Old Promises, New Mysteries: Book 2 of The Kinstone series

Chapter 41: Mie

The three of us all sat on the train together, with me watching the countryside fly past us. I remembered traveling to Kyoto with Rachel and instantly loving the idea of less and less civilization. Naturally I had my camera out taking pictures whenever I could.

Of all the ways of traveling I had encountered, nothing really beats traveling by train. Sure, flying through the air as a dragon or swimming in the ocean as a mermaid are also among my top favorites.

But when it came to being on land, train was by far the best, definitely better than driving yourself. You really get the chance to see the scenery around you and appreciate it.

I peered out in the distance and saw mountains rising into the sky as soft billowy clouds rolled over them. From their bases, long sprawling fields and forests spanned the landscape.

When I scanned the train, I found it odd that no one seemed to mind the fact that a large black dog was riding along with us. So it made me wonder if the fellow passengers were even human.

Our destination lied south of Tokyo, heading towards the Mie prefecture. While it had been nearly two years since I was last here, I could still remember the turnoff that led towards Kyoto. Part of me really felt a draw towards the city, maybe having due to the kitsune part of me.

Japan has always possessed such a strong tie to the spirit world, which sort of reminded me of the fae realms in the British Isles. Something about both regions made me think that somehow fae and yokai were connected due to being spirits themselves in some fashion. It really was mostly speculation in all honesty. But still makes you think.

With every stop, the number of passengers grew smaller and smaller. It was only during one of the stops that Yukari actually slipped off of the train, soon returning with a few bento boxes she had purchased.

One would’ve thought that those of stature wouldn’t resort to buying such things. You have to remember that wealth and status don’t always have to determine how you go about in the world.

I really didn’t know what life this woman had led, or how she obtained the status she holds now. While it was obvious she was of nobility, something about her screamed a humble and simple upbringing. Only later she took her place in society, becoming one of the most respected and well-known yokai in Japan.

In the end it all didn’t matter to me. What did was that she was going to be my one of my teachers and was a dear friend to my mother.

The scenery then changed once I caught the glimmer of shining water off in the distance. My eyes grew wide at the sight of the ocean. I turned to look at Yukari, who in turn smiled broadly at me. Where I was going to staying would be along the coastline. This really excited me.

As much as I love Tokyo, being able to enjoy the Japanese countryside has been an absolute major wish of mine. Far from the sprawling cities and towering buildings, away from the hustle and bustle of traffic, just experiencing the natural state of a nation, this is what I had also been wanting for so long.

Our stop finally came up, being also the last stop of the line. I really like that idea, the last stop to nowhere. I hoisted my travel case onto my back and looked around as I stood on the platform.

The sun hung high above, shining brightly, making me shield my eyes with my hand. The air was warm and humid. In the distance were sprawling forests and roaming tall hills, with the odd building.

A grin rose on my face as the sea breeze brushed against my face, smelling the ocean which it carried with. Yukari looked to me, “Ready?”

I smiled to her, “Ready.” The three of us then stepped down off the platform and headed off along the simple dirt road.

Few words can truly express how at home I felt. This isn’t the kitsune within me talking, but home as in the Estate. I wasn’t feeling homesick or anything, this place filling that hole in my heart.

If I ever had the desire to, I wouldn’t mind living here. Far from civilization, out in the country, just simply living. But home was still home, not matter how at peace I felt.

My choice to wear hiking boots turned out to be the correct one. Otherwise my feet would be screaming at me. The roads swerved, dipped, and rose the more we walked along it. My calves felt as though they were on fire.

This was completely different than walking through the Estate. Granted my walks were often much, much shorter than this. Either way, I’m really enjoying the walk.

The area around me was calm apart from the rustling of trees as they swayed in the wind. To my right I could see the forested hills rising high. The sounds of a stream could be heard down to my left, which then was seen to flow into a small river down from us.

Along the sides of the road leading into the hills were stone brick walls, holding back the forest. For a brief moment my thoughts drew me back to Rough Hollow back in Texas, with sloping valleys.

The ocean could still be seen in the distance. Another part of me, the mermaid, felt drawn to go swimming in it. You really forge a connection to a place when you actually take the time to walk in it.

Feeling the hardness of the ground beneath your feet, listening to the sounds of the trees, and having the breeze kiss your face. You truly can come to love anywhere if you take the time to experience it firsthand.

Cradled in the hills was the sight of a small village, really small. I looked to Yukari who gave me a warm smile. I gazed back onto the village, which now appeared to be a mix of traditional and modern construction. My curiosity grew even more about it.

As predicted, Fenris did indeed kneel down, having assumed his real form once he noticed that my legs were growing tired. I laughed softly, shaking my head.

It’s funny how you can run for several miles early in the morning, spar with a dragon, and swim in the deep ocean, and not feel anything. Yet it’s the simple act of hiking through a completely different terrain that can completely wipe you out. Funny how life is sometimes.

The wolf motioned for me to climb onto his back. Reluctantly I did, with Yukari turning to scold him for spoiling me. He smirkingly snorted towards her as he rose to his feet and started back down the path. My case rested heavily against my back, but it wasn’t anything I couldn't handle. My bonded could care less how much weight sat upon him.

Our path then turned, coming to the scene of stairs leading upwards into the hills. Yukari led us up the stairs. I climbed off of Fenris’ back, much to his unwillingness. I held onto the wolf’s fur as a way to comfort him.

Despite acting like some big gruff and protective father-figure, the big wolf always loved it when I rode on him, and didn’t like it when I slid off his back. My fingers dug deeply into his fur, scratching at his bare skin. The wolf groaned happily at my touch.

It was then that I realized that we hadn’t encountered a single person upon arriving at the train station. I looked up to Yukari. “Okay…I know you won’t have any servants at your home, but where is everyone? I would’ve thought that we’d at least pass by someone.”

She smiled to me, “The villagers don’t always come this far. Those who do, often come to take the train to the nearby city for any number of reasons. Another, and this is by far the most important reason, is because the village below is home to yokai and humans.”

I looked to her, “Are you serious?”

She nodded, “That is correct. In fact the entire region is a haven for yokai and has been for well over three hundred years. The village has grown since I was last here, and now tends to attract the occasional tourist from the neighboring prefectures and even a few foreigners find their way here. The main draw is the Inari temple, dedicated to one of the chief deities of the region. One of whom I have personally met.”

My jaw dropped, “You…you met a god?”

The kitsune chuckled, “That I have my dear, one who might actually enjoy meeting you if given the opportunity.”

My gaze wandered back to the front. “Wow.”

Yukari chuckled again, “Although I highly doubt such a meeting would ever take place. He often becomes rather entrenched in his divine duties and tends to remain in the spirit world.”

I nodded, “So, where is Asha's home?"

She smiled, “Her home isn’t all that far from where mine is. Roughly five miles further west in fact.”

A soft grin rose on my face, “That’s good to hear.”

The kitsune nodded in return, “Indeed.”

A question then popped into my head, “So if you two are basically from the same town, does that mean y’all are part of the same faction?”

She shook her head, “Not exactly, but regardless, it doesn’t matter.”

I smiled, “So I also take it that I don’t have to hide anything about me right? Including Fenris?”

She laughed, “No dear. You and your bonded are free to be in whichever form you desire.” I giggled, fighting the urge to transform into a kitsune.

The path finally ended with the sight of a rather decently sized house which sat within a small clearing. It appeared to be a two-story home with sliding doors dotted all over, with what appeared to be a porch that overlooked the hillside, and further beyond…the ocean.

The ocean wasn’t that far away, more than likely about a twenty or twenty-five minute walk. I could see a path leading directly to it, so it made me think about sneaking down and going for a swim at some point.

The three of us then approached the house, at which I could now see the second floor. The first floor alone couldn’t have been any bigger than my old house in Madison minus the bedrooms and garage.

The outer doors were paned with glass and the back of the house sat upon a stone and brick foundation. Now I really did feel like I was at Shigure’s house. I couldn’t help but smile.

Yukari then pulled out a key from her pocket and slid it into the door unlocking it. A puff of dust then escaped from inside, blasting me in the face, causing us to cough, swatting it away.

“It really has been a long time since I last was here,” she said as more dust flew from inside.

Giggling, swatting away the dust from my face. “So I take the first thing on list of things to clean house right?”

She chuckled, “That would be correct. But let’s get inside first and settle in.”

I nodded, walking onto the stone entryway, quickly taking off my shoes and placing them before the first step into the house. Yukari smiled to me, “I see you already understand proper etiquette when dealing with Japanese homes.”

“Watching anime really helps,” I said grinning.

The woman shook her head, “Of course it does,” smirking softly.

The further we walked inside, the more dust we encountered. The tatami mats kicked up more dust with every step we took, making my eyes water from it. Fenris slipped into a flurry of sneezing fits, which forced him to stop for a moment and summon a tiny whirlwind, channeling the airborne dust outside, a small start to our eventual cleaning mission.

Yukari then opened a pair of sliding doors, which revealed a small living room, complete with table, dressers, and a really old TV. I looked to her, “You have a TV here?”

She laughed, “I do. I often return here whenever I wish to escape the tiresome woes of factional politics. But I could have sworn I had this place renovated and cleaned prior to our arrival. Odd.”

I placed my belongings next to hers, seeing a kitchen and that it had been cleaned. I slid open the doors, seeing brand new appliances. The soft hum of the fridge told me that power was still running throughout the house.

“Well, maybe we just have to clean some parts of the house.”

Yukari wandered in, examining the kitchen, “I would agree,” she then stepped into an adjacent hallway.

I heard the loud flipping of a switch. With it the darkness was replaced with blinding light. I pulled open the fridge, seeing it stocked with fresh food.

The cupboards also were stocked with dishes and more food. I walked over to what I thought to be the pantry, inside was yet again, more food.

I let out a loud sneeze as the floating dust was starting to really get to me.

Leaving the kitchen, I walked back into the living room and pulled open the sliding doors, encountering a hallway and more sliding doors. I opened those as well, letting the dust fly outside.

A warm breeze blew against me and with it the scent of the ocean below. The deck wrapped around the house, with the sight of outer walls with a few more sliding doors. I stood there for a moment, gazing outwards. This was going to be my home for the next couple of months.

Yukari appeared beside me, also gazing outwards. “I’d forgotten how beautiful this place was. I remember when I would stay here with my family.”

I looked up at her, “They’re gone too aren’t they?”

She smiled, “My siblings still live, but our parents did indeed pass on some time long before your birth.” I nodded, looking back out onto the ocean.

She then placed her hand onto my shoulder, looking to me, “Why don’t I show you to your room and after that, we tidy up this place?”

I smiled up at her. “Sounds good to me.” We smiled at each, turning back into the house.

I picked up my things and followed after Yukari, who led me up the stairs opposite to the kitchen. The second floor only possessed three rooms and small open space. She motioned me to one of the rooms and opened it.

It was smaller than my bedroom at my old apartment, perfect. It was empty aside from a closet, dresser, and table. I could smell the scent of seawater coming from the window.

I walked over to it and opened the shutter, gazing out onto the water below. I smiled broadly, staring out onto it once more. But then turned and started to look around the room, seeing a few modern additions, such as electrical outlets.

I pulled out my phone, seeing that I did in fact have full service. So I’m not completely cut off from the rest of the world. But having service is not what’s important; being able to get on the internet is not why I’m here. I was here to learn more being a yokai.

I then set about cleaning my room. Yukari brought up a vacuum to me. I smiled, running it over the tatami mats. I then pulled out the futon from the closet and aired it out over the balcony, beating the dust from it. It was going to have to be washed. No way am I going to be sleeping on a dust-filled futon.

The walls were caked-in dust and were going to take a long time to clean by hand. So I took the cheater’s route and transform into a kitsune.

A sharp tingle crawled into my body. The transformation, while having long since becoming like second-nature, now felt different, far more natural. It’s as though I had come home or something. Perhaps being that I was a kitsune in Japan now made it feel like I was a part of the land itself.

A smile rose on my face, this was going to be extremely different than anything I had ever experienced before. But before I could lose myself in reveling in the moment, the room still needed to be cleaned.

I placed a rag into each tail and dipped them into a bucket of water, wiping down every surface until clean. It then dawned on me that this was the first time being a kitsune while in Japan. A spark of gleeful pride swelled within me, as well as a massive grin on my face.

When I had finished, I headed out of my room and went to find Yukari. I left the window open to continue airing it out.

The house needed a lot of love…a lot of love.

It took us a few hours to get the place spick-and-span. I cleaned the floors, windows, and dusted everything I could find. Fenris helped us as well, providing a gentle whirlwind which helped kick out most of the loose dust, sending it outside.

It felt good to clean the house, not simply because I was going to be living there for a couple months. I had essentially been living a rather pampered lifestyle while on the Estate. I never really took advantage of my status, opting to help wherever I could.

Okay…not entirely true. I do love pulling pranks on everyone and will shirk off from my studies from time to time. But I still am the child of someone of status. So this serves as a great reminder of when I didn’t live on the Estate.

It’s kind of nice to be a normal girl once more. So part of my training is to just simply live, if you want to call it training at this point.

When the cleaning was complete, Yukari and I set about making us some dinner. Using a rice cooker for the first time was a bit of a challenge, having never used one before. I watch carefully as she prepared the miso soup, cutting up the tofu and stewing it carefully.

I felt like a child, watching her mother in the kitchen, observing every little detail of her motions. The kitchen filled with smells of grilled fish, soup on the stove, and rice cooking.

In that moment, I forgot that I’m here to learn, and lost myself in the fantasy that this really was my home. With a turn of the woman before me, I could’ve sworn that I saw Rachel standing there, but then snapped back to reality, knowing that it wasn’t.

I looked over to Fenris, who was lying down on the floor in the living room, head up watching me. I smiled to him, wondering if having the massive wolf hunting in the forest would become an issue. Knowing him, he won’t leave much evidence of his presence here.

We sat in the living room, enjoying our first dinner in the house. My eyes swooned with each bite I took. The fish practically melted the moment it touched my lips. The soup was sweet and bitter; tasting fresher and way better than anywhere I had ever had it before.

So this was a traditional Japanese meal. To be fair, I had enjoyed it before when Rachel and I first came to the country. So this was a taste of what I was to expect. Just simple living. Awesome.

The door to the living room remained open, giving us a perfect view of the ocean. The sky had turned to the color of soft burning amber, seeing the sun setting over the horizon. Its dying light shimmered over the water.

A soft smile rose on my lips, watching the trees sway against the breeze. If it weren’t for the fact that I loved the Estate more the anywhere in the world, I could actually see myself living here.

After we cleaned up the dishes, we returned to the living room. Fenris lied curled up on the floor, which I then took advantage of and curled up into his side. He laid his head beside me, swishing his tails softly, allowing a gentle chill to settle over me.

Yukari smiled, taking a sip of sake. “Would like to now know of what plans we have in store for you Aria-chan?”

My ears perked up, turning to looking at her. A smile rose on my face, “Sure.”

She smiled, “Well…for starters, Asharyume and I won’t bore you with the history or lore of either of our races. I believe we have supplied you with enough material to last you quite a while.” I grinned, knowing that I still have a lot to go over once I got home.

“While here, you learn through living. Yokai live as any other being does. So part of your time here is to just be a normal child. I will teach you magic, but it will not be the rigorous sessions you are used to. I leave that to your mother.”

I giggled, nodding softly.

“You will also travel to the village below, observing and interacting with its people, watching how yokai live and work. In time I will also teach you the spiritual practices of the kitsune. There is so much to teach you and I wish I had more time to do so.” A sly grin then rose on her face, “You have to admit, you were growing bored of just reading all of those books weren’t you?”

I grinned back to her, “Yeah.”

She chuckled, taking another sip, “It's not quite the same simply reading about something when compared to being taught in person.”

I nodded to her, “It’s one of the main reasons why I’ve been waiting so long to come back.”

She smiled softly, setting down her cup, “Well…you’re here now, and we having been looking forward to this for just as long as you have.”

I smiled, “So…will I be human during this time or be yokai?”

Yukari leaned forward onto the table, her hair turned snowy white, with nine long bushy fox tails emerging from behind her, with large ears atop her head, “That I will leave up to you. But I suspect you will choose being a yokai.”

My cheeks flushed a soft warm pink.

This is another thing I had wanted to do for a long time. While home, I would transform into any of the other races I was able to, but often reverted to a human for any number of reasons.

I could never really lose myself to either of my forms, the necklace was one safeguard. It acted like a gatekeeper to all of the mana within me, which overtime had completely infused into my body. To be honest, it now would only manifest when I’d transform.

The mana that most would detect within me was either my human self, or my kitsune, being that I held the strongest connection to. Getting back on topic, this was a great chance to be a kitsune every day or ryujin, learning everyday about each form and living as such.

I wrapped my tails around me, hugging them tightly to my chest. Yukari smiled, “It would appear what you mother told me about you is true. You really have become a kitsune in every way.”

My smile widened as my cheeks burned brightly. One of her tails then stretched out, reaching for me. I did the same, wrapping mine around hers. This was a form of affection between kitsune, sort of like a hug.

“There is something else I need to correct with you.”

My head tilted, ears standing straight up. “Ok…don’t remember you telling me something wrong.”

She smiled, “Well…it turns out that I did. When you first transformed, I truly was shocked to see the number of tails you possessed. I had initially attributed it to your magical potential, which wasn’t entirely accurate. I also knew of your affinity for foxes, but never realized how innately strong it was. This was further exemplified when I heard you would transform when you were relaxed or woke up to the transformation.”

My ears craned straight, “So…then there was also the night when I learned that family was killed. My power went out of control and I grew my eighth tail.”

Yukari nodded, “Yes, I remember. You possess an unprecedented affinity for your form. It is extremely uncommon for one so young to possess this number of tails. I believe that you could in fact grow your ninth rather quickly, but it would require some sort of event in order for you to do so.”

My head tilted, “Like what?”

She shook her head, “I do not know. Only time will tell. But what I do know is that I will forever be here to help you whenever the time comes. And it will be a glorious event. The birth of a nine-tailed kitsune is a time of rejoicing.” I blushed even more, stroking my tails.

She chuckled, “But let us not dwell on such things just yet. You still have to learn what it means to be kitsune first.”

I giggled, “Yep.”

Yukari grinned, “Something else I know for a fact is that you will more than likely wish to swim in the ocean.”

My ears flattened, “Will I be able to?”

She nodded, “Of course you will. I for one am quite curious to see you as a mermaid.”

A bashful grin rose on my face. I really hoped the gossip was able to make the trip here, would’ve been amazing to see them. But it really was too far for them to travel.

Nerazon was actually in the Atlantic. So…no dice. This will also be the first time being a mermaid away from home, and not including my trips to the sunken city. I curled up tighter into the Fenris, raking my slender fingers through his fur.

The sun had finally set beneath the horizon, casting one last fiery glow as it died. I should be grateful that it didn’t shine directly into the living or my room for that matter. My gaze was still set on the open forest below and the ocean beyond.

The sky above slowly turned from amber to darkening blue. This gradual transition only served to drag the long ignored fatigue from the trip here to the surface. I slowly found it difficult to keep my eyes open, resting against a massive ball of fluff.

Yukari leaned over to me, “You should go and head onto bed. It's been a long day and tomorrow is when we begin.”

I nodded to her, groaning as I forced myself onto my feet, staggering just for a moment. I folded my tails into one and let out a soft yawn. Turning to Yukari, I smiled to her, giving the woman a bow with my head, “Goodnight Miss Yukari.”

She smiled, “Goodnight Aria-chan, and do give your mother a call. I'm certain she’s quite anxious to hear from you.

I grinned softly, “I will,” bowing my head to her once more before disappearing out of the room and up the stairs.

I pushed open the door to my room and hauled the futon from the windowsill, placing it onto the floor. I knelt down onto the mats and opened my travel case, taking out a pair of pajamas.

I then closed the window with one of my tails as I changed out of my clothes. Setting them aside, I pulled out a cover and my pillow, setting both onto the mattress.

Fenris had curled himself opposite of me, possibly waiting to come closer once I fell asleep. I gave him a glancing smile, still happy to have him here with me.

Once my bed was made, I leaned over into my backpack and pulled out my phone. I turned it back on and dialed home. a few short rings later, I heard the line finally pick up.


I giggled, “Hey Rachel. Just wanted to give you a call and tell you that we made it here.”

“I am so overjoyed to hear that my love. It goes without saying how much I miss you, and it’s only been a few days since you left.”

I nodded. “Yeah, doesn’t feel like it a lot of time has passed. But here I am and oh god Rachel this place is amazing. I just love it out here in Mie.”

She chuckled softly. “Yukari and I wondered how quickly you would come to fall in love with the area.”

I grinned, “Oh, speaking of missing me, how’s Silvi? I know she must be going out of her mind by this point.”

“Well of course I am, little hatchling.”

I grinned broadly, “Hey Silvi.”

I heard a huff come from the phone. “I still can’t believe I wasn’t there to see you off. The weed nearly tied me down with her vines just to keep me from flying to you.”

I giggled loudly, “You would’ve stopped me from leaving.”

“Of course I would have.”

I giggled once more.

A silence then settled on the line, though the sounds of hushed whispers filtered through the earpiece. “Well Little Wing. Your mother is telling me that I should let you get some sleep. You take care and we’ll talk later all right?”

I nodded, “All right. Love you sis.”

“Love you too, Little Wing. Here’s your mother.”

I grinned softly as my thoughts then wandered to the twins. They were probably missing me just as much has Silvi. They were among a lot of people who didn’t get to see me off, which made me feel somewhat homesick. But I knew I’d get to see them again just before the start of June. So I had that to look forward to.


“I’m here Rachel.”

“Good. Now I want you to relax and enjoy yourself. I am quite certain that Yukari has told you some of the plans both she and Asharyume have for you.”

I nodded, “She has.”

“Good. Speaking of which have you seen her since you arrived in Mie?”

I curled my tails around me, shaking my head, “Not yet, and I’ve heard she doesn’t live too far from here.”

“Well I’m sure that will change quite soon. Now, you should go ahead and get some sleep young lady. It surely has been a long day for you and you require all of the rest you can muster.”

I giggled. “Yes Ma’am.”

“Good girl. Have a good night and know that I love you my precious girl.”

I blushed softly, smiling. “Love you too Rachel, night.”

“Goodnight my love.”

The call then ended.

I placed the phone onto the mat and lied down onto the mattress. Fenris then rose from where he was and turned off the light. The massive wolf lied down beside me, pulled the covers over me. I grinned at him, seeing how he basically was tucking me in. My hand stretched out to his fur, stroking it softly. His ice-blue eyes pierced the gentle darkness that now had settled over the room.

A yawn then came out from me as my own eyes started to grow heavy, until sleep finally took me. My first night of living here in Japan had finally come to a close and I couldn’t have been happier.

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