Old Promises, New Mysteries: Book 2 of The Kinstone series

Chapter 58: Saying goodbye for now

The sight of planes landing and taking off soon came into view. I gazed out the window, seeing the front of the airport slowly drawing closer. We didn’t stop at the main entrance, driving past it and towards the private flights. I took a slow deep breath, trying to push down the growing knot in my stomach.

We drove around the airport, following along the fence line. Even if the area was cordoned off from the public, I still had to produce my passport and have my suitcase searched, nothing too serious.

We then stopped at the gate leading into the private flights. Our time there was brief as we soon moved forward.

It only took a few minutes to arrive at the terminal. The car slowed to a stop, and then shook softly as the driver exited the car and walked over to us, opening the door.

Yukari looked to me, “Ready?”

I took a deep breath and nodded, crawling over to the door, and out onto the tarmac.

I held up my hand to block out the sun as it shone brightly onto me. Even with my hat on, it still was too bright for me.

I felt a cold nose brushing under hand, looking down to see my bonded looking up at me. I smiled, scratching him behind the ear. I turned to see Yukari and Asha stepping out of the car.

My suitcase was the hoisted out of the trunk and carefully placed onto the pavement. I smiled, walking over to them. Asha rolled it to me, smiling to me. I gripped the handle, smiling back at her. She then motioned towards the terminal and the four of us all made our way to it.

Dealing with customs was thankfully brief. The attendants stamped my passport and scanned my suitcase and backpack. I received an odd glance from the attendant, more than likely noticing my mask and gauntlet. After both came through without issue, I grabbed my bag and lifted up the handle and proceeded back onto the tarmac.

My flight home sat less than a hundred yards from the terminal, not that far. It felt good to walk around. Being cooped on a train for several hours really starts to hurt after a while.

My heart began to pound harder in my chest the closer I came to the plane. Each step was my last in the country and one closer to home.

When we arrived, I saw the captain standing at the bottom of the stairs. He gave a short bow to me, (“It is good to see you Young Miss.”)

It took me a moment to switch from Japanese and back into English. It also was a little strange to be called “Young Miss” again.

I smiled to him, “It’s good to see you too Captain.”

He smiled and stepped forward, “Her Ladyship is quite eager to have you home with her.”

I blushed and giggled, nodding to him, “Me too. Is…everything ready?”

He nodded, “We leave at your command.”

I sighed, my shoulders slumped forward as did my head, nodding. I then knelt down and opened my suitcase, pulling out my headphones, draping them around my shoulders, and then closing up the case.

The captain then took the suitcase and wheeled it over to the stairs, carefully lifting it into the cabin.

I turned to both of my aunts standing right behind me. I instantly flung myself into their open arms, feeling them wrap around my tiny body tightly. Each placed kisses onto the top of my head, with a hand stroking my hair.

“I going to miss both of you,” I whispered as hot tears rolled down my cheeks.

A hand then cupped my chin, lifting it up, looking into Yukari’s dark eyes, “We shall miss you as well little one. Perhaps you will come and stay longer the next time.”

I giggled, “Yeah, only if my mom will be able to stand not having me be away longer.”

She grinned, caressing my cheek, “We love you so very much Aria-chan. You are our little niece and can’t wait to see you for your birthday.”

My heart shot up into my throat, “Really?!”

“Of course,” spoke Asha, turning to look at her, “it’s something we always look forward to.”

I grinned broadly, hugging both of them tightly. The ryujin smiled, leaning down placing a kiss onto my cheek, “But for now, we must give you back to your mother.”

I nodded, hands still clinging tightly to both of them. “You be safe your during trip home. Call us the moment you do.”

I nodded, clinging desperately to, “I promise.” The ryujin smiled, stroking my hair.

I nuzzled my face against their chests before letting go. I took a few steps back, feeling their arms moving along mine, finally with their hands releasing me. The lump in my throat grew larger, as tried to fight back more tears.

I stared at them both, smiling, “I love you both so much,” bowing low, “and thank so much for taking care of me.”

They smiled.

“Aria-chan,” spoke Yukari, “may the gods speed you along your way home.”

I smiled to her, tears rolling down my cheeks, “May they bless you, for giving this little girl a home to return to,” choking up a little.

The kitsune beamed, with tears in both women's eyes. Their hands moved, wanting to come and snatch me away, but returned to their sides.

I wiped the tears from my eyes and took another step back before racing off to the stairs of the plane, hopping up into it, with Fenris charging behind me.

I quickly found my seat and looked out the window, seeing both women looking back at me. Each gave me a wave; their tears glistened in the sunlight. I waved back, fighting back to urge to cry. My heart then jumped at the sound of the door closing.

I turned my head towards the captain, now standing just a few feet from me, “Shall we Young Miss?”

I wiped more tears from my face, nodding, “Yes sir.”

He smiled and bowed, “As you wish Young Miss,” then turned and walked towards the cockpit. I gazed back out onto the tarmac, seeing that both women were now gone.

I clutched my necklace tightly in my hand, “Until we meet again,” whispering.

I rolled back into my seat and buckled myself in. I looked over to see Fenris lying beside me, head held high, eyes shimmering with reassurance. I leaned over and stroked the side of his face, smiling.

“Thank you again for everything Papa Wolf.”

His head rolled into mine, nuzzling it, “You are welcome little Aria. We still have a long journey ahead of us before we reach home.

Home…back to America, the Estate, back to my sisters, my aunt…and my mother, all were now just hours away. I nodded to him, “Then let’s be on our way.” He smiled softly.

I leaned back into my seat, feeling the engines rumbling to life. A couple minutes later the plane was taxied back and slowly turned. It then softly pulled forward, moving along the tarmac until we were now on the runway.

We sat there for a moment, hearing little outside. My hands gripped the armrests tightly, both nervous and also anxious to return home.

My body then sank into the seat as the plane rocketed forward down the runway. I then grew heavy as the plane began to take off from the ground.

I craned my head over, seeing the airport slowly growing smaller and further away from us. My eyes then turned to gaze out onto the city, and then beyond it, thinking of the village and everyone there.

I let out a stammered sigh, still picturing my last few moments at the train station and being with everyone. I thought of Kenji, hoping that one day we both would be able to fully express how we felt about one another.

My cheeks still could feel where my aunts had kissed them. I giggled softly. I lowered the shutter, blocking out the sun, still feeling the plane as it rose higher into the sky. I was heading home, and back to my life there.

I turned on my headphones and placed them onto my head. I then retrieved my phone out of my backpack, selecting some music to play. My eyes slowly closed, thinking of the past couple of months. My love for the country had grown even stronger than before, and so too the people that lived here. My mind finally relaxed, allowing the music to carry me away.

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