Old Promises, New Mysteries: Book 2 of The Kinstone series

Chapter 40: Return to Japan

Part IV

The plane had to make two stops in order to refuel and allow the pilots to rest. The first being in L.A. I had only been to California once, and that was a really long time ago to San Francisco. So being in southern California is a little different for me.

I looked out onto LAX and watched as dozens of planes take off and land in perfect order. It was a lot like Dulles. But instead of getting off the plane, I merely sat there in the quiet.

Rather than letting myself get dragged into boredom, I texted Mandy, saying I was in her neck of the woods. I could practically hear the girl squealing in her text. She asked if we could call or if possible meet up.

I wish that I could, even with a two-hour layover; there just wasn’t enough time to. Plus there’s the fact that she lives on the other side of town. So not going to happen, as much as I wanted to.

We settled on calling each other. She was on her lunch period at school and had some time to herself. I wanted to see her, having Jenn over was amazing, and was a great reconnect with my friends, but I wanted to see everyone. Okay…I might be a little selfish in that wish, but it’s the truth.

We talked about how my semester ended, with me leaving out my last talk with Chris. I learned that her family is planning to head out to Colorado during her spring break.

She went on and on about the chance to go skiing. I giggled when I teased her about making sure not to fall on her face or cause an avalanche. I imagined her pouting on the other side, shooting back about me to watch my tails if those “boys” start showing up.

I blushed softly. But we both giggled loudly. Mandy then said she had to head to her next class and it was great hearing from me. I told her the same, and ended the call. I leaned back into my seat, again waiting for the plane to start up once more.

The next stop was in Honolulu. This time I actually had a little more time to get out, if only for a couple hours. We landed in a private field far from the main airport.

I stepped out of the plane and was instantly met with a rush of salty air. Being that we are now in early-morning as opposed to the mid-afternoon back in Texas, the sun was just now barely hazing over the horizon.

I stood on the tarmac, letting the warm ocean breeze rush against me. I turned to see the plane still being fueled up. A hard sigh left me. I wanted to get something from the island, just a souvenir. Looking to Fenris, who was standing next to me, I leaned into his ear, and asking if he could take me to a volcano.

The wolf glared at me. I giggled, stating all I wanted was some black sand. His tails shook, softly swatting the ground, until he finally agreed. He then lowered his body, allowing me to crawl onto his back. Once secure, I turned to the flight crew, telling them I’d be right back.

Now…normally Rachel would scold the hell out of me if she were there and had gone off on my own. Without a doubt I was more than likely in store for one at some point. But having Fenris with me, I thought that I could possibly dodge the bullet.

Hey, look on the bright side, this is a chance for both Fenris and I to get out and stretch our legs before having to cross the rest of the Pacific Ocean. So take your chances when they reveal themselves to you.

We didn’t take too long. In fact we arrived at a volcano park that was not all that far from the airfield, possibly ten miles away. And with Fenris, it only took us less than twenty minutes to race across the island, granted it would’ve been faster if I flew there myself as a dragon.

But that would be a really bad idea, seeing how populated the island is. But with my wolf, he could easily shield us from anyone by cloaking us in shadow.

We headed down the beach on the downward slope. A massive grin rose on my face, seeing the pitch-black sand. I pulled out a small vial and scooped some up into it. Not sure what I was going to do with it, but was cool to have regardless.

I crawled back onto Fenris and pulled out my phone, taking a picture of the shoreline, catching a bit of the sun in it. Putting my phone away, patted my bonded and we then ran off the beach to return to the plane.

I quickly boarded it once I got back. The pilot informed me that my mother wasn’t entirely pleased with my venturing off, but was thankful I was smart enough to have Fenris go with me. So definitely dodged a major bullet with my decision.

I retook my seat, still clutching onto my bag. The plane was nearly refueled and the flight crew had had the chance to rest for the final leg of the flight.

A funny thought then entered into my mind…I hadn’t eaten anything since I left home. I definitely am going to have to correct that oversight once back in the air.

My body settled into my seat, listening the plane slowly come back to life. The old knot I was feeling earlier began to coil within my stomach again. It nearly made me wonder that if I was going to eat something that I might simply puke it back up. I pushed the thought aside as the plane started to pull down the runway.

I pulled out my phone and texted everyone, telling then that I was now entering the final leg of my trip to Japan. Again, the responses were filled with well-wishes and prayers for a safe journey. Even Rachel, while clearly still upset with me, hoped that I would be safe. Marron was the last to respond.

Take care Baby Ahri. Hope you enjoy yourself in Japan. Still miss you tons and can’t wait to see pictures of you while there.

I giggled, glad that my camera was with me. As the plane began to rush down the runway, I placed the phone beside me, feeling myself sinking in the seat as we ascended back into the air. I peered out the window, watching the ocean slowly engulf all I saw.

Just a few more hours and I will be in Japan. A broad smile stretched across my face. Now I really couldn’t wait to get there.

I leaned over to the wall, hitting a button, which revealed a cache of books. This was a fresh batch from when I flew to Dulles. I pulled one from the shelf and opened it, quickly losing myself within it pages. Time would pass much quicker with the turning of each new page.

The plane tussled softly, causing me to open my eyes. I couldn’t really tell you where I was, but what was clear was that my stomach really was aching for some food. I unbuckled myself and rose from my seat, slowly making my way to the kitchenette.

I pulled open the mini fridge and examined it contents. A gentle smirk was wrested from me as it was stocked it anything I possibly could want. I reached in and grabbed a couple of items, and started the stove.

Fenris was already sitting a just a few feet from me, looking like a hungry dog, complete with wagging tails. I giggled to him, eyeing some familiar looking cubes. I tossed one at him, which contained a full-sized deer. The wolf snatched the deer and dragged it into my shadow.

I cut up some veggies and meat and made a small stir fry. To be honest I made a little too much, okay…way too much. I just kept adding more and more food to the pan. Before I knew it, I had enough food to feed Silvi. I giggled, scooping some onto plates.

Turning to face the cockpit, I knocked on the door, and to which I was greeted by the copilot. I offered both a plate, to which they accepted. I leaned back against the door frame as we both ate.

When he had finished, the copilot retook his seat with the pilot then pulling back and I handed him his plate. I peered out the front of the cockpit, seeing that the sky was nearly pitch-black.

Every passing moment drew me closer and closer back to Japan. When the pilot had finished, he handed me his plate and I took all three to the sink and cleaned them off. Both men thanked me for the meal, which also was meant as an apology for just rushing off like I did in Hawaii. He smiled, echoing the sentiment Rachel had with my decision to not go alone.

I giggled, blushing as I dried off the plates. He nodded to me and returned into the cockpit. Putting away the dishes, I returned to my seat, pulling the book back into my lap and opened it.

I felt a soft nudging of my arm. My eyes opened, looking over to see the pilot kneeling beside me. “We’re about to land Young Miss.”

I nodded, groaning as my body stretched. “Thank you.” He smiled, slowly getting up and returned to the cockpit. I craned my head over to the window, pulling up the shade.

The sun was now hovering in the sky. I had flown over so many time zones I lost track of what time it actually was. Now the major downside to flying as much I had, aside from obvious soon-to-be onset of jetlag, was the fact that I was going to have to reorient myself.

Look, the flight is stupidly long and I was going to need a chance to get my feet back onto the ground. So I have no idea of what to expect the moment I landed. Rachel said that Yukari was going to be there waiting for me at the airport, that was good. But after that…who knows. I just needed a sec to recharge.

I leaned forward in my seat, feeling my back pop, almost ripping. A furred face brushed against my leg. I looked over to see Fenris staring up at me. Smiling back to him, my hand reached over and stroked him behind his ear.

“Thanks for coming with Papa Wolf.”

My bonded’s lips curled back into a gentle smile, “You are welcome, little Aria.”

I leaned over and kissed his wet black nose, this made his tails wag, beating softly against the seats. I giggled, hearing them thump. My eyes then caught the sight of ships floating out in the distance and beyond them was the coastline of Japan. I was now ever closer to my destination.

The plane gradually descended lower and lower, seeing more buildings come into view. I watched as distant planes took off from an unseen airport.

I still couldn’t believe that it had almost been two years since I first visited Japan. So much had happened since then and now I was back, coming to live and train here, if ever so briefly.

The ground slowly grew closer and closer until the plane gently shook with our landing. I heard the tires roaring down the runway. My hands gripped the armrests tightly, feeling that knot growing in my stomach. To say I was nervous would be the understatement of the century.

The plane finally came to rest. A few moments later, the pilot came out of the cockpit, with the cabin door opening a moment later.

He held out his hand to me, “Welcome to Japan Young Miss, and we thank you for flying with us.”

I smiled, taking his hand, “Thank you and for bringing me here.”

He nodded, gently pulling me up from my seat. My eyes peered over to Fenris, who already was standing up, and in the guise of a large dog. I leaned over and grabbed a collar, looping it around his neck. Still hated the fact that I had to do it, but he didn’t mind it.

Clipping the leash onto it, I turned and gathered up my things, which to my surprise had made quite the mess. I blushed, quickly cleaning up after myself.

The pilot stepped over to the opening and stood by it. I hoisted my satchel over my shoulder. Grabbing my backpack, I then spun around and head for the exit.

“We pray you a safe and happy time here Young Miss.”

I giggled, looking up at him, “Same here.” We nodded to each and I headed out and down the stairs.

The area around me was filled with the rushed and hurried sounds of planes roaring into the sky and landing. The sky was clear with few clouds hovering overhead. The sun itself shone brightly, making me put the hat back onto my head.

My eyes scanned the surrounding area, quickly spotting a dark-haired woman standing by a long car, cellphone pressed against her ear.

A broad grin rose on my face as I hurried down the stairs and made a quick march over to her. The woman smiled greatly, putting away her phone, and opened her arms to me.

I instantly leapt into her, hugging her tightly, “Hey Miss Yukari.”

She smiled, squeezing me against her body, “Welcome back to Japan Aria-chan. Five months simply was far too long to see you once more.” I giggled softly, looking up at her.

The kitsune’s hand gently stroked my hair. Her dark “human” eyes twinkled as they gazed into mine. “It is so good to see you, and I know for certain that Asharyume also shares my sentiments.”

I grinned, looking around her, “Is she here?”

Yukari shook her head, still smiling to me, “No, she awaits us in the park, having found the perfect spot.”

My grin stretched from ear to ear, “I cannot believe that I get to go to a sakura viewing party.”

She chuckled, “Your mother expressed the same feelings. Given how much you love Japanese culture. We thought this to be the perfect gift for your first day here.”

I giggled and nodded, “Beyond perfect.”

She smiled once more, eyeing Fenris, “And a good day to you, good Sir.”

The wolf nodded to her, “And to you as well, Lady Fox.

She smiled turning us towards the car, letting me slip inside first, followed by Fenris, and finally herself. I sat anxiously, feeling the knot in my stomach unravel somewhat. Yukari then tapped on the floorboard, signaling the driver to pull us away.

As the car drove on, I watched as the plane slowly grew smaller. It would be two and half months before I’d ever be here again. But I knew that a lot was about to start and I was anxious to begin.

The car drove through downtown Tokyo, with cars and buildings passing us by. I sat on my knees, peering out the window, my eyes darting from side to side, absorbing everything I could. People walked along the sidewalks, some were adults but with the occasional gaggle of students.

I giggled to myself, imaging that I too was walking down those same streets dressed in a school uniform. I didn’t even realize that I had transformed into a kitsune as my tails started to wag with every passing moment.

A chuckle rose from Yukari, “So what you mother spoke of is true. You do transform when either you’re truly relaxed or extremely happy.”

I blushed, looking at her, seeing my pinkish hair, “Oops…n-no one can see me right?”

“That is correct little one," said Yukari, smiling to me. "I had this car enchanted specifically in case something like this was to happen.”

I merged my tails into the appearance of a single one, but turned to gaze back out onto the street, still wagging it. The woman chuckled more, “You truly are a child.”

A grin rose on my face, “Yep…and proud of it.” She smiled, continuing to watch me.

I then eyed the sight of a familiar hotel, being that it was same one that Rachel and I stayed at during our first trip here. So many memories played in my mind as fresh as if I were experiencing them all over again. While our trip to England was our first overseas, Japan held infinitely greater meaning for me.

It was the longest we had ever spent together, and I was able to pretty much live out every fantasy I held as an anime fan. I got to attend a summer shrine festival, dressed in my first ever yukata, visit Akihabara (which was how I met Asha after she had me pretty much kidnapped), met my first real-life kitsune, and finished it all off by visiting Kyoto.

I had long wanted to come back, and now here I was, back in the country I had come to idolize.

A furred tail reached across my face, caressing it gently. I turned to see Yukari, smiling gently to me, but still appearing human. I giggled, stroking the pure-white tail. “It’s been a long time since I’ve felt that."

She smiled, “In time it might become commonplace.” She then looked me over, “But I for one am amazed at your progress in managing your form as you are now.”

My cheeks blush a soft pink, feeling warm, “Took me most of last summer to perfect it.” She leaned back into her seat, withdrawing her tail.

I returned to gazing out onto the streets. My heart leapt within my chest as I saw the entrance to the shrine where Rachel and I attended the festival. I had come full-circle in a way, first as a tourist and now as a student.

A few minutes later the car came to stop at the entrance to a large park. Trees lined every inch of a stone brick wall, covered in a light pink flower petals. My grin stretched even broader across my face, feeling it actually starting to hurt a little.

Yukari leaned over and reached to open the door. I quickly spun around and reverted back into a human, clenching my backpack. She smiled to me, pushing open the door, and climbed out. I followed suit, with Fenris right behind me.

The air felt warm with a gentle breeze brushing against me. I quickly pulled out my camera and started taking pictures.

Yukari peered down at me, “We should hurry. Asharyume is waiting for us, and is quite eager to see you.” I smiled, nodding to her. The three of us then entered into the park.

Trees lined each side of the walkway, all filled with pinkish petals. I watched as the tree branches swayed with the wind, causing some of the petals to break off and float away. Hundreds of people were already sitting under several of the trees on large blankets. Many had open baskets and were eating and drinking.

I knew it was a little early for the sakura to be blooming, seeing how it’s often in April, but nature can be weird at times. But I didn’t care, I’m seeing them now.

We continued to walk deeper and deeper into the park, seeing more and more people all around us. At the very center of the park sat a tall, long dark-haired woman, easily towering over some of the people surrounding her.

She sat under a large blooming tree, with her own large wrapped stack of boxes. She smiled greatly to me, standing up. While appearing human, the one feature that was clearly visible stating that she was in fact not was her golden eyes. I grinned, running to her.

I flung myself into her arms, hugging the woman tightly, “It’s great to see you Asha.”

The woman wrapped her arm around me tightly, holding my body close to hers, “You as well Aria-chan. It’s been far too long.”

My face buried itself into her chest, and then peered up at her, “So this is what you look like as a human.”

She grinned, “That I do. I will admit that I still am far too obvious in certain respects.”

I giggled, “You look fine Asha.”

The ryujin grinned, sitting us down onto the large blanket. Yukari and Fenris soon joined us, with the latter lying down beside me. I gazed out onto the crowd, listening to the subtle ramblings of everyone else in the park.

Asha then looked to me, “I bet you’re hungry, given that long flight.”

I nodded, “I am. I did make something while in the air. That was a few hours ago, so I definitely am super hungry.”

She grinned, leaning over and unwrapping the box. She then pulled the four-tiered box, revealing, fried omelets, stewed vegetables, seared meats, and a full tray of rice. Behind her sat a dark bottle with what I assumed to be sake. I giggled, eyeing it.

The ryujin smirked, “You can’t have any, you’re too young.”

I laughed, seeing what appeared to be a large thermos. It’s interesting how beings such as the daiyokai before me and even my own mother, still enjoyed the simpler things in life. Sometimes simpler is better.

In the time since Rachel adopted me, I never once fell into the trap of becoming conceded or petty. I still retained a sense of humility and modesty as though still living a simple meager life.

Asha started to plate some food for me, setting some for Fenris. I smiled as I started to eat, feeling the gentle breeze brush against my face. The tree rustled softly in the wind, carrying some of the petals with it.

Yukari then leaned over and opened the thermos, pouring some of its contents into a cup and handed it to me. I smiled, taking it from her.

Leaning back, I looked up at the sky. This really was a great way to start off my time here. A petal dropped into my cup, causing me to smile. I really was happy in that moment.

We sat there for well over an hour, eating and enjoying each other’s company. I talked about my time in Italy and when I had Jenn over back in December. I was slightly hesitant to talk about my last semester at Concordia, not really sure if they’d want to hear about it. And yet they insisted that I did.

I know we stayed in contact through letters and the odd phone call, but something about talking in person just feels better. Part of me still couldn’t believe that I am actually sitting here in Japan. It feels like a dream, one I wish I’d never wake up from.

The fatigue from all of the flying slowly began to manifest itself finally, causing me to lie down on the blanket. I fought hard to stay awake, but was losing ground with each passing moment.

I felt a hand gently stroking my face, looking up to see Yukari smiling warmly to me. My body curled up tightly on the blanket, still fight back the urge to fall asleep.

The kitsune leaned in close to me, “Why don’t we adjourn for now? You need rest after your long flight.”

I nodded softly, sitting up on the blanket. Asha had already packed up the bento boxes having no leftovers, probably thanks to either Fenris or me.

We all stood up and picked up the blanket, folding it neatly. The four of us then turned and headed back for the entrance.

I staggered slightly, trying to keep myself upright, but fell to the side. Fenris quickly stepped beside me, propping me up. I smiled, holding onto him.

When we finally reached the entrance, Asha turned to me, “I shall see you soon Aria-chan. Get some rest.”

I smiled, nodding to her, “I will, promise.”

The ryujin smiled, pulling me into another hug. I hugged her tightly in return. She pulled back, looking to Yukari. Both daiyokai smiled to each other, with the ryujin then turning away and left. Yukari and I then piled back into the car and drove off.

A few minutes later we had arrived at yet another familiar building. I looked to Yukari, who smiled to me. “Tonight and tomorrow we will stay here so that you may rest before we leave.”

An eyebrow rose on my face, “Leave?”

She nodded, “Correct. You and I shall travel to the countryside so that we may conduct your training without rousing unwanted attention. As I understand it, you prefer nature as opposed to civilization.”

I smiled to her as we exited out of the car. It made sense. I highly doubt we really could do anything in the heart of one of the largest cities in the world. Plus I’d get to see the Japanese countryside once more.

We walked into the building where the men present all bowed to us. “Welcome home mistress. And welcome to you as well Little Miss.” I smiled, bowing my head in return.

Yukari leaned over, “If your bonded wishes to be in his true form, he may.”

I looked down to Fenris, who smiled to me, dropping the guise of the large dog, twin tails flowing behind him, but retaining his smaller size. I smiled in return, stroking the wolf’s fur as we drew closer to the elevators.

Once we reached the top floor, I wheeled my suitcase down the hallway, following after Yukari. We stopped in front a door, to which she opened it. “This will be your room until we leave the day after tomorrow.”

I nodded, “Thank you.”

It was a simple, but good sized room. It didn’t really have to be fancy. It had a bed, chairs, table, dresser, and TV. Pretty much all I really needed for a short stay. I rolled in my luggage and sat it next to the dresser.

Walking over to the chairs, I dropped both my satchel and backpack onto a chair, plopping myself into another, and stared out the window. I could hear the faint sounds of traffic from the street below.

The kitsune appeared next to me, taking a seat across from me, “Something on your mind little one?”

I looked up to her, giving a faint smile, “Thinking about how just twenty-four hours ago I was dealing with my last day at school, and now I’m here in Japan, about to start my training with you and Asha.”

She smiled tenderly towards me, “It is quite the turnaround. Hence why I wanted you to take the next couple of days to rest.”

I leaned back into my chair, pulling my legs into my chest, and hugging them tightly. My gaze then turned back out onto the window, feeling a giggle rise within.

She smiled, “Now what has you laughing?”

I looked back her, “Kinda had the strange feeling that you were planning to enroll me in a school while I was here.”

The kitsune laughed, “No dear. I know full well about your previous semester and wished not to subject you to further stress. Although, your mother and I did discuss it at one time.”

I giggled more, “I really don’t think I could handle a Japanese high school.”

She nodded, “They are quite rigorous in their curriculums, and it could have provided you with exposure to this nation’s culture and society. But that is not the reason why you are here.”

I nodded, “To train and live as a yokai.”

She smiled, “Correct. Not to say that is all that you will be doing here.”

I nodded, “Think I might be able to go able to go back to Akihabara?”

Yukari smiled, “Perhaps, but let us save that for near the end of your training here.”

I giggled, “I can wait. To be honest, I think I still have a few things left over from Christmas.”

The kitsune grinned, “That woman has grown into the habit of spoiling you hasn’t she.”

I giggled once more, “Oh yeah.”

Yukari slowly rose from her seat and walked over to me, “Now get some rest. I know you’ve been fighting the urge to fall asleep for some time now.”

I nodded, “I will.” She smiled softly to me, leaning over and kissed the top of my head before leave the room.

The room now sat quiet, yet peaceful. Light shone in from windows to my right and front of me. No balcony this time but who really cares. Well, seeing how nearly every other place I had stayed had one, it kinda became a constant thing. But, this was just a regular room.

I pulled myself out of the chair and wandered over to the bed. It was big, not nearly as big as mine back home, but perfect for me.

I kicked off my shoes, feeling my feet breathe for the first time in a day. My body lined up perfectly against the bed, to where I simply fell forward onto it.

A soft giggle rose from the sheets as my face burrowed into them. My body simply lied there, letting the bed conform to my body.

It felt really nice to lie down on a bed again. Granted I could’ve done the same thing while on the plane, but didn’t think about it. That was now all in the past and in the present I just wanted to sleep. I had a full belly but a tired mind.

My eyes grew heavy once more, but didn’t fight them shutting on me. Sleep came quickly to me, melting away into the bed.

The next day was spent resting at Yukari’s home. I didn’t venture beyond the floor we were on, but did wander around. I couldn’t find a kitchen, thinking it might be on a different floor.

I did find the large parlor where I met her for the first time. It felt like a lifetime ago since I first sat there, seeing my first real kitsune.

I even found the exact seat I was in, sitting down onto it. I imagined Yukari sitting in front of me, and Rachel beside me. That first conversation still echoed in my mind.

When I looked to my side to see my mother, I found that she wasn’t there. Yeah…I miss her, and it had only been a day. I smirked; I really am just a child, wow.

After leaving the parlor, I wandered around again until a found a balcony overlooking the city. A wave of nostalgia rushed over me. Once more I stood in the heart of Tokyo. Back to a city that while only spending a couple weeks in, had come to love. And I’m still not one for big cities.

That evening, Yukari and I sat in a small dining area, to where she explained a few details about where we were heading. As she said before, it was going to be out in the countryside, far from the peeping eyes of most humans. It would also take us a few hours by train, and then a couple more by foot. Good, I could use a good hike.

I learned that Asha’s real home also resided in the same region, only separated by a few miles. So more walking, again not that big of a deal. Although I suspect that Fenris would have other ideas about that. The wolf always does love to carry me on his back.

She also explained that her home there was a traditional Japanese house, mostly single level with an upstairs. Knowing her, I imagined something along the lines of the Shigure’s house from Fruits Basket, maybe smaller. Either way, it was all going to be great.

When she brought up the fact that she wouldn’t have any servants there, it didn’t bother me. I’m used to cooking and cleaning for myself. I still would spend a day or so with Silvi, in her cave as a dragon. I’d hunt, clean, and cook all my meals. So that wasn’t anything new for me.

When I retired to my room, I pulled out my phone to see that I had multiple messages from everyone. I giggled, replying to all of them. My body rolled onto its side, while having spent the day resting, still felt exhausted. One message was from Rachel, asking if I had causing any mischief for Yukari. I giggled, telling her no.

My eyes then lifted to see Fenris staring at me. I reached out my hand to him, stroking his face, feeling the soft coolness that exuded from his fur.

A gentle murmur rumbled from him as my hand moved to scratch the back of his ear. Just having him here with me made all of the tension and apprehension flow out of me. My eyes slowly began to close the more I looked at him.

The wolf then leaned in and pressed his nose against mine. This was one of his ways of telling me it was time to sleep. I really wouldn’t argue with him on that. So I finally allowed myself to drift off.

Tomorrow is coming soon and more traveling would be involved. Part of me began to wonder if all I’d ever be doing on this trip would be nothing but traveling. But at least it wasn’t nearly going to be as long as the first leg of this trip.

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