Off-Ice Collision: A Grumpy Sunshine Hockey Romance (Wyncote Wolves Book 8)

Off-Ice Collision: Chapter 29

After almost drowning in the lake, I didn’t expect London to keep up with her stubborn shit. She’s always been a little hardheaded, but goddamn. We’re caught out in the middle of a terrible thunderstorm. She’s not stupid. She knows the importance of getting somewhere safely and being on the water while there’s lightning is never a good idea.

London tugs on my hand as we reach the bottom of the steps that lead up to the tree house. It’s a pretty extravagant thing that our parents made for us, considering it was free for anyone to use since this property is open to the public.

There’s a dozen steps that wind up around the tree with a handcrafted handrail so no one falls and gets hurt from the side of it. It leads up to a sheltered area that’s higher in the tree. It isn’t much of a better idea, taking shelter in a damn tree during a storm, but it’s the only option we have.

Plus, it’s better than being out on the open water like we were.

“This is a bad idea,” she says quietly as her gaze meets mine in the darkness. “I don’t think it’s a good idea for us to be in close quarters like this right now.”

I raise an eyebrow and tilt my head to the side. “Why is that?”

“Because I’m still mad at you right now. And being around you has a way of clouding my mind and my thoughts. Everything gets jumbled together and I can’t seem to think straight.”

“Too bad, baby.” The corners of my lips twitch as I turn my attention away from her and begin to lead her up the steps. “This is our only source of shelter right now. You can go back to being mad at me afterward.”

London doesn’t say another word and follows after me. She hasn’t let go of my hand either, which surprises me. With the way she’s been acting, it seems like she doesn’t want to be anywhere near me or even have a conversation, let alone be holding my hand.

Then again, it is dark as fuck out here and neither of us can really see much of anything. If I weren’t leading her along right now, I’d be afraid that I would lose her in the woods. When we reach the top of the steps, it leads to a small landing that we use to find the front door to the tree house.

They had it constructed almost similar to a real house. So there’s a door and windows. Inside, it’s pretty bare and empty. When we were kids, we had beanbag chairs and different things decorating it to make it our own space. That was many years ago and the stuff had to be thrown out after it had gotten ruined from numerous rainstorms and just the years of no one using the space.

I lift the handle on the door and slowly push it open. It creaks from age and I pull London inside with me before closing it behind us. Thunder rumbles in the distance and a bolt of lightning lights up the entire sky. It flashes through the windows of the tree house and I’m able to see a little better inside.

There aren’t any beanbag chairs like what we used to have in here but there are cushions set up and covered with blankets to make a makeshift couch. There are a few folded blankets beside it and I walk over, grabbing them before holding one out to London.

“Take off your wet clothes and wrap this around you,” I tell her, attempting to keep my voice neutral and free of any emotion.

I can feel London’s eyes on me through the darkness. “You are absolutely insane. I’m not getting naked out here.”

As our eyes adjust to the darkness, I can make out some of the features of her face, standing this close to her. Her eyebrows are drawn together and she looks less than pleased.

“It’s not like I can really even see you. And I’ve already seen you naked before,” I remind her. “It’s the only way we’re going to get some warmth with this cold front that came in with the storm. You’re shivering and your teeth are chattering. Can you just listen to me for once?”

“Maybe when you suggest something that isn’t completely off the wall.”

Ignoring her, I strip out of my own clothing until I’m completely naked. I toss them onto the floor, feeling her gaze on me as I wrap the one blanket around myself. The air is cool against my damp skin, but it feels better than having wet clothes sticking to me while still dealing with the chilly air.

An exasperated sigh slips from London’s lips and she hands the blanket back to me. “Fine,” she mumbles as she begins to take off her clothes. “But nothing is happening between us. You got that?”

“Of course,” I assure her. “I’m just trying to look out for you right now. I don’t want you to turn into an icicle.”

“Yeah, whatever you say,” she says, and if it were light enough, I swear I’d see her rolling her eyes at me.

I leave her to it as I walk over to the makeshift couch and grab the cushions to make it more of a bed that we can both fit on. She isn’t going to like my next suggestion, but I’m running out of ideas for how we can get warm right now. It’s one hell of a storm out there and it doesn’t seem to be letting up anytime soon.

The summer storms we get seem to be a breed of their own. There’s usually a cold front that comes through and only lasts for the night. By the time morning rolls around, it’s back to feeling like summer. Right now, it feels an awful lot like a chilly fall night.

London strips out of her clothes and wraps the blanket around her body. She begins to walk around the tree house, checking out the things that its new owner has left inside. She fumbles with something and I hear the clicking sound of a lighter. Suddenly, she’s lighting a candle and holding it up for me to see.

“How many of those are here?” I ask her, our gazes colliding over the flame.

London looks around and only finds one more candle. She lights it and brings both over to me before she sits down on the cushions with me. They’re covered with a plush comforter. It smells a little musty, almost like your things would if you were camping. It’s better than nothing right now, though.

Her hands shake as she sets both of the candles down on the floor, about a foot away from where we are. I watch her carefully as she wraps the blanket tighter around her body. She begins to shiver again and her teeth are chattering.

“Come here,” I murmur, moving on the cushions as I make more room for her to lay down beside me. “Let me keep you warm.”

“Vaughn…” Her voice trails off, but I don’t miss the warning in her tone. She stares at me for a moment and I can tell she’s at war with herself about what move to make next. Another exasperated sigh escapes her and then she’s laying down next to me.

“Don’t hate me for my next suggestion.”

London rolls over to look at me. “I could never hate you,” she whispers as her eyes bounce back and forth between mine.

“The best way to generate more heat is by laying naked together. I promise I won’t try anything, but if we get under the blankets together, it will get us warmer faster.”

London narrows her eyes. “You do know that sounds exactly like you’re trying to get in my pants.”

“Well, considering the fact that you don’t have any on…”

London’s nostrils flare and she purses her lips. “You know what I mean.”

“I promise that’s not what it is. I watched this survival show and they talked about it.”

“Fine,” she agrees, scooting closer to me as I open up my blanket for her to get under. She abandons hers and gets under mine, pressing her naked body against my side. I roll onto my side so we’re facing each other as I pull her even closer. Wrapping my arms around her, I hold her tightly against my body.

Almost instantly, she stops shivering. Her skin is cold and clammy and I try to warm her up by rubbing my palms against her skin. I tuck her head under my chin and close my eyes as I revel in how it feels to have her close again. Even if it will never be what it once was, having her this close feels like fucking heaven.

“I’m really sorry, London,” I tell her, my voice barely audible. “For that night and for everything that followed after. It put me in a bad headspace and I shouldn’t have pushed you away.”

“I know,” she says softly, her voice sounding like silk. Her lips brush against my chest when she speaks and my cock twitches.

“The way I feel for you… I’ve never felt it with anyone else.” I pause for a moment, swallowing roughly over the emotions in my throat. “I love you, London. I have since we were kids. I just refused to let myself feel any of it.”

I can’t believe that I’m actually speaking the words into existence right now. It had taken me a long time and for her telling me I needed to get my shit together for me to actually realize it. After seeing London with Hudson earlier and then her almost drowning in the lake, it’s been crystal fucking clear to me.

I love this girl with every piece of my heart.

She’s silent and her body is still as she lays against me. My heart pounds erratically in my chest and it feels like it could break through my rib cage at any given moment. There’s a part of me that would have regretted being this honest and open with my feelings in the past, but I don’t care at this point.

I’ve already lost everything else in my life. Hell, I’ve already lost her with the way she told me that I needed to get my shit together before reaching out to her again. I don’t blame her at all for it, but I’ve already lost everything I possibly could. There’s no sense in keeping my feelings to myself anymore.

“You can’t possibly mean that, Vaughn,” she whispers, her breath warm against my skin. “You’re just in your feelings right now because of what happened in the lake and the predicament we’re in. I get it, but please don’t do this. Don’t say any of this stuff right now.”

“Why?” I question her as I pull away from her. My hands slide to her face and I lift her chin to look up at me. “Are you afraid to hear the truth, baby? Because that’s exactly what this is. You dumping my ass was a wake-up call and made me realize a lot of things. I love you, London. I always have and I’m sorry it took me this long to be able to tell you.”

“If you really mean it, tell me tomorrow… not when we’re in the height of the moment like we are right now.” Her voice is barely audible, but I don’t miss the way it cracks around her words as she whispers them to me.

“I’ll tell you now, I’ll tell you tomorrow, I’ll shout it off every goddamn rooftop until everyone in the entire universe can hear me.” I pause for a moment, my eyes desperately searching hers. “I don’t expect you to put your heart on the line when I’ve already disappointed you. I just wanted you to know how I actually feel. You deserve to know the truth.”

She stares back at me and my eyes drop down to her mouth as she drags her teeth over her bottom lip. I watch them part, knowing she’s about to say something, and I do the exact opposite of what I told her I was going to do. I shut her up the only way I know how to.

Pressing my mouth to hers, I claim her with my lips as I work them against hers. She matches my movements, kissing me back with an intensity that is unmatched. There’s urgency and need as she’s the one who deepens the kiss, her tongue sliding against mine. She wraps her arms around me, her nails digging into my flesh as she claws at my back.

Rolling her onto her back, I follow along as I settle between her legs and we break apart. Hovering over her, I stare down into her eyes. “If you want me to stop, tell me now.”

London stares directly into my soul.

“Don’t ever stop…”

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