Obey Your Captain

Chapter 26

The man jumped on instinct, looking this way and that as if to see if anyone was still around. Who had left the basket on his doorstep?

Kaliyah watched Baron leave, still surprised by his reactions. He was like no man she had ever met before. She couldn’t help a small, dreamy sigh leave her lips. She’d never admit how his every action, every embrace, every word, was making her more in awe of him.

She certainly couldn’t admit she was smitten.

Her gaze went to the books, there must have been hundreds on every shelf, and there were so many shelves! There weren’t even this many at the Hall of Knowledge where she’d honed her magic. She read each title, some were in languages she couldn’t read, others in Arakocran and Dwarvish which she could at least read the titles of. Her finger ran over spines, some of leather, other’s of wood. Some were merely parchment protecting the pages within.

She travelled the maze of bookshelves, a few books piqued her interest but none were spell books. She hadn’t really ever read a story in so long. When she was deep in the shelves, she found such book. ‘A Tale of her Guardian.’ It wasn’t a large volume, nothing too intimidating.

Settling in a corner, books nestled around her she began to read. Line by line she sunk into a tale, a tale she found herself so engrossed in she didn’t notice someone enter the library. Not until they spoke, “You will say nothing, Nillid.”

“I don’t know what you’re talking about,” the other man hissed. “They haven’t asked me anything and I won’t speak.”

“I know you won’t. If you do, you lose everything. Your daughter will become my property.” Kaliyah frowned trying to peer between the books at the two men but the books were too packed together.

“No. My daughter was never part-”

“It’s merely insurance. If you do not breathe a word, your daughter is safe.”

“I will not. I promise. They don’t even know it’s my hand.”

Silently setting the book down on the rugged floor. She didn’t recognise either of the voices. They weren’t close to her. She crawled silently towards the end of the shelf, stopping so if they were just there they wouldn’t see her.

“The mage is saying he will look into our memories. You must not let him.”

“It will not happen. I do not even understand what you have gained from this.”

“That is my business. That Warren bitch deserves everything that’s come to her and more. You keep your end of the bargain.”

Kaliyah just poked her head around the bookshelf to see who was talking when the door to the library shut and she saw an ankle disappear behind the bookshelf.

Silently getting to her feet, her boots were silent on the floor as she made her way back out the library. Her heart thudding in her ears at what she’d heard.

But what exactly had she heard?


Exiting the library she realised she didn’t know where Baron would be. He hadn’t told her which room they were going to stay at.

Taking a left, she moved down the corridor, not sure where she was going but she had a sense this was the way to go.

“What are you doing here?”

She jumped and looked around but saw no one.

“Just paying a visit, Advisor.”

“I thought I told you to stay away.”

Kaliyah tried to work out where the voices here coming from. It sounded like it was echoing all over the corridor. She kept going forward, lightening her steps until she reached a corner.

“You cannot tell me where I can and cannot go. I’ve done all I came here to do, however, so I will take my leave.”

“Do not come back.”

Kaliyah strode around the corner as if she’d never stopped. Instantly the two men stopped talking.

“Oh! Miss Warren, what a lovely day!”

She scowled. “Thought I told you I never wished to set eyes on you again, Merchant Merybel.”

“Oh, well, when you live in the same city, it’s going to happen, Miss. I was just telling Advisor Carlise that I have a shipment coming in, so must go.”

“Ensure your cargo is not flammable.”

“I believe today’s shipments is of fine metal. Lucky for me, I do say.”

“Very lucky. I bid you good day.” She stormed past, ensuring her strength rather than femininity were on display with her every stride.

“Women shouldn’t be seen in trousers. It gives the wrong impression,” the Merchant declared much too loudly for it to not be for her ears.

She scowled to herself but kept walking. She would not react to that disgusting creature again. She had once, she wouldn’t again.

“And letting women on ships? Tsk. I know Merchant Warren was a renounced merchant and sailor but… honestly, letting your own daughter flounce around with men. We all know she beds anyone who would-” Kaliyah launched herself at the Merchant, her blade to his throat.

“I didn’t bed you, now, did I?” she hissed, pressing the blade harder into his flesh.

“Miss Warren! That is quite unacceptable! Stand up at once,” the Advisor demanded shrilly.

She ignored him, trapping Merybel with her legs hooked over his, her elbows digging into his biceps.

“Kaliyah!” a sharp rumble sounded down the hall.

“Speak about a woman again with that disgusting mouth you’ll lose that tongue,” she growled, seeing a few beads of crimson bubbling around the blade.

“Women like my tongue.” He smirked, seeming unperturbed that the blade was one swipe away from cutting a fatal artery.

“You disgusting, abhorrent, rat-infested-” Arms snaked around her waist and tugged her upward. “No!”

“That is enough. I am not having my future wife start out marriage in the cells.”

“Your future, what?” Marybel spat.

“You heard me. Come Kaliyah.” Like she had a choice with her legs dangling almost a foot above the ground.

“No! He deserves it, he should lose his tongue for his insults! He doesn’t deserve to say another word!”

“You have shown him you are not to be insulted.” He jostled her in his hold, her back against his chest, his hands around her wrists trapping her in place.

“Baron, let go! I have not finished. He was threatening Nillid! He said he’s doing it to get back at me!”

Merybel laughed behind them, “The woman is hysterical, she’s almost foaming at the mouth!”

“Marybel. Silence,” Baron barked, turning enough to see him, “Kaliyah, what do you mean?” She was glad he set her down, less glad he kept a grip on her but she understood… somewhat.

“I heard him. He was threatening Nillid in the library. Telling him if he didn’t keep his mouth shut he’d lose his daughter. Nillid said no one would know it’s his hand…” Her eyes snapped to Merybel, “You had Nillid forge the papers!”

“Honestly. Go back to your sewing, you should not concern yourself with things you know nothing of. I do not know what you accuse me of but it would be slander whatever it may be.”

“He threatened Nillid, he wanted me destitute!”

“Why would I care, Miss Warren? I haven’t paid you a single thought.”

“I heard you in the library!”

“I do not know where the library is, I am not accustomed to Lord Neverember’s home. I merely came to discuss my tax rate this month, I wanted to notify the Advisor of a change, isn’t that right?”

“That is correct,” The Advisor supplied. “I was just taking Merchant Marybel to my office.”

Kaliyah frowned to herself, the advisor had no reason to lie. Maybe it hadn’t been Marybel? She hadn’t seen him, merely heard his voice. Maybe it wasn’t his voice though? She couldn’t be sure. Not without any doubt.

“You must be lost, then. I seem to recall Carlise’s office is on the ground floor in the West Wing. You are in the East Wing, on the second floor,” Baron stated mildly. “Lord Neverember wanted to see you, Kaliyah, come.” he gently tugged her down the corridor. She wanted to protest but had a feeling Baron wanted to say what he had to say in private, so she allowed him to lead her away without fuss.

Full story still available on Patreon as well as exclusive stories from The Hunterson Series. - Just search Avery Lepp.

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