Old Promises, New Mysteries: Book 2 of The Kinstone series

Chapter 59: Coming home

I felt the plane jerking a bit, rousing me from the long nap that had gripped me. My heart was fluttering as my eyes darted about the cabin. I pulled down my headphones, seeing Fenris standing up and stretching.

I leaned over and lifted the shade, seeing that it was now nighttime outside. The plane slowed to the stop, with my body now lurching forward slightly.

The sound of the cockpit door opening filled the cabin as the captain stepping out of it a moment later. I looked over to him, “Are we back in Texas already?”

He shook his head, “Not yet Young Miss. We’ve landed in Honolulu to refuel and to get a little rest before heading on towards home.”

I nodded. I had slept nearly the entire way across the Pacific. Guess I was a lot more tired than I thought.

I unbuckled myself and stood up, stretching my body. “Oh,” added the captain, “Her Ladyship wished that I was to inform you that you are remain on the plane this time.”

I looked to him and giggled, “Fair enough,” still remembering when I took Fenris out to gather sample of black sand. I peered over to him, “You should go and stretch your legs while we’re here.” The wolf stared up at me.

I grinned, “You better go. You probably won’t another chance until we get back home.” His eyes were full of worry and concern, but he reluctantly nodded in agreement, turning towards the door and left the plane.

I grinned, tossing my hair over my shoulders and walking to the kitchenette and started pulling out ingredients from the fridge. I found a cutting board, knives, a pan, and other utensils. I flipped on the onboard stove and began to slice up everything. I knew I was hungry, having not eaten anything since breakfast.

I tossed the sliced ingredients into the pan and started to let them simmer. I walked back over to my seat and picked up my phone, swearing under my breath as it had died at some point during the flight.

I reached into my bag and pulled out my charger, plugging my phone into it. I carried both back over the kitchenette, checking on my soon-to-be meal. I texted everyone of where I was, telling them we had landed to refuel and take a break. I stirred the pan, listening to it sizzle.

Not even one second after I sent the text, my phone rang to life with texts from all of my friends, yokai and Coven, from Marron, my aunts, and mother. All were telling me how happy they were to hear from me, with one text being from Hashibaba.

I blushed as she told me that she will continue to pray from my safe trip home. I smiled texting back to her.

Marron again talked about she couldn’t wait to see next month at the festival and that the two of us might go out and do something together. I grinned, saying that be great, if we ever knew where the stupid thing was going to be held this year.

My friends from the Coven also echoed my big sister, but I caught a glimpse of something “sinister” from the trio. They knew something and were gonna hold onto it until we saw each other. I sighed, thinking I knew what. My yokai aunts both wished me a safe journey home and to my mother.

My heart leapt as I saw a text from Kenji, telling me that he will always wait for me. He somehow must’ve gotten my number from the girls.

I leaned up against the counter, sighing, crossing my arms over my chest, and gripping my phone. I have time to sort out my feelings for him, which were still a jumble on my head. I groaned, raking my fingers through my hair, and yanking on it.

I smelled a faint of smoke, swearing and quickly spinning around and turned off the stove, placing the pan onto another burner. The meal wasn’t that badly ruined, just slightly charred in a couple places. I shook my head, stirring it, letting the juices swirl around in the pan.

I pulled out a plate and pushed the meal onto it. I stashed the dishes and other utensils into the dishwasher. I leaned over the counter and started to eat.

After I finished it, I washed off the plate and placed into the dishwasher and ran it. With my stomach now full, I grabbed my phone and headed for the back of cabin and into the bedroom. I plopped down onto the bed, letting the soft mattress envelope me.

At first it felt weird to lie on actual bed mattress again, as opposed to a futon, but the weirdness faded as the bed soon felt better with each passing moment.

My breath slowed as I sank deeper into the mattress. My mind was split between images of the Estate and house in Japan. I pictured gazing out and seeing either the ocean or the lake, with the two images slowly merging into one.

I rolled onto my side, curling up on the bed, pulling a pillow and hugging it. Just a little bit longer, I thought. As quickly as it took me to wake up, it was just as quick that I found myself falling back to sleep. My arms hugged the pillow tighter. The world seemed to fade away as I drifted once more into dreamland.

I was soaring on a cloud, just letting the wind carry me along. I felt light, moving without actually moving. Nothing in the world mattered to me, but just me and my cloud.


I heard someone calling to as I floated. I groaned, covering my ears, trying to block out the voice.


Again the voice echoed on my ear. I swatted away at it, hoping that would silence it. I just wanted to float on my cloud.

Aria, you need to wake up my darling.

Again I let out defiant groan. “Go away.” I shouted into the empty void.

A cool wind then blew into my ear, causing me to coil tightly and yelp. Slowly I felt myself being pulled down from the clouds. “Sweetheart, you need to wake up.” The voice was louder and clearer.

I opened my eyes and looked up to see Rachel hovering over me. My cheeks burned softly, “Am I at the airfield?”

She chuckled softly, stroking my hair, “No my love, you’re home. We just pulled in front of the Manor.”

I looked around, seeing that I was in a car. The sky outside was still dark and I could see the lights of the Manor shining through the windows.

I slowly rose on the seat, and looked to my mother, smiling, “I’m home Rachel.”

She leaned in and kissed my forehead, “Welcome home my girl.”

I smiled, “When did I get in?”

She looked to me, “About an hour ago. I arrived at the airfield to greet you, but when I came aboard, the captain informed me that you had fallen asleep at some point, and weren’t roused upon landing. So I elected to carry you off of the plane and into the car.”

I giggled, “I bet you loved doing that didn’t you? Just carrying me like a baby.”

My mother grinned, “Of course I did.” I giggled once more.

I heard the door opening, to the sight of Sebastian. I smiled to him, “Hey Sebastian.”

The old lycan smiled and bowed, “Welcome home Young Miss. You have been terribly missed during your time abroad,” he then extended a hand into the cabin of the car.

I smiled taking his hand as he then gently pulled me forward and onto the driveway.

The air was humid and smelled of fresh cut grass. The front doors to the Manor were wide open, and standing there were all four combat maids, all at the ready. I smiled, waving to them.

Each maid then bowed to me, “Welcome home Young Miss,” speaking in unison.

I smiled, turning to Fenris, having dropped his dog guise and now back to being a two-tailed wolf. I nearly felt like transforming back into a kitsune myself, but fought back the urge.

I walked over as my suit case was being hoisted out the trunk and onto the driveway. I went to take it, but was stopped by Sebastian, “Allow me Young Miss.”

I looked up at him, having gotten used helping out with everything, but sighed and relented, “Okay.”

He nodded, rolling the case over to the stairs and hauling it up into the stairs and then inside.

Rachel then walked beside me, “Come my love, let’s get you inside.” I nodded, quickly finding myself in a tight embrace from my mother.

Her arms were squeezing me like a boa constrictor, feeling her head resting on top of mine. “Two and half months without you was an absolute torture. There would be times that I couldn’t sleep, knowing that you were on the other side of the world.”

I giggled, hugging her, “I missed you too Rachel and it only got worse the closer it came time to come home. Almost didn’t want to leave.”

Her chin rubbed the top of my hair as she nodded, “So your aunts have told me.”

I blushed, still missing them, almost imagining both of them standing beside me. Her hand gently stroked my hair as her embrace tightened. I smiled, looking up at her, resting my chin onto her chest.

She grinned, kissing my forehead, “Why don’t we get you inside and into bed?”

I grinned and nodded. Even if I had slept the entire way home there still was the fact that I had been traveling nonstop since this morning. I still felt the call of bed and my body was screaming for it.

She and I then started for the front steps, with her still holding onto me. As we crossed the driveway, I noticed that channels had been cut along the flowerbeds, each being filled with water. “Those are new,” pointing to the channels.

She nodded, “It’s been rather hot lately and I figured that the driveway would benefit from more natural cooling methods.”

I nodded, walking up the stairs. “I’m guessing Silvi and Velhemina are still asleep.”

Her hand gently stroked my shoulder, “They are and both are quite eager to see you, especially your sister, who was beside herself earlier when we heard that you were on the move.”

I grinned, “Can’t wait to see them,” reaching the final and heading inside.

The maids all bowed once more, I looked to them, smiling at all four. I glanced back at Fenris, who stayed at the front door next to Abigale. My smile grew wider, nodding to him, Go for it Papa Wolf.

His lips curled into a wolfish grin as he looked up at the kikimora, who smiled down at him. I giggled silently as the two walked off and disappeared into the Manor.

My attention then turned back to my mother, now deviously as we ascended the stairs to my room. “So…did you 'two' have a good time together while I was awhile?”

She staggered slightly on the steps and looked at me. Her cheeks were a deep shade of red and I could tell that her heart rate had shot up significantly.

“How…how did you know that he was here?” she asked, voice stammering.

I giggled, “In the picture you sent me a couple days ago, I saw a man’s coat sleeve that I at first didn’t recognize. Then logically it came to me. Arcturus Helaron paid you a visit while I was away.”

Her grip tightened, “He…merely stopped by for a short time, in fact when than that picture was taken he was about to leave.”

I grinned, “Knew it. So back to my question, did you have 'fun' together?”

She glared at me, pulling on my ear, causing me to yelp, “Get your little mind out of the gutter, young lady,” then released it.

I grinned, rubbing it, “Rather bold of him to come while I was away. It makes me think that I intimidated him when we first met.”

My mother reached over and flicked my nose, “Hardly, my precocious child.” It was now her turn to grin, “And what of you? Clearly you were developing feelings for a certain young kitsune.”

My smile washed away as my cheeks flushed a soft pink, looking away from her, “It…it was just a couple of kisses and then a date.”

She stared into my eyes, grinning more, “So...he kissed you a second time? My, boys these days are rather bold.” I buried my face into her chest.

She chuckled softly, stroking my hair, “I also heard of your last moments together, there on the platform. It took a great deal of maturity and grace to fight back your urge to stay. For that I am proud of you.”

I nodded slowly, burying my face into her chest as headed down the hallway, “I…I don’t know what I feel about him. This is all still so new to me.”

She smiled, “It’s perfectly natural for young girls to be unsure of their feelings. It only shows how far you have come in all this time. And from what I have heard, he truly is a wonderful young man. Of which I hope to meet one day.” My cheeks blushed deeper as I still clung to her.

The hallways were dimly lit as we headed down towards my room. It felt a little strange to be in such a huge place after all the time I spent living in Japan. The corridors were all the same to me, still familiar and welcoming. Nothing was out of place or had been changed.

I glanced out of the windows, gazing onto the endless moonlit fields and hills of the Estate. In the distance I could see the lake shimmering in the night. I looked up at my mother, “Think I could see the gossip in the morning?”

Her hand still tenderly stroked my shoulder, “Tariel and the others have been in Nerazon since yesterday and more than likely won’t return for a couple of days.”

My head slumped, “That sucks, wanted to tell them about swimming off the coast in Japan with the some of the yokai there.”

She smiled, “I know for a fact they are eager to see you once more my love. They also were able to watch your performance at the shrine and were just as astonished and amazed as I was.”

I blushed, letting a small smile grow on my face. I had not actually been able to watch it myself, not sure if Yukari did anything except stream it back here.

I then felt a tap on my nose, looking up at Rachel, still smiling, “Your aunt did in fact record your performance and then had Marron edit it for you to watch.”

I blushed, “Guessing Marron was in town for a show and came to visit?”

She nodded her head, “Indeed she was. She also dropped off a little something special for you.” Her smile then stretched into a grin, “She also saw the video of your first kiss and was quite proud of her little sister.”

My face then went completely red, I was absolutely right in that she was sent it. If there was one person who was the undisputed master in art of teasing it would her. She always found some way to make my life a living hell if given the slightest ammunition. But then again…that’s how she’s always been, and wouldn’t love her any less for it.

“Now…I wish to know who the woman was in the picture you sent me a week ago.”

I smiled, “Her name is Hashiba Genouki, but everyone in the village calls her ‘Hashibaba’. She’s one of the elders who view all of the kids like her grandchildren.” My cheeks blushed softly, “She sort of adopted me as her granddaughter.”

Rachel chuckled, “Has she now? She reminds me of Miriam and her attitude towards the children of the Coven.”

I nodded, “I thought the same too. She’s really a wonderful person, who also gravitated towards me when the junior high and high school age children were away. So I was often with her during the day,” then giggled, “hope Miriam won’t be jealous that I have another grandmother.”

She smiled, “I wouldn’t worry about that my dear,” rubbing my shoulder, and smiling more. “You can’t help but continue to garner a family.”

I giggled, “Guess not,” looking at her, “you’d love her. Hell you’d love where I was living. It was so open and quiet. I walked around as a yokai and slept as one every day. Even Fenris moved around the region in his full form. It felt like being here.”

A soft chuckle rose from her, “I have little doubt I would. You truly loved being there didn’t you?”

I nodded, “Part of me wanted to stay, even…” looking away.

I felt her hand cupping my chin and turning upwards to see her violet eyes staring into mine, “I know my darling, I know. But you also felt the pull of the Estate didn’t you?”

I nodded, “It grew stronger over the last week.”

She smiled softly as we came to my door, with her opening it, “You will always long for home, a fact that has never changed.”

I nodded, walking in, “The Estate is where my heart is. It’s my home, as is with you.”

My mother then planted a kiss onto my forehead, “You are correct my love and now you have returned to me.” I smiled and nodded as we finally arrived at my bed.

Rachel hoisted me onto the bed, kneeling to take off my boots, and setting them aside. I removed my headphones and leaned over to place them onto my bedside table.

I looked around my room. Compared to the room I stayed in while in Japan, this was gigantic.

It was still dark outside with a faint light filtered in from the windows and balcony. I rolled onto the center of the bed, pulling my legs into my chest as I sat there. I looked to my mother, watching her sit onto the side.

I hugged my legs, “Hey…did you find out anything about what happened to me last week?”

Rachel shook her head, “I spoke with the Professor on the matter, and even he was dumbfounded by it. From what was described, it appeared to have been similar to necromancy, given how you spoke of smelling ‘rotting corpses’. But it was odd of how strongly it affected you.”

She gently brushed some hair from out of face, looking worried, “Kitsune can be made ill while in the presence of anything that comes from the Realm of the Dead, but this was solely directed towards you. Neither of us was able to find any record of such an occurrence, whether in eastern or even western texts. This troubles the Professor deeply.”

If something made the old sphinx worry, then you really had to take notice of it. I sighed, laying my cheek onto my knees. Just what was that back at the market?

My mother then leaned over and kissed my forehand, “For now, push those worries out of your mind. You need to rest.” I nodded, lying down onto the bed. Her hand gently caressed my cheek, smiling to me, “Sleep, my little girl. Let your dreams carry you off into a wondrous world of fancy and joy.” I giggled, feeling like I was now a little child.

My eyes grew heavier with every pass of her fingers as they smoothed over my cheek until they finally closed. I was home at last, home from my time in Japan and back tucked away once more from the rest of the world.

A soft kiss then pressed onto my forehead once more, “Sleep, my love. Sleep…” listening to her voice trail off as I slipped away into the gentle dark, waiting for my dreams to come.

I was home and nothing else mattered in that moment. I prayed that my life would slowly go back to normal. That nothing else would happen. I smiled, letting myself dream dreams.

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