O.M.G: Oh My Gravity

Chapter Whitmore

As we walked through the hallways to get to the dining hall, we passed a few strange looking Super Humans, all of which I decided to look up later using my new S.H.H computer software. I watched each of the strange Super Humans, trying to store their unique faces in my memory bank. A peculiar boy with deep green hair and skin the colour of dry soil stood facing the wall with a small flower pot in his hands and a determined look on his face. One lone girl had dark purple hair which looked as if it had shining stars imbedded in it, like a clear, night sky in the summertime. She stood next to the window-wall at the end of the hall gazing up at the dark sky and twitching each one of her metallic, purple fingers individually. Then there was another boy beside her with cool blue skin and snow white hair. He held the girls free hand and watched her intently. From where I was standing I could see that his eyes were the brightest, coldest blue I had ever seen in my existence.

I kept all these faces in my head as we turned into the orange elevator next to the floor-to-ceiling window. It looked exactly the same as the first elevator we rode in; covered in crystals with no buttons and a voice activated speaker.

“Dining Hall, please,” Tory said clearly to the speaker.

“Yes, Tory,” the elevators voice replied and from the feeling in my stomach I could tell we were descending a few floors.

When the elevator arrived at the dining hall, Dallas bolted out and ran through rows and rows of tables and chairs barking all the way up to a humongous buffet with a great deal of food stocked on top of it. The few people in the dining hall all looked at Dallas and then turned to look in the direction he came from. When they saw me, all of them broke into a large smile. I smiled back at them and, obviously satisfied, they turned back around and continued eating their almost empty plates of food.

We followed Dallas to the buffet full of food. As we walked, I could hear my feet echoing off the same white marble floor that was in the lobby

Like the lobby, the dining hall was open, big and very bright. The ceiling was two storeys high and ginormous industrial lights hung from it, flooding the hall with huge amounts of white light. Large stainless steel benches were placed in rows and clear plastic chairs that weren’t being used were tucked in behind them. It was a very clean place and the air smelt like a combination of food and the ocean. My stomach growled even more and I hurried to grab a plate. I served myself with the first things that came into sight; rice, chicken, corn-on-the-cob and thick, mouth watering gravy. I didn’t pay any attention to what the girls grabbed to eat... I wasn’t even sure that they served themselves anything. From the minute I put the foot on my plate, that was all my eyes were focused on. I shovelled the food in my mouth and went for another mouthful when my fork hit empty plate and I looked down. My plate was pearly white and all traces of food were wiped clean. I was slightly disappointed, but as I sat for a few minutes longer my brain registered just how much food I ate and I suddenly began to feel sick. I looked over to the two girls who watched me curiously.

I flushed red.

“I haven’t eaten anything since Friday night,” I told them and smiled.

They both laughed.

“Well,” Tory said softly through small giggles. “You’ve had something to eat now and you’re probably really drowsy what with the information and all.”

“I think it’s time for you to head up to your room,” Shadow suggested, placing a soft hand on my arm. Her blue eyes sparkled in the bright light of the dining room. “Would you like me to take you?”

I paused for a moment remembering the super humans I saw in the hall. The peculiar ones.

“Um...” I began. “I have to take care of something in my office first, before I head up to my room.”

Shadow and Tory nodded. Dallas bolted out of the dining hall into the darkness of the dim hallways. I wondered if it was possible for a dog to have ADHD.

I shook my head. Don’t be silly, Alex, I thought.

We all stood up and walked out of the dining hall.

“Sleep well,” Tory said, lowering down onto her knees. She gave me a small kiss on my cheek. Im pretty sure I turned tomato red because Tory pulled away with an amused smile on her face.

“We’ll see you bright and early tomorrow morning,” Shadow said twirling her blonde hair in her hands.

“Definitely bright,” I replied smiling at her. She looked down for a second and then up at me from beneath her long eyelashes. It was an awkward situation but in some ways cute. I stood there for a moment longer, gazing at my feet. It turns out that staying there for a while was a good idea.

She grabbed my wrist gently and leaned in, ever so slightly, to press her smooth, cool lips to the skin on my cheek.

If I blushed a tomato red when Tory kissed me on the cheek, I don’t know what shade of red I blushed when Shadow kissed me on the cheek. I looked up from my feet and was surprised to see that Shadow, too, was blushing deep shades of red. Her blue eyes stood out even more. Before I could say anything to embarrass myself, Shadow smiled and walked off down the hall.

I stood for a moment, recovering from the moment that had just passed. Then I hurried off down the hall and into another orange elevator. It wasn’t so spectacular the third time around.

“Level two hundred and fifty-five, please,” I said, a bit too loudly. I wasn’t used to this yet.

“Yes, Alexander,” the elevator replied. It might seem kind of lame but I felt a strange sense of pride when the elevators voice said my name. I felt like I was being accepted. Get over yourself, Alex, I told myself.

The elevator ascended quickly and before I knew it I was backtracking Tory’s, Shadow’s and my own footsteps back to my office.

I rushed to my desk and took a seat behind the Mac desktop monitor. With quick gentle fingers, I scrolled through a list of Super Human faces until I got to a list of more familiar looking Super Humans.

It was slightly hard to see the see the screen as the bright glare of the sun shone onto the black monitor. It was like a ginormous flood light shining in through the large window on a clear, starry night only tonight you couldn’t see the stars. The only star you could see tonight was the deadly sun.

“I need curtains...” I mumbled to myself.

As soon as the words came out, quite unexpectedly, a boy popped up in my room. He looked about the same age as me with ruffled black hair and bright green eyes. He walked over to stand next to me and lifted up one hand.

When the boy’s hands retreated back to his side, I realised that curtains had materialised across the large window. I looked at him and smiled, taking in features of his face so I could look him up as soon as the boy left.

“Thank you,” I said to him.

The boy smiled and disappeared.

I went straight back to my computer.

I clicked on the fist person that I saw. The picture showed a boy smiling with skin the colour of soil and deep green hair. I read up the description on him.

Name: Xavier Charles

Power: Earth

Age: 8

Required for special operations: Yes.

When I finished reading his description, I clicked on the next face. The face of a girl who’s hair imitated the night sky. Her skin was a light, metallic purple and her eyes were a light grey. I began to read her description.

Name: Emily Cosmo

Power: Control over the stars.

Age: 16

Required for special operations: Yes

I clicked on the next face. It was a male with light blue skin and white hair the colour of snow. His eyes were an icy blue and his lips were a deep shade of purple. I guessed what his power was before I read his description.

Name: Tyler Frost

Power: Ice

Age: 17

Required for special operations: Yes.

I wondered what the last line of each description meant. I had a feeling that these “special operations” were very similar to the current one with the sun, requiring the most powerful Super Humans to cooperate.

They must be powerful, I thought. I hope they are in on the “Sun” mission. I’d need all the help I could get.

I continued scrolling.

I reached the photo of the peculiar boy who showed up in my office and made curtains materialise over my window. I clicked on his photo. His messy black hair was slicked back neatly and his green eyes stood out even more than they did just moments ago. He looked like an ordinary boy. An ordinary boy much like me with the same eyes and the same messy hair. His facial structure, too, was the same as my own. I read the description to the left of the picture.

Name: Daniel Whitmore

Power: Imagination

Age: 17

Required for special operations: Yes

My fingers froze where they were and my breathing caught in my chest. That one word had me frozen. Whitmore.

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