Old Promises, New Mysteries: Book 2 of The Kinstone series

Chapter 56: Leaving Mie

The next morning started with the sun pouring in from the still open doors. I opened my eyes to see its rays filtering in from the trees just beyond the deck, giving the area somewhat of a golden hue. The sea breeze filled the room, hearing the wind chimes playing into it, carrying the sound of the trees along with it.

I rose from under the multitude of white tails which covered me, topped off by a massive green armored hand. A soft giggle slipped past my lips, navigating my way through it all and out onto the floor.

I stretched my body, feeling it burning back to life. I looked back to see my still sleeping aunts, resting peacefully on the tatami mats. My lips curled into a grin, shaking my head.

Today was going to be a huge day of traveling. First, aside from the obvious part of having to walk the over two miles to the station, we had to spend four hours on said train just to reach Tokyo.

From the station there, we would take a car to the airport, meandering my way through customs and then on towards where my plane was waiting to take me home. Just this stretch alone was probably going to take me well over half the day.

I silently walked out onto the deck, feeling the warm wooden planking underneath my feet. My toes flexed and wiggled. The sea breeze picked up, carrying my long pinkish-blonde hair along with it. My tails swished gently behind me. My last morning in Japan, and it was a good one.

I held out my hand, summoning my camera from my room. It floated gently into my palm. I turned it on and raised it up, taking a picture of the ocean.

I smiled, staring at the image in the view screen. I leaned up against the post, turning my gaze back out onto the ocean. Just a little bit longer.

A hand then rested onto my shoulder. I craned my head back to see Yukari standing behind me. Her golden eyes stared tenderly down into mine. I smiled, looking up at her, “Ohayo.”

She smiled gently, cupping my chin as she leaned forward to kiss my forehead, “Ohayo. A long day lays before you my dear.”

I nodded, smiling to her, and giving a simple nod, “Long day indeed.”

She wrapped her arms around me, pulling my body into her chest, and the both of us stood there. I stared back out onto the ocean, watching the distant tides rolling in.

I felt another hand against my cheek, fingers stroking it gently. I looked up to see Asha standing next to us, now in her human form. I smiled up at her, realizing that beyond the train station, I would have to revert back into my human form as well. It was something I knew I was going to have to do at some point, but still pained me that I had to.

I closed my eyes, feeling my tails and ears recede into my body one final time, then opening to watch my hair turn from a pinkish blonde to a dark blonde. This wouldn’t be the final time that I could become a kitsune. I could still change back while on the flight home or even once I got back at home.

I giggled to myself, why are you complaining about having to be human? You just got used to not having to constantly revert back into one. It really was a stupid and childish complaint.

Yukari then leaned down and kissed my cheek, “You go ahead and get ready. We need to leave here soon.” I nodded, looking up at her and then at Asha. Both daiyokai smiled, releasing me. I turned and walked past them and headed back upstairs.

A quick shower later, I dried myself off, casting my heating spell on the towel and hanging it up. I took a brush to my hair, straightening it out, not having enough time to braid it, but did part it into two tails, wrapping each one. I stuffed all of my toiletries into my travel bag and exited the bathroom.

I quickly threw on the clothes I had laid out the night before. I stashed my satchel into my suitcase and carefully stored away the figure Kenji won for me. I sighed, still wondering why I hadn’t seen him in the past week. I still was unsure about what exactly I felt about him and even if I truly did, was it real?

I shook my head, pushing the thoughts from my mind. I zipped up my suitcase and pulled it up, rolling it out of my room and then carefully down the stairs.

Yukari, Asha, and Fenris were all waiting for me in the entryway. Both women sported a small bag, possibly for the trip ahead. Fenris of course had his collar and leash lying in front of him.

Since being here, I only ever had to place both onto him just a couple of times. Other than that, he roamed the countryside without the need. Once we were on the plane for home, I’d take it off of him.

I smiled walking over to the wolf, which was now in the guise of a large dog, knelt down and looped the collar around his neck, clipping it into place. I attached the leash to it, but stuffed it under the collar, not really needing to “use” it until we got out of the region and into more human populated areas.

It was going to strange being surrounded by people again who didn’t really know that yokai existed or that they were living half a world.

It was funny how I once used to be the same, just blissfully ignorant of that truth. A soft poke to the cheek with a cold wet nose brought me back into reality as I looked up into large ice-blue eyes. I smiled to him and nodded, rising back to my feet.

Asha stepped forward and took my suitcase, hoisting it over her shoulder as if it were nothing. I smiled to her, walking to the stone entryway and slipping on my hiking boots. I tapped the toes of each shoe one last time before staring back into the hallway.

I took a deep breath, hard to believe that this was now my house. I actually owned property in another country. I grinned, recalling the daily walks in and out of the hallway whenever I head out the village. But as much as this place had so definitely become my home, my real home was waiting for me on the other side of the world.

I sighed then stepping out of the house. I pulled the door shut and pulled out my key, locking it.

I turned to see my yokai aunts and bonded standing beside me. I smiled, taking my camera out. I also retrieved a tag from my bag and summoned a clone of myself, giving the camera to it. It took a few steps out and turned holding it up. My aunts then walked behind me and Fenris sat at my side.

I felt hands resting on each of my shoulders, gazing up at their smiled faces. “Say ‘cheese’ everyone,” ordered the clone. Have to admit, still weird hearing my voice not coming out of my mouth.

We all looked to the clone and smiled, “Cheese,” speaking at the same time.

I heard the sound of the shutter clicking a couple times, before the clone walked over to us and showed us the pictures. I smiled, nodding, looking to “her”, “Thanks.”

She smiled, fading back into the tag. I stowed it away into my backpack.

Yukari leaned over, “Shall we then Aria-chan?”

I nodded, pulling out my Gatsby hat, which apparently had become my favorite hat to wear, and placed it onto my head. I looked back at the house and smiled, hoping to return to it one day. I turned back and started down the path towards the main road.

The tunnel of trees, that shaded the stairs, swayed softly in the breeze. I could hear their lamenting as I walked under them. I smiled softly, listening to them now actually singing to me.

I wish I was able to record what they were singing. Velhemina would be completely floored by if she could hear them. I looked over to the trees, whispering my thanks to them.

We exited out onto the main road and turned left, as opposed to the normal right which led towards the village. I gazed out onto it, glimpsing some of the boats as they were just beginning to head out to sea. I prayed for a safe trip for all of the fishermen and that the umi osho guided them back home.

I then eyed the shrine, kinda bummed out that I didn’t actually get to meet a god. But that was sort of a fantasy, among many that I had over the spring.

The main road twisted and turned, but it still was just as easy to traverse the first day I arrived here. The walk was good for many reasons, aside from it being good exercise.

It felt like I was venturing back out into the wider world again, having been closed off from everything. I kinda reminded me of whenever I left the Estate, but that was also my entire world. A bit of a paradox when you think about it.

Another reason the walk was good was to take in the sights one last time. The landscape was just as breathtaking as the first day I laid eyes onto it.

I looked down into the valley below, knowing somewhere, amongst the densely-packed forest, was Asha’s shrine. I smiled, wishing I could see the girls one last time.

Further to the north showed signs of a massive battle, trees charred with some even missing. It was there that Asha battled potential intruding yokai back in March. The damage was slowly healing, but some marks still remained.

I knew if the dryads had seen this, they’d all faint. Hell, if Silvi was there, she more than likely would’ve happily joined in the fray.

I grinned, thinking more and more of my family at the Estate. I wanted to see them more with every step I took.

The image of my mother from last night stuck out in my mind. Did she really see me and was I actually there in her room? Her words still rang in my ears.

Somehow I knew the answer was in fact yes. I smiled softly, wanting my travel to her to be quick and over soon.

We came upon the train station, and to my surprise, saw people standing there. Dozens of them then turned, all looking at me. Bright but saddened smiles adorned all of their faces.

I looked up to Yukari, who smiled to me, “Go ahead sweetheart.” I smiled, sprinting to the station.

There I found all of my friends, the shirohebi, and other assorted villagers, all in their human forms, smiling to me. I leapt into the middle where everyone began hugging me tightly.

My group pulled me into a tight group embrace. I felt like I was going to explode. We then giggled, saying our final goodbyes to each other.

Saya looked to me, “We’re gonna miss our favorite English tutor.”

I smirked, “Just means you need to work that much harder at it.” She grinned, showing her feline fangs despite her human appearance.

Mayori tugged on my hair, “I for one am going to miss the only person who even attempted to match me on the roofs.”

I grinned, “Match you? Girl, I remember beating you in our races.”

She smirked, looking away, “I let you win.”

My grin broadened, “Sure, keep telling yourself that.” We giggled. Ayame then handed me a small bag.

I looked to her curiously. She smiled, “Just some trinkets from the shop. Hope you like them.”

I smiled, hugging her, “I know I will.” We held each other for a moment then let go.

The twins each tugged on my shirt, again planting a kiss onto my cheeks, leaning into my ears. “We won’t give up on you,” whispered Miu.

“We will forever love you,” whispered Yui. I blushed softly but smiled.

The shirohebi all expressed how much they were going to miss seeing me at the shrine. I smiled, hugging each of them. They really had become much like the gossip, a group of big sisters, always looking out for me. We held our embrace until Natsuki pulled them away from me.

I giggled, looking up at her, “Gonna miss you Natsuki-oneechan.”

She grinned, ruffling my hat, “You stay good and don’t be a burden for your sisters back home.”

I giggled, “Yes Ma’am.” She smiled, giving me one final hug.

Of all the villagers present, only one stepped forward, pulling me into a tight, loving embrace. “I still don’t want to see you go, my precious granddaughter,” whispered the woman.

I smiled, clinging to her, “I’ll miss you Hashibaba.”

She planted a kiss onto my forehead, and then looked me in the eye, “If ever back in Japan, I want you to come straight home to us. Do you hear me young lady?”

I nodded, “Yes Ma’am.”

She smiled, caressing my face before letting me go. I looked around the crowd, still hoping that somehow I was going to see Kenji.

I sighed, thinking that he really didn’t care about me. The sound of the train soon became evident as it came into view. I readjusted my backpack, watching as it slowly drew closer. My aunts were still talking to the villagers.

Fenris sat down beside me, nose nudging my hand. I smiled to him, scratching him behind the ears.


My heart leapt in my chest as I quickly turned to see Kenji sprinting up the road to the station. He practically bounded onto the platform, nearly slamming into me, just stopping shy of where I was.

He doubled over, panting heavily, “I…I am glad that I was able to see you before you left,” then looked up at me, “I am so sorry that I didn’t come see you last week after I heard. But I wasn’t sure what I was supposed to do once I got to your house. Please forgive me.”

I crouched down, staring up at him, “You really wanted to see me that night?”

He nodded, “I did, but…I was scared. Scared that I might do or say something stupid.”

A smile formed on my lips, “That means you really do care about me, doesn’t it?”

His head nodded once more, “I do. Aria-chan, I lo-”

I quickly placed my finger over his lips, “Don’t say it until we both are completely sure how we each feel about another. Deal?”

He smiled, “Deal.” We both then stood up, looking at the other. I pulled back some of my hair, placing it over my right ear.

He smiled to me, “I promise to come see you in America. Then we could pick up where we’re leaving off now.”

I grinned, “Don’t make a girl a promise you might not be able to keep.” He smiled, leaning forward and pressing his head against mine. I closed my eyes, feeling his warmth on my face.

His hands slowly gripped mine, holding them up to our chests. This felt good, and right. Time seemed to stand still around us.

Neither wanted to let go, neither wanting to be parted from the other. If it weren’t for the train slowing to a stop and its doors opening, I probably would’ve decided then and there to stay completely.

“My ride is here,” whispering softly.

“I know. Wish I didn’t have to let you go.”

I bit my lip, looking up into his dark eyes, “But you have to. For now at least.”

He sighed softly, slowly stepping back, and releasing his grip from my hands. I held my hand over my chest, trying desperately not to just leap into his arms. But held back I did.

A hand rested onto my shoulder, looking up to see Yukari smiling down at me, “We should go.”

I sighed and nodded. If I didn’t board that train, then I never would. I turned and quickly stepped aboard, finding my seat. I pulled my hat over my face, trying to hide it from view. My aunts soon came onto the train, taking seats on each side of me, with Fenris sitting in front me.

The doors soon closed and a moment later I felt the train lurching forwards, slowly leaving the station. I could hear the shouts and cheers of everyone coming from outside the window.

As the train pulled away, I turned on my seat and stared out, seeing the platform slip away. I waved to everyone, hot tears streamed down my face, eyeing Kenji at the front, growing smaller and smaller until he was completely out of sight.

I turned and retook my seat, pulling my legs into my chest, holding them tightly and burying my face into my knees. Two hands rested onto mine, stroking them gently. I looked up to my aunts smiling to me. A smile rose on my face as they then leaned over, wrapping their arms around me.

“We know it took everything you had to leave sweetie,” whispered Yukari, hearing her voice over the roaring of the tracks.

“You showed true maturity, and we are proud of you,” added Asha.

My face burned hotly as my cheeks blushed, “Thank you.”

A nose then crested over my knees, looking up to see Fenris looking down at me, “Your mother will be just proud of you little Aria, as I am.”

I smiled, “Thanks Papa Wolf.” He curled his lips back into a gentle wolfish smile. I giggled, reaching up to stroke his face.

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