Old Promises, New Mysteries: Book 2 of The Kinstone series

Chapter 55: The Last Night

My last week in Japan moved just as fast as I predicted it would.

Since the incident at the market, Yukari and I only held a couple little sessions together, nothing strenuous, just her showing me how to further refine my abilities. She even helped me smooth out a few issues with Spirit Rush so that it felt even more natural than before.

We also spent more time just wandering the forest together, allowing me to take in as much of the scenery as possible. Our walks would take us down to the beach, where I did gather up some sand, having taken a few vials with me, including a couple that I filled with water from the sea, figuring the gossip might like it as a gift.

When news about what happened at the market spread quickly throughout the village, I was constantly visited by everyone, asking if I was okay. I giggled, telling them that I was fine.

My friends wanted to stay with me, just so that nothing else would happen to me. I thanked them, knowing that they also wanted to spend more time with me before I left. I expected Kenji to come running as well to see how I was doing, but there was no sign of him. I felt a little saddened that he wasn’t there.

I wanted time to slow down, even if only for a moment. The time of my departure was rapidly approaching and I just it wanted it to stop. But marched on it did. Surprisingly, I didn’t see Asha at all for the last week.

I thought once she learned of what happened she’d be over faster than a typhoon and never wanting to leave my side. It made me feel uneasy that she wasn’t with us. I would sit out on the deck and peer out onto the ocean, listening to the distant tides rolling in and wondering where she was.

The last night before I was to leave for Tokyo, my friends dragged me out onto the beach where we set off fireworks and constructed a bonfire. We huddled tightly together, with everyone smothering me tightly.

I giggled as the twins purred heavily into my chest, with the occasional lick to the face. Their massive paws clung to my shirt. Ayame had mentioned something about their growing feelings towards me, but decided to back off since my date with Kenji.

Mayori’s wings were draped over my neck and her cheek pressed against mine. Ayame and Saya were the only ones to not have joined in on the cuddlefest. They were still next to us, watching and smiling.

“So any plans once you get home Aria-chan?” asked Ayame.

I looked over to her, “Next month my mom and I are heading to our coven’s summer gathering. It’s one of the biggest events of the year for us.”

She nodded, clutching her knees to her chest.

I looked over to her, seeing how upset she was. I stretched out a tail towards her, wrapping it around hers, seeing a faint smile growing on her face. This group of girls had quickly become my best friends over the past couple of months, always together, always doing something with each other.

Earlier that day, Saya had even let me borrow one of her uniforms to let me try on. It was their spring uniform, short sleeved seifuku with green collar, pink neckerchief, and green pleated skirt. I blushed softly as I looked at myself in the mirror. She even lent me her schoolbag and took pictures of me.

The girls all had expressed their wish that I could’ve at least spent one day with them at school or even just to travel with them. But then I’d be next to Kenji and wasn’t sure if I’d be able to stay focused. I'm also still curious as to why he hasn’t been around me at all.

Saya crawled over to me, sitting in front. I stared into her tan eyes, which fluttered softly. I smiled to her. She was the first of anyone from the village to come see me and the one in which I was able to meet everyone gathered around me.

She smiled, leaning in, and pressing her head into mine, purring loudly. I smiled broadly as we both closed our eyes.

“You’re a part of us Aria-chan.”

I smiled, “As you are of me.” We opened our eyes, staring into each other’s.

We were so close than one might think we’d just kiss but didn’t. Yeah…me and my wild fantasies. This made me think about my conversation with Kerrigan all those months ago.

She leaned back, “Wish there was a way we all could afford to come see you in America.”

I nodded, “You’d love my friends in my coven.”

She grinned, “You sure you’d be able to handle the clashing of worlds?”

I smirked, “At this point it wouldn’t even faze me.” A giggle rose from her as she stared at me.

The night wore on as we sat along the beach, listening to the waves crashing onto the shore. It’s funny how if this were America, we’d be celebrating the start of summer. We were even wearing bathing suits with me opting to wear a jacket for the evening.

Fenris, who was nearby, but not too close that I felt too overly smothered, walked over to me, and nudged my face. I looked up to him, “It is time to go.” I let out a reluctant sigh, nodding.

I turned back towards the girls, with Ayame already picking up our trash and Saya putting out the fire. The three who actually were smothering me, finally released me from their embrace, helping me up to my feet. We then headed up the beach until we came up on the path that led up to my house.

Saya looked to me, “Hey, why don’t we all meet up at the train station tomorrow? That way everyone can say goodbye to you.”

I smiled, holding onto my bag, “I’d like that.”

She smiled, pulling me into a tight hug, “Until then Aria-chan.”

I nodded, hugging her back, “We’ll be there at 10:00 in the morning, so don’t be late.”

She giggled, “Never,” then pulled back.

The other girls all gave me hugs before turning and heading back up the beach towards the village. Fenris and I stood there, watching them as the disappeared into the darkness.

I took one last look onto the beach, seeing the memories that had made there. My fingers gently touched my lips as I saw the rock where Kenji had given me my very first kiss. I still was wondering where he was, or if he cared after our date together. I sighed, summoning a single kitsune-bi to light our path upwards and towards the house.

We walked slowly, letting each step become deliberate. It felt like I had spent a lifetime here in Ashogihaga. Just living a simple life, becoming attracted to a boy, having embraced the life and people in the village, and even having become immersed in the local culture and traditions. One might say I’ve gone native.

Heh, just a day in the life of Aria Edge, daughter of Rachel Rivenfeld.

It still was strange to think that in just two days, I would be back in Texas with my mother, and having every need attended to at the simple sound of my voice. It was going to be a little hard to readjust to that life. But even still, it is my home, and my heart resided there and forevermore.

When Fenris and I exited off of the path and into the backyard, I could see the living room doors open and sitting on the deck was Yukari and Asha beside her.

The ryujin smiled to me, “Konbanwa Aria-chan.” I stood for a moment, and then dropped my bag and dashed into her already open arms, leaping into her.

She quickly wrapped her arms around me tightly, hugging me, “I am so sorry that I haven’t been with you since Yukari told me what happened that day at the shrine. When I heard about it, I wanted to immediately come to the shrine or your home that very moment.”

I shook my head, burying my face into her chest, clinging tightly to her kimono, “What’s important is that you’re here now.”

She smiled, stroking my hair, “That’s correct and you should know that I too will be traveling with you to Tokyo.”

I looked up at her, and then Yukari, who nodded and smiled softly. A bright grin rose on my face, turning back to the ryujin.

Asha placed a gentle kiss to my forehead, “Our little girl.” I blushed and giggled. She softly placed me into her lap, letting me sit on my knees.

Yukari slowly rose from her seat and held a long wooden box. The kitsune then placed it into my lap, smiling. I tilted my head, looking to her and Asha.

“This is the reason why Asharyume has been absent the last few days,” tenderly spoke the kitsune.

I was still confused as I stared at it. Grabbing the lid, I slowly pulled it off, revealing a Han kote, samurai forearm gauntlet. It had three overlapping plates with a fourth that rested on the back on the hand. The sleeve was black and padded. It was bound together in places by white bands with the plates riveted to the sleeve.

I looked to both of the women before me, shocked and still confused. Asha smiled, stroking my hair, “Immediately after you returned from the shrine, Yukari had grown even more concerned for your safety and asked if I’d be willing to give her a few of my scales, of which I happily did.”

Yukari smiled, “I had the scales fashioned into the gauntlet you see before you, with myself providing some of my very own hair for its construction. Tonight while you were with your friends, she and I infused our mana into this, which when worn, will help protect you.” Tears began to well up in my eyes.

She smiled with her own tears forming, “This way you will have be protected by the two of us even while not being physically with you.” Tears soon poured down my cheeks as I looked at both women.

Asha then hugged me tightly her, lowering her body to allow Yukari to join in. I fought back to the urge to cry as I was sandwiched between the both of them. Tails stretched and wrapped around everyone.

This is the moment that I wanted, just the three of us together before I left. I felt kisses being placed on my head, and arms not wanting to let me go.

“You are our little girl Aria-chan,” whispered Yukari.

“Our precious little girl,” added Asha. I clung tightly to both of them, feeling myself melt away.

Eventually I was released and allowed to breathe again. Both women chuckled, with Asha still stroking my hair. “Try it on sweetie,” spoke Yukari.

I smiled, lifting the gauntlet out of the box and slipped it onto my left hand, after examining it a little more. It was easy to put on and felt rather light. It only reached to just an inch below my elbow and the glove had the fingers cut off at the first joint. I moved it around, feeling its ease, as if it weren’t even there.

Asha smiled, combing her claws through my hair, “This will act as your shield if you were ever to find yourself in need of one.”

I stroked the armor plates, then looked up and smiled at both of them, gripping the gauntlet tightly, “Thank you so much.” Both women smiled, each placing a kiss onto my cheeks, causing me to blush and giggle.

I was gently lowered onto the deck where Asha smiled, “I think you should go ahead and get changed Aria-chan.” I nodded, still stroking the gauntlet, then turned and headed up to my room for the last time.

I carefully went to remove my first ever piece of armor, placing it next to my travel case, which had already been packed for me. Even my clothes had been washed.

I knelt down by the case, taking out some panties, shorts, and long tee-shirt. After putting on my clothes, I folded my bathing suit and jacket, placing them into a bag and then into the case.

I glanced at the gauntlet, still smiling. I bit my lip, thinking of how close I had become to both women in the time that I had been here. I placed it into the case beside the mask from the festival, while then setting out my clothes for tomorrow. My hiking boots were still in the entryway, so they would be the last things to put on as I left the house.

I closed the case and sat onto it, staring at my room. Still seeing images of my friends hanging in here, helping them with their homework, and having them support me the night before the festival. I curled my toes onto the mat, remembering the bi-weekly house cleaning that Yukari and I performed.

Who would’ve thought that chores would bring people closer together? I giggled, knowing that I helped clean Asha’s shrine on occasion with the shirohebi.

I then saw my phone lying on the dresser. I leaned forward, picking it up. When I turned it on, I saw that there were dozens of messages from people.

Jenn telling me that she wanted to see me next month and that she had heard about my date, but hadn’t revealed it to the others yet. My face went bright red and burned, knowing that Marron must’ve told her. I was really going to let my big sister have it when I got home.

I scrolled down the messages, seeing a few from Miriam, telling me how proud she was of me having heard much from Rachel. She went onto say that she would be in Texas in the coming month and obviously come by to visit the Estate. I giggled, imagining her pulling me into one of her grandmotherly hugs.

She didn’t reveal where the summer festival was going to be held, but its location was to be announced soon. I sighed. Still holding it a secret huh? I grinned and shook my head.

The last was from my mother. She spoke of how much she couldn’t wait to have me home with her once more. I then saw a picture of her, Velhemina, and Silvi all crowded together. I smiled seeing their faces, knowing that I’d be with them soon. I also had to laugh that my mother had done a selfie. I rarely do those and she is.

My eyes were quickly drawn to a coat sleeve that I didn’t recognize. It was faint but there was slight outline of a hand. I grinned, thinking I might who the hand belonged to. I knew when I got home, I was going to have some fun teasing her about it.

Next to where my phone rested was my camera. It was full of pictures of the region and village that I had taken since I first came here. The same could be said with my phone.

One thing that I was going to have to do was to perform a massive data dump onto my laptop at some point after I got home. I sighed, then rose from my case and headed back downstairs.

Both women were now in the living room, sitting around the table. Fenris was resting in the corner, tails gently swishing across the mats. I then glanced something silver, sitting near where I normally sat.

They smiled to me, with Asha patting my seat. I took my seat, staring curiously at both of them, wondering what else they had in store for me.

I felt Yukari’s tails wrap around mine, holding them tightly, feeling the same with Asha. My kitsune aunt smiled lovingly to me, “Sweetie, there’s something I’d like to discuss with you.”

I looked to her, “Yes?”

Her smile broadened, “Asharyume and I were talking, and we already cleared this with your mother, about me giving you this house and its surrounding land.”

My ears shot straight up as did the fur on my tails. I stared at both of them, slowly finding it hard to breath.

“What…are you serious?” trying to hold back my surprise.

Asha nodded, “This way, if you were to ever return to Japan, you would have a place to retreat to. We both know how much you love the region and this house. So it took little convincing for Yukari to gift it to you.”

My heart shuddered in my chest, feeling their tails tightening around mine, “This…this is now mine?”

Yukari nodded, leaning over to caress my hair, “That is correct my little one.”

I looked to her, “But…but what about your family. Wouldn’t they object to you giving this to me?”

She grinned, “It’s mine to give anyways. You also said it yourself, we are your family. This makes you mine as well.” My cheeks blushed even hotter. She smiled, now caressing my face, “Our most cherished and beloved little niece.”

“There is also the fact that if, for whatever reason, you were to appear here first, that I would be able to come to you the quickest,” added Asha, tenderly raking her clawed fingers through my hair. “With Yukari then arriving soon after.”

I looked over to the ryujin, whose smile was just as bright as before. Hot tears streamed down my face, staring at the key, “I…I don’t know what to say.”

The ryujin moved closer to me, pulling me close to her body, and then kissed the top of my head, “We love you, Aria-chan. You are a part of us as we are of you. And we would not hesitate to do anything for you, little niece.”

My ears shoot up, looking up at her. Her face was warm and gentle, no different than a summer breeze.

“You…” gazing at them both, “are some of the best aunts in the world. I love you both so much,” now starting to cry.

Both women then huddled around me, embracing me tightly, and pressing their foreheads into mine. I clung tightly to them, feeling their loving arms holding me tightly. Both women then kissed my cheeks, with the tears now flowing ever more.

I then felt something heavy plop onto the top of my head. I leaned back to see Fenris standing over me. “You truly are beloved, little Aria. So do not cry.

The wolf gently licked away my tears, and then returned his head onto the top of mine. I giggled, wrapping a tail around his.

All three beings held me in the center for what seemed like forever. I didn’t want this moment to end. My eyes looked at everyone, all enveloping me in a gentle embrace. My tears soon ceased to flow as my eyes slowly closed.

Another round of kisses was then placarded onto my cheek, causing me to giggle. I opened my eyes, “Can we take one last picture of us before we leave in the morning?”

Yukari gently caressed my cheek, “Of course we can little one.” I smiled, looking up to Asha, who also smiled.

My stomach then grumbled loudly, disrupting the moment. The ryujin laughed, “Seems the part of you that is dragon loves to make itself known.” I blushed, flattening my ears in embarrassment. She smiled, releasing her grip.

Yukari smiled, unraveling her tails from mine, “Then let us remedy that shall we? One last dinner before we send you home.” I giggled, watching her stand up and disappear into the kitchen.

Asha quickly pulled me back into her lap, holding me gently, stroking my hair. Fenris lied down beside her, tail still wrapped around mine. I peered out onto the ocean, watching the moon hover over it, casting a long silvery line over the tides.

A few minutes later, Yukari returned, carrying plates of hamburger steak, salad, and sizzling vegetables, with a pot of tea in one tail, and cups in another. I grinned, watching her place it all onto the table.

I rolled off of Asha’s lap and took my seat once more. Both women then sat across from me and we all held up our hands together, “Itadakimasu.”

As we ate, I glanced up at each of them. I had grown closer to these two women over the past couple months than ever before, and both had quickly become a near constant sight for me. So the thought waking up to not seeing Yukari in the kitchen or Asha flying through the air was a little weird.

There is also the feeling of “The last night” that I hated so much and had to endure several times in my life. It mostly crept up whenever I was to move the next day to a new home.

This, however, was very different. In this particular case I was leaving one home and returning to another. I knew I wanted to return here at some point, but when I would was going to have to wait.

Right now I wanted to enjoy my last dinner with my aunts. But soon…very soon, I’d be enjoying dinners with my mother, so this was prelude to that. I glanced over to where Fenris was, seeing that he too had been given a plate. I giggled, seeing him scarf down the enormous steak.

After dinner I elected to clean the dishes, much to the protest of Yukari. I giggled as I ignored her. This was something I wanted to do for them, being the good little niece they now fully claimed.

The water stung over my hands with every dish plunged into the sink. I scrubbed each plate clean, placing them onto the drying rack.

With the chore done, I glanced around the kitchen remembering heading down to see all of our meals prepared and sitting out onto the table. I looked back over to the living room, thinking back to those long nights Yukari, Fenris and I sat together and watched TV. In such a short amount of time, this place had become so incredibly full of memories, and so much had happened.

I left the kitchen and crawled back into the waiting arms of both women. My tiny frame curled up tightly against them, feeling their hands gripping mine tightly. The lights were turned low, and the distant sounds of the ocean tide were all that filled the room. My mind settled into a peaceful hover as my eyes slowly closed.

. . .

Images of the Estate slowly drifted into my mind, the forests, the endless fields, rolling hills, the crystal clear blue lake, the garden park, the greenhouse, the stables, the Manor, and finally the people that inhabited them all.

I felt my mind stretching outwards to it. It floated over the winds, flying faster and faster to a singular destination.


I now could see the image of a balcony before me, one that I had sat upon numerous times, and beyond it laid two open glass paned doors. The curtains swayed gently in the breeze as I “stepped” inside.

The room was large, far larger than the living room that I was in now. I could feel the sun gently warming the back of my neck. Couches, tables, chairs, and a large desk were strewn about the room.

I turned my head to see a huge bed, draped in white and blue coverings, with pillows sitting at the headrest. Sitting on the bed was a woman, someone I recognized.

My heart sank even lower as I quickly found myself regressing into a little child when she looked up at me with her deep violet eyes. A warm and welcoming smile rose on her lips as they curled upwards. Her mouth moved wordlessly, but I could faintly make out what she was saying.

I pray you a safe journey home, my most precious creation. But for now…rest. May your dreams be sweet and gentle.

She then began to slip away as I felt myself being pulled back. I left her room and soon the Estate slipped out my vision.

A tear rolled down my cheeks, as my grip tightened around the hands that which held mine. Rachel, I thought to myself, I’m coming home. Tomorrow was coming soon and would be here faster with each passing second. The sea breeze gently kissed my cheeks, as if it too was saying goodbye. My body and mind then fully succumbed to the pull of sleep.

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