and while I work to prove to you that our child will be just fine, you will stay alive until then.” I say and we both smile, Xander, giving up because he knows I will stop at nothing to get what I want and what I want is for him to be able to live past every threat to his life.

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