O.M.G: Oh My Gravity

Chapter The Unexplained Explained

Outside, the gigantic sun began it’s descent into the sky. The moon was even smaller tonight than it was on Friday and the sun was much bigger. The only way any of us could tell it was night time was the fact that the sky was a deep purple behind the yellow ball that took up most of the horizon.

The lights in my office turned on automatically as we all sat around my desk, heads bowed down in deep thought. I wasn’t sure what Tory or Shadow might have been thinking about but all I knew was that I was trying to make sense of everything. I couldn’t even believe it was me. I, me, Alexander, was chosen to be leader of all Super Humans. I was only 17! It was much easier with explanations but too much explanation sent my head spinning into a realm of doubt.

“Moving on,” Tory said suddenly, breaking the silence and making me jump. “We need to discuss more important things.”

She shifted in her seat so that she was closer to the table.

“You are aware that you are on magical turf, yes?” Tory probed.

“Yeah,” I replied and waited for her to continue.

“And you are aware that you yourself possess magical powers just like the rest of us, correct?” she said.

“Correct,” I answered.

“Do you know what your power is?” Tory asked slowly.

I thought for a while, not knowing if floating was a power or not. I decided not to humiliate myself and stick with a safe answer.

“No,” I responded. “I don’t quite know what my power is.”

Tory smiled and ran her hand through her short hair.

“Most of us didn’t know when we started out,” she said sweetly. “You’re lucky that we have been watching you.”

I still wasn’t quite sure that I was comfortable with them watching me. It was creepy, actually. But then I thought that it might have been an act of protection.

I looked over to Shadow and noticed her smiling at me. She must have seen the look on my face and nudged her head in Tory’s direction.

“Go ahead, Alex,” she whispered. “Ask your question.”

I nodded and asked, “Why is that you constantly watched me? I mean when I was clueless about all this.”

“Exactly that reason,” Tory replied. “Because you were so clueless. S.H.H has watched you from the minute you were born to stop your cluelessness from getting you into trouble. They had to keep an eye on you to see when the right time was to recruit you.”

I nodded my head, more at ease with the fact that I was being watched simply to be protected and guided.

“So... your special power,” Tory continued. “Floating is a part of it as you found out earlier today. However that is not your specialty.”

“What is my specialty?” I questioned. I could feel myself moving closer to the edge of my seat, eagerness taking over my whole body. I was eager to find out the truth.

“Did Shadow tell you about William Whitmore’s curse?” Tory started.

“The one which made us all... different making the sun a red giant.” I said. “Shadow did tell me about that.”

“Well I’m going to add some more detail,” Tory smiled. “William was a very powerful magician however when it came to some things he used this power in aggression to get what he wanted. One night, your great-great-grandmother left him and he was in a huge state of denial and in his anger bargained with magic to get her back. The curse was supposed to have brought her back to him but instead rebounded, killing himself and taking the sun with him. When he was a little boy, his mother Devoted him to the sun, the Light to keep him away from the dark, that is why the sun died with him sending little bits of its surface into many humans we now call Super Humans”

Tory continued explaining, “Because you were the descendant of William, the biggest piece of the sun was imbedded metaphorically in your soul when you were born, Alex giving you a power so strong it generated from the source of light itself.”

“So what’s this got to do with my special power?” I asked, feeling myself getting slightly confused. Why was she talking to me about these fragmented pieces of the sun and my great grandfather?

“The reason I am telling you about all this,” she said, “is because you need to understand the connections. You have the history of this curse running through your body which was passed down by William Whitmore. This magic had been given to you from the sun itself as if it knew who you were. You are able to channel its heat energy and convert it to any form of light possible. You are the most powerful Super Human out of all of us. Do you now see why I had to tell you all of that? So that you understand the origin of your power and are not as clueless as before. So you can lead us and use your powers properly.”

I nodded my head, glad that I finally understood. But then another question popped into my mind. A question that made my stomach twist into knots.

Just then, another question popped into my mind.

“Does my dad have powers too?” I asked.

Tory and Shadow both nodded.

“But he has lived a long time hiding them,” Shadow said. “He’s never used them”

There was a short silence and I smiled to myself.

My dad’s really is a superhero! I thought.

“Tory,” Shadow said softly breaking the silence. She took Tory’s arm in her delicate hands.

Tory looked over to her slowly and smiled as Shadow spoke. “Tell him about training. He’ll need to know about that.”

Tory nodded then turned back to me with an excited smile stretched across her face.

“Training begins tomorrow morning,” Tory began. “In training you will learn to master your powers. It will be rushed as we are heading out into space on monday and we will need all the help we can get. So tomorrow is a pretty jam-packed day. Training starts at 8am and finishes at 8pm. You get twelve hours of hard out training which requires all the concentration you can muster. There are small intervals every three hours in which you must regain your energy before you exert yourself once more.

Training will be held on the 376th floor, so make sure you be there around quarter-to eight. Oh and before I forget...”

Tory fished in her pocket and pulled out a small key. “Here’s the key to your room. Its on the 143rd floor.”

I nodded then asked, “Isn’t that a bit high... both the training room and my bedroom? Won’t the building, like, topple over?”

Both girls burst out in laughter. The table shook with their bodies and I glared at them until they were finished. Though, even when they were finished, looks of pure amusement rested on their faces.

“No silly,” Shadow breathed. “This building is so secure. The foundations of this building is titanium and the windows are all plexiglass like I told you before. That is, they are shatter resistant and they are also weather resistant which explains the coolness in the building. Alex, we have 510 floors. It seems like an impossible number... and it probably is to the normal world. But we also have magical enchantments helping to hold this building together. It’s been functioning perfectly since we first came here. Nothing’s impossible with a bit of magic to help get you through things.”

Shadow smiled and so did Tory. I found it hard not to smile, so I cracked a small grin and it stayed there. It felt so good to smile. For the past two days it felt as if a look of worry was planted on my face forever and I never knew when I would smile again. But now that I was smiling it felt so relieving. It might have been an inappropriate time to grin, what with the world ending on Monday and all, but I didn’t care. We had a plan to save this beautiful planet, we even had the power to do so and with enough Super Humans sharing that same power, we might even get to live to see the reactions of the normal humans. Let’s hope using that amount of energy doesn’t kill us all.

Just then my stomach growled, it sounded like starting a cars engine that hasn’t been started in years. I remembered, then, just how hungry I was. After all, I hadn’t eaten all day.

“Let’s get you something to eat and get you to your room to rest,” Tory said in that thick chocolatey voice of hers. It never failed to mesmerise me. “Follow me.”

Shadow smiled and grabbed my hand. We all followed Tory out of the office doors. I looked back to see if Dallas was coming. His head was resting on his short paws and his black rimmed eyes were shut tight. As my eyes landed on his sleeping figure, his eyes snapped opened and his pink tongue skimmed across his mouth. He wagged his tail and leaped after us as if he knew we were headed to get food. If humans could be super... maybe dogs could be too?

I laughed to myself and I heard Shadow laugh along with me. My mood was quite elated from then on. I knew what there was to know... now I just had to eat my breakfast, lunch and dinner all-in-one and tomorrow learn how to save the world. I was excited.

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